Chapter 3: Long Path, No End

Warning: It gets a bit graphic..

Picture: The forest they are in.

Ashley's POV

We walked along the dusty path, we haven't had any rain yet...And the blood stains from the walkers aren't doing any good. I kept my hand near my gun, as I walked along, Felix had his arm around me in comfort. Marzia was looking around and behind us, just in case of any jumpscares. I'd never thought I would be reliving The Walking Dead or The Last of Us.....Well, at least the walkers are slow. We continued walking and cautiously looking around, just then three walkers approached us.

"You got your silencers on?" Felix asked quickly, reloading his gun.

"Yeah." Marzia replied

"Yup!" I agreed

One by one we shot the walkers, Felix shot the one on the far left, I shot the one in the middle and Marzia shot the one on the far right. They fell to the ground like dead flies, they looked quite skinny and there were multiple bites on each one. We made sure they were dead, then walked over to them.

"Okay... This may sound weird, but if The Walking Dead has taught me anything, its that these walkers weren't walkers not too long ago." Felix explained, a disgusted look spread across his face. All of us were disgusted, but it had to be done.

"So... we need to check them, right?" I finished his sentence.

"Yep" Felix replied

"This is gonna be horrible..." Marzia trailed off.

We all checked the ones we shot, Felix checked the far left walker, the walker was female and she had two walker bites on her left arm, one on her right shoulder, and one in the neck. It looked like that walker had taken damage, the girl's face looked like she was in agony, Felix found a crumpled note and an empty gun.

"A note, and a spare gun?" Felix looked confused, we read the note, the letters were slanted and quite messy, this note shows that this person was at the verge of turning at the time.

Whatever you do, don't go to the south-east of America, that area is highly infected, my friend went there, I went with her..Only cause I needed to...But If you read this note, it may be too late for me, but you can prevent it for yourself..' me......................


The writing became messy at this point, the letters were illegible, although the name at the end was written clearly. I checked the middle walker, I was desperately trying to not throw up, that's how bad this walker's body was. This walker was male, he had a walker bite on his left leg and his stomach was ripped open, his intestines were lying on top of him and the smell was horrible. But I suppose this is what you'd expect from a Walker Outbreak right? This was most likely as gory as The Walking Dead T.V show! As I checked its coat pocket, I found some ammo for a shotgun and a pistol.

"Nice find!" Felix exclaimed "Hold onto that, ammo is getting harder to find nowadays!"

"Thanks!" I smiled

Marzia checked the far right walker, she found a locket and another note...This letter was more illegible than the last..but a few words could be read.



"Damn!" Felix pushed his hair back and scratched his neck in confusion..

" least we know now..." Marzia and I looked at the locket, it was a picture of a young girl with her father. We put the locket back into the walkers pocket.

Looking back at the walker, which was supposedly a female, she had a walker bite on her left shoulder, near the neck and on the right side of the hip, you could see her rib cage, I nearly threw up. Her body was pale and her eyes were completely white; no pupils whatsoever, her clothes were ripped and her teeth were a yellowish-brown. How the hell did they turn so ugly and frightening? To think that my mom had become one of them was scary.
I began to sob.

"Hey, it's ok!" Felix hugged me.

" is one of those things!" I sniffed and sobbed "I don't want to see her like that!"

Felix shushed me comfortingly, Marzia was drying my eyes once again.

"T-thank you!" I smiled a little.

"It must be tough...I can't imagine what it's like..." Felix sighed.

"Me neither." Marzia nodded.

Felix once again put his arm around my shoulder in comfort and Marzia looked at me reassuringly. We continued walking along the blood splattered, dust covered path, it was never ending, we walked for an hour before we found a two way path.

"Any ideas where the hell we are?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Nope! Not a clue..." Felix looked around

"No idea!" Marzia shrugged

"Well, that's great!" I face palmed. "Shall we try random chance?"

"No harm in trying..." Felix mumbled.

He started to say 'Eenie Meenie Miney Mo' in Swedish.

"Ole dole doff, kinke lana koff, koffe lana binke bana, ole dole doff!" Felix pointed in each direction as he said it. After he'd finished, he was pointing right. He sighed and mumbled again "Here we go..."

Marzia's POV

I'd never really seen Felix as a father type, but you could tell he really cared about Ashley and I did too. We walked along the desert-like path, scraping our feet along. The trees were still bright and as beautiful as they used to be, which was odd, considering that the path was dried up and there was bits of blood everywhere. As we were walking, we came across two guys in the distance, one was carrying a shotgun and the other was carrying a AK47, they looked strangely familiar.
Who were they?

"Felix!" I pointed "Look!"

"Oh shit!" Felix scratched his head. "Ashley, you go!"

"Wait......why me?" Ashley whispered.
"Felix!" I half whispered half shouted.
"Think about it, they're not gonna shoot a little girl." Felix explained. "Just try and confront them, yeah?"
Although this was totally out of order, Felix had a point, why would they shoot a young girl.

"Ok!" Ashley nodded, before she went, she hugged Felix and then hugged me. She walked off into the distance, I could tell all over she was scared. Good luck Ashley!


Hope you enjoyed this! Please follow me and add to your library if you're enjoying this so far! More chapters await! So stay tuned and...


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