Winston x reader- cuddles

You were watching t.v laying on a huge tire that Winston had put as a seat. After your marriage to the Gorilla life could not be any better. 

"(y,n) can you come here?" Winston asked from the other room, you smiled and stood, walking to your cute husband. You stood by his side and smiled looking at him, "what is it honey?" You asked rubbing your eyes. 

Currently it was 1:00 am and you both were tired as hell. Winston looked over at you with tired, half lidded eyes, "Can we go to bed now?" He asked yawning a bit. You awed and pulled him into a hug as he rested his head against your chest, "Yes baby we can go to sleep~" You cooed running your fingers through some of his hair.

He purred slightly and stood walking with you too the room you two shared. You walked into the room and lifted your shirt, opening a dresser door you looked back with a new shirt in your hands at Winston's wide eyes and red face. You looked down at your chest and blushed looking back up at him. 

"I'm sorry" He said turning away, not looking at you.  You smiled at his gentlemen attitude and put your shirt on. You tapped his shoulder and smiled at him. 

He smiled back and you both walked to the huge bed you two shared, "Goodnight sweets" You mumbled feeling him wrap his arms around you under the covers. 

Winston kissed the top of your head and turned off the lamp with his foot, "Goodnight my peanut butter banana" He whispered in your ear. 

Soon you two drifted off to sleep happily in each others arms~

(the end <3 lots of you liked the Winston x reader I made so I made another :3)

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