Chapter 14: Ghost's inner peace
Y/n's team arrives at Nepal where a group of peaceful omnics live to meditate and finding their inner peace. They land the ship at the landing pad as Echo was the first to leave the ship and is amazed of a wonderful and peaceful place while Y/n step out and look around and the turn to his team.
Y/n: This one seems easy so you all stay at the ship while me and Echo go and find Genji.
Michael: Yes sir.
Once that the two step out of the ramp and walk through the town, meeting a lot of omnics living in peaceful lives as Echo look around, finding it to be interesting which made Y/n smile underneath his helmet and then ask Echo.
Y/n: So besides flying or floating around what else can you do?
Echo: Oh I can copy enemies abilities and use it against them.
Y/n: Huh, sounds cool.
Echo: you ever wonder when your name will be cleared? It must be hard knowing that the world sees you as a criminal.
Y/n: Yeah but one day they will see I'm innocent. Just need to be patient.
Echo: (smile) I think that's a wise choice.
They soon arrived at a temple which they go inside and once inside they see a group of omnics in a circle and meditation while in the middle was seemed to be their leader as they stand there and watch this until the omnic in the middle spoke.
???: I believe we have guests.
They were a bit surprised but Y/n stay calm and reply.
Y/n: Indeed. Sorry for interrupting on all are doing?
???: There is no need for an apology. You seek here to find someone do you?
Y/n: Um yes. His name is Genji. Do you know him?
???: Very much.
He then raised his hand and then the other omnics stood up, bow peaceful and then leave the room as Y/n and Echo walk down the small steps to the middle as the leader turns to them.
Zenyatta: Greetings visitors, my name is Zenyatta, I am Genji's master.
Y/n: That's cool. What have you been teaching him?
Zenyatta: Finding his inner peace. His conflict between man and machine troubles him in the past but now, he is far more wiser then anything.
Echo: (smile) That sounds wonderful.
Y/n: At least he's doing well since he is apart of Black Watch a long time ago. Still, do you know where he is?
Zenyatta: He will come but for now, sit.
Y/n:.......Sit where?
Echo: (whisper) I think on the floor?
Y/n: Oh right.
The two sat down on the floor and once that Zenyatta starts to meditate and then eight or nine golden balls were lifted up in the air and then circle around Zenyatta which impress Y/n and Echo.
Zenyatta: I can feel your troubles young human.
Y/n: Troubles? What do you mean?
Zenyatta: The fact that you were betrayed, left for dead and wrongfully blamed and now the world sees you as a criminal.
Y/n: Well yeah but I will find a way to clear my name. I'm sure I will.
Zenyatta: I see. Tell me, how long would that happen?
Y/n: I don't know, maybe a few weeks or when I find my squad leader who killed me.
Zenyatta: You seek vengeance.
Y/n: Well yeah but not in a violent or serious type of way, I seek justice for his crimes and me bring cleared.
Zenyatta: I see. I think your lying to yourself.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Zenyatta: Anger, fear, frustration, confusion and uncertainty is bottling up inside of you. You are believed to be dead by the world but yet you walk among the living as a ghost. You survive due to your luck but now you are a ghost with the world angers you for fales lies by your squad leader. You keep telling yourself to never go seek vengeance but deep do want to seek vengeance, do you?
Y/n:......(sigh) Yes. Some nights I feel bottled up rage inside of me and wished I would have killed Aiden quickly before he kills me. I just wish, he was killed to those creatures in that bunker.
Echo feels extreme bad for Y/n and how much he has gone through while Zenyatta places a hand on Y/n's shoulder and tells him.
Zenyatta: Revenge is a mix in this world. Revenge could be good or bad but as long what type of vengeance you think off will not result things to go worse for you and to those around you. You must learn to take vengeance but never will your emotions get in the world. You must find peace within your heart and justice....for yourself.
Y/n: I....I find I hard to understand.
Zenyatta: You will someday. But I believe your friend has arrived.
Y/n and Echo to see Genji wearing a differen armor then hid black watch armor as Echo flies over to him.
Echo: (smile) Genji? Is that you?! It's been soo long hasn't it!?
Genji: Indeed Echo. It has been long.
Y/n gets up while Genji turns to him and walk down and walk up to Y/n.
Y/n: Guess you know why we are here?
Genji: To bring Overwatch back? Yes, I do.
Y/n: We met McCree before you and unfortunate he doesn't want to join us.
Genji: He's finding his own path for his journey. Now then, let us return.
He then turn to Zenyatta and then bows which is to say thank you and then goes with Y/n and Echo. Then Zenyatta stops Y/n by telling him.
Zenyatta: Your future is unknown however just by looking at you alone......I believe your future will turn out great.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks.....I hope so.
