Chapter 2: A new job

Echos and voices is the only thing he can hear while his vision was dark and he can barely see anything. When he dose managed to open his eyes he only sees doctors and nurses around him trying to keep him alive while the head doctor talks to a unknown figure in the background as the head doctor told him something that he can't understand but the unknown figure nodes to him and then left the room.

Once he was gone he falls unconscious and he doesn't know how long he was unconscious for but soon he only hears beeping next to him and slowly he open his eyes a bit and he was hit by the ceiling lights but slowly he open his eyes and his vision cleared up and he can slowly see things clearly now.

We see Y/n laying in a hostel bed with his armor being taking off as he groan while he sat up from the medical bed and slowly grab his head with his hand and look around. It looks like he is in the medical bey and it seems there is only him because he doesn't see anyone else laying in beds or any doctors or nurses around.

Y/n: Where the hell I'm I? I'm I back at HQ?

He looks around a bit before suddenly a door opens and someone step inside the room and see him awake as he turn to see him and then spoke that sounded familiar to him.

???: (smile) Your awake! Here I thought you never wake up. How are you feeling?

Y/n: I'm....fine but....where the I'm I and who are you? Are you from Talon?

???: (smile) Take a easy soldier I'm not from Talon.

Y/n: Well that's a relief. Look thanks for taking care of me but I really need to get back to base and report to the general about Aiden's treason.

???: I afraid I can't do that.

Y/n: Why?

???: You were in a coma for five months and during these five months, your squad leader framed you of being a traitor and now not only the whole world has turned against you but Aiden is viewed to be a hero who saved the world from destruction.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! You can not be serious?!

He then pulled out a old newspaper and hands it to Y/n which he takes and looks at the headline and it was true. He was angered by this as he lend his head back while he lend out a frustrating sigh while the unknown man tells Y/n.

???: But there is good news.

Y/n: And that is?

???: The world believes that you were killed when Aiden shot you several times and then you fell into the ocean.

Y/n: And that's good news how?

???: Well since your alive but the citizens of the world thinks your dead, you can now work with me and I'll help you get your name cleared and your squad leader thrown in jail.

Y/n: (smirk) Huh....Guess that is good news. Wait work for you? What do you mean?

???: I've research about you and I'm surprised about your skills and your combat. I would like you to work with me so we can help the world.

Y/n: (smirk) Guess I don't have a choice huh?

???: Unfortunately no.

Y/n: (smirk) Crap. Well since I am going to here for a while I guess I should help you out. By away what's your name?

Axio: (smile) My codename is Hound but you can call me Axio. For your codename....How's about Ghost?

Y/n: (smirk) Ghost huh?.....I like that codename. Sure I'll accept.

Axio smiles and moved his arm towards his face and then pushes a button as he tells the bridge.

Axio: Take us up.

After that the whole place started to shake and they felt like they were going up. Then we cut to the ocean when suddenly a large ship came out of the ocean like a submarine but instead of floating on the ocean, it start to go higher into the air.

Soon the large ships floats up and soon it was over the cloads as we see Y/n looking out through the windows of the hallway in amazement while Axio sees his surprise and the two walk through the halls while troopers and other personnel walk by them as Axio explains to him.

Axio: (smile) Welcome to our militia Y/n! We call ourselves "World savoiours!" Our objectives is to monitor any activities that is happening in the world and stop threats in secret.

Y/n: Huh so that's why I never know about this militia or you. How did you guys get all of this equipment?

Axio: (smile) We have old friends who works at a secret government faction called "Skull Templar."

Y/n: Sounds like a mysterious government organisation. So they give you the gears, equipment, weapons and vehicles to make all of this?

Axio: (smile) Yep and once all this was done I was left to lead my own militia into any battle and into any missions so we can protect lives while also stop threats that might start another war.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds like a hard job.

Axio: (smile) You have no idea.

Soon they enter the bridge and it looks pretty massive once they step in. Then a women standing next to Axio's chairs turns to see Axio and Y/n come in and then she called out to the crew.

???: Commander on the bridge!

They immediately stood up and give Axio a salute which he nodes to everyone and they all sat back down as Axio walks over to the women and kiss her on he cheeks.

Axio: (smile) Seems things are doing well in here?

???: (smile) Yep. No problems. I see you brought the Rookie here for a tour.

