
--Johnny Toast POV, hours later in town--

Sir disappeared a while ago, and I'm beginning to worry. What if he got hurt or something? What if he was hurting someone else... I inhaled through my teeth, he was acting weird before he left... He kept looking out the window at something that kept catching his attention... Oh crap what have I done?

I stood up and threw a hundred on the table at the diner we had been eating at and ran out, ignoring the weird looks I got by the surrounding tables. I think I saw Mabel and Dipper there? I don't know. I burst into town and looked for some clues on where sir would've gone to. There wasn't any screaming... yet. I had to hurry. I decided to check out the lesser populated buildings. Casket does enjoy hitting places with easier to hide bodies first...

I searched for about ten minutes strait, sometimes asking for sir and other times ghosts that trigger Casket. I never asked for Casket because they wouldn't be alive with all their limbs if they had met him and also because I felt like I was being followed sense I left. It took me a bit longer before I found someone who had seen Ghost. Ghost not Casket. I almost sighed in relief. Maybe he was exploring? He does get curious easily. I left the teen before he had finished talking and went down the alley the guy had pointed at. It was a dead end. There were a lot of smashed boxes. Crap. I leaned over to check them out for the main clues.

One triangle and two circles on a single box? Check

Looks like a frowning face? Check

Paranormal readings? No... What? I refreshed it. There were paranormal readings all over the city, it was hard to pinpoint where they started and where they ended. I decided to check off that one. I double checked the boxes for anything else. There was a deep black goop inside most the boxes, and I decided to do the final part of my search. Any rips on the boxes? No.

Gregory's out. He's a rare childish version of Ghost who only comes out via Box Thing... It's always a flip of a coin, him or Jimmy. Looks like Greg got lucky. His issue? He's less, if not, exactly as insane as Casket and does everything Box Thing says. Trouble there? Box Thing loves murder, and he was the one who drove Gregory insane, so it's like having a murder puppet who will bend over backwards for you. I quickly turned around to continue my search when I saw what I failed to notice was following me during my search. In front of me stood Dipper and Mabel, this time accompanied by Mr. Ford, who I barely got to talk with. The kids had weapons, and Ford had a metal box with what looked like an antenna sticking out of it. I rose my hands to surrender. Why do they always get the upper hand?

"Johnny?" Mabel looked confused, Dipper however looked like a big secret had been revealed.

"What're you doing? Where's Ghost?" He shouted out to me.

"I don't know. I was looking for him. He went missing about twenty minutes ago..."

"What's with the boxes?" It looks like the metal box was a paranormal tracker like what Ghost and I have... I had been standing in front of the boxes so no one could see the continuous stream of black gunk. Mabel tried looking behind me instantly, and I sidestepped to cover it up.

"It's... Uh... I threw up. A lot. In crushed boxes. Long day, ate a lot of black licorice... Yeah nothing to see here." I covered quickly. Mabel began to giggle and Dipper and Ford went to investigate. They left Mabel to watch me. "Hullo, ma'am."

"Hi, Johnny." She batted her eyelashes... At least I think she did? Should could've just got something stuck in her eye... "How're you doing?"

"Good... I gotta go actually. May I?" I replied quickly.

"Nope! Sorry, I'm supposed to watch you and I'm gonna watch you."

"Oh..." I looked at her, already feeling guilt on what I was about to do. "Sorry Miss..." I pinned her down, gagged her, and tied her up so fast, she didn't have time to counter it. She looked at me, betrayed. I flinched and looked away from her big eyes quickly. "Again, sorry. I have a friend to find." I patted her head and ran off opposite direction from which I had come, and noticed some sticky black footprints, "Gregory... What the crap are you doing?" I heard some childish laughter nearby and I dashed after it instantly, turning into an alley and running into Box Thing. Quite literally. I ran right into it. It noticed and made my mouth clamp shut and my body freeze. Gosh darned ghost powers.

"Gwegowy!" Box Friend looked over to Ghost/Gregory who had shrunk in size by a couple of inches, fitting into the deeper grey hoodie baggily he was wearing. His hair had turned a much light brown and his eyes a darker brown to the point of almost being black. His face had more childish features with bigger eyes and a smaller nose. In his hand he held Jimmy's knife, but it too was different. Somehow. It looked more... Dangerous, somehow. I disliked Gregory's happy insanity more than Jimmy's murderous kind, it isn't right.

"Yes, Box Fwiend?" He looked over, smiling. It wasn't like Jimmy's creepy smile, it was more like a child's smile. Wide, cheerful and happy. What threw it off was his eyes. They looked tortured  behind the childhood wonder. Johnny always had the most trauma after dealing with Box Thing, the entire time he was force-fed neglected parts of his past he had always tried so hard to forget. How could I let this happen?

Box Thing pointed to me, "He's being nosy, Gwegowy! He's a bad man! He's gonna call de bad people to huwt me!!!"

"NO!" Gregory looked horrified, "No, Cardboard Fwiend, I don't want you to get huwt! What do I do?!" 

"Knifey can stop him Gwegory!" Box Thing said, its eyes gaining that red demonic glow. Danget I hate that bloody Box Freak so much. "Just use Knifey on him and he'll go away!"

