Chapter 17: The trail
We see a prison dropship flying through the clouds as we cut inside the dropship and sees Y/n stripped from his armor, wearing all orange jacket and trousers and within a cell as he sat there and looks up to see guards walking by his cell as he slowly get up and approaches the cell and look out to see no one but himself.
He sighs as he turns back and then sat down when the doors open and footsteps coming up to his cell so he turns and sees Michael which Y/n gets up and ask him.
Y/n: Where are you taking me?
Michael: The government wants to put you in trail for the crimes you have committed.
Y/n: Do you honestly think I'm the traitor here? I didn't betray no one! It was Aidan. He's the traitor, not me.
Michael: Lies won't get you everywhere Y/n. He has given us enough proof that it was you who betrayed America.
Y/n: Bullshit! Michael He's lying to you all! He's working for Talon, not me! If i was working for Talon, why did I save Paris from a Null Sector invasion huh?
Michael: It doesn't matter you did good back then. You are a traitor and that's that.
Y/n: So what? Your just gonna arrest someone who just saved a city?! Are you out of your mind?!
Michael: I'm just following orders. Now sit there and wait, we'll be there soon enough.
Michael walk away as Y/n was angry but calms down as he sat back down as we see the dropship arriving at a large government building where it lands at the landing pad. Once landed the drop door opens and Michael came out first along with Y/n with handcuffs and two guards behind him as they push him forward.
They stroll through the landing pad as we see Aidan looking down at Y/n within a window as he smirks and then walks off.
(Short while later)
We then cut to a court room where three government sat down on their own chairs and looking in front of Y/n as the head government named Saul along with two other governments which are Seth and Willow. Then Saul spoke to Y/n first.
Saul: Private first class Y/n L/n, you have committed treason against America and attempted to stage q terrorist attack against our country. Do you have to say something to yourself?
Y/n: I'm not guilty. My squad leader and the others are the ones who committed treason. I was the one who stopped them before their plan can succeed.
Seth: Is that so? Because Sargent Aidan give us recording of your voice committing treason.
He pulled out a recorder and plays the recorder and Y/n's voice is heard but Y/n can tell it is fake.
Y/n: (recorder) I believe America is weak, Talon is the only group that can make the earth stronger. I'm sorry Sargent, I have no choice but to join them.
Y/n: That's not me! I would never say that!
Willow: Then who did it then? Who was this voice in the recorder?
Y/n: I don't know who but that's differently not me. You have yo believe me, I would never do anything to harm America or the world.
They look at each other and then they turn to Y/n as Seth ask Y/n.
Seth: Tell us then, what happened to Aidan's squad on this mission?
Y/n: Those things attacked us. Whatever was in that base those things must have killed Aidan squad and he escape alive.
Seth: I see. Well according to reports the only life singals we detected was you, your team and unknown figures before it cut off.
Y/n: What are you applying?
Seth: Since you and Aidan made it out of that facility alive and with you mission while Aidan came back alive. Is it possible you and your Talon allies kill your team and try to kill Aidan only for Aidan to shot you and leave you to dead.
Y/n: That's completely wrong! You have to believe me. Lol what about the invasion of Paris. If I was a traitor then why did I save Paris from destruction huh?
Willow: He has a point.
Seth: Yeah but what if he's the cost of it.
Y/n: How can I be the cost of it!?
Saul: Then tell us one question. Why were you working with Overwatch. This is against the petras act which is any Overwatch activity is illegal and will be arrested immediately.
Y/n: (angry) So what?! Your just gonna arrest Overwatch members who are doing the right thing?! Being heroes?!
Saul: I watch your tone if I were you Private.
Y/n: (angry) No! I watch your tone about Overwatch! Overwatch has risk their lives for the world. Remember the Omnic Crisis, they saved the world and yet just because one team of black ups agents go rogue and done something that you don't like, you'll blame it on Overwatch! The whole military organisation that is helping the world and they are doing their jobs right! What kind of government are you?!
Willow: (angry) You dare to question our duty? We are protecting our people!
Y/n: (angry) By what? Sitting on your fancy chairs, watching some TV while the whole world is on fire with injustice, corrupt and terrorism?! Overwatch was the ones that are trying to maintain the peace maintaining order! The people used to love them until you all make up these fales informations and lies! Overwatch didn't betrayed the world, you did! Ask me this, what is so bad of heroes huh? Heroes save lives, protecting innocent people and homes and help anyone that are need. Heroes are here for a reason and if you take that away from the people's then that makes you all far more worse than Talon. As for me?
