Winston x human reader- password

You stepped out of the taxi with both of your bags, you thanked the omnic  who drove you here and payed him. He nodded and drove off leaving you at a old building that your cousin told you to visit. 

Looking around a bit you held your head high and pushed up your glasses, then mad your way to the door. Setting your smaller suitcase on the ground you knocked on the door and waited.

A blue light scanned your body making you jump a bit, then the door opened showing your cousin in orange leggings and goggles on, "(Y,N)!!! YOU MADE IT" she shouted hugging you. 

You dropped the other bag and hugged her tightly, tears forming in the corner of your eyes, "Oh Lena, I missed you so much!" You almost shouted in her ear. She smiled and held your shoulders looking you up and down, "You remind me so much of home" She whispered touching your cheek. You smiled and picked up your bags," Can we go inside now?" You asked. 

Tracer nodded and opened the door for you, You stared at the amazing lab you had walked in. Slowly you set your bags down and looked all around you,"This place is SO awesome! do you work in this lab?!" You asked running over to a work counter and picking up what looks to be a force field generator. Tracer walked over to you smiling wide, "No but my best friend does. His name is Winston, I think you will like him" She said watching you tinker with the object. 

"Excuses me, forgive me but that is dangerous" A voice said making Tracer and you turn. You saw a huge gorilla with cute golden eyes framed with glasses. Tracer smiled and waved, "Sorry Winston, we won't touch it anymore." she stated. 

Winston stared at you, In his eyes you looked beautiful, amazing, wonderful. "H-Hello" You  Stuttered out placing the piece of metal down. Winston mentally awed at your cuteness and loved your voice. 

At that moment he knew that the feeling of love at first sight was real.

Tracer waved her hand in front of his face and he snapped to reality, "O-oh its alright! You must be (Y,N), Tracer has talked about you before." He said holding out his hand. You took it and nodded with a small smile, "Yes I am, You must be Winston" you looked down at his hand, the way it wrapped around yours with ease. Winston let go making you sad, why were you so sad? No way are you falling for this, wild, cute, caring, smart, loving, sweet....NO! 

"I think this is going to be a fun week" Tracer said clapping her hands together.

(Time skip to about 4 days cause I am tired ;-; forgive me)

Walking around in the lab you wrote on the clipboard you held and fixed your glasses. Looking over to the left you saw a note that was from tracer, 'Hey cousin! can you get into Winston's computer? Thanks~ love Lena' You smiled and shook your head throwing the note away. 

You sat on the huge tire and looked at the keyboard and frowned, "Ok...come on...what would Winston do" You asked out loud starting to type in a word. You shook your head and hit enter but it was wrong, "OK banana is wrong" you mumbled. You looked to the left corner and clicked on the hint button.

Hint: Crush.

You were shocked at first and rolled your eyes typing in Tracer. Wrong. Next you typed in Widowmaker, Mei, Mercy, But all wrong. 

You then looked down at the keyboard and slowly typed the letters of your name. Correct, the computer started and you stood their shocked. 

A few minutes later the door opened and Winston greeted you walking past to get a banana. But he stopped and looked at the screen, It was open and you were standing looking down. Winston flushed red and looked away, "S-so you figured my p-password out..." He mumbled. 

You looked up at him smiling wide, Winston was scared that you would make fun of him and laugh so he closed his eyes and felt tears fall down his face. "Winston why are you crying!" You asked wiping away his tears. He opened his eyes and looked up at you confused, "But I thought you did not like me...I am just a dumb animal" He mumbled looking down and making his glasses fall.

You bent down and picked them up, cleaning some dirt off of them you took his face into your hands and placed them on, "You are no animal. You are A scientist, My scientist" You said wrapping your hands around him. 

His eyes widened and he hugged you back gently not wanting to hurt you," Thank you (y,n), Thank you so much.." He whispered. 

You smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you Winston, always have always will" You heard a chuckle and you both looked over to see Tracer, "Sorry loves! but I knew you two liked each other so I planed to get you two together" She said with her hands on her hips. 

You frowned and ran after her as she zipped all over the place, "TRACER YOU ARE DEAD!" You shouted making Winston laugh and look over at his computer, "Clever".

(The end, forgive me and not updating sooner I have just been stressed out lately well next is Reper x reader so stay in touch and injoy! PLEASE STOP WITH THE FUCKING HARAMBE COMMENTS ITS ANNOYING AS SHIT! ONE MORE AND IM DELETING THE CHAPTER!) 

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