Chapter 6: Agent on a run
We see the white devil flying through the clouds as we see Tech inside his room worming on some equipment as sparks fly out as he continues working on his equipment. Soon his room opens and Y/n and Mei stepped inside as they walk up to Tech and Y/n call out to him.
Y/n: (smile) Yo Tech! What's happening in here?
Tech: Oh hey there Y/n. I didn't suspect you to be here.
He place down his tool and turn to face Y/n and then noticed Mei as he asked.
Tech: You must be Dr Mei from Overwatch. Very nice to meet you.
Mei: (smile) Same to you. Its very nice to meet you. So what are you working on?
Tech: Just a equipment that might be useful in future missions. Allow me to demonstrate.
He picks up the device and summons a small drone from the ceiling which fly around as Tech aim his arm and then tossed the device which stuck onto the drone and it suddenly froze in place and fell onto the ground.
Y/n walks up to the drone and picked it up and sees that the drone is shut off.
Y/n: Huh nice cool toy. It shuts down drones and many other robots?
Tech: An Omnics as well but don't worry. The device isn't cable of killing any machinery. It's like a sleep dart except for everything that has an AI within them.
Mei: (surprised) Whoa that's amazing!
Tech: Indeed. With this we can use these devices to shut any machine down for 24 hours.
Y/n: (smile) Sounds good.
Tech: Anyways what brings you two here?
Y/n: Just showing Mei around the place since she was gone very a long while.
Mei: And I'll be willing to help as best I can.
Tech: Well things have been quiet so I don't think there isn't anything you can do to help.
Axio: (speakers) I need all troops to gather at the briefing room. We have a new mission.
Tech: Well looks like I spoke too soon.
We see everyone at the briefing room as we see Axio, Roznya and a screen of Winston who is still at Watchpoint: Gibraltar as everyone sat down as Axio tells everyone.
Axio: Listen up everyone. We just gotta word that there is an Overwatch agent that needs our help.
Lena: (smile) Alright! Another overwatch Agent!
Sam: Who is this agent sir?
Then a image of a agent is shown on the big screen who has a brown beard, dark skin and wearing what seems like a Overwatch combat uniform.
Axio: His name is Agent Zen Clark and he was arrested by police forces in Washington DC and being held at a prison for his crimes. He was arrested for taking on a bank robbery and saving many people. According to the Petras act that is against the contract.
Mei: That's terrible.
Winston: (screen) But that's not all. This agents hold viable information that involves around Talon and many others that have involved around Talon. These are important businesses men that sells weapons, gear and bombs for Talon. These people needed to be exposed and stopped once and for us.
Y/n: Guess without Overwatch watching over them I guess they think it's okay to cell weapons and dangerous warfare for terrorist.
Roznya: Actually they have been doing this even the golden age of Overwatch. They started years back and we did captured a few of them but unfortunately there is always more to replace them. They must have a huge council which annoys Overwatch leadership members. We were close but that's when our HQ was destroyed and all of the data and files...
Axio: Were gone within the flames. But Zen have managed to find out those business men and this is our chance to take them down. Right now we need to break him out before Talon dose. I've just gotten word that Talon is making turns moves towards his agent, planning to slince him before he say any words to us.
Lena: (smirk) So what's the plan! I'm ready to free our agent out!
Winston: (screen) Hold on Lena. Due to the law it be too risky for Overwatch members like us to break him out. This will proof to the public that Overwatch is far more worse then before.
Mei: So what can we do?
Axio: Glad you ask. The agent is being transported to a next prison and that's when we strike. We can trick the drivers to take a different road and that's when we take them out, without killing them and get the agent out before Talon dose.
Y/n: (smirk) Sounds like a plan. Let's do this!
(A while later)
It was a bright ans sunny day at Washington DC and we see Y/n wearing his casual clothes but with a sunglasses and a hat so no one will not recognise him as he look around to see the streets are covered with people and omnics along with cars driving by.
Y/n: Damn who knows this country will get so hot.
Lena: (smile) I think it's a great day to be out. Besides you look pretty hot yourself.
He turn to see Lena's casual clothes as she approach him.
Y/n: (smirk) Well your look pretty cute yourself.
Lena: (smile) Aaaww your such a sweetheart. Wait, are you saying that so we can blend in as normal citizens or you really mean it.
Y/n: (smirk) Maybe both.
Lena smirks as well as they walk down the street as they see the prison up ahead that has a cafe up ahead of them facing the prison as they sat down at the outside table facing towards each other as Hound radios them in through their coms.