The two guards were about to shut him but Saul stops them and allow Y/n to continue.
Y/n: My father serve the military for a long time. He fought in the omnic crisis and lived to tell his story which inspired me to join the military and fight for what my father fought before. I would never dishonour my father's sacrifice and his heroism. I would never do any of those things! I don't care what Aidan has telling you or shown you but it's all a lie. Now look at me and tell me I'm lying you all right here, right now. You meed to understand that I would never betray no one, not even my country.
The room falls slient as everyone look at Y/n as he look back at the government. There is only silence for half a minute until Saul clear his throat and said.
Saul: Private first class Y/n L/n, you are here by........guilty for treason and terrorism. You will mark for death for your crimes. Take him away.
Y/n couldn't believe what he just heard as the two guards grap him and drag him out of the room as the doors close shut. Then we cut to Saul, Willow and Seth leaving the room when Aidan came up to them and handed them money.
Aidan: (smile) Nicely done. Your job is done.
We see Y/n within his cell and waiting for his death to arrive. He sat there and waiting for possible a rescue but he realised that this is a maximum government facility so he cannot be saved.
There is no way to escape as his cell open and two guards came in to take him to be killed. We see them taking Y/n through the hallway when something came behind the two guards and then knock the two out.
???: Y/n.
He turn and at first he sees was a guard but Mask revealed himself to Y/n.
Y/n: (surprised) Mask! It's you! How did you find me?
Mask: Benjamin placed a tracker on you before he was shot so we can be able to track you.
Y/n: We? Your not alone?
Guard: Freeze!
They turn to see a guard when suddenly Sora came up behind and knock out the guard and walk over to Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) Sora! Glad to see you as well.
Sora: (smile) Same to you sir. Come on, let's grab your gear and let's get out of here.
Y/n nodes and the trio sneak their way to the armoury and once there Y/n find his armor and puts it on and oncesuit it up that came out only for the alarms to go off.
Y/n: Crap! Let's get out of here!
They race through the hallway as they turh a corner only to see guards charging towards them when a door in front of them closes and then another door open next to them.
Tech: (radio) This route will take you all to the hanger.
Y/n: (surprised) Tech? Glad to hear your voice.
Tech: (radio) Please We'll never leave you behind. Now go, hurry!
They agree and they keep on running as Tech blocks the guards entrances and opens hallways for the trio. Soon they finally reach the hanger where they see a dropship waiting as they rush over towards it only for Michael to came out and ask his rifle at them.
Michael: Hold it right there!
The trip stop as Tech see this and came out of the drop door and aims his pistol but Y/n singal his to stand down and approaches Michael.
Y/n: Drop the weapon Michael. You don't know which side you are on.
Michael: I have orders to take you in and I will take you in. Your a traitor!
Y/n: Damn I Michael open your eyes! Aidan has filled your head with lies! I didn't do nothing! He did! And I will proof it. I understand following orders is good but its not good to following orders that you know that is true.
Michael: You.....You don't know me.
Y/n: Yes I do. I know you know the orders you were given is wrong but afraid to ask them. I understand. Listen, it's okay to question orders because that's what a great soldiers do. That's what makes us more human then anything. If we accept orders without question then what are we then? Are we really the heroes....or a machine?
Michael was shaking a bit as he fights his inner head qnd then he lower his weapon and breaths heavily and looks up at Y/n and the rest.
Michael: I'm......I'm sorry.
They hear guards coming so they race towards the dropship but not Michael which they climb in while Y/n called out to him..
Y/n: Michael come on!
Michael: No go! If you want your name cleared then you need someone in the inside. Go now!
With no choice Y/n goes inside the dropship and the dropship turns to escape. Michael sees the guards leaf by Aidan coming so he fire his rifle at the dropship, pretending that stop them as the dropship leaves the hanger and flies away.
Michael stops firing as Aidan and his guards rush up to him.
Michael: I tried to stop them. But they got away.
Aidan: Shit. Have the place on lock down. We need to see any more prisoners has escape.
Michael: Yes sir.
Aidan walks away while Michael watches him as he made a mistake of betraying Y/n now he will make things right by finding clues that Aidan is the real traitor and maybe clear Y/n's name so he can redeem himself.
To be continued............................................
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