"B- but I don't wanna huwt him, Cardboard Fwiend." Yes! Thank you, Ghost! "He wooks nice..."

"But Gwegory! If you don't stop him, de bad men will take me away!"

"But... I... Can we twy something else?"

"Wike what, Gwegory?" This was new... Box Thing never listened to Ghost...

Gregory shifted his weight, "May we twy... making him a fwiend too?"


"Pwease?! I wove you too, Cardboard Fwiend, but Knifey can be wiwwy huwt-y to da bad men and he wooks wiwwy nice!" This was strange to watch... I didn't know what Box Thing was going to say. How would "Making me a 'Fwiend'" work? They can't brainwash me can they? Wait that exactly what Box Thing does... Oh crap this is going to mess up my day. I think I'd prefer to be stabbed to death by a five-year-old now... I think I'd prefer Casket too...

"We'ww think about it at home, Gwegowy."

"Yay! Thank you, Cardboard Fwiend!" Gregory bounced up and down, clapping his hands happily.

"Fow now, I think de man is sweepy. Maybe he should rest awhiwe." Crap this isn't going to go well... Box thing looked me strait in the eyes and I felt myself suddenly getting really tired... I began to pass out, and the more I tried to fight it, the faster I could feel myself go. Ghost, I am SO sorry if this is what you feel like every time Casket or Gregory take over! This is the absolute worst! The last thing I remembered was Gregory hugging Box Freak tightly, thanking him continuously, and wondering what situation I'd be in when I woke up.  

--Dipper's POV--

Wow. Toast is REALLY good at tying knots. It took me a couple minutes at fumbling with the cord holding Mabel before I just cut it with a pocketknife. Grunckle Ford went after Toast the moment we noticed what happened while I stayed behind to untie Mabel, he wasn't gone too long before he came back saying he found Toast and knew where he was going. The black gunk we found was definitely paranormal, and if Toast DID throw that stuff up, he was most likely dangerously possessed. Mabel was shocked at what he did when I had finished untying her, not expecting him to tie her up and run away, but I don't know if it was enough to break her crush on him, sadly. "It'd be much easier to interrogate these guys if they actually stuck around and went with the interrogation." Grunckle Ford said as we jogged over to where he last saw Toast, "it's like they've had practice avoiding this stuff."

Mabel and I looked at each other. If we were right about Ghost, then Ford may not be too far from the truth. We spun into an alley and saw-


All that was was unnatural was the uncanny amount of knife marks on the wall of they alley, some more black goop, and Toast's watch, but apart from that it was empty.

"What the..." Grunkle Ford looked back and forth among the alley, "the device said he was frozen. Here." He stood at a spot by a wall in the alley, right over where his watch was and next to the largest amount of goopy stuff. "Where'd he go?" Mabel went to poke the goop and I held her back.

"That explains why his watch is here... But that doesn't explain anything else." I said, running my fingers along the knife lines carved into the wall. "Do you think he did this?"

Mable shook her head and Grunckle Ford shrugged, "Theres no way to know, but he was stuck. I should've grabbed him then, it would've made things more easier..." 

"I guess we'll have to go look for him..." Murmurs of agreement came from Ford and Mabel. As we were leaving the alley, I thought I heard laughter from behind me, back to in alley. When I turned I didn't see anything there, but the goop was gone.

Mabel let out a gasp and a spun back around. Toast's watch had disappeared as well. Something was going on, but who would kidnap a really polite but idiotic ghost hunter? The childish giggles grew a louder, but not by much. This was clearly a site we should avoid when this is over. I grabbed my Grunkle's and sister's arms and pulled them away from the alley as fast as I can, and they briskly followed. 

What did those guys bring with them?


Gwegowy's so happy! I guess he wikes the Toast man mowe that I thought... The Toast man was sweeping next to me whiwe Gwegowy expwored the empty house I found, pwepawing to pway games wif me until I decide what to do with Toast man. It wouwd be nice to get mowe enewgy fwom having TWO insane fwiends, but I don't want Gwegowy to wepwace me wif Toast man again! I decided to give Toast man some nightmawes to keep him in check and keep him fwom getting too happy. If I decide I want him to wake up, I wanna keep him with us.

I sighed a bit. Gwegowy and me. Gwegowy and His othew fwiend... Could it be aww of us? I shouwd of just had Gwegowy Kiww Toast man... What stopped me?

(Almost all (w)s are replacing an r or a l)

--6*11 (743f< 90^-- <3RR0R; GL1TCH 1N T1TL3>

Wow this is fun! Messing with Hoodie's head is working out REALLY well. I wasn't expecting that. Red-eye's gotten curious, though. I'll keep him out of play for awhile.

Boxy is actually REALLY easy to manipulate, all it took was a slight shake of the hand for Boxy to get who he wanted for what I wanted. And even better he doesn't even remember! Even if this doesn't work out, I'm still going to come back this year, and this time I'll have better allies.

I looked to my next stop. Everyone I wanted from Gravity Falls was good. The new arrivers on the other hand...

Hey, listeners! Who do you think I should go for first? 


<3RR0R; GL1TCH 1N T1TL3>








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