Issue #6: Training, Knowledge and A Confession
From a random house in America, this is PlasmaBolt3o5, welcoming you guys back to another chapter! Thank you guys for the views, comments and votes because it is making me so damn happy!
Also remember to vote on that Kaiju Harem Reader for me in Issue #5 but you can also do it here as well! So far letting the reader be a Cybernetic Kaiju is in the lead right now but let me clarify something.
The vote is to decide what the reader will be while the other two kaijus will be in the story as a bad guy or a good guy so don't worry if your pick isn't chosen!
ANYWAYS........ LET'S GET IT!!!!
Max's Room
Max is awake on his bed due to the fact that sleep just never came to him, he looked at the digital clock and sighed.
Max: "You know what? It wouldn't hurt to get an early start on training." *He gets up and makes up his bed before slipping into some workout clothes*
Max then opened his door and ran into Soldier 76 who was surprised to see him up early.
Soldier 76: "What are you doing?"
Max: "Couldn't sleep but I was planning on to get a head start on training."
Soldier 76: *Grunts before looking down the corridor* "Alright then, how strong are you?"
Max: *Looks at his hands* "Last night I lifted my bed with one hand... I don't know my limits."
Soldier 76: "Then let the training begin." *He led the way outside instead of the training room*
Max's Thoughts: 'I got the feeling that this is going to be more harder than I thought.'
4 Hours Later...
In Echo's Room, she sat floating in her room until she received an alert to power back on to start the day.
Echo: "Well I guess its time for training... again." *She floated out of her position and suddenly she remembered what happened yesterday... and who she met*
Echo: *Smiles brightly* "Max!" *She spoke with happiness as she exited her room and floated to Max's door in which she knocks*
Echo: "Max, its time to wake up."
She didn't get no response whatsoever which was odd until she opened the door and saw that his room was empty.
Echo: "He must've gotten up early I suppose."
Echo made her way to the cafeteria where she saw Hana, Lucio, Lena, Reinhardt, Fareeha, Ana, Angela, Torbjorn and Genji already there, getting something to eat.
Reinhardt: *Looks at Echo and waves* "Morning Echo, ya sleep well?"
Echo: "Good morning to all of you and yes Reinhardt, I slept well."
Torbjorn: "Well then come on over! I prepared some breakfast for everyone!"
Lucio: *Eating pancakes with gusto while the ladies looked at him with disgust* "So where is Max? Don't tell me he is late on his first day here."
Angela: "He must be in his room somewhere."
Echo: *Shook her head* "He's not in his room, I checked."
Lena: *Glared at Echo* "And why did you check his room?"
Echo: *Blushes a little before composing herself* "There was no response when I knocked."
Genji: "Do you think he is in the training room?"
Ana: "Most probably, the sensors didn't go off so he didn't sneak out."
The nine members went to the training room but found it empty which made Fareeha frown.
Fareeha: "Where is he exactly?"
Hana: "Shouldn't we wait here for training?"
Reinhardt: "I'll train you lads until you can't feel your limbs!" *He laughed heartily while everyone else gulped nervously except Ana*
Torbjorn: "Well let's... what's that noise?"
Everyone listened and they heard some crashing noises and someone yelling outside.
Lena: "Let's go and find out!" *She blinked her way outside leaving the others behind her*
Lena kept blinking her way to the outside door until she opened it and looked around but saw nothing until she heard Soldier 76's voice.
Soldier 76: "Good, good.... Keep it up, kid!"
Lena blinked her way around the base until she came across the old railroad station and what she saw so surprised at what she saw that her jaw literally dropped to the ground.
Soldier 76 was having Max crosslift trains... one train for each hand.
Soldier 76: "Give me another 50 reps!"
Max: "Yes sir!" *He stopped for a second, took his shirt off and continued to lift the trains*
Lena was still staring at Max due to the fact that he was crosslifting trains but also the fact that he took off his shirt which made the Britain's face turn red as lava and gave her a nosebleed.
Lena: "That body..." *She began drooling as she gazed at Max's body with lustful eyes, that was until she heard Angela*
Angela: "Lena!" *She sees the Britain turn around with a red face and glazed eyes which confused her*
Angela: "What are yo-?" *She sees Max crosslifting and is immediately hynotised by his muscular chest, she also begins drooling*
Soon enough the others arrived on the scene where they saw Max's intense exercise which made Fareeha, Ana, Hana and Echo blush brightly at his muscular physique.