Hound: (coms) This is Hound. What's your situation?
Y/n: (smirk) Just sitting at the cafe and we see the prison clear as day. Whoever build there cafe here might have several robbies.
Hound: (coms) Copy that. Contact us as soon as the prison bus is making it's move.
Y/n: Roger that. Over and out.
Just as the call ends a waiter came out approach them and ask them.
Female waiter: (smile) Hello how may I help you?
Y/n: (smile) Give me a nice strawberry milkshake with white cream and a cherry on top.
Female waiter: (smile) Very good sir. And you ma'am?
Lena: (smile) I'll take what he's having and two pancakes with butter on it please.
Female waiter: (smile) No problem. And I must say you both are a cute couple.
She walk off while Y/n blushes a bit while Lena giggles and bit and said.
Lena: (smile) I like that waiter. She's cheerful.
Y/n: (smile) I guess so. She's acts almost like you.
Lena: (giggle) Yep! Say what's the thing with you Mei and Kennedy?
Y/n: Well nothing much. Kennedy seems to be flirting with me a lot while Mei likes to be around me. Especially Snowball. Is there something wrong?
Lena: (giggle) Of course not. I like you making some "friends" around the ship.
Y/n: Oh well okay then.
Lena: (smirk) You know.....we can even do even more "fun" you know....all four of private time?
Y/n: (blush) Huh?
Lena: (chuckle) I'm only joking love! Look at your face! Your all red then Winston who eat chilli for the first time!
Y/n: (little chuckle) Yeah you got me.
Lena:.....Say....are you thinking about something?
Y/n: Well.....I'm still thinking how my life suddenly turned upside down for me. I mean....I was just a soldier and be asigned with a squad. I thought I will serve for my country, retire and tell my stories to many children in schools. Now here I am, working with a secret military militia organisation with the world seeing me as a traitor and wanted for dead. This....might not be the life I was thinking off.
Lena understood and move her hand over and grabbed Y/n's hand as she too tell him.
Lena: Hey your not the only one who have your life turned upside down. I was once a test pilot remember. I thought i would have a normal life after many test flights, that is until the.....incidents that changed my life. But if weren't for that failed test I wouldn't have been here and today and chaning the world. Sometimes life may take us into a different path that we never thought would never happen but.....without that.....then we wouldn't have been better people. (Smile) It's important to take this as a chance to accept and let it happen.
Y/n: (smile)....Yeah. guess your right. Thanks Lena.
Lena smiled and soon their order came and they dig in. It wasn't long until the gate of the prison opens and Lena and Y/n sees a prison bus exiting out and heading off. They immediately see the agent so Y/n contacts Hound.
Y/n: Hound the prison bus is away and the agent is inside!
Hound: (radio) Copy that! Shadow, Blaze, Tech, are you three in position?
Shadow: (radio) In positon.
We see the prison bus driving out of the city and driving through the a long road with nothing but trees around them. Inside we see an omnic police guard with the prisoners and even Agent Zen as he looks out of the window while the driver sees something up ahead and slow down and there was traffic up ahead.
Prison guard driver: What the?
He turn to see a another road which he turn onto the road, possibly a short cut. They disappeared into the woods as we see a bird fly down and gone through a hologram of a traffic made by Tech as we cut back to the prison bus as it rides through the road. We see troopers up ahead as they see the prison bus coming towards them so they throw in spikes onto the road which the bus gose through and seconds later there was a popping sound and the prison bus immediately stopped.
Omnic prison guard: What was that?
Prison Guard driver: The wheels are blown. I'll check it out.
The driver head out to see what is going on. He bend down and check the tires of the bus only for Shadow to sneak up behind him and put him under a arm lock and hold him for a bit until he lost consciousness and he set him down.
Omnic prison guard: What's going on out there?
The prisoners were wondering the same thing whne suddenly the cell door open as the omnic prison guard turns and asked.
Omnic prison guard: So what happened ou-
Tech: Hi there.
Then Tech placed the same device he made and the omnic guard fell and was offline for 24 hours. The prisoners were shocked as Tech gose down until he reached to Zen as he ask him.
Tech: Are you Agent Zen Clark from Overwatch?
Zen: Yes that's me.
Tech: We're breaking you in of here. Come on.
Zen nodes as Tech break his cuffs and they exit out of the prison bus as Shadow, Blaze and troopers surrounded the prison bus as Shadow connects Hound.
