Chapter 15: Heroes rise
(Many years ago)
We see the Overwatch HQ standing tall with the statue of Jack is seen standing the the middle of the base as Overwatch employee and agents walk by doing their usual days when we cut to the interrogation room where things are bad. Gabriel and his Black Watch team has just killed Antonio Bartlotti in cold blood which cost the people to riot because of thsi action.
Even though he was apart of Talon, the people of the world sees this as cold excursion as we see Jack and Ana within the interrogation room with Gabriel as Jack demands what to know what really happed on this mission and yelling at him while through the glass windows we see Eric watching this with a disappointing face as he couldn't believe Gabriel would do this.
Sometime later we see Jack standing in front of his statue, staring at it for a bit when Eric came up to him and stood next to him. The two were slient for a moment and then Eric tells Jack.
Eric: So......what happens now?
Jack: (sigh) Right now Black Watch are suspended until further notice. Still, the people are getting angry because of Gabriel.
Eric: We'll find a way to regain people's trust. Even if they are mad for what Gabriel and his team did, they can't stay mad at us forever. We help the world and save lives.
Jack: I know but I have a feeling the Golden age of Overwatch will come to an end.
Eric: Don't say that Jack. The world still needs us and you know that. I know that. Without us, the omnic crisis war would have ended in the bad way for humanity. The just need to remember who saved them all from the darkness and pull them all towards the light.
Jack: Yeah your right.
The two turn to each other as they smile at each other and then Jack make his leave while he tells Eric.
Jack: (smile) Well, there's a lot of work to be done. Get to work Eric.
Eric: (smile) Will do sir.
(Present day)
We see Eric within a drop ship while wearing his armor as he is looking down at the picture of him and the founding members of Overwatch as he really wished Jack would be here right now.
Mei: Um Eric?
He looks up to Mei who is sitting across from him with troopers around them as Mei asked Eric.
Mei: Do we have enough to take on Null Sector?
Eric looks around, looking at the troopers getting armed and ready for battle as Eric smiled to Mei and tells her.
Eric: (smile) It may not be enough Mei but, the people of pairs needs us and we're gonna do to help them.
Mei: (smile) Right.
Tracer: (smile) I hope Y/n and his team would arrived as soon as they could.
Then Tracer and Reznya enter as Eric gets up as Reznya kisses him on the lips and then ask him.
Reznya: (smirk) Ready?
Eric: (smirk) You know I am.
He put on his helmet and open the hatch as the hatch opens and they look out to see pairs is in a warzone as Null Secotor is seen costing chaos and destruction while Eric and his forces make their landing.
Eric: Alright move out!
He, Mei, Reznya, Tracer and the troopers move out ad they rush through the street as we see multiple dropships as troopers were being deployed along with tanks, armored vehicles, GARM droids, and armor mech suits as they were deployed into battle and race through the streets.
Soon they engaged Null Sector bots and the battle began as fighters were deployed and seen flying through the sky as we cut to the bridge of Class-corvette ship as we see Tech and Winston monitoring the ground forces from the bridge.
Tech: Hound Null Sector forces has notices our forces. They now know we are here.
Eric: (radio) That's good. They need to know who they are dealing with here.
Winston: Just be careful out there. We spotted some huge objects within the city. Be safe.
Eric: (radio) We will. Hound out.
We see Eric and his forces arriving the middle of Paris as we see Null Sector shooting at a police women and a few citizens as Eric and his forces jump into action and open fire at Null Sector forces and get behind cover.
Eric: Take cover officer and get the citizens out of here.
She node and take everyone out of here while Eric pulled out hid rifle and open fire as Tracer goes into battle, zipping around and firing her twin Pistols while Mei creates ice walls to add more cover for the troopers as they get behind them and open at the Null Sector bots who were getting cover and returning fire at them.
Reznya: Seems like they got some upgrades.
Eric: Same but let's show them that humanity can beat everything!
Reznya: (smirk) Yes sir!
Eric: Ash do you read me? What's the situation on their main base?
Ash: (radio) We've been deployed and making our way through the city. Fuck man you should see what they did over here.
Eric: Stay focused and keep moving. Tech, ready a bombing run at my coordinations.
Tech: (radio) Roger!
They keep on firing at the Null Sector bots while they get behind cover. A few troopers were hit and were taking to safely by Tracer who zoom her and the injured troopers to safely and return to the battle field.
They push Null Sector back as Eric climb up a destroyed car and called out to his forces.
Eric: Keep fighting! Don't let them win!
Everyone cheered and they pushed forward along with Eric and just before they think they were winning, suddenly there was a huge thud and they look over to see a massive Null Sector droid came out around the corner and turning towards them.
Reznya: (shocked) Oh shit.
Suddenly the massive Null Sector droids fired its beam that cost a long line of explosions that sent the troopers and everything else flying as Mei try to use hee ice wall as a shield but broke and sent her and a few Troopers flying.
Eric is seen laying on the floor as he slowly gets up and sees this his helmets visor is cracked as he took it off and tosses it aside. He looks around, seeing Tracer who is now injured trying to get some injured soldiers out while many troopers were killed as seconds later Null Sector bots open fire.
Reznya slowly gets up and sees Eric laying there as she race towards him. Eric turns to see her ans seconds later she was shot in the shoulder and fall onto the ground which shocked Eric as she lay there injured. Slowly he closes his fist and then pushed a button and suddenly something was deployed out of the ship and towards Eric's location as Eric slowly gets up, facing Null Sector bots as he glared at them and then something crashed behind Eric.