He then leave to his ship and once they were inside they take off and they head back home as they fly away.
We find both Shadow and Blaze at Adlersbrunn to seek Reinhardt as they believe he is here. They walk through a completely abandon town with offline Bastions laying around them as they walk through town until they come across a bar which they were about to enter when a women blocks their way.
She looks at the two armoured soldiers while we arms crossed as she broke the slince by asking them.
???: What are you two doing here?
Shadow: Um hi there. You must be the owner of thid bar?
Brigitte: The names Brigitte, why are you two here?
Blaze: We were wondering of Reinhardt is here. We're trying to bring Overwatch back and we hope that he is her-
Brigitte: He's not here and if he was here, he would refuse.
Then a hand was placed behind her as she turn to see Reinhardt who seems very old as he look at the two soldiers and step out.
Reinhardt: Is there anything I could do for you?
Shadow: We're trying to bring Overwatch back and we were hoping if you would like to join us Reinhardt. We could use you.
Reinhardt: My time apart of Overwatch is over though. I'm retired.
Shadow: Maybe, but Hound misses you and would be happy to see you back.
He then reach into hid back pocket and pulled out a metal coin with a symbol of Overwatch as he pass it to Reinhardt which he catches it and looks down at it.
Shadow: We need you to train the possible next generation of Overwatch. Not only your tough but wise. Mercy joined us and we were hoping another founding member of Overwatch would join us, that person could be you.
Reinhardt looks at the coin and to Shadow and Blaze as the two started to leave but then Shadow turns before he lives and tells Reinhardt.
Shadow: The world needs Overwatch Reinhardt, and Overwatch needs people like you to rebuild it from the ground up. But it is your choice Reinhardt, just hope you will join us someday.
And then both Blaze and Shadow left as Reinhardt watch them disappeared around the corner as he stood there at the entrance of the bar as he look down at the Overwatch metal on his hand as we cut to Reinhardt and Brigitte inside the bar with the two sitting on the booth of the bar as Reinhardt continues to stare at the Overwatch metal logo while Brigitte tells him.
Brigitte: You don't have to do this anymore. Winston's message wasn't meant for you and those soldiers have no right cone here and beg you to join disbite not being your fight. Papa told me after so many years of service, you gave Overwatch everything and then they pushed you out. Why would you go back to them?
Reinhardt knows why he wants to go back. Because this metal was give to him by someone who was truly chosen to be apart of Overwatch but died due to his reckless action and his selfish attitude. We then cut to the two wondering through the streets of Adlersbrunn with Reinhardt remembers the battles he had in this place. The omnics he killed, the lives he lost, the homes that are destroyed and lives were ruined. He even remember how he got his scar and how it was his own reckless act that got someone killed.
It was his fault. However it open his eyes to what it means to be a hero, what it ment to those around him that they needed him the most....they needed a shield to defend others.
The two walk across the bridge towards a castle and then Reinhardt opens the twin doors ans step inside the castle. He walk down the halls, turning corners until he arrived at his old friends resting place.
On the throne was an old suit of armor which was his old friend grave. He died battling the Omnics so others will survive and for Reinhardt to join Overwatch and replace him as Overwatch's shield.
He stood in front of his old friend with Brigitte behind him as Reinhardt looks at the Overwatch coin on his hand and then place it onto his old friends hand as he stare at the the armor and then turn to Brigitte and tells her.
Reinhardt: I have been called. I must answer.
He then walk off, getting his armor ready while Brigitte knows he can't let him go off fighting alone. He follows behind him while we cut back to a shuttle where we see Shadow and Blaze are returning home when Axio radios them.
Axio: (radio) Shadow, Blaze we got a situation!
Shadow: What's wrong?
Axio: (radio) Paris is under attack.
Blaze: By who?
Axio: (radio) Null Sector. Somehow, they have returned. Its an invasion at Paris and we need everyone to be ready to go to Paris immediately.
Shadow: Understood. Bet Roznya can't wait to go there with you.
Axio: (radio) Save the jokes after the mission is done Shadow. Meet us at these coordinations and be there quick. I've called in Y/n ans his team and he told us they will join us soon.
Shadow: Roger that. Shadow out.
The radio call ends as Shadow and Blaze get their weapons ready as the shuttle flies off to regroup with Axio and the rest as we cut to a veiw of Paris and we see Paris under attack by Null Sector as we see robots marching through the streets, shooting at anyone that they can see while a few huge Null Sector bots appear, towering over buildings and firing massive beams and costing huge explosions as Null Sector continues on their invasion.
Shortly after we see Axio ship appearing over the clouds and looking down at Paris as the battle of Paris has begun.
To be continued.....................................
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