Shadow: Hound we got the agent. We need evac over.
Hound: (coms) Dropship on it's way. Hang tight.
Zen: So you all Overwatch members?
Tech: Apologies but we can't tell you that. We need to get you out of here before-
Male trooper: Incoming!
Suddenly missile came and the missiles hits the prison bus, sending everyone flying and land hard onto thr ground. Shadow, Tech, Zen, Blaze and a few troopers stood up and they see a Talon dropship making their way towards them.
Shadow: Alon forces! Everyone get into the forest! Move it now!
They race inside the forest just as the Talon dropships landed down and drop down some Talon soldiers along with female blue skin sniper as she look at where the Shadow and his team gone through and use her Infra-sight and sees them running deeper into the woods.
Widomaker: They're heading deeper into the forest. Do not let them escape.
Male Talon trooper: Yes ma'am!
Soon Shadow and the rest burst out of the forest and rushes towards what seems like an abandoned house which they get in and get near to any windows they find and get ready.
Shadow: Hound Talon forces are here. We need that dropship now!
Hound: (coms) It may take a while for the dropship to get there. Hold tight.
Tracer: (coms) This is Tracer here! Me and Ghost are on our way to your location ASAP!
Shadow: Copy that! We hold here until evac arrives.
Blaze: Looks like I'm gonna miss my favourite show tonight.
Tech: Seems like it.
Suddenly bullets fly by them and they see Talon forces rushing out of the forest and open fire at them. Shadow and many others return fire as some Talon troopers deployed cover for them as they get behind them and peak oit to return fire.
There was a firefight happening as a few troopers from both sides gets hit while some continues to fire at them. Some pin off grenades and tossed it at each other. The house they were in blows up, reveal a huge hole which a few of Shadows troopers get hit.
Zen sees this so he grabs one of the fallen troopers rifle and return fire.
Shadow: Zen what are you doing?!
Zen: I was stuck as a civilian for far too long! It's time for me to get back into action.
Shadow nodes as he stand beside Zen and return fire as a few Talon troopers get shot. They believe they cab win whne suddenly a bullet fly through the wall and hits a trooper in the head.
Blaze: The fuck!
Seconds later a few more troopers get hit in the head from out of nowhere and even Zen nearly got hit but Shadow pulled him down and they lend their back against the wall.
Shadow: Where the hell is that sniper!?
Tech: More importantly how is this sniper good! There is no way this sniper know he or she's targets in the building!
We then see Widomaker aiming down her sniper rifle scope as she pop some heads with a few troopers and then her sights landed on Zen as she lick her lips and said.
Widomaker: Au revior agent Zen.
???: I don't think so.
We see Y/n behind her wearing his armor while aiming his pistol behind her head. She lower her rifle and without turning to him she asked in a calm and cold tone.
Widomaker: Where have you come from?
Y/n: Surprised? Guess you can say I can appear out of nowhere like a ghost.
Widomaker: I see. Will a Ghost do this?
She immediately turn her and her rifle around and aimed her rifle at Y/n helmet and pulls the trigger but Y/n immediately move his head away just as her rifle fires and he grab the bottom of her rifle and moved it above her as he gets close to her while she pinned her onto a tree as Widows holds her rifle at the trigger while Y/n holds it up by the handle as the two look at each other.
Y/n: So your a Talon agent as well? Who do they call you?
Widomaker: Widomaker.
Y/n: Widomaker. Deadly call sign. I can't but see your very much a fan of spiders.
Widomaker: Indeed and this one may poison you.
She then spray a purple smoke which cost Y/n to step back as Widomaker kicked him which he slide back and once he stopped he stood up straight as Widomaker turns her rifle to assault rifle as she look up at Y/n and said.
Widomaker: Judging how you act and your armor. I can see your a new rookie. Tell me....what do they call you?
Y/n: They call me Ghost. A soldier who was thought to be killed by the world.
Widomaker: An interesting name. Well then, allow me to make you dead forever then.
She aims her rifle at Y/n while he smirked underneath his helmet and crackle his knuckles and puts up his fist.
Y/n: (smirk) Please I've dealt with snipers like you before. Let's just won't end easy for you.
Widomaker: We shall see.
She fired her rifle at Y/n which he charge while he dodges the income bullets as Widomaker continues to fire. Once close he leap up into the air with his arms pulled back ready to land a blow at Widomaker as the two battle in the forest as Y/n make sure that Shadow, Zen and the others are safe.
To be continued....................................
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