Chapter 3: The Overwatch recall
It was the middle of the night as we look at the abandoned Warehouse that was left abandoned for years. Metal fence are a bit torn leaving gaps and holes for anyone to enter but some do not dare since there is something inside the Warehouse that might kill them once someone enter it. But then we see troopers rushing over to the fence and once close they cut the fence, leaving a hole so they can get through.
Once the fence is open they make their way through the fence and approach the Warehouse. They were against the wall while they make their way towards the door and once they stop by the door Y/n and Sam aka Shadow appear as the two look around and join the other troopers in front of them. We see Shadow wearing his armor like Y/n as he get into his radio and calls out.
Shadow: Ark what's the situation at your end?
There was no answer from Ark and after a while he didn't respond at all.
Shadow: Where the hell is he?
Y/n: No clue he probably head inside.
Shadow: (sigh) He's gonna get himself killed in there. Team Alpha, Team Charlie, have you all saw Ark around you?
Team Alpha leader: (radio) No sir.
Team Charlie leader: (radio) Same here sir.
Y/n: (smirk) Any ideas qhere he might be?
Shadow: Maybe rooftop but let's get this mission over and head home.
Y/n: (smirk) Whatever you sat edge lord.
Shadow: Don't call me that.
Y/n just smirks and then he kicked the door open and they enter the room and looo around. Then they move inside the main Warehouse and they see nothing but cargo boxes everywhere that are like walls as they look around.
Y/n walks up to one of them and opens one to see broken weapons and other gear.
Y/n: Looks like this place used to be a military outpost.
Shadow: Yeah looks like it. Still we need to find any Predators and kill it.
Y/n: Got any ideas?
Shadow: Still working on it. According to our scouts they say there is many rooms in this Warehouse. There's kitchens, break room and a storage room.
Y/n: Storage room? How tough is it?
Shadow: They didn't say. Why you got on-
Team Alpha leader: (radio) Sir we've engaged the bio weapon but we're taking heavy lost! We need back up!
Shadow: On it Alpha leader, we're on our way!
They all rush to help out Team Alpha ad they rush through the Warehouse whike they hear gunfire in the distances and once they arrive they only see Alpha leader the only one with a few were either killed or injured. Shadow and Y/n walks over to him and Shadow ask him.
Shadow: What happened? Where is it?
Team Alpha leader: It just ran off. We took some hits at it but it was too strong.
Y/n: Have you guys walk by a storage room?
Team Alpha Leader: Yes sir. Just take that hallway and keep on going and then go left and that's where you can find it.
Y/n: Right i have an idea but I need your team to lower it to my location.
Shadow: Understood. Take some of the troopers to help.
Y/n: Right. Let's go boys.
He and some troopers make their way to the storage room while Shadow and the rest track down the bio weapon. Soon Y/n and the troopers made it to the storage room and sees it is tough to take on a huge explosion so he open his bag and pulls out explosions and pass them along the other troopers.
Y/n: (smirk) Let's get to work.
They start to plant explosions around the place and soon they were done and just in time as well because they hear gunfire outside of the room and they rush out to see Shadow and the other troopers shooting at the massive Predator while it roars at them.
Y/n: Shadow we're done in here! Let me handle this thing!
Shadow: (radio) On it! Everyone pull back now!
They did pull back along with the troopers Y/n was with as Y/n aim his rifle and fire several bullets at it.
Y/n: Hey ugly how's about you face someone who isn't has ugly as you!
The predor roars in anger and charge towards Y/n which he rush inside the storage room and gets the bio weapon inside and once inside the predor roars at him once more and charge at him but Y/n charge at him back but he slide down between it's legs and get out of the storage room and shut the door and lock it in place.
Once that he returns back to Shadow and the rest and once back he pulls out a detonation trigger and says to the rest.
Y/n: (smile) Time to watch some fire works!
He pulls the trigger and there was a massive boom that shake the whole place. Once it was silent they make their way back to the storage room and once there they open the doors to see the room is still attached but there was the Predator laying on the ground looking dead as they walk towards it. Then the Predator slowly wakes up and roars at them but Shadow stomp his foot onto his head and fired several shots at it.
Shadow: Nice job Y/n. Say what kind of those explosions was that?
Y/n: (smirk) Just some explosion I've made years back in case we come across a large and powerful omnic. Guess it still works against that thing.
Shadow: Agree. Troopers let's burn it up.
The Troopers pulled out flamethrowers and start to burn the Predator while Ark enter the room and ask which they turn to see him.
Ark: So what did I miss?
Shadow: Where the hell were you Ark?
