Chapter 11: Task force: Reborn
We see Y/n setting up a table to interview his new team members as he new task force: Reborn after he was promoted to Sargent. After he set up the table and some drinks, he sat down and waited for Mei to come with some files on the soldiers and it wasn't long for her to enter the room and walked over to him as she hand him the datapad while she tells him.
Mei: (smile) I think these soldiers will be very good as your new team. They have shown records of believe to be dead by the public and military forces.
Y/n: Hhhmmm they look interesting. Well then, let's start the interview, bring me the first soldier.
She nodes and soon a soldier enters the room and walked up to the table and stop to salute to Y/n and Mei.
Michael: The names Michael sir, my codename is Rogue.
Y/n: Huh well you look like a deadly soldier. Tell us about yourself?
Michael: I'm a skill assassin who infiltrate enemy lines and assassin my target. They believed I have died when I survived a ambush by enemy forces while on the mission. I've managed to survive but left and join the World saviours to help out more people.
Y/n: Huh sounds interesting. Weapons of choice?
Michael: Any Weapons with suppressors on them, but my favourite weapon are bows and knifes, can't ran out of ammo if you pull them out from your enemies body.
Y/n: (smile) I agree perfectly! Well welcome aboard Rogue.
Michael: Thank you sir.
He move aside and after that another soldier enter the room and walked up to Y/n's table.
Y/n: Okay so what's your name?
Dillon: Dillon but others call me Dark Warror.
Y/n: And why they call you that?
Dillon: I battle within the darkness, killing enemies within the dark and before they know it, it'll be too late. I mostly use pistols since they're not as clumsy or heavy as rifle or shotguns. I've also master of blade combat as well.
Y/n: Cool and what do you specialise with?
Dillon: Sabotage, infiltration and data slicing.
Y/n: Huh those sound very useful and how did the world think your dead?
Dillon: My whole family was killed by a terrorist bombing and everyone thought me along with my family was dead but I've survived and trained to take the same terrorist that killed my family.
Mei: I'm very sorry for that.
Y/n: Same here but your in, next!
Then another soldier came into the room and walked up to the table.
Sora: Greetings, my name is Sora aka The Yokai.
Mei: That sounds interesting.
Y/n: Yeah same. So what can you do?
Sora: I'm a master of sword combat, trained to only use my blade to kill my enemies even in large battles. I show no fear to my enemy and give them fear when I attack them.
Y/n: Interesting and how did the world think your dead?
Sora: I was actually trained to become a warrior of the shadows by my clan before they were wipes out by our rival clan. I took my revenge but lost and soon join the World Saviours to seek to help others.
Y/n: Okay and since you only use swords, your an assassin correct?
Sora: Correct.
Y/n: (smirk) Perfect! Like to have two assassins into the team, your in! Next!
Then a other soldier comes into the room and approaches Y/n as he introduces himself to Y/n as she shake Y/n's hand.
Benjamin: Hello my name is Benjamin, my codename is the Phantom. An honour to meet you.
Y/n: (smile) Same here. So what can you do?
Benjamin: Well I'm a excellent hacked who can hack into enemies systems and gain access to anything. I'm also specialist with sniper support and scouting enemy lines.
Y/n: Interesting and your origins?
Benjamin: I was part of the CIA special task force however I was betrayed by my best friend and was left to die. However I've managed to survive and was found by Hounds troopers which he allow me to join.
Y/n: Boy I've been there man. So what weapons do you use?
Benjamin: Knife combat, weapons specialist, hand to hand combat and archery.
Y/n: Nice, your in and bring me the last one!
The last soldier enters the room and walked up to Y/n's table and stop in front of him.
Mei: (surprised) Wow look at his armor. How interesting.
Y/n: (surprised) Huh nice. So what's your name?
Mask: They call me Mask.
Y/n: Mask Huh? Why is that?
Mask: Allow me to show you.
Suddenly he changed into Y/n which surprised everyone as the Mask explains with Y/n's voice.