Reinhardt: *Whistles* "That lad is strong indeed."
Soldier 76: "He's been exercising since five in the morning."
Angela: *Shakes off her trance and looks at him* "And he is still going!?" *She saw him nod and she looks at Max with wonder*
Lena: *Blinks infront of Max who notices her and smiles but keeps going with his crosslifting* "Good Morning love! Couldn't sleep?"
Max: "You could say that." *He continued his reps*
Lena: *Looks at the trains he's crosslifting and then back at him* "Got a lot of stamina, huh?"
Max: *Chuckles* "I guess I do."
Lena: *Leans in close to Max's face* "Well maybe you could put that stamina to good use~"
Max: *Blushes a little bit at that before he saw Fareeha right behind Lena* "Um, Lena you might wanna look behind you."
Lena: *Looks behind her and sees a fuming Egyptian woman* "Oh... hi love!"
Fareeha: *She was fuming that Lena was hitting on her crush* "You are standing a bit... too close for comfort."
Lena: *Walked up to Fareeha's face* "Oh jealous are we?"
Fareeha: *Blushes a bit before getting a stern face* "No just the fact that you are breaking his concentration."
Lena: *Smirks* "I'm pretty sure he can multi-task."
As they were arguing, they didn't realise that Max had finished his workout and was now conversing with Hana.
Hana: *Blushing heavily as her eyes wandered towards Max's muscular body*
Max: "Hana Song, right?"
Hana: *Nods with a red face* "I see you remember my name."
Max: *Smiles at her* "Of course I did, you said you were a professional... gamer was it?" *He saw her nod in confirmation*
Max: "Soldier 76 told me about these video games... are they really that entertaining?"
Hana: *She beamed brightly* "Oh you are missing out! If you want you can over to my room and I can show you!" *She realises she said that a little too loud and she shyly looked at the ground* "Y-you know... s-so I can sh-show you?"
Max: *Laughed softly* "Sure... I just need to get my shirt." *He looked around* "If I can find it."
Max looked around and saw Angela analyzing his shirt before she took a sample and put it in a tube before she saw Max coming towards her.
Max: "Hello Angela."
Angela: *Blushes before replying* "Morning to you, Max."
Max: *Looks at his shirt which was in her hand* "May I have my shirt back, please?"
Angela: *Gives it to him which he then puts back on* "Of course, sorry."
Max: "It's fine, don't worry about it." *He then sees Echo floating towards him and walks up to greet her*
Echo: "Good morning, Max."
Max: "Morning Echo."
Echo: *Looks around her to make sure no one is listening* "Max... I need to tell you something."
Max: "Ok."
Echo's Thoughts: 'Now's my chance.'
Echo: *Relaxed herself* "Max, I-"
Soldier 76 walked over to Max and Echo before he spoke again.
Soldier 76: "Max you can go since you've trained with me in the morning, you can do that everyday if you like."
Max: *Smiles at that* "Sure, it helps me wake up in the morning."
Echo's Thoughts: 'That's it! I can train with Max in the morning and spend more time with him!'
Max: *Looks at the rest of the members who were getting started with their push-ups except for Angela, Ana, Soldier 76, Reinhardt and Torbjorn* "See you guys, later."
Max walked off back into the Watchpoint and was thinking about all that Soldier 76 discussed with him. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize he stumbled into the bar in the cafeteria until a familiar voice called out to him.
McCree: "Ya alright, kid?"
Max: *Shook his head of those thoughts before focusing* "Yeah I'm fine, just got lost in my train of thought."
McCree: *Chuckled before taking a swig of his beer* "Tends ta happen a lot eh?"
Max: "You're McCree, right?" *He saw the cowboy nod in confirmation*
McCree: "Take eh seat, kid."
Max: *Sits on a chair and looks at the beer bottle McCree is holding* "Is that good to drink?"
McCree: *Drunkily looks at the bottle* "It can be good if you can handle it... tell you what, come to dinner tonight, we have a drinking challenge happening then."
Max: *Thinks a little bit before replying* "Sure... see you then." *The cowboy tipped his hat at him as he left*
Max walked around the base a little bit before he came across the laboratory and inside were Winston, Mei and Angela.
Max was about to walk in when he suddenly heard what they were saying even though he didn't even open the door.
Winston: "Antarctica has been getting much colder than the expected temperature."
