Chapter 23: Heartbreak...

Marzia's POV

This apocalypse is getting out of control, The A-Virus can be airbourne? That means that you can turn without getting bitten, one inhale of the airbourne Virus and you can turn just like that.

"What else do you know about this Virus?" I asked, looking at Alexia.

"Well, the A-Virus can become airbourne depending on its surroundings, if its an open area like this, then its not so apparent. But if its in a closed space, like underground or something like that, the air will be contagious.." Alexia explained, moving her hair out of her face. "When its airbourne, you pass out from breathing in too much after about 5 minutes... I know this because half of my group died from it, they turned just like that.."

"I'm sorry to hear that.." Felix sighed, "Can't really control this shit no more.."

"Yeah.. It's all a fucking mess.." Alexia huffed, looking out of the window.

The car jolted violently, everyone was slightly confused as no one knew what was happening.

"What's going on?" Ryan asked, his jaw dropped when he looked through the windscreen.

"Holy shit...." Ian muttered, being careful to not awaken Ashley, who was asleep on his side

"Isn't there a way around?" I questioned innocently, looking at the gas tanker that was tipping over the edge of the motor way.

"Damn it." Felix facepalmed and pushed his hair back in frustration.

Alexia sighed again, "Looks like we're continuing on foot.."

We all exited the car once again and began walking, the air seemed unusually dusty and misty, especially in the sun. The path was hard and stiff like wet sand, but tough and crumbly like broken tarmac. We all grabbed our gear from the car, Alexia took her technical equipment and whipped out her air sensor, the emotion on her face proved that she was confused and alert too.

"Guys...Be careful around here, I'm picking up mild signals of The A-Virus, it's in the air." Alexia warned, "That's not possible...It shouldn't occur in an open area.." She looked a little scared as she tapped on her device, "There's more up ahead," She grabbed all the gas masks she had.

"How many gas masks do you have?" Mari and Joshua asked worryingly.

"10..." Alexia turned around with the gas masks in hand.

"That's good then, I've got a gas mask of my own." Ryan smirked, showing his mask to us.

"Beware as well, these things can mess up sometimes... It's happened before, so let me know if you feel any pain in your throat or if you start coughing.." She warned again, putting on her gas mask.

All of us equipped our gas masks and walked cautiously through the infected open area, I started to feel a little light-headed, a headache coming along too. I was getting those a lot lately. As we walked through the area, Alexia notified us of any rise or drop in the air.

"Shit...Be careful guys, the reading is getting higher.." Alexia huffed, holding up her detector.

"I hope we all make it through this..." Ashley stated, walking close to Ian.

"We will, don't worry Ashley..." Ian comforted her as they continued walking with the rest of us, you never saw them apart; they were extremely close to each other, no one could separate them.

"Okay good... the readings are dropping," Alexia sounded slightly happier that we were now getting away from the toxic air. "It's gone." She gleamed as she took off her gas masks, the rest of us followed.

I took off my gas mask and that's when my head started throbbing, I was murmuring something and then I felt dizzy.

"M-Marzia?" Felix mumbled, looking behind him.

I fell to the floor. Blackout.


Joven's POV

Marzia dropped to the floor and she started going pale.

"MARZIA NO!" Felix cried, running to her body, "D-Don't leave me....I said w-we'd make it t-together...Not"

Marzia didn't respond, she became even more paler, she looked still and peaceful, like she'd just drifted away; but we knew that wasn't the case.

"We have to stop her from turning!" Alexia yelled at Felix, getting her pistol out.

"SHE'S NOT GOING TO TURN! SHE WON'T DIE ON ME!!" Felix shrieked back, he couldn't accept the fact his own girlfriend was gonna become one of those creatures, one of them.

"Look, I'm sorry but we have to!" Alexia argued back, reloading her gun.

"I-I-I can't look!" Ashley yelped in sorrow, she stood next to Ian and cried into his side. Ian hugged her and made sure Ashley wasn't looking.

Alexia, without hesitation, fired her gun at the now lifeless Marzia. "BANG!"

You could hear Ashley sobbing just after the bullet went off.

"NO!!" Felix shouted, holding onto Marzia's pale, cold hand.
Anger was bubbling up inside of him, he got up and stared at her angrily, he was about to jump at her, but Anthony and Ryan held him back as he struggled to break free.

"YOU KILLED MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!!" Felix roared at Alexia, who was looking down in shame.

"I-I'm sorry it--" Felix cut her off instantly, he didn't want to hear anything.

"WHAT'S SAYING SORRY GONNA DO HUH?!" Felix screamed, his eyes red and sore with tears rolling down his face.

"Calm down Felix...Let her talk.." Anthony replied, holding him back with Ryan. Felix sighed reluctantly and stood with his arms crossed.
He kept rolling his eyes and huffing.

Alexia's POV

I'd had enough of his bullshit, I was extremely angry.

"Listen Felix! I saved you the trouble!!" I yelled at him. He was about to respond, but I cut him off. "Shut up! At least you didn't see her turn! I had to watch my boyfriend turn because I was scared stiff and I didn't know what to do! She died peacefully at least!" I had tears falling down my cheeks.