Mask: I'm able to change into anyone as I want. The armor has a building in scanner that allows me to scan anyone who is close to me and use hologram technology to turn my appearance into anyone. Not only that but he can scan the peoples voice so i can speak just like the person that the suits scans.
Y/n: (surprised) Shit that's awesome! Is there like a limit of using it or what?
Mask: I only have 24 hours until the hologram appearance disappeared and it will take me 10 minutes for my gear to cool down. Besides that I have increased jump ability, can multiply into many holograms of myself and I have a build in wrist Knife to stab my enemies in.
Y/n: Nice and for weapons?
Mask: For steath short weapons or close quarters weapons but for battles, long rang weapons or heavy weapons.
Y/n: (smile) Nice your in and that's everyone!
Mei: So now what?
Y/n: (smirk) Well let's see how theie skills are at the training room.
(Hours later)
We see five of Y/n'x new team at the training room and showing their skills to Y/n while we see him and Mei at the control room as Mei is looking down at theie progress within her datapad.
Mei: Looks like you've picked the best team on this ship.
Y/n: (smirk) Seems like it. Can't wait our first mission, this is gonna be badass.
Sam: Looks like you got a new team?
Then Sam enters the room with a cup of coffee as he takes a sip while he walks up to Y/n while Y/n reply to him.
Y/n: (smirk) Yep, pretty badass don't you think so?
Sam: (smirk) Yep, they are pretty badass.
Y/n: So how's you? You alright?
Sam: I'm fine. Just need to take it easy before I'm ready for combat.
Mei: (smile) That's good to hear.
Sam: Yep.
Y/n: Say Sam?
Sam: Yeah?
Y/n: If we do bring back Overwatch, how are we gonna to convince the government to allow Overwatch to exist? Its not like they're just accepted Overwatch back.
Sam: Yeah that is true but Axio knows what to do. He'll find a way.
Mei: I hope so. The world really needs Overwatch.
Sam: Hard to say if the people really wants Overwatch back.
Mei: Of course they do! Overwatch has helped so many lives.
Sam: True but it was all thanks to Black Watch that gain peoples negative opinions on Overwatch and soon, the destruction of Overwatch.
Y/n: Say I may not ask this but where was Axio whe Overwatch Swiss Head quarters was destroyed?
Sam: Axio..........he was coming back on the mission when he watched the bass destruction. He told me this one day when I ask and he told me what he saw. At first he saw the base normal the standing like a tree on top of the hill. When he turn away just for a second there was this huge explosion and........Well it came down. He saw it fell and immediately sent a rescue to to find Jack and Gabriel but......they couldn't find them.
Mei: Axio must be very close to Gabriel and Jack.
Sam: They were close. They fought together during the Omnic crisis and see each other as brothers. Axio was the thing that holds Overwatch together so it was sad for him to watch Overwatch fell all because of in fighting between both Gabriel and Jack.
Y/n: But their bodies were not found right? Maybe they might still be alive?
Sam: I don't think so.
Y/n: Why is that?
Sam: Because.........the explosion took out the whole base, destroying everything within the building and costing a huge explosion that created a shockwave soo strong, the trees were blown back. The troopers there believed no one couldn't survive the explosion and it was impossible for anyone to even survive within the building. So Axio believes that both Jack and Gabriel were killed.
Y/n: Still......maybe there is a chance that they could be alive? Maybe they are in hid-
Sam: I'm sorry but the that's not possible. The only one who knew what happened was Ash but he made it out of the building when the explosion happened.
Y/n: That's right. He was apart of Black Watch right?
Sam: Used to. But now he seeks one thing and that is revenge on Reaper.
Mei: What's Reaper have to do with anything?
Sam: No idea. Some say Reaper may have to be with Gabriel's death. Some say Reaper was the one who blow up Overwatch Swiss HQ. No one really knows. I rather not ask him if I were you two.
