Chapter 10: The Gauntlet of Doomfist
At the large city of Numbani, one of the most high tech cities in the world, we see a sniper team on top of the large clock tower while inside the clock tower we see Y/n and Shadow along with a few troopers were sent here to protect a very important item that Talon wanted to steal and that is the Doomfist Gauntlett and we see the Gauntlett through the laptop screen that Tech managed to hack through and give Shadow and Y/n security footage of the Gauntlett and the museum around them.
Shadow: Everything seems to be clear. Ash how is things at your end?
Ash: (radio) Everything seemed to check out alright over here.
Blaze: (radio) Same here.
Tracer: (radio) This is Tracer, me and Winston are standing by and waiting for any action.
Shadow: Understood. Stay safe you two, Shadow over and out.
Y/n walks over to Shadow and looks at the Gauntlett and then ask Shadow.
Y/n: Wo this Gauntlett belong to Doomfist?
Shadow: Yeah, it's one of the most dangerous weapons that anyone has ever seen. It nearly killed Genji, Tracer and Winston years back but we managed to imprison him but now we heard that he broke out.
Y/n: And now they are gonna steal it so they can give it to Doomfist as a "welcome back" gift.
Shadow: That's correct.
Y/n: So how strong is he without the Gauntlett?
Shadow: Pretty strong no matter what. He trained his whole life in the arts of combat. Fun fact; did you know that this Gauntlett was wielded by other Doomfist's.
Y/n: (surprised) Huh so who's the current Doomfist now?
Shadow type it onto the laptop and q image along with his files about the current Doomfist appeared.
Shadow: His real name is Akande Ogundimu, he's 45 and he's from Nigerian. He has a bloodline of his ancestor's one wield the Gauntlett before passing it on to a new person within their bloodline to become Doomfist.
Y/n: (surprised) Damn that's something.
Shadow: Yep. Still it's the reason why we should be protecting the Gauntlett from Talon. If Doomfist have it back then he'll be nearly unstoppable.
Y/n: Well let's make sure that will not happen.
Shadow nodes when suddenly they hear an explosion in the distances as they rushed over and open the panel of the clock and see smoke.
Shadow: Alright sniper team be ready for anything! If they come out Gauntlett in hand, I want you all to shoot at them and not allow them to get away is that clear!
Sniper team: Sir yes sir!
They were on theie guard as Shadow hands Y/n a sniper rifle and he takes it while Shadow heads to his laptop while Y/n aims down at his rifle amd stare at the smoke while Shadow opens security footage to see Reapee and Widomaker attacking the Museum.
Shadow: Tracer, Winston, the museum is under attack, engage now!
Winston: (radio) Roger that!
Soon the two came and battle them while Shadow and the others watched and waited to see how this battle will turn out. Soon the Gauntlett gets used by a teenage boy and he used it to punch Widomaker only for it to be damaged but with that Reaper and Widomaker fall back while Tracer and Winston go after them.
Y/n: Are we winning?
Shadow: Yeah seems like it. The Gauntlet is damaged however but it looks like they have lost.
Y/n: That's good to hear.
He stand up and walked over to him and glance at the laptop and see five security guards arrive and they picked up the damaged Gauntlet and they take it away somewhere safe.
Everything seemed to be fine but Y/n find it very odd and asked Shadow.
Y/n: Where are those guys come from?
Shadow: They must have come when the attack started why?
He looked at the security guard and see one of their name badges so he radios in Tech and ask him.
Y/n: Tech have a search history on a security guard named Juma Adebisi.
Tech dose his work and after he radio back to Y/n and telling him.
Tech: (radio) This can't be right. According to his files he called in sick today, saying that he has a huge cold.
Y/n: Or maybe he's already dead. Those security guards ain't real, their Talon soldiers in disguise!
Shadow: (shocked) Holy shit your right! Winston, Tracer we have a situation! Talon soldiers disguise as security guards are escaping with the Gauntlett!
Winston: (radio) We got ambushed by Talon forces! We can't make it back!
