Chapter 5: Feel the chills
It was a snow storm as we see a dropship flying through a snow storm, making it's way to Ecopoint: Antarctica as we see the troopers along with Y/n, Shadow and Tech as they get their gears ready for the dropship to make a landing. While they wait Y/n grabs his rifle and louds his magazine into his rifle and ask Tech who was standing next to him.
Y/n: So tell me about Ecopoint: Antarctica?
Tech: Well like many other outposts across the world, Ecopoint: Antarctica is one of those outpost that hold researchers, Overwatch agent's and many others. Some say it is a research facility to study and make new gear and weapons for Overwatch.
Y/n: I see. So what happened to it?
Tech: Well the outpost was hit by a snowstorm years back and we try to gain contact with them but all were silent. We thought something happened to them and try to search for them but they were never found.
Y/n: That's......kinda creepy.
Tech: Very creepy indeed. Wanna hear some rumours that Overwatch agent made to explain their disappears?
Y/n: No need, I'm good. Yo edge lord what's the situation?
Shadow: Please don't call me that. Also we're almost at our landing so be ready.
Y/n: Right.
The dropship makes a landing and once that the doors open and they were immediately hit by a snowstorm but they leap out from the dropship and make their walk. The dropship leaves as they walk through the storm while getting hit by the snow as they continue their walk.
Trooper 1: Jesus it's cold here.
Y/n: (smirk) Well probably a bad idea to not wear a jacket private.
Trooper 1: Very funny sir.
Tech: Coordination to my Hud I believe the outpost is up ahead. If we keep going, we might see something.
Shadow: Right. Keep it up people!
They do so and they keep on walking as they follow Tech, Shadow and Y/n. The snowstorm beats them like he'll but thanks to their armor they can survive the extreme cold but not for long. After a while of walking Tech accidentally bump by something metal and steps back. The rest stopped and they look up and they see what looks like a radio tower ad they look around but there is no outpost.
Shadow: Is this the place?
Tech: I think so. I mean we are standing on it but I don't see it anywhere. Maybe they must have placed another tower or something?
Y/n: How can they do that? There is no way they some how have a second radio tower with them right?
Shadow: That was years ago so I have no idea what they were doing. Still we should keep on moving.
Y/n: Right. Say disbite the storm hitting us, at least nothing bad didn't-
Suddenly the floor behind Y/n breaks all of a sudden and he fell into the hole as the rest were shocked and rush over to the hole and look down.
Shadow: Ghost! Ghost you okay?! Ghost!
Tech: He might be heard down there.
Shadow: Quiet! Get me a rope, I'm going down there!
Trooper 1: Sir this storm is getting worse by the minute. We need to find shuttle before we freeze up.
Shadow realised that the trooper is right ad the storm is getting worse so he looks down at the hole and calls out to Y/n.
Shadow: Y/n if you can hear me just stay put! We get you out of there once the storm clears up! Stay safe!
Once that they head off to find shuttle close by while down at the hole we see Y/n bursting out from the snow and catching his breath. He stood up while he wipe the snow off of his armor and looks up of the hole he just fell from.
Y/n: Great....just fucking great.
He picks up his assault rifle and looks around to see a dark cave but when he turns on his attached flashlight on his rifle, he shine it around and noticed something weird. There was metal buildings around him that is impossible for anyone to build, then he shine his light in front of him and see a massive building with a Overwatch logo in front of him.
Y/n: (thought) So that must be Ecopoint: Antarctica. Guess this canyon was covered up by the ice and snow so we couldn't see it. Let's see what's inside.
He walks over to the building and walks up to the door. He pushes the building which suddenly turns on and the doors start to slowly open. But the door stop mid way so Y/n sighs and grabs the door with his hands and force it to open weird enough so he can slide inside.
Once that he shine his flashlight around and see the place is a mess as he walk through the empty and dark base. He walk through the hallway while securing every room just to be safe. Soon he reach what looks like a lab as he aim his rifle around but when he sees nothing he lower his rifle and walks over to the computer that was sitting on a desk and tries to turn it on.
Y/n: Come on this base gonna have some backup power or something that can get thus thing on.
She shakes it a bit and then hits it a few times until a screen open up to reveal a audio log which Y/n looks at. He looks behind him to see if anyone or anything was spying on him and once he sees that every is clear, he sat down and click on the audio log.