Y/n and Mei understand and then Axio called out to Y/n sns his team through the speakers.
Axio: (speakers) Task force: Reborn, report to me in 310 minutes. Got a mission for you all.
(A while later)
We see Task Force Reborn at the briefing room with Axio as he shows an picture of a female doctor as he tells them.
Axio: This is Doctor Angela Ziegler also known as Mercy. She's a medic at Overwatch bedore it's destruction. We just got a tip from Talon that they have her location at the Swiss hospital in a town of Lucerne. She's endanger and I need you and your new team to rescue her and bring her here alive.
Dillon: Huh she's a pretty doctor. I allow her to check up on me anytime, anywhere.
Benjamin: Shut up man.
Dillon: What? Just saying?
Sora: How long do we have?
Axio: Talon forces will arrive at her town tomorrow at 3:30, we have to get to hee before Talon takes hee out.
Y/n: (smirk) Well you can count on us to get the job done.
Axio: Glad to hear that now get going, and good luck.
(Next day)
The team arrived at Lucerne as we see Y/n and Mask walking up to the entrance of the hospital where Angela is at. Mask disguise himself as a normal civilian while Y/n is dress up in normal clothes as the two enter the hospital and look around.
Y/n: Any got eyes on Angela?
Benjamin: (radio) Negative.
Dillon: (radio) No sign of her.
Sora: (radio) Same.
Y/n: Alright then let's split up, you take this floor, I'll take the next floor up.
Mask: Roger.
The two split up as Y/n take the steps and make it to the second floor and look around. There was a crowd of sick or injured people so he go by the crowd, searching for Angela. After a while oe searching he spotted her going into her office which he fast walks over while he radio in.
Y/n: Found her. Mask cover our exit, everyone else, situation report?
Benjamin: (radio) Spotted suspicious trucks enter town and heading to the hospital.
Y/n: Try to stall them but try to not make it suspicious.
Dillon: (radio) Will do.
Soon he arrived at her office as he knock at her door and soon she opens and ask.
Angela: May I help you sir?
Y/n: Angela, I'm from Axio from World Saviours and Overwatch and I've come to rescue you.
Angela: (shocked) What? Come in.
He enters as Angela shuts the door and once that walked up to Y/n and tell him.
Angela: You shouldn't have come! I wanted to stay out of Overwatch business.
Y/n: Well you don't have to because Talon is coming for you.
Angela: Then that means...........yes........yes, I understand he wants revenge. I suppose this is what I deserve.
Y/n: Deserve? What are you talking about?
Angela: He's coming for me because I didn't let him move on. I made him to be a monster so he can kill anyone that stood against him. He deserves to kill me after what I did to him.
Y/n: Your not making sense, whose he?
Angela:......Reaper. I was the one who created Reaper.
Y/n stood there shock a bit and before he ask how all of a sudden there was gun fire follow by screams as he radios in.
Y/n: What's happening?
Mask: (radio) Talon forces are attacking the hospital. They must be more then we thought.
Y/n: All teams get to the hospital and protect anyone while open up our exit!
Once that he grabs Angela and tells her.
Y/n: Let's go!
Angela: No! I have to confront him!
Y/n: There's no time for that, let's go!
The two leave the office and run down the same hallway but they were blocked off by Talon soldiers which Y/n pulled out his pistol and shot the two and took a different way as they try to find a different exit.
Angela: This was a mistake! He will kill you along with your team.
Y/n: (smirk) Well he can't kill us, we'll just get Reborn that's all.
They turn a corner only to be blocked by Talon soldiers and when they try to trun back they were also blocked by Talon soldiers.
Y/n: Team we're blocked, we need back up over!
Sora: (radio) Understood, we're coming.
???: Angela.
Then a black smoke appeared in front of them and then Reaper appear out of the smoke as Angela has a fear look on her face while Reaper glare at the two.
Y/n: (smirk) Long time no seek Reaper. How's things?
To be continued..........................................
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