Angela: "Most of the science bases there have evacuated but the people... froze to death."
Mei: *Looks at the data closely* "There is something causing this drop in temperature, whatever it is, it is causing serious problems for Europe and Asia."
Winston: "We can't just go there and find out what's happening because Overwatch is not legal anymore."
Max shook his head and opened the door which got their attention.
Max: "Hey guys, what are you doing?"
Winston: *Smiles* "Good to see you Max."
Max: "Good to see you too, Winston." *He looks at Mei who blushes at him*
Mei: "G-good morning, Max."
Max: "Morning Mei."
Angela: *Clears her throat to get everyone's attention* "You asked us what we were doing... well, Antarctica has been experiencing colder temperatures than usual."
Max: "Have you checked the polar ice caps?"
Mei/Angela/Winston: "What?"
Max: "The polar ice caps are what keeps the temperatures of Antarctica stable so if it is getting colder then that must mean that there are more polar ice caps developing or surfacing which would mean there was a change in longitude and latitude."
The three agents stared at Max in shock at what he just said before Athena appeared on the computer screen.
Athena: "The satellites indicate that there has been a surge in the amount of polar ice caps in Anarctica which is the cause of the drop in temperature."
Angela: "Y-yes, thank you Athena."
Athena: "Is something wrong, Ms Ziegler?"
Angela: "Max was only in here for a couple of seconds and he guessed it before you did."
Winston: "How did you know?"
Max: *Rubs his head* "I don't know... the answer just came to me."
Mei: "It's... genius! With your knowledge, we can save the ecosystems of the world!"
Max: "Well then... shall we get started?"
Hours have past since Max said that and the four agents have gotten pretty far with their research and decided to call it a day. Winston was awestruck by Max's intelligence even though the superhero kept on saying that the knowledge is just coming to him. Angela was fascinated with Max's biology and took another blood sample which turned out to be difficult because for some reason, Max's skin was more durable than before. Mei was very thankful and very shy around Max at first but when they started cooperating, her love for Max grew more and so did Angela's love for him. Now Max was about to start in a drinking game between McCree and Reinhardt while drinking the strongest vodka in America.
Everyone had gathered to watch him which made Max feel a little uncomfortable.
Reinhardt: *Clapped Max on the back* "Don't worry lad! You'll lose on the first try anyway then you can get out of this mess!"
Max: "What do you mean lose on the first try?"
McCree: *Sits next to Max and pulls out a bottle plus three shot glasses* "One drink of this... will knock a man out."
Angela: "I'll be right here to pick you boys up... I still don't understand why you all are doing this."
Reinhardt: *Pours the vodka into the three glasses* "Because it is fun!"
Lucio: "I bet Reinhardt will win!"
Hana: "Nah... McCree is going to take this one."
Ana: "We should bet on it."
Pharah: *Smirks* "You're on!"
After a few minutes, the bets were in and it was mostly split between Reinhardt and McCree. Lucio, Lena, Genji, Ana, Orisa, Winston, Roadhog, Symmetra and Bastion betted on Reinhardt while Hana, Pharah, Hanzo, Soldier 76, Torbjorn, Junkrat, Mei and Angela betted on McCree which in total for cash was $390 on Reinhardt and $395 for McCree.
Lena: "Echo, who are you betting on?"
Echo: "I bet on... Max."
Soldier 76: "Why?"
Echo: *Smiles at Max who blushes a little bit which made her face beam* "I have faith in him."
Reinhardt: "Oi, let's start already!"
Reinhardt, McCree and Max got their shot glasses which made the superhero look at the amount carefully.
Ana: "3... 2... 1... GO!"
Reinhardt and McCree took their while Max watched them then he did the same thing. The effect of the vodka was almost immediately seen on both Reinhardt and McCree but surprisingly Max showed no reaction.
Reinhardt: *Felt a little woozy but gave a drunken smile* "Ight! How ya doin McCree?"
McCree: *Swayed his head a little bit* "Good, what about you Max?"
Max: *Felt no sluggish feelings whatsoever* "Oh I'm fine, are you guys doing okay? You sound...woozy."
They had no response besides Reinhardt pouring another shot for the three of them and this went on until Round 4 which was when McCree slumped and hit his head on the table which left Reinhardt and Max which shocked everybody especially since the superhero showed no signs of slugishness in Round 8.
Reinhardt: *Looked drunkenly at Max* "Uuurrr...hooooowww?"
