Chapter 7: It's relaxing time love
We see Talon soldiers keep firing at the abandoned house and trying to push forward while they continue to open fire at him. They get behind some cover as bullets fly by them and they return fire. While at the abandoned house we see Shadow, Zen, Blaze and Tech along with their troopers as they return fire at Talon troopers as Shadow and Zen get down as bullets fly by them.
Zen: (smirk) So much for a clean getaway huh.
Shadow: (smirk) Guess so. Reminds yourself not to get your ass arrested.
Zen: (smirk) I can't help myself. You know me.
Shadow: (smirk) True.
Suddenly Tracer appear behind them as she was kneel down while bullets fly by them along with a grenade exploded coning from outside.
Tracer: (smile) Sup, looks like we're in a sticky situation huh.
Zen: You tell us Lena.
Shadow: Where's Ghost?
Tracer: He figured there will be a sniper so he's taking care of them right now. Although it's taking longer then I thought he would.
Shadow: Must be one sniper he's currently fighting. Let's hope back up arrives.
Suddenly Shadow wrist beeps which he smirked underneath his helmet and said.
Shadow: (smirk) Looks like hell is coming to them alright.
Tracer: What do you mean?
Shadow: Watch.
They peek out of the window as Talon troopers were marching towards them when suddenly something falls from the sky and it crashed between them. A few Talon troopers fell onto their butts from the wave of the impact.
They slowly get up as the dust slowly clears up and they see a large robot drone raising up and look down apon Talon like it's ready for a fight.
Tracer: (surprised) Wow!
Zen: (surprised) Holy shit!
Shadow: Tech! Looks like the Garm droid unit is complete.
Tech: Fantastic! Now let's see what it can do.
The Garm droid stares at the Talon troopers until all start to open fire at it. The bullets bounce off from the droid as the droid immediately raised it's arms and opens up to reveal twin machine guns and start to open fire, gunning down all Talon soldiers as their bodies drop dead onto the floor.
A few fired a few rockets but the Garm droid immediately moves out of the way like time slow down from it and then gose on to gun down all Talon troopers.
Then it gets ride od the twin machine guns and then his shoulder cannons on each of his shoulders lifted up and then fired at the Talon troopers, sending them flying.
Suddenly bullets hits the Garm droid as it turn and see a Talon drop ship as it fires it's machine gun at it. The Garm droid wasn't phase by this and pulls out a large sword behind it's back and leaps up into the air and slashed at the drop ship, sending up flying down with a huge explosion as the Garm droid lands on its feet and slide its sword back onto its back.
Tracer, Zen and the others were amazed by this as they see their drop ship coming towards them.
Shadow: That's our taxi people, let's move!
They race outside and stand and wait while Tracer radios in Y/n.
Tracer: Ghost we're about to leave, where are you?
Y/n: Just a bit trouble right now but I got this!
Widomaker fires her rifle which he leaps back and then he pulls out his rifle and open fire at her which she gets behind a tree as bullets fly by her.
Y/n: (smirk) Looks like our boys got the package. Seems like you failed.
Widomaker: So you lower me away so you can keep your friend safe.
Y/n: (smirk) Feels bad to lose huh Widomaker?
He slowly walks towards her cover and once close he rush around and aim his rifle but she was not there. He lower his rifle and look around but then she got her let's around his neck and then tossed him which he crashed onto a tree.
He groan in pain while she aim at his head as tne barrel was at Y/n's face as the two look at each other in silence until Widomaker asked.
Widomaker: long have you been working with these people?
Y/n: (smirk) Not long? Why do you wanna know?
Widomaker: You have no idea what you got into do you? Once your apart of them then your life is nothing more but hell for you. Talon will track you and your team down no matter what and we will slient them along with you.
Y/n: (smirk) life is already in hell and to be honest.....I don't give a damn.
He then move her rifle to the left which she accidentally fired and then he strike and kick that sent her flying and she land hard onto the ground. Once that a rop came down next to Y/n as he looks up to see it's his ride as he grab it and said to Widomaker.
Y/n: (smirk) Catch you later~!
Then the rop pulled him up and they take off flying as Widomaker get up and try to aim at him but the leafs were blocking her shot. She lower her rifle down and smirked a bit, impressed that he bested her in combat as she turn and make her leave.