Ark: Making sure no one enter the warehouse. Your welcome by away.
Y/n: So guess mission complete boys?
Shadow: Looks like it. You did a good job kid, nice work.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Just doing my job.
Hounds: (radio) Shadow, Ark, Ghost, report?
Shadow: Target eliminated sir. Heading back to base.
Hound: (radio) Not yet. Shadow I want you to stay there for a bit and see what you got. Ark and Ghost, you two are going to Overwatch Watchpoint: Gibraltar.
Ark: Sir that place is abandoned? Why going there?
Hound: (radio) There is a old friend there that we've found after so many years. I need you two to head there and locate him.
Ark: Understood. Ark out.
Y/n: So who is his old friend?
Ark: Possibly Winston but let's move Rookie.
Y/n: (thought) Winston huh? Okay then.
The two make their leave while Shadow stay behind and searches around along with the troopers to find anything important.
Morning was setting up as a dropship flies through the mountains and arrive it the location. Once there the dropship lands on the landing pad and the troopers along with Y/n and Ark leap out and once that the dropship make it's leave.
Ark: Alright team listen up. We're here to locate Winston and bring him to Hound. Remember if you see a large armored ape around, do not shoot at him. Is that clear?
Male Troopers: Sir yes sir!
Ark: Right. Let's look around.
They Starr to look around the place as they look for Winston anywhere but the place was abandoned as hell. During the search with Ark and Y/n, Y/n wonders something and ask Ark.
Y/n: So what do you mean by large armored ape?
Ark: Winston is the giant armored ape. He's also a scientist that used to work for Overwatch until it was shutdown.
Y/n: Right. You know, I've never know much about Overwatch. If they were protectors of humanity, why was it shutdown?
Ark: It was shutdown due to claims of corruption and other bullshit rumours that was told by the public. Soon after Overwatch was shut down, the petras act was made and it states that any Overwatch involvement will result of a arrest to any Overwatch employees or agents. What a bunch of bullshit.
Y/n: Damn that's hard.
Ark: (mutter) Maybe if Black-Watch haven't gone too far, none of this wouldn't happen.
Y/n: What?
Ark: Nothing. Let's ke-
Suddenly they heard something and they get against the wall and slowly move up. Y/n was the first to peek over and sees Talon soldiers around the building as they look around while there were some noises inside the building.
Y/n: (whisper) Looks like Talon is here. Better call in some back up.
Male trooper: (whisper) Already here sir.
He turn quickly and sees the troopers already here which surprised him.
Y/n: (whisper) Huh you guys are quick. Wait, where's Ark?
Talon soldier: I've spotted the ene-AAAAAhhhhhh!!!
Suddenly gunfire ring out as Y/n peaks over to see Arkntaking down Talon soldiers with no hesitate and cutting them down with his sword. Soon all Talon soldiers were taking out and once that Y/n and the other troopers walks over and Y/n ask Ark.
Y/n: You thinm they be okay?
Ark: They be fine. I'm sure God will forgive most of them.
Y/n: Um right?
Ark: Head inside and see what's going on.
Y/n: Right.
He and some troopers make their way inside and once inside it was dark but they actived their night vision and look around. They slowly enter the room while they have their weapons up and looking around. At first there was nothing but suddenly a large ape fly by them and crash into a wall.
Y/n: Looks like we found Winston.
???: Who are you?
They all aim their weapons to see nothing but dark smoke but then a man wearing a grimm reaper like mask came out of the smoke and stare at Y/n and the other troopers.
Y/n: (smirk) I should ask the same thing "Grimm reaper." Hate to break it to you but today is not my death day.
???: It will be. Now die.
They quickly take cover as bullets fly by them and they return fire but the bullets gose through the mask figure.
Y/n: (smirk) Hey I've met two emo soldiers so I won't be surprised to be met with another emo soldier like you.
Male trooper: Um sir are you trying to get him mad?
Y/n: (smirk) Hey don't blame me that we have ti fight a guy wearing all black, wearing a ghost face mask and possibly listening to heavy metal music in that mask.
Male Trooper:......Okay yeah you got a far point.
Suddenly electricity bolts zaps him away as Winston stood up and walks up to Y/n snd the rest.
Winston: Thanks for assist. Who are you people?
Y/n: Call me Ghost and we've been sent by Hound to find you.
Winston: (surprised) Hound!?
Y/n: We talk more once we deal this mask guy.
Winston: That's Reaper. Talons greatest and deadlines agent.
Y/n: (smirk) He's doesn't look tough.
Reaper slowly gets up and and then he lend out an explosion of black smoke and fires bullets around him whike he spines around.