He turns to Y/n as he walk up to him and then pet him on the back while he tells her.

Axio: (smile) Yep this is Private first class Y/n L/n and Y/n, this is my Girlfriend, Reznya Miller aka Shrapnel.

Y/n: Shrapnel huh? Sounds like a deadly codename.

Reznya: (giggle) Yeah I know. Still nice to meet you Y/n I hope you'll feel comfortable being here with us.

She give him a smile that looks like she wants to break his arms which Y/n gets a bit nervous while Axio lend out a smile while he walks up to Reznya and tells Y/n.

Axio: Say I'm going to spend some time with my girlfriend in a room but head down to the training room down the hall. There you will find Shadow and he'll give you a tour.

Y/n: Sure thing....if I know who Shadow is?

Axio: (smile) Trust won't miss him.


A trooper was thrown across the room and slammed onto the ground in front of the door which opens up as Y/n step inside and see what looks like three troopers surrounding a man with black hair and crimson eyes as the troopers attack him but he quickly takes them down while Y/n stand there and felt bad to those troopers.

Soon the training was over as the man breaths heavily while he stood up straight to see three troopers on the ground as they slowly get up while the man tells them.

???: Listen up! If you three want to get stronger then you need to train more and once your stronger, you all will face the reality of true battle. Dismissed.

The three make their leave as they walk by Y/n as he walk them go and then the man noticed Y/n and walk up to him.

Sam: You must be Y/n. The names Corporal Sam aka Shadow. Looks like I'll be your tour guy for a bit.

Y/n: (smile) Seems like it.

Sam: Well let's start by this room we're standing on. This room is the training room where we train new troopers to be ready for battle. I'm their training instructor and I'll teach them how to fight, shoot and move like troopers and have them ready for anything.

Y/n: (thought) So just like the military. Cool.

Y/n: (smile) Alright I got it.

Sam: Good. Follow me and I'll show you the rest.

Sam takes the lead out of the room while Y/n follows as they gone down the halls as Y/n must wonder how hug this ship might be. Soon he'll get hid answer when they enter the hanger and it was huge. Dropships flying around, troopers marching as well as militia vehicles driving by as they walk through the hanger while Sam explains to Y/n.

Sam: As you probably notice we have vehicles looked tobbe out of date. That's because these vehicles were from many years back before they were thrown away only for us to take them and use them to our militia. We've also put some upgrades to these vehicles so we can use them in combat.

He then point to the two different jet fighters that were sitting there while engineers work on them.

Sam: Those jets were used years back but we've managed to recover them and upgraded them so they can stronger, faster and powerful during battle.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow now I really wish I can get to pilot those types of vehicles.

Sam: Maybe one day Rookie. Maybe one day.

Suddenly there was large thuds as Y/n looked around and then spotted a large militia grade like robot walking by them while Y/n is amazed the size of that machine.

Y/n: (shocked) Holy shit!

Sam: (smirk) Yep. We also recover old military bots to use them in battle. For example, we like to call that bot "Protector."

Y/n: (surprised) Wow now that is cool!

Sam: Come. I'll show you the armoury.

Sam walks off while Y/n can't help but look back for a bit and then catch up with Sam as they head to the armoury to check out the weapons.


Once there they step into the armoury and it look like a mess as they step in. Sam breath in a sigh and then called out to someone who is in the room.

Sam: Kennedy! Can you please try to keep this place tidy! We have a new member here!

Then there was some noises and then a women step out from the room with some weapons as she carry them across the table and place them onto the table.

Kennedy: Well don't blame me if all weapons easily break all the time. You tell the troopers four hours ago to not use a sniper rifle as fucking base ball bats next time.

Sam: Fine Fine. Oh this is Kennedy by away. She's a weapons expert who works on weapons and she's a devil when it comes of using one.

Y/n: (smirk) Really? Hope I can get to see that in battle.

Kennedy: (giggle) You better watch it Rookie because I might see you at your scopes before you could even find me.

Sam: Anyways this is where we store our weapons here. Some are new ones while most of them are old but just like we did with the vehicles, we recover them and upgraded them to help us in battle. Sometimes we even make crazy weapons that is pretty OP during battle.

Kennedy: (smirk) Well I do all thw work but it's true. Its the reason how the commander has a chainsaw assault rifle as his primary weapon.

Y/n: (shocked) A chainsaw assault rifle! That sounds awesome!