They were back at the ship as Zen and Axio shake hands and they were glad to see each other again. Once that they head off to discuss some information while Y/n stretched his arms and tells everyone.
Y/n: (smirk) Well I'm gonna relax now at my room. See ya!
Then he walks off and soon others relax as well as we see Lena and Sam enter the break room and inside were some troopers talking and having a laugh. Ash is among the troopers talking as he laugh and then look over to see Lena and Sam so he walks up to them.
Ash: (smile) See you came back from a mission. How was it?
Sam: Well let's just say the Garm droid is complete.
Ash: (smile) Cool. Now we have a ultimate badass bot on our side.
Lena: So what is the Garm droid?
Sam: It's a droid that Tech have planned a whioe back. Robots that can fight against an army if enemy troops. There was plans to have them as guards for Overwatch know how that ended.
Ash: Say Mei is over there watching some TV.
Sam: Which program?
Ash: Every program. She wants to see what has she missed since she was in cryo.
Lena: (smile) Then let's go and see her!
We then see Mei with Snowball as they watched some documentary program and they were interested by this when Lena leaps over the couch and sat down next to them.
Lena: (smile) Hey there Mei and Snowball! How are things?
Mei: (smile) Pretty good. I can't believe it's been a long while and there has been many new discoveries over the past few years.
Sam: (smile) Times fly by I guess.
Then Sam and Ash join them as they lend onto the couch as Ash asked.
Ash: So what happened on that mission? I can tell something crazy happened?
Lena: (smile) Let's just say we were attacked by Talon and there was a gun fight but we made it out alive including Zen.
Sam: Also Y/n told us Widomaker was there and she would have killed Zen if Y/n hadn't stop her.
Mei: Whose Widomaker?
Sam: A deadly assassin and a clever marksmen. She killed a lot of people and even killed the omnic cavalry and shambhala leader Tekhartha Mondtta.
Ash: (shocked) And she was there?! Damn. Well it's a good thing Y/n was there just in time. I mean, if he was a bit late then Zen would have been ki-
Lena: Look...let's probably drop it okay Ash?
Ash: Huh? Why? I'm just saying-
Lena: I said drop it! Okay!
Then everyone looked at her as Lena grab her shoulder and then leave the room while Ash is confused and ask.
Ash: What did I say?
Sam: Ash. Lena was there when it happened. She try to stop Widomaker but......she failed.
Ash: (shocked) Oh shit. I didn't know man. Fuck.
Sam: It's okay. I know Lena thinks so as well. She's just....finding hard to accept that it wasn't her fault.
Mei: I feel bad for her.
Sam: She'll be fine. I'm sure of it.
We see Y/n in his room as he aim his dart at the dart board that was on his wall as he ready his aim and then he tossed the dark and it bounce off the board and fell onto the floor.
Y/n: Shit. Stupid dart board. Maybe not get the $15 dart board next time.
He walks over and picks up the dart off the ground and then puts it onto his table just as the door open as he turn and said.
Y/n: (smile) Now who dares enter my ro-
He turns to see Lena but something was wrong with her as Y/n walk up to her.
Y/n: Yo Lena you doing okay?
Lena: Huh? Oh yeah I'm doing fine. How's about you love?
Y/n: Aw no I know there is something wrong with you, I can tell.
Lena let's out a sigh and then sat onto his bed which he sat down next to her as Lena tells him.
Lena: It's just......I blame his for what happened with Tekhartha a while back. If I would have stopped Widomaker from killing him, then....things would have changed.
Y/n: I see. Well......I kinda know how that feels to fail to save a life.
Lena: What do you mean?
Y/n: You see....when I was 15 there was this kid who was abused by his father and he was a good friend of mine since we lived in the same neighbour, he was a good kid and have great potentials in his future. That is.....until one day I was coming back to school when I spotted him and his father waited to cross the street. There was a oncoming truck and his father just.......just pushed his son off the road and I would have saved him, I mean he was looking at me and I would have saved him but.......but I was afraid and that fear cost him his life by his own fucked up father and I could have saved him, I could have risk my own life and saved him but in the end....I failed him as his hope and he was gone.
Lena: Y/n....I'm so sorry.
Y/n: father told me that we can't all save lives but the only thing we can do is get stronger and one day we can save more lives better then before.
Lena: (smile) That's some wise words.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it your better now?