Y/n: Let's see what really happen here.
(Audio log Time: 0:04 to 0:37)
After the audio log ends Y/n is confused about this "Hibernate" so he searches through the files and after a while he finds the Captains files and reads through them.
Y/n: "Due to the storm hitting our base and our supplies are low, all crew must be in Cryo Chambers in order for rescue to come. All crew members must be in the cryo Chambers at midnight so we can all survive until help arrives." that's what happened to them. Guess the crew must went to cryo when their supplies were low. So where are they?
Soon he find where the cryo Chambers are at and once that he make his way to where the cryo Chambers are at. After a while of looking and going into wrong rooms he managed to find it. He step into the control room and at the other side of the glass window was six cryo Chambers as Y/n looks down at the controls and try to get them online but I wasn't turning on.
Y/n: (slams onto controls) Shit. Looks like I need to get the power online.
He turne to see a sigh pointing to the power room and we see him at the power room as he gose around trying to get the power back on. After some struggle he managed to get the power back online and once the lights were turned on he make his way back to the control room and see the controls are online.
Y/n: (smirk) Awesome! Now time to wake up everyone.
He pushes the button and waited for a bit but sudden one cryo chamber opened which confused but he shrugged as the Cryo chamber opened and stepping out was a female scientist that he saw in the audio log as she step out wearing Pajamas as she yawns and stretch are body.
Y/n: (thought) That's the same women I've seen in the audio log.
He sees a microphone next to him so he takes it and calls out to her.
Y/n: Can you hear me?
She jumped in surprised as she looked around when she sees Y/n at the other side as he waved to her.
???: Who are you?
Y/n: Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. We were sent here to get those outpost back online so we can power up most Overwatch outposts.
???: We? You mean Overwatch had come!
Y/n:.....Um sort off. Look can you wake up your crew so we can regroup at the break room so we can tell you all what is goings on?
???: Um sure but there is a controls that can wake them up right?
She turns on a small but cute robot and check on the other cryo chamber while Y/n is a bit confused and push some buttons until a screen shows Y/n the five other cryos and they said.....
Y/n: "K.I.A?" Oh shit.
Before he could tell her it was already too late as she found out that all of her researchers were killed and she was upset by this. She cries while Y/n felt sorry for her and must have hurt bad to lose her crew or best friends.
(Sometime later)
At the break room we see Y/n making some coffee while we see the female scientists sitting on the couch holding her small bot as she still is sadden by her researchers deaths as Y/n glance over to see her sad. Once he finish making the coffee he walk up to her and hand it to her which she takes.
???: Thank you.
Y/n: I'm sorry for your lost. I bet they were good people.
Mei: They were. The names Mei by away and this is Snowball.
Snowball flies over to Y/n which he smiled as he took off his helmet and set it aside as he pet Snowball.
Y/n: (smile) Hey there. I've never met an omnic bot lioe this one before.
Mei: I made her. Pretty cool huh?
Y/n: (smile) Way cool.
Mei: said Overwatch was....shut down.
Y/n: Yeah but we're bringing back Overwatch as we speak. We just need to get this outpost online so we can get other outposts online as well.
Mei: I see. Who is with you?
Y/n: Five troopers lead by Shadow and Tech.
Mei: I....I think I heard of those names before.
Y/n: They were apart of Overwatch years back before you and the rest where in cryo for a long time.
Mei: (smile) I see....Still I'm glad you came and save us. Thank you Ghost.
Y/n: (smirk) What can I say. Just doing what is right and being a badass as well.
Then Snowball shows a hologram footage of him falling through a hole and land hard on thr ground which Y/n is surprised and asked while he tries to catch Snowball.
Y/n: Where did you get that?! Hey! Get back here!
He chase Snowball around while Mei lend out a giggle and find him very nice and funny which made her heart skip a beat while she watched. Soon after Mei open the blast shield and turns on the lights outside of the base as the trip look at the singal tower as Y/n ask her.
Y/n: So how can we get that thing online?
Mei: The singal is weak so we need to find something to get a strong singal.
Y/n thinks for a while and then calls out.
Y/n: I have an idea!
He rushes off as Mei and Snowball look at each other and decided to follow him. The trio were outside as we see Y/n kneeling down and working on the computer of the singal tower as Mei asked him.