Kennedy: (smirk) Your a fan of weapons huh Rookie?

Y/n: (smirk) You can call me a sharp shooter when it comes to sniper rifles.

Kennedy: (giggle) Your a cute Rookie and I think I'm starting to like you even more.

Y/n blushes for a bit while the doors open and Axio came into the room.

Axio: (smile) See you three are getting along here.

Kennedy: (smile) Yep and I really like the new Rookie that you've brought.

Sam: I've show him the hanger and the armoury sir.

Axio: (smile) Good job Corporal but it seems we have to cut the tour short.

Sam: Why is that?

Axio: One of our satellite's decided a corrupted omnic at a abandoned factory and it looks like it's hiding there but unfortunately it's close to a nearby town.

Y/n: (thought) A corrupt Omnic?

Axio: Sam meet up with Ash at the hanger along with the troopers and wait for Y/n to be there with you two.

Sam: Yes sir.

Axio nodes and then turn to Y/n and tells him.

Axio: We kept your armor at the locker room. Follow me and you can put it on.

Y/n: (smile) Sir yes.

(Short while later)

We see Y/n putting on hid armor at the locker room while Axio sat outside waiting for him. Soon Y/n comes out wearing his armor and he can't help but feel his armor a bit different.

Y/n: This armor feels a bit different.

Axio: Oh Well we've put some upgrades to your armor so you can survive better then last time.

Y/n: (smile) Damn you guys love to upgrade things huh?

Axio: (chuckle) Yeah we do love to upgrade things.

Y/n: So tell me...what are corrupted omnics?

Axio: Oh you know those creatures that attack you and your squad five months ago?

Y/n: Disbite the coma I had I never seemed to forget about those things.

Axio: Well they are called "Predator's" they are bio weapons that track down any targets they see and kill them within seconds. Brutally and violently.

Y/n: (shocked) Jesus what were they trying to achieve?!

Axio: According to the files they were trying to create powerful omnics to combat against humanity but unfortunately they given them data chips that once installed they will go crazy and attack anyone or anything that they see. They got the named Predator because they hunt for their prey and attack them when their prey have entered to its trap.

Y/n: So how do you know about these types of omnics? Did you encounter them before?

Axio: Yes I have. Many years ago I lead a team into one of those facilities and we discovered those creatures. Most of my team were lost but we've managed to escape and kill all of those sons of bitches by blowing up the facility. Still I promise myself to never let those things get out because if so....humanity will fall.

Y/n: I understand. So did you took part of the omnic crisis years back?

Axio: (smile) Yep. I was a Corporal back then but soon I raise up and soon I became comamnder. Have you token part of the omnic crisis?

Y/n: No I haven't. I believe I was a baby when the war ended.

Axio: (smile) I see. Well I'm glad you get to see the end of the war.

Y/n nodes as the two make their way to the hanger and once there they see Ash and Sam getting their troopers ready as Y/n walks over to them but then Axio calls out to him.

Axio: One more thing!

He turns to Axio as he tells him.

Axio: I know this is hard for you but....I want you to keep a low profile and don't let anyone know you, because if you don' will compromise your own identity...note your self always wear a mask. Without evidence it won't help you to show the government that you are innocent.

Y/n: Right. I'll try my best.

Axio nodes as he walks off to Sam and Ash as he gets on the dropship as Ash turns to him and asked.

Ash: You must be Y/n. Names Ash aka Arkham or Ark for short.

Y/n: (smile) Nice. So ready for this mission boys? Where's your armor?

Sam: This dropship can put our armors on so we don't have to put them on in this ship.

Y/n: (smile) That's cool to hear.

Sam nodes and once the dropship closes its doors the hanger doors open and once fully open the dropship flies off as Axio watch them go in the hanger when Reznya walks up to Axio and tells him.

Reznya: Axio you won't believe what Tech got at the bridge.

Axio: (smirk) What another trouble?

Reznya: No.... a Overwatch singal and it's from Winston. He's still alive.

Axio face turn to shock as he looks at Reznya and then ask her.

Axio: (shocked) Where is he?

Reznya: Follow me and Tech will tell you.

The two race back to the bridge so Axio can see where Winston is while Y/n, Ash and Sam are away on Y/n's first mission with them as they head to the coordinates they were given and find this corrupt omnic before it can harm anyone else.

To be continued.....................................

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