Chapter 4: Cheers love!
At Watchpoint: Gibraltar we see many troopers at the base getting the power back online and computers on as well. Many engineers were running around getting everything back online while we see Y/n walking through the halls as every trooper were getting things to work while he walk through the halls.
Soon he come across a window with a veiw of the hills as he stop and turn to the window to look at the veiw. He stood there for a bit watching as the sunset when Sam walk up beside him and tells him.
Sam: You did a good job kid. I'm proud of that.
Y/n: Just doing my job. So any word from Hound?
Sam: He'll be arriving tomorrow to see Winston after for so long.
Y/n: So he and Winston know each other? Since when?
Sam: Since we were apart of Overwatch.
Y/n: Really?
Sam: Yep. You see, most of the troopers were once agents to Overwatch and after Overwatch was shut down, most agents refuse to retire and join Hound to continue their mission under the protection of the Skull Templar company.
Y/n: So who are the Skull Templar company because I've never heard about that company before?
Sam: That's because is a secret company many years back. It was created after the Omnic crisis and their goal is to make a private military forces to be ready or prevent any wars from happening in the future. They use old or new weapons, vehicles and gear to fight and us old gear to give them upgrades so we can fight a lot more easy.
Y/n: (smile) That's cool.
Sam: (smile) Yep and those guys is something you should not mess with. Because you might find out why they call themselves "Skull Templar company."
Y/n: (smirk) Probably not gonna think about doing it.
Sam nodes and then Ash came in through their coms.
Ash: (radio) Shadow, Ghost meet us at Winston's office. We got Tracer's location.
Sam: Roger that, on our way.
Once that the two walk through the halls and soon we see them arriving at Winston's office as Winston pulls up a hologram of earth and show them Tracer's location.
Winston: It seems she is at her home in London.
Y/n: (smile) I like that place. Pretty peaceful and lose loud then New York or any cities that has loud traffic.
Sam: Guess one of us needs to pick her up.
Y/n: I'll go and pick her up.
Sam: You sure about this? Hound did say to not draw an attention.
Y/n: (smirk) Bro I'm fine plus everyone thinks I'm dead so I can walk through London's street with no problem what so ever.
Sam: Alright, just stay in the crowd and try to bring too much attention alright.
Y/n: (smirk) No meed to worry about me I'll be fine. Catch you guys later!
Once that he left the room while Winston ask Ash and Sam.
Winston: So why dose Ghost have to stay low?
Ash and Sam look at each other and then turn back to Winston as Ash scratch the back of his head while he said.
Ash: see....
It was night time at London's streets as we see many omnics and civilians walking about having their normal and peaceful night while among the crowd we see Y/n wearing his civilian clothes with a hat on his head that he brought at one of the stores as he walk through the streets.
He continues walking while looking around for Tracer when Winston radios Y/n in as he ask Y/n.
Winston: (radio) Have you found her yet?
Y/n: Nope not yet. So what dose she look like so I can locate her?
Winston: (radio) She has a cronal accelerator on her chest and has black hair and wears Overwatch gear. You won't miss her.
Y/n: Cool and also, the hellmis a cronal accelerator?
Winston: (radio) Well many years ago she took part of a project that cist her to be going in and out of time and space. So I created a cronal accelerator so she can still be in reality.
Y/n: (surprised) Huh that's pretty neat and nice of you.
Winston: (radio) Indeed but focus on the mission and find Tracer.
Y/n: On it.
Once that he takes a short cut at a alleyway. He walks through the alleyway and before he could reach the end of the alleyway there was a sound of a can being hit which cost him to stop and look around. Then a small cat came out of the trash can and make a run for it. Y/n thinks it must be the cat but then he hears footsteps behind him and turns to see four thugs behind him and then four more in front of him as well.
Thug 1: Give us your money and don't try anything or else!
The thugs chuckle while Y/n calming raised his hand whik3 he tells them in a calm voice.
Y/n: (smirk) Can we settle this in another way? I'm sure we can settle this like gentleman?
Thug 2: Shut the fuck up and give us your money.
Y/n: (smirk) Sorry but I'm out. Anything else you want?
One Thug grabs him by the shirt trying to show fear to him but then he see his face and ask him.
Thug 1: Wait....I've seen you before? Yeah....Yeah your the military traitor on the news a fee months back!
The thugs were shocked which Y/n knows he can't get out of this one so he punches the first thug, sending him flying into the air. She crashes onto a few trash cans whike the other thugs turn to Y/n and start to each at him.
Y/n quickly dodges the first swing and a punch, after that he grabs a steel pipe that was about to land a strike and he headbutted the thug and quickly throws the steel pipe, hitting the thug in the head and then quickly dodge a thug that was about to punch him but once he dodge, the thing stumble forward and then fell into a trash can.
Then he turns and quickly moves back from a incoming hammer swinging at him so he rushes towards the thug and leaps up and double kicked him, sending him back as Y/n lands on the ground and quickly dodges a slam froma thug trying to land a hit with his baseball bat but he missed and Y/n leaps up and grabs his shirt and tossed him towards the other thugs as they crash into each other and fell onto the ground.
The thugs lay on the ground unconscious as Y/n dust off his hands then a click of a gun is heard and he slowly turn to see a thug holding a gun at him.
Thug 4: Don't you fucking move!
Y/n slowly turns to him but suddenly the thugs gun was immediately snatched by something which caught the thug by surprise while he look at Y/n and he shrugged and he rushes towards him and kicked him in the head, slamming him onto the ground and he falls unconscious while Y/n stood up straight.
???: Cheers love! You must be my pick up guy?
He turne to see Tracer as she tossed away the pistol while Y/n nodes to her.
Y/n: (smile) Yep, I'm your guy. You must be Lena aka Tracer right?
Tracer: (smile) You know it~! Nice to meet you love~!
He smiled while he node when suddenly police sirens is heard so Tracer takes Y/n's hand and tells him.
Tracer: Hang on.
The two immediately disappeared just as the police before the police arrive on the sense. We then cut to see the two on the roof with a veiw of London as Y/n breaths heavily as he bends down a bit and then stood uo straight and turne to Tracer.
Y/n: Jesus I've never felt going that fast even in my life.
Tracer: (smile) Yeah sorry about that. So your the people that rescued Winston and helping him to bring back Overwatch?
Y/n: That's correct. Hound is trying hid best yo locate all Overwatch members and bring them back together.
Tracer: (smile) That's brilliant! I can't wait to see Winston and Hound after for soo long. Is there anyone else?
Y/n: There's Ash, Sam and many others that might arrive soon. Still we should go before we be late.
He turns to leave but then Tracer ask him.
Tracer: What about you? I believe your not apart of Overwatch right? So....who are you?
Y/n stood there for a bit and then lend out a sigh and then to Tracer and tells her.
Y/n: My codename is Ghost but my real Y/n.
Tracer is a bit surprised since she remembered that name in the news but Y/ hold up his hand at her while he tells her.
Y/n: Look I know you may have heard me about me being a traitor in the news but that's bullshit. I didn't betray anyone, Aiden and the rest did. They made a deal with Talon to sell them this flash drive that can destroy the government and everything else but I refuse and....destroyed it. Long story short, I was thought I was killed but Hound found me and bring me to his ship where I was in a coma for a few months.
Tracer: (shocked) Y/n....I'm really am sorry for what happened to you.
Y/n: It's fine. Now the whole world believes I betrayed them and there is nothing that Hound can do but tell me to not give too much attention and try to wear anything so no one will not see me. Until my name is cleared, no one will not believe me.
Then Tracer grabs his shoulder and tells him.
Tracer: But I believe you. I can tell because I can see your not a type of person who will betray no one. Besides you did a right thing destroying that flash drive. Who knows what Talon will do if they have it.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Tracer. Glad someone believes me.
Lena: (giggle) You can call me Lena and no problem.
She then gets close to Y/n while Y/n blushes a bit while Lena giggles once more and then said.
Lena: (smile) Aren't you a handsome soldier. I can't wait to get to know you once we're back at base.
She wink at him which made him blush even more and then Hound came through his radio.
Hound: (radio) Ghost you got Tracer?
Y/n: Y-Yep I have her. Waiting for transport.
Hound: (radio) Right and also WHAT DID I SAY TO KEEP YOUR MASK ON AT ALL TIMES! Your lucky I have my troopers erased their memories and report it to the police!
Y/n: Really Hound? I'll give too much attention if I wear a mask. Have you see any people wearing a mask? It's not Halloween you know.
Hound: (radio) Fine you have a point there but try to be more careful next time will you.
Lena: (smile) Oh Hound go easy on him will you.
Hound: (radio) Hey Lena, doing alright?
Lena: (smile) As always Hound. Good to hear your voice again.
Hound: (radio) Same to you. Dropship is on your way. Be ready to leave.
Y/n: Copy that Hound. Ghost out.
Once that a deopship arrive and once at the edge of the roof they are in the two leap inside and the dropship fly off while inside the clock tower we see a soldier watching the deopship leave and once that he gets on his radio and tells someone at the other end.
Unknown soldier: Sargent major, we spot one S.T agent along with a Overwatch agent as well. They left in a S.T dropship.
???: (radio) Understood. Report back to base as soon as you can.
Unknown soldier: Copy.
Once that he leaves the clock tower and return back to base.
It was the next day once Y/n and Lena arrive back to Watchpoint: Gibraltar and once there Hound and the others arrive as they cheered Lena back while Lena is happy to see everyone here while Y/ walks in with a smile to see her reunion everyone while Winston walks up to him.
Winston: (smile) Thank you Ghost. I'm sure the mission want smoothly.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah it went well.
Winston: (smile) Good to hear. Oh by away, Ash and Sam told me your past and I gonna say.....
He place his hand onto his shoulder and tells him with a warm smile.
Winston: (smile) You'll fit right in with Overwatch with your heroic and selfless action.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Winston. I really appreciate with it.
Winston nodes and walks over to Lena who she hugged him while Y/n smiled and look over at the second floor and we cut to Tech and Axio as Tech on his Winston's computer typing and then he stop and turn to Axio and tells him.
Tech: We all due respect sir, I'm not too sure we can't locate other Overwatch outposts if they are shut off. We have this outpost online but we needed the Main Overwatch HQ to get them all online.
Axio: Try your best Tech. We need to locate other Overwatch outpost and see what we got.
Y/n: Need any help?
Y/n walks into thr room and stood next to Axio while he tells Y/n.
Axio: No we're good. We're just seeing we can locate other Overwatch outposts and get them online.
Y/n: By using Watchpoint: Gibraltar?
Axio: Yeah. The Overwatch Swiss Head quarters is no more but we hope we can use this outpost to get the others online. This might get us in trouble with the government but fuck them.
Tech: Okay I have seme good news and some bad news.
Axio: Bad news?
Tech: This outpost is pretty old and it will take a while to get this place upgraded. I needed to call up Skull Templar company for soem parts so I can get this place upgraded if we gonna start rebuilding Overwatch.
Y/n: And the good news?
Tech: The Good news is that I have locate another outpost that can get a few other Overwatch outposts online for a while.
Axio: And that is?
Tech: Ecopoint: Antarctica.
Axio: (surprised) Ecopoint: Antarctica? Bit I thought that Outpost was M.I.A many years ago?
Tech: Well there is a weak signal but I have it's location. If we get that outpost online, we might get the others online as well.
Axio: Copy that. You, Shadow and Ghost will head there tomorrow morning and get that outpost online as soon as you can.
Tech: Yes sir. Looks like your with me Rookie.
Y/n: (smirk) Hey it be glad for someone to laugh at my jokes while on the trip. Ash and Shadow are joke killers if you ask me.
Axio: (chuckle) Well get some rest Y/n. You earned it.
Y/n: (smile) Copy that sir.
(Short while later)
A trooper leafs Y/n to his quarters and once there the trooper turne to Y/n and tells him.
Male trooper: This is your room sir. You be sharing it with someone else as well.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks trooper.
He nodes and walks off. Once he's gone Y/n opens the door and step inside. Once inside he immediately see Lena in her bra as she gets change. Then she looked over to see Y/n staring at her as he immediately blush but Lena smirked and says.
Lena: (smirk) Guess we're roommates now? Perfect.
Y/n: (little blush)....U-U-Ummm I-I should give you some priv-
Then she zip over and gets close to him as Y/n blushes very deep while she giggled and says.
Lena: (smirk) I don't mind you being here. It be great to be roommates since we have the room all to ourselves.
Y/n nodes while blushing a bit and then she smiled and dash over as she sat on the couch that is facing the large TV as she ask Y/n.
Lena: (smile) Wanna watch a movie? I know one movie you will like.
Y/n was blushing a bit but to be honest, he kinda feels nice to have Lena around so she smiled and said.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, show me what you got love.
She giggled as Y/n sat next to her and the two watch the film together. We then see Axio at the open door as he smiled to see them getting alone. He shut the door and turn away and then he reach into his pocket and pulls out a picture of Jack, Reyes and himself along with the founding members of Overwatch smiling at the camera while he smiled as he well.
Axio: (thought) I'm doing my best to bring the hope that you all brought to the world. Don't you guys worry, I will not allow Overwatch to be gone forever, not in my watch.
He then walk through the halls while he still holf the picture on his hand as he never forget those who he fought along side with and promises to keep on fight for them until the bitter end.
To be continued.............................
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