Max: *Shrugs his shoulders* "It tastes like water." *He looked to see Reinhardt passes out right next to him and he looked at the shot he was going to take before finishing the glass*
Max: *Cracks his right shoulder and looks at everyone* "So... did I win?"
Angela: *Runs towards him, grabs his face and examines him* "How are you able ingest so much alcohol and not pass out nor show effects?!"
Ana: *Walked up to Max with the bet money* "Whatever it is, it helped you win... you have impressed us all, no one has beated those two in a drinking contest."
Max: *Takes the money with an unsure look on his face* "What do I do with this?"
Lucio: "You can buy stuff with it, dude... you earned it!"
Roadhog: "You can do whatever you want with it."
Max: *Looks around before he spots Echo and walks towards her* "Turns out you were right." *He hands her the money which made everyone look at him in shock, including Echo*
Echo: *Takes the money and looks at Max* "T-thank you, Max."
Max: "No... thank you for having faith in me." *He then walked to his room to get some sleep leaving everyone still in surprise at what just happened*
Three Hours Later...
It was currently 10PM and Max couldn't get any sleep at all for some reason so he decided to head outside and get some fresh but little did he know that Echo was watching him.
Max sat outside the Watchpoint and looked up at the sky which to him... it was beautiful.
Max: *Grips his hair in frustration* "Why can't I remember?"
Max: "No, I can't remember anything."
Soldier 76: "Nothing at all?" *He saw Max shook his head, the soldier looked at the sunrise which made Max follow his gaze*
Max: *Awestruck at the sunrise* "It's so... bright."
Soldier 76: *Chuckles* "It is... don't worry kid, you'll remember eventually."
Max: "I guess I will."
Max: *Looks up at the bright moon in the sky* "Eventually."
Echo: "Max?"
Max: *Jumps a bit before realising its Echo* "Oh... sorry if I woke you up."
Echo: *Sits next to him* "No its fine, I didn't want to power down for the night."
Max: *Looks at her questionably* "Why not?"
Echo: "I wanted to thank you for earlier... that was very kind of you."
Max: *Smiles at her which made her blush dark blue* "Your welcome... for some reason I didn't want the... money, I believe it was called... almost like I didn't do it for that but I did it for the fun."
Echo: *Manages to control her blush* "I guess it was fun but not for Reinhardt and McCree."
Both of them laughed at the joke and looked up at the moon for awhile before Max spoke.
Max: "So what did you want to tell me earlier?"
Echo: *Looks at him* "What?"
Max: *Looks at her* "When I finished training you were trying to tell me something but Soldier 76 interrupted you."
Echo's Thoughts: 'Okay Echo... you can do this!'
Echo: *A blush crawls up to her face* "I wanted to tell you that I.... I love..."
Max: *Thinks carefully* "You love the moon?"
Echo: *A massive dark blue blush cover her cheeks* "N-no."
Max: "You love the sky?"
Echo: "No Max."
Max: *His face becomes one of realisation and looks up* "Oh! You love the stars?"
Echo: "M-max."
Max: *Looks back at her* "Ye-" *He turned and Echo kissed him right on the lips which shocked him completely as this weird feeling bubbled up inside him*
Echo: *Released the kiss with a massive blush on her face and she saw Max looking at her with surprise which made her nervous* "Max... I love you."
Max: *Shocked at the revelation and placed his hand over his heart* "This feeling in me... what is this?"
Echo: *Takes his hands and looked into his eyes* "It's called love Max, if you don't... like me back than I understand." *She looked down before she felt Max's hand lift her face up and his face was right infront of her before he kissed her on the lips*
Max: *Released the kiss and smiles at a flustered, blushing Echo* "I like you Echo, wait no... I love you too Echo."
Echo: *Smiles at Max and rests her head on Max's shoulder* "I love you too, Max."
Both of them sat and watched the stars for awhile before they eventually fell asleep.
AAAANNNNDDDD THAT IS THE END OF THIS ISSUE!!!! I want to thank you guys for getting my story over 1000 VIEWS!!!!!! I am eternally grateful and appreciate you guys a lot!
I am closing the poll for the Kaiju Girls x Male Reader Harem Bio and the winner is...
Now that that's out of the way, make sure to view my account in order to get access to the new Kaiju Story.
From a random house in America, this is PlasmaBolt3o5 signing off, peace out!!!
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