Tracer: (radio) It's all up to you lot to stop them. Good luck.
Shadow: You hear her everyone it's up to us now! Get ready!
They have theie guards up while Shadow looks through the security footages and after a while finds them loading the Gauntlett up in Numbani Museum fan which was green and they watched as they climb inside the van and they take off.
Shadow: Tech track them!
Tech: (radio) Already on it! They're heading to Numbani airport south from here!
Shadow: Time?
Tech: (radio) 3 hours.
Shadow: Alright then, Ghost your with me, let's do this.
Y/n: Right.
They make their way down the steps and made it at the ground floor and get inside their military armor car as Shadow take driver side and once that power up the engines and speed off to catch the van. They dodge many cars and traffic trying to get to the van. After half a minute they spotted the van up ahead and the van must have spotted them because it start to speed off with Y/n and Shadow chasing after the van.
Shadow: Sniper team do you have the shot?
Sniper trooper: (radio) Negative sir, too many buildings in the way.
Y/n: Shadow look out!
Shadow looked over to see the back of the van open and Talon soldiers open fire at them which Shadow moves the armor car left and right to dodge the incoming bullets.
Some bounced off but they continue to dodge it until Y/n leaps onto the roof of the car and fire his assault rifle at them which they fell out of the van and rolled onto the street.
Y/n: Get me closer!
Shadow dose so as he gets closer and closer to the Van while Y/n holds on and soon he leaps over and lands inside the back of the van and aims his rifle and called out.
Y/n: I'm inside the van, searching the Gauntlett no-
Suddenly he was grabbed and slammed onto the left side of the van while Y/n is met by Doomfist as he grabs him by the the shoulder as he look at him.
Doomfist: You are fools to try to stop me from getting back what is rightfully mine. Now I will crush you right here and now.
Y/n: So your the current Doomfist huh? Well allow me to introduce myself, names Ghost and your going back to prison.
He pulled out his pistol and fired it through the metal wall and hit the driver of the van in the head as he dies while the van lose control and soon flipped over and slammed at the right side and slide across the street and in the middle of traffic.
Everyone watched while Shadow stopped the car and git out only to see Y/h bust through the back of the van and he was sent flying and crashed onto the front car, smashing it while Doomfist step out.
Shadow: (shocked) Oh shit.
Shadow pulls out his pistol and rushes towards him while he fired at him but Doomfist blocks it with his Gauntlett and then he slapped Shadow, sending him flying and he smashed through a cafe's window while everyone screamed and running away.
Doomfist watched only to look over to see Y/n roll over and lamd hard onto the the ground as he slowly get up while Doomfist approaches him.
Doomfist: You have spirt and heart but you lack of strength. You will never take me down without strength.
Y/n: (smirk) Who says I needed strength to win?
He sees a fire hydrant so he fired it with his pistol and water shot out and hit Doomfist, making him stumble back while Y/n runs off and heaf inside the cafe and rushed over to Shadow who was laying on the ground as Y/n kneel dowm to him and check on him.
Y/n: Sam! Sam you okay? Say something!
Shadow: Shit.....I'm fine. Fuck! This is bad, with that Gauntlet he's nearly unstoppable and without Winston we stood no chance.
Y/n: Never give up, we can still win.
Shadow: Listen, just get out of here while you still can. I'm gonna hold him off and-
Y/n: No I won't let that happen.
Shadow: That's a order!
Y/n: Well I refuse to follow that order. We're getting out of this alive either way.
Then they hear a groan so Y/n slowly walked over to the smashed window and sees Doomfist grabbing hold on his Gauntlet while sparks of electricity was coming out of it.
Y/n: Looks like that Gauntlet isn't working for him.
Shadow: (groan) Some kid damaged it at the museum. They must have fixed it while inside the van.
Y/n: And they nearly finished it until we show up. Looks like there is a way to win this after all.
Doomfist make his way towards the cafe when suddenly three smoke grenades were thrown and they exploded with smoke. Doomfist is surrounded with smoke as he stood in the middle of the street while he called out.