Mei: What are you doing?
Y/n: My suit has a strong singal so I figure if I link my suits singal into this tower, we might have a string singal to Watchpoint: Gibraltar and Axio or Winston might also help but setting up a program that can get us a better connection. I just need to sent the the singal to Watchpoint: Gibraltar and we be all set!
Mei: Have you tried it before?
Y/n: Nope but one way to find out.
He pulls out a long write out of hid shoulder suit and plugs it into the controls and type his way as he try to get the singal to Watchpoint: Gibraltar and after a while he managed to sent it and now he have to wait for Winston or Axio to notice and help him. After a while computer codes and numbers appear on the screen.
Mei: (surprised) Are those?
Y/n: (smile) Hahaha! Yes it is Mei! Here we go!
Within seconds the singal towers gose online and they have full on connection as Axio radios up Y/n.
Axio: (coms) Ghost do you copy over? We got your singal. Did it work?
Y/n: (smile) It worked aright man! Haha! Do you see other Overwatch outposts on your screen?
Winston: (coms) Yes! We can! Good job Y/n! I'll have a dropship to pick you and the rest up.
Y/n: Copy that. Oh and more more thing, I think there is someone you want to hear.
Mei: Um hi there Winston. Been a while.
Winston: (coms) Mei?! Is that you? I thought you were gone?
Axio: (coms) Holy shit Mei your alive! Wait, what about the rest? Where are they?
Mei: They.....didn't make it.
Axio: (coms) Damn. Well good to hear your voice Mei. Good job Ghost, we'll see you once your back at base.
Y/n: (smile) Copy that Axio. Ghost out.
Just before things will get better a rope came down and Shadow, Tech and five troopers slide down from the rope and lands on the ground and thdy aim around while Shadow says.
Shadow: Don't worry Ghost, We're here to save you and-
Then he was surprised to see Mei and Snowball as they lower their weapons and look around.
Shadow: Jesus Ghost you could have waited for us to complete the mission.
Y/n: (smirk) What else can I do? Sitting in the middle of the dark and do nothing?
Shadow: Still good job. You must be.....?
Mei: Mei sir. This is Snowball.
Shadow: (surprised) Mei! Huh, where is the rest?
Y/n: Didn't make it.
Shadow: I see. Well we secure the area and we head back to base.
Y/n: Roger that.
(Hours later)
Two troopers are seen as they smash the last ice glass that fell and hit the roof of building as they look down to see the now open Ecopoint: Antarctica with the power being turned on and troopers are walking around making sure things are working well and online.
We cut to Mei and Snowball standing in front of five gravestones of her research crew as Y/n walks up next to her and places a hand onto her shoulder and tells her.
Y/n: Don't worry. They will always be with you, always.
Mei: I know. Still thank you for saving us. If weren't for you who knows how long we be in hibernate for.
Y/n: Probably a long time. Still glad to have you back to Overwatch.
Mei smiles and nodes to him when Shadow approaches the two as they turn to face him.
Shadow: Seems like eveyething is working fine. Now Ecopoint: Antarctica is online and we can suspect many more outposts being online as well.
Y/n: (smile) That's good to hear
Mei: So what happens now?
Shadow: Right now we need to secure their outposts before Talon will find out. We don't want our enemies to know that Overwatch is back.
Mei: Talon is still around.
Y/n: (smile) Yep.....along with many other threats as well.
Mei: Okay?
Shadow: Dropship should be here soon. I'm already getting sick of the cold.
Y/n: (smirk) Want me to make some soup to get rid of the cold?
Shadow lend out a chuckle just as a dropship flies over them and lands near them. The doors open as they walk towards it.
Mei: (smile) Hey!
Y/n: Yeah?
Mei: I never get your name? Like your real name?
Y/n: Well my real name is Y/n and my story is a long one.
Mei: (smile) Well we have time to get to Watchpoint: Gibraltar so tell us.
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Slight warning though, it's a bit....messy as in.....kinda dark.
The trip hop inside the dropship as Y/n tells Mei and Snowball his story as the Dropship's doors shut and they fly off while we cut back to the five grave stones and in the middle as a picture of Mei, Snowball and her research crew smeiling for a camera as they will always be with Mei no matter what.
To be continued....................................
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