"W-What happened?" Joven inquired, quite innocently.

"Well.." I sniffed.



"Jake! No!" I screamed as he held the door, "You can't stop them! They're too strong!"

"Just go Lexi! I'll be alright!" Jake shouted back, chopping off the walker's arms. He always called me Lexi, I never let anyone else call me that, since it would bring traumatic memories that I wanted to be forgotten.. A walker tumbled through the gap in the door, it grabbed Jake instantly and bit his neck, he couldn't fight it, he just fell to the floor.

"JAKE!! NO!" I ran towards his pale body, his eyes were wide open, the bright light that shone in his amazing green orbs had disappeared, they were now turning white, he was losing his pupils now. He began to grumble, I didn't even know how this virus worked at the time.

"J-Jake?" I mumbled softly, before I knew it, he grabbed me and his mouth was wide open, he was some sort of creature. "JAKE STOP IT! SNAP OUT OF IT!" I sobbed, I quickly grabbed a small hatchet and hacked his arm off of me. I knew I had to kill him, but I couldn't. He was my boyfriend, the one I loved.. Hesitantly, I picked up the hatchet once again and slammed it into his head. I sobbed uncontrollably as I stared at his blank, unloving eyes, which were completely white, no source of life at all. I dropped the hatchet and backed away, I had just killed my boyfriend..


~End of FlashBack~

I weeped quietly as Joven pulled me in for a hug. That moment always haunted me, it stayed in the back of my mind.

Felix's POV

I was still extremely angry, I had lost all of my sanity; I didn't even get to say goodbye, she just shot her in the head, like it was nothing. I huffed and looked to my left, I saw the gas mask Marzia was wearing and I picked it up, there was a massive crack in the breathing area; meaning that she was intoxicated as she was walking, the gas mask didn't do anything. I was even more angrier now.

"So how you do explain this?!" I growled, showing her the broken gas mask.

"Shit..." Alexia mumbled, as if she had been caught out.

"Did you do this on purpose?!" I yelled, anger and insanity overcoming my body.

"No! You're crazy Felix!" Alexia shouted back, she was extremely good at lying.

"You did just kill his girlfriend in front of him.." Ryan glared at her, but held back his anger.

"IT HAD TO BE DONE!" She screamed back, clenching her fists.

"I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO SAY GOODBYE!!" I shrieked, staring at her angrily.

Ashley stumbled towards us, she was shivering.

"C-Can you guys stop fighting? W-We don't want to have to f-face walkers.." Ashley looked up at me innocently, I nodded and bent down to her level, I gave her a hug, we both needed one. From the corner of my eye, I saw Alexia roll her eyes.

"C'mon! Lets get moving!" Alexia bossed me, I glared at her as I pulled away from Ashley. There was definitely something up with Alexia, she wasn't nice at all.

Anthony's POV

"I think we should head up north," I sighed, scratching my head and glancing at the map I had in my hand. "Walkers get slower in colder conditions.."

Mari, David and Joven were talking to Alexia, they were getting along, Ian, Felix and Ashley had started a conversation. So that left me, Ryan and Mark to talk.

"Hey...Do you trust Alexia?" Ryan walked beside me, whispering quietly.

"If I'm honest...I don't know.. What about you Mark?" I replied quietly, running my hands through my hair.

"There's just something that doesn't seem right about her, I have a feeling we met her by purpose, not coincidently...And we saw the Bandits Camp, there was no way you could sneak in and out without getting noticed." Mark explained, crossing his arms.

"That's true." I agreed, glancing at the map once again.

"Hey guys, I heard that the further up north you go, the slower the walkers are.." I repeated myself so everyone heard, I looked behind me.

"Looks like north is our best shot." Alexia smirked slightly and took the map from me gently. She scanned it for a few seconds and handed it back to me, talking to Mari, David and Joven once again.

As we continued walking north, you could feel the air becoming slightly colder after every 5 minutes. The sun was starting to dawn in and the clouds began to trace the non-existent blue skies, a lonely sign stood still; it read 'Detroit 10 miles'.

David walked alongside Mark, he was turning pale and he stared at his arm a lot, a red-ish stain surrounded the bite, his blood turning to a browny sort of colour.

"You doing okay, dude?" I asked him, looking at his worried expression.

"Yeah, it's just numb, I can feel the bite travelling through my body. It's weird." David sighed, still staring at his bite. I looked up to see walkers.

"Guys...Walkers..." That was all I needed to say, and everyone would be ready with their weapons. We began shooting the walkers. Ashley ran out of ammo, so she stayed behind all of us, she didn't exactly have any other weapon to fend for herself. Neither did David. After we shot the walkers, I heard one shriek from Ashley, which made my heart rate go faster and faster.

"H-HE'S TURNING!" Ashley trembled, backing up; she had no bullets, so all she could do was kick, she didn't want to, but she did hesitantly.

Alexia looked away and straight up shot David, she started crying