Doomfist: Is this the best you can do? Do you think smoke will stop me, Doomfist? I thought you were a warrior?
Y/n: I don't have to be a warrior. I can be what my name really means.
Doomfist: What are you saying?
Then a figure appear out of the smoke so Doomfist raced over and land a punch but it puffed into smoke while Y/n voice called out.
Y/n: You know, there was once a story about a soldier who was loyal to his country, loyal to his team and loyal to the cost he is fighting for. However disbite him being loyal his team was not and in the end they betrayed him and not only that killed him and the soldier was gone within their eyes.
Doomfist looked around and sees figures moving around him, they appear only to disappear within the smoke as Doomfist is shocked and for the first time ever he doesn't know what to do.
Y/n: Disbite them killing the soldier it was the most biggest mistake of their lives because this soldier will come back and take theie revenge on those who betrayed him, become something that blends within the shadows, becomes something that appears at the corner of their eye, becomes something that will follow them even if they turn around to see no one around and become something that no one will never belive that he has come back from the dead. Do you know what he become?
Doomfist: What have he become?
Y/n:.........He become a spirt who seeks justice, a spirit who seeks revenge........he becomes......a ghost.
Suddenly Y/n came up behind him and stabbed Doomfist Gauntlet with his combat knife while Doomfist let's out a yell and they move around a bit and then Doomfist slapped him away which he land onto thr ground.
The smoke cleared up and he looked down at his Gauntlet to see it completely broken as he looked over to Y/n as he slowly get up and instead of being mad he was impresse and stood up and tells Y/n.
Doomfist: I have never seen someone like you to beat me in a way I would never suspected. However I will remember this and the next time we meet, I will break you.
Soon a Talon drop ship arrive as Doomfist climbed on and once that it takes off while Y/n make his way over to Shadow and help him up and carry him outside of the cafe.
Shadow: You fucking beat Doomfist on your own?! Holy shit.
Y/n: (smirk) Told you there is a way to win.
Shadow: (smirk) Remind me not to doubt you ever again.
The two laugh while theie drops hip arrive as it open to reveal Tracer, Winston, Ash and the sniper team as Tracer reach out her hand and Y/n takes it.
They arrive back and Sam was immediately sent to the medical bay to get healed up while we see Y/n at Axio office as he watched the footage along side Roznya and the two were shocked and once the footage ends they look over to Y/n and Axio said.
Axio: (shocked) I....I can't believe what I've just watched. You've managed to beat the most dangerous member of Talon on your own!?
Y/n: (smile) I guess he was too dangerous many years back Huh?
Axio: (shocked) Very dangerous. Jesus, I thought Winston would've be able to beat him but shit I guess you beat him without him.
Roznya: Disbite them having the Gauntlet, you've managed to damage it very critical, I think it will take them a long time to fix it or maybe a very long time to replace it.
Y/n: (smirk) Bet they are.
Axio: Still you've done brilliant today and not only that but you've also saved Sam who was here a very long time and I was afraid we might lose him but you saved him.
Y/n: (smile) Just did what i think was right.
Roznya: So what should we do with him?
Axio: (smile) I believe he deserve a reward for his action. How about a promotion, maybe as Sargent and give you a team of your own?
Y/n: (surprised) Seriously?!
Axio: (smile) Yep. For now on your Sargent and team leader.
Y/n: (surprised) I....I....thank you so much!
Axio: (smile) No problem. Do you wish to form your team now?
Y/n: Yeah and I've been thinking, is there any soldiers that were thought to be killed by the public.
Roznya: A few yes, why?
Y/n: Well I wish to have five highly trained soldiers that were thought to be dead be apart of my team.
Axio: (smile) Sounds interesting and I like that idea. Very well then I accept it, what will your team name be?
Y/n thinks of a team name and soon he got one as he look at both Roznya and Axio and said.
Y/n: (smirk) Task team: Reborn.
To be continued..........................................
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