Eric climbs on board as the dust clears up and everyone was shocked to see a very large mech suit with heavy fire power that can wipe out an army within minutes.
Tracer: (surprised) Wow!
Reznya: (shocked) Eric! Is that the prototype armor N.E.X.U.S?! That suit will kill you, too much power will slowly kill you if you keep on fighting!
Eric:.......Just.......fall back. Gather the injured, leave Null Sector to me. No one dies on my watch.
Reznya: Eric no! You'll die if you use that too long! Eric! ERIC!
Then Eric charge towards Null Sector while Null Sector open fires but the bullets bounce off of his armor qs he crashes through Null Sector. Smashing them and tossing some away while he deployed his heavy minigun and then open fire, ripping off the parts of Null Sector as the bullets cut through them like paper as Eric moves around hid Mimigun like he is vacuum but the only thing he ie Vacuuming his Null Sector bots.
Then he swap his minigun to his shoulder rockets as he fired three of them at the massive Null Sector bots bots gets hit and falls onto the ground.
Suddenly a beam hits Eric, sliding him across the street and then crashing into a building as two more massive Null Sector bots appear, stomping towards him. Suddenly the roof exploded as Eric flies off into the air and then fired his other shoulder cannon that punched through the first gaint Null Sector bot which fell and crashes onto the floor.
The other giant Null Sector fired it's machine gun which Eric moves out of the and then boost his way towards the second and grab hold of it as he pulled out a large blade out of his other arm and stab it into the head of Null Sector, opening a hole and fire his cannon at it, taking another one down.
He lands on the fire and before he could look around q rocket hits Eric and he turns to see more Null Sector bots coming at his way. He open fire but more rockets hit him and turn to see more and more come all around him.
(Epic theme)
They all fire at him while launching rockets as Eric gets shot all around him, parts of his mech suit gets blown away by the minute as he yells while getting shot.
Reznya and the rest stood there and watch and Reznya grabs her rifle and races over there but Tracer stop her but she yelled at her.
Reznya: No! Let me go! Let me go!
Tracer: I'm sorry but if you go out there then you will die!
Reznya: (tears) No please! I can't let him die! Someone, help him!
There was nothing they could do as grey watch as Eric is shot and blown up as more and more parts of his mech suit falls apart as he is now on his knees. His visor broken qs he glance up to see everyone as blood pour out of his eyes as he yells at the top of his lungs.
Eric: GO NOW!!!!! THAT IS A ODER!!!
Even though his machine gun was broken and cannot be use, Eric starts smashing, swinging his fist and even punching them as Null Secotor keeps firing at him. He gets shot more and more while Reznya with tears in her eyes have no choice but to falk back sith the rest as Eric yells at Null Sector.
He keeps on fighting while Null Sector keeps moving as Eric gets shot more and more as he yells as the bullets break through the armor and shot him. He cough out blood but he keeps on fighting as Null Sector continues blowing hij up with explosions and before long an explosion sends Eric flying and crashes hard onto the floor.
Eric breaths heavily as his suit is offline as he looks up the sun through tye broken visor as he slowly pulled out the picture and flashes of Jack, Gabriel, Ana and all the members appear as Eric smiles and thinks to himself.
Eric: (thought) This is it. Goodbye.....and thank you.
His suit was ripped off and now he was facing with a Null Sector bot as he aim his rifle at him as he smiled, shut his eyes and accepted his fate.
(Music replaced with epic entrance)
Suddenly massive explosions blow up Null Sector which made Eric to reopen his eyes as a drop ships hovers down while Reznya and the others turn back as the dropships hatch opens and coming out was Y/n ans his team as he rest his rifle onto his shoulder and then said.
Y/n: (smirk) Bonjour Null Sector, have a nice day I see?
Null Sector open fires but Genji blocks the incoming bullets and then Echo fly out and blows away Null Sector as Y/n ans his team engages Null Sector as they punch through the walls of Nulll Sectoras Sora cuts through Null Sector bots, Dillon fire his twin Pistols while Michael was with him firing at Null Sector as the two were back to back.
Benjamin and Mask fire at Null Sector, taking them out while Y/n fire his assault rifle before he hack into the dropships system and pulled out the machine guns and fire at Null Sector as he slide under rubble and swap his weapon to his shotgun as he blow Null Sector bots back while racing towards Eric. Eric watched as Task force: Reborn took out an army of Null Sector along side Genji and Echo and before long they took them all out.
Soon Y/n climb up the mech suit, stare down at Eric and lifted out his hand to him. He smiled, takes it and Y/n climb him off the mech.
(Epic theme ends)
The two stared at each other with smiles on their faces when suddenly another dropship and landed down and seconds later Reinhardt left out of the drop ship and crash onto the ground and calls out.
Reinhardt: (smirk) Hahahahaha! Now then Null Sector, time for you all to face the wrath of Rei-
He sees that all Null Sector bots were strapped as he sigh and said.
Reinhardt: Aw man......shouldn't have stopped for a bathroom stop.
Shadow: (within the ship) I keep telling that we have a toilet in the ship!
Reinhardt: It was too small for me! (Turns to Eric) are things Eric my old friend.
To be continued............................................
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