Chapter 29: Poisonous Thoughts...

Picture: Arixa's twin brother, Austin.

Ian's POV

Arixa slid down the banister smirking, she giggled and reloaded her Uzis guns, alongside Paige.

"Nice job!" Felix grinned, "You sure know what to do in time pressure!"

"Well... Lets just say I've had a lot of practice..And seen the consequences.." Arixa looked down fearfully, hoping we would not see her cry. She cleared her throat, "Lets keep moving!"

"Arix--" Paige and Anthony were cut off by Arixa's sad sweet voice.

"Please... Don't... C'mon let's go.." Arixa's sad sweet voice broke Anthony's heart, I could see it on his face, but he reluctantly let her walk ahead. He really did have feelings for her...

We left the hotel and continued walking away, and that's when we noticed a small-ish building. It didn't look that small but it looked big enough for all of us. Trotting through the deep-ish snow, Arixa went ahead of us, a low sadness hanging around her, a lot must've happened for her to be as sad as this. As we approached the so called cabin, a few walkers were trapped inside, Arixa shot them instantly and walked in.

"Guys.. Watch out for the trap door.." Arixa sighed, as she jumped over, the cabin was at least big enough to sleep in. We all jumped over and walked inside. The cabin was pretty big, the outside was definitely... deceiving.

"Woah.. Bigger than it looks.." Ryan looked around, staring at the interior of the cabin.

"Yeah, looks are deceiving.. Like when someone judges someone by what they wear or what they look like. I hate that," Arixa sighed, playing with her hair slightly, which made Anthony smirk.

"I hate that too." Paige huffed, searching the cabin.

"There's about six spare rooms, so some people will have to share.." Mark stated, walking out from one of the bedrooms.

"I don't mind sharing." Arixa replied, she looked over at Anthony, she knew exactly what his response would be.

Anthony smirked, "Neither do I."

"Oooo!" Paige grinned, nudging Arixa.

"Shut up!" Arixa laughed quietly, blushing and pushing Paige slightly.

"So Arixa and Anthony are sharing," Mark chuckled a little, "We need two other people to share.."

I glanced at Paige, she laughed a little and rolled her eyes.

"Fineee!" Paige spoke reluctantly, "I'll share with Ian."

"It's nearly nightfall?.." Felix looked at his watch, confusion filled his voice.

"Really?" Arixa was shocked, "Damn, that was a long walk then!"

"Yup," Ryan sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"We should rest up early then.. Long day tomorrow," Mark holstered his gun and walked into a bedroom, claiming it.

We all did the same, claiming which bedroom we wanted.

Me and Paige walked into a bedroom, putting are backpacks onto the bed.

"So... erm....What happened before we found you?" I asked out of curiousity, scratching my neck awkwardly.

Paige sighed, "Well..."



Paige's POV

Me and Arixa walked along the moss-encrusted path, it was dusty and the air flow was completely different to inside buildings.

"Hey Ari, how much ammunition do you have?" I asked her, reloading my gun.

"I have about 38 Uzis clips and 18 M16 bullets.. How about you?" Arixa replied, looking into her black leather backpack.

"I have 26 Desert Eagle clips, so I'm doing alright.." I smiled, checking my gun.


Just then, the sound of crashing and something snapping filled the air, along with the sound of a little girl screaming.

"Shit!" I whispered, "We gotta go help! Its a young girl!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Arixa whispered back, grabbing her Uzis guns.

We ran towards the sound of screaming, there was a little girl stuck under wood deck, walkers were coming towards her and she was trapped.

"Help me!" She screamed, her voice travelling through the air. She was only 4 years old, she looked it anyway.

"It's okay! We'll get you out!" Arixa shouted, "Paige, cover me!"

"Okay!" I responded, whipping out my gun. I began shooting the walkers as she ran to help the girl.

Arixa lifted the wood, but it was no use, she was completely trapped, she tried holding it up. "Try and roll out!"

She desperately tried to squirm her way out, but it made the remaining wood and metals shake and stumble. And then... It fell on top of her.

"AHHHHH!" She yelped, it crushed her body. "IT HURTS!! IT HURTS!!"

Arixa couldn't get to her now, the wood and metal completely blocked her way, her hazel eyes stared at us in sadness, begging for help. I felt a trace of guilt flow through me, making me feel sick inside. Before we could do anything, a walker landed on top of her and chomped her neck and arm.

"AHHHH NOO!" She yelled in agonising pain, her eyes swelling with tears.

"I-I'm so s-sorry!" Arixa mumbled, tears staining her cheeks.

"We....We gotta go..." I pulled her back a little, holding back tears of regret. Ari backed up and cried, running away from the traumatic scene.


~End of Flashback~

"H-Her eyes just keep coming to my mind.... T-They were just staring at me in sadness... I-I should've done more.." I cried, Ian pulling me in for a hug.

"You did all you could... It wasn't your fault.." Ian spoke, his voice filled with care, his blue eyes gazing at my teary eyes.

I looked down in regret, guilt flooding my thoughts.. Ian gently lifted my chin up, looking at me reassuringly.

"Don't blame yourself... I'll be here for you... Don't worry.." Ian stared into my brown eyes as I stared into his amazing blue eyes, which made me smile instantly. He then kissed me for a split second, I smiled and kissed him back, butterflies rising in my stomach.

I wish it lasted forever...

( @PipPish Ya lucky bitch!! >.< xD)

Ryan's POV

We all claimed our bedrooms, I placed my backpack on the bed and checked my guns and remaining supplies. The bed wasn't dusty surprisingly, which was odd, since we were around 4 months into the apocalypse. It was like this cabin wasn't touched by the apocalypse at all, not a single spec of blood or dirt was visible anywhere... Someone must've used this place at some point.. It was certain. I hope we don't lose anymore people, we've gone through enough trauma in the space of a month, we don't need anymore. I checked my gun and rummaged through my backpack, glancing at its contents. Inside there was: pistol ammo, a bottle of water, a few snacks, medical supplies and an extra gun. I let out a tired sigh and purposely fell backwards onto the bed, feeling the soft cushions against my head.

Anthony's POV

It was getting quite dark now, so I laid down and fell asleep, I had the worst dream ever, or more to say, a nightmare...


~The Nightmare~

I was in a building of some sort, it looked quite familiar but I was still unsure of where I was. Arixa was next to me and so was... Alice. She looked up at me with a bright smile, which made my heart melt, they both mean't so much to me, I would die for them, if it came to it.

"Oh crap! Walkers!!" Arixa shrieked, grabbing her guns, Alice did and I did too.

We began shooting them, but they started piling up, there was too many now, and we were in the eye of it...

"Shit! I'm out!" I shouted, backing up a little.

"Me too!" Arixa screamed back, her eyes filled with worry.

"Oh no.. What are we gon-- AHHHHH!" Alice was grabbed by a walker, and it bit a chunk out of her neck...

"ALICE!!" I yelled, "You fucking bastard creatures!!" Anger filled me as I began hitting the walkers. Her body fell limply to the floor, she was gonna turn and there was nothing I could do. Before I could even get to her, the walkers beat me to it, causing a bloodfest.

If things didn't get worse, I heard Arixa shriek as a guy grabbed her and slit her throat right in front of me, the guy grabbed a gun and was about to shoot me..

"YOU F---..!" I was shot in the stomach... Arixa's shaking body lay next to me.

"A-A-A-Anthony....H-H-Help me.." Arixa mumbled, I quickly grabbed her hand reassuringly, desperately trying to keep her awake until....


"NOOOO!!" I yelped.


~End of Nightmare~

I gasped and shot up from the bed, I was back in the cabin, it was just a dream... The other side of the bed was empty, strange, where was Arixa? I unlocked my phone and checked the time, 2:56am. I got up slowly, being careful not to wake anyone else up. The sky was pitch black, stars shimmered across the sky, dazzling the gloomy world below them. The door quietly creaked open, sending shivers down my spine, I looked inside to see Arixa crying silently; she was looking at pictures on her phone, it hurt me to see her like this. So I sat down next to her.

"Are you alright?" I inquired softly, putting my hand on her shoulder. It was a little awkward, but I was trying to comfort her...

"Y-Yeah.. I'm fine.." Arixa quickly wiped her eyes, "Just looking at photos..."

The picture she was looking at was her and another boy, they looked almost identical, so I was assuming they were brother and sister.

"Is that your brother?" I asked quietly, looking at the picture on her iPhone.

"Yeah... My twin brother... He may have been an asshole every now and then, but... He saved my ass.." Arixa sighed, leaning her head on my shoulder, I put my arm around her.

"What happened?.." I mumbled, looking in her eyes, she looked up at me sadly.

"Its a long story..." Arixa shook her head slightly, moving her hair from her face.

"We have all night.." I smirked a little, she smirked back.



Arixa's POV

I walked alongside my twin brother, Austin. He was carrying an M16, reloading and checking its usage. His dark brown hair resembled mine and complimented his blue eyes, the only specific difference was our eye colour, apart from our gender; we were identical twins. Austin was wearing a button up grey shirt with the first two buttons undone, dark blue jeans, black sneakers and a dark grey beanie. He had a few light brown highlights and was classed as the 'player' in high school. Typical.

"How are we doing on supplies?" I asked, equipping my guns.

"Topped up on ammo, but medical supplies and food are a problem..." Austin rummaged through his backpack, "Should be alright for hydration... four bottles of water left.."

"That should last us then.. And here, you're gonna need this.." I handed him a samurai sword, they were great for slicing walker's heads, clean off!

"Thanks!" Austin smirked, throwing it into his back holster, his deep voice echoing throughout the forest.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I hissed, staring ahead of me. A herd of walkers were heading in our direction, I quickly reloaded my guns and did a backflip, shooting walkers at the same time. Austin whipped out his sword, slicing head after head from walkers. Soon, we were all over the place, shooting and stabbing whenever we could. A walker grabbed hold of my hair.

"AGH!" I screamed, desperately trying to pull away.

"Get off her you motherfucker!!" Austin yelled, pushing the walker away from me. He passed me the M16, shoving it into my hands. "Take this! You need to go! Get outta here!"

"Are you fucking mad?! I'm not leaving!" I shrieked, debating as per usual.

"This is not a discussion!! Just fucking go! I'll catch up!" Austin argued, slicing yet another walker's head off.

Hesitantly, I ran away from the violent scene, tears blurring my vision. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered to myself. I could hear Austin's shout of agony. I hope he made it out, but the chances were minimum...


~End of Flashback~

Anthony's POV

Arixa started crying a lot more now, she managed to stay quiet as I pulled her in for a hug.

"It's alright... I'm sure he made it out..." I comforted her soft cries, as she sobbed in my arms. She pulled away and looked into my eyes, my heart racing faster and faster with every second we gazed.

"T-Thanks....Anthony.." Ari smiled, I gently grabbed her hands and looked into her pretty grey eyes.

"I'll always be here for you... because your beautiful and I don't want to lose you... I will protect you no matter what it takes..." I smirked at her and winked, we both leaned in and kissed. It may have been a while before we pulled away, but when we did, she hugged me.

"I'm glad you're here Anthony.." Arixa whispered, her shaking body holding me close.

"Me too.." I whispered back, we pulled away and continued talking.

Arixa laughed quietly, "Your face when you first saw me though! That was funny!" She desperately tried to hold in her laughter, hoping no one else would hear her.

"Well, I couldn't help it! Especially when I saw you.." I grinned, talking quietly.

"That reminds me... Did we check all of the rooms in the hotel?" Arixa asked out of the blue, I could understand why though, you can find the most awesome things in places you wouldn't even imagine.

"We might have missed a floor but I don't know..." I shrugged, thinking hard.

"Should we check it out at first light?" Arixa suggested, crossing her legs.

"Yeah, but we should take Ian and Paige too, just in case something bad happens.." I replied, standing up and looking out the window.

"Okay!" Arixa exclaimed quietly, standing beside me. She leaned her head near my neck and I put my arm around her smirking.

The Next Morning..

Normal POV

Arixa and Anthony got a little more sleep earlier and asked Ian and Paige when they woke up, they agreed to go with them and they left a note on the table, quietly leaving the cabin.. As they walked back to the hotel, the sun was just starting to rise, a orangy-yellow colour filled the sky, making it seem unreal. It was almost like the sky was a completely different world to the one beneath it, like there was a whole new universe.. just above them..

"Woah.. Look at the sky!" Paige pointed, gazing at it in awe.

"I know.. Its amazing." Ian smirked, looking at Paige, "Like you."

Paige went bright red and giggled, a few conversations picked up after that, until they came across an alleyway of some sort.

"I'm just gonna check out this alleyway.." Arixa replied, wondering off.

"Let me come with you.." Anthony offered, walking alongside.

"Nah, I'll be alright.." Arixa reassured him, smiling.

"Are you sure?" Anthony asked, a little worried.

"Yeah. I'll be okay.." Arixa nodded, she kissed his cheek before grabbing her guns and walking into the alley way, "I'll meet you at the hotel!" She shouted back.

As she walked through, she could hear the sound of heels, tapping in the alleyway, was there someone following her? The next thing she knew, she heard a feminine sinster voice, that sounded very angry.

"I'm going to mess you right up!" The woman spoke, Arixa was punched in the face hard and knocked out, the woman began to beat her...


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please follow me and add to your library to find out when I update, a vote is always appreciated :3. Who do you think the woman is? Leave your responses in the comments! I'd love to hear who you think it is.. Here's a small hint:

They are a YouTuber.

More chapters coming soon! So stay tuned and...


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