Lena: (smile) Yep. All better now.
Y/n: (smirk) We'll See about that!
Then he tackle her onto the bed and start to tickle her which Lena burst out laughing as he tickle her and soon he stopped and the two look at each other as Lena smirked and lend over and kissed him on the lips.
This caught Y/n by surprised as his cheeks blushed and then she stopped and give him a cute smirk.
Lena: (smirk) There's more where that come from.
Y/n blushes even more and soon she leaves the room as she walk off but then a voice called out behind her.
???: (smirk) Looks like you two are doing well in there.
Lena turn and see Kennedy as she approach Lena ans asked.
Kennedy: (smirk) See you got the first kiss from his soft lips.
Lena: (giggle) I can't help it. He's really the hosts guy ever.
Kennedy: (smile) Same. I can do things to him then kissing him.
Lena: (smirk) You thinking what I'm thinking?
Kennedy: (smirk) Hell yeah girl. Hell yeah.
We see Axio and Roznya in Axio's room as Zen tells him something shocking.
Roznya: (shocked) You mean Petras Act was made by Talon?!
Zen: That's right. What I got, it appears some Talon agents managed to make their way up to the government ranks and as soon they were close to the top, they can do whatever they want to Overwatch which after the destruction of Overwatch, they created the Petras Act and everyone didn't know it was planned by Talon.
Roznya: So what are the fates to all Overwatch agents that were arrested?
Axio: Either killed, imprison or worse. How did you get this information?
Zen: I over heard some talk from a high ranking Talon general about the Petras Act still active and worries that if Overwatch agents will find out about it being planned my Talon higher ups to take down Overwatch by planting their own agents into the government itself.
Roznya: This is bad. Who knows what else they can do.
Axio: Agree.
Zen: That seems bad yes but there is the good news of this. If we expose Talons plans to the Government and all citizens, then maybe we can take them down, destroyed the act and rebuilding Overwatch without to worry about the law at our butt's.
Axio: Hhmm that sounds like a good idea. If we reveal to the government about Talon creation the act, them we can bring back Overwatch with no problem.
Roznya: (smile) Agree!
Zen: There is a problem though. We need to gather enough evidence to proof Talon was the one creating the act and also regaining the trust to the people.
Axio: That last one will be difficult. After what Black-Watch have done.....who knows how we can give people faith on Overwatch.
Roznya: Then maybe we should find them.
Axio: Huh?
Zen: What do you mean?
Roznya: Genji and Mccree are still active and maybe we can locate them and show the world that they have changed.
Zen: You want to try to bring back the people that too down Overwatch?! Absolutely not! They are responsible for countless of deaths, disobeying orders, reckless actions and other accounts of crimes! They are lucky Mccree and Genji escape the blast and didn't end up like Gabriel!
Roznya: But we have no choice. If we want to proof to the world taht Overwatch has changed then we should bring them back.
Zen: Have you got any idea what they have done or do you know what those two are!? Genji is apart of a Japanese like clan that rules a town with a iron fist and Mccree was apart of a dangerous bike gang! They are more like criminals then actual soldiers!
Axio: That's enough! I understand your hatred towards Black-Watch but they were lead by Gabriel's. Besides Genji was saved by Dr Angela and Mccree was given a choice to join so he can be a better person. Still these two is our only choice. Besides we need to locate other Overwatch agents and then we plan a way to expose Talon's act to the government.
Zen: (sigh) I hope you know what your doing Axio.
Then Zen turn and leave he room. Axio let's out a sigh while Roznya lend over and kissed him on the cheek.
Roznya: Your doing well Axio.
Axio: I know. I just wonder what will Jack would say if he were here.
Roznya: (smile) Probably slap you at the back of thr heads and say "be a true soldier and do things that you think is right!"
Axio: (chuckle) Guess so.
Roznya: So whose our next Agent we should find?
Then Axio opens his computer and it open to reveal a news article as Axio tells her.
Axio: According to this, there have been a Bastion unit being spotted with someone else that looks like Torbjorn.
Roznya: Huh....I've never seem for a long while. I thought he hates robots?
Axio: (smirk) Well looks like we're about to find out.
Then he press on the speakers and then calls out.
Axio: Y/n, Kennedy reported to my office in 5 minutes. I have a new mission for you both.
To be continued...........................................
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