Y/n: (shocked) Shit! I didn't know he can do that!
Winston: We need to take him out!
Y/n: Got one!
He touches one of the computers and once that it came back to life and the turrets activated while Y/n calls out to the troopers.
Y/n: Flash bangs! Now!
They throw flashbacks at Reaper which gose off and blinds Reaper while turrets open fire at him while the troopers sees this and open fire at him.
Male Trooper: Keep shooting at him!
Male trooper 2: Don't let him get away!
Reaper sees he is getting overwhelmed by this and after a while of bullets going through him he blows up another puffs of smoke which cost the troopers to stand down. Soon the smoke clear up and they see Reapee is gone.
Winston is glad for it while Y/n let's go of the computer and Winston ask him.
Winston: What did you do?
Y/n: (smirk) My suit is cable to hack inro any military computers and allow some to take control their defenses. It's call Remote Military control.
Winston: (smile) That is impressive.
Y/n: (smirk) Oh I also got rid that virus that was on your computer as well.
Winston: (smile) Well thanks for the assist.
Ark: Yeah, you did a good job kid.
Then Ark step inside the building and walks over to Winston who looks at him and says.
Ark: Hey Winston....been a while.
Winston: (smile) Same here.
(Short while later)
We see the troopers cleaning up the mess while we see Winston, Ark and Y/n at Winston's room which is the control room as Y/n stood up from his chair and ask in a surprised tone.
Y/n: (surprised) Hang on. You were apart of Overwatch? Including Hound as well?
Ark: That's right. Actually most of the troopers and workers at our base were Overwatch employees and agents after it was shutdown.
Y/n: (surprised) Huh who knew.
Winston: (smile) Still it's good to see old faces and new ones. So what's your actual name Ghost.
Ark: Best you call him Ghost. Its kinda a long story.
Winston: Oh I see. Well I was about to sent a recall to Overwatch when Talon came.
Y/n: Recall?
They turn to the computer and Winston shows the recall that appears in front of them.
Winston: Once pressed, it will sent a recall singal to eveyr Overwatch agents across the world. We can bring back Overwatch and guve hope to the world.
Ark: Yeah but the law states that any Overwatch involvement will be the result of a arrest. Besides, dose people really need Overwatch? After what "he" did years back.
Y/n: "He?"
Winston: It's a long story but still. I don't know what we should do. The world may have forgotten about us but the world is no turn into chaos, hundreds or thousands of people are suffering and Overwatch is the only once to stop this. We can't sit back and watch this happen, we have to do something. Overwatch maybe gone....but we are not.
There was silence from them and then Y/n pats Winston on the shoulder and said.
Y/n: Why not just do it? I mean who cares what the Government says or what anybody says about Overwatch. If the world needs Overwatch then so be it. My father told me that if someone is in trouble then never stand by and let it happen, always fight for other people. Your right on one thing Winston, we can't just sit by and watch this go on. We gonna do something and I think this is it. This is our time to call back Overwatch and bring them together for sure. Whatever happened to Overwatch years back.....we can rebuild it better then ever.
Ark: (smile) Got to admit, he's gonna point. Plus I never like the Government so screw them anyways.
Winston: (smile) Agree.
Winston looks at the recall for a bit and soon he pushes the button and then a hologram of the earth is shown along with tags of Overwatch agents across the world is shown and even images of Overwatch agents are seen on the screen as they look at the screen and then it lands on female agent along with a call from this same agent.
???: (radio) Winston? Winston is that you? It's good to hear from you! It's been too long.
Winston: (chuckle) Agree. It has been too long.
We see a Talon ship on the ground as Reaper appears in front of the ship and enters inside. Once on board the dropship takes off as Reaper growl in anger when a mysterious figure appear beside him as he ask Reaper.
???: I see the mission didn't go well?
Reaper: No. I was attacked by unknown soldiers along with this other soldier. He was wearing green camouflage armor and it looked like the armor you've worn.
Then the figure step out from the shadows to reveal Aiden who looked surprised and says out loud.
Aiden: (surprised) Y/n! So he lives after all.
Reaper: You know him?
Aiden: Yes. He used to be apart of my team until be betrayed us. not worry....I'll take care of him.
Reaper: You better.
Then Reaper walks off while Aiden smirks to himself as he turns to the window and look through the window as he thinks to himself.
Aiden: (thought) I may not know how you survived Y/n but it doesn't matter. I've already made you out as a traitor so no matter where you can't hide....or you can't escape because soon....I'll come and get my revenge on you sooner or later.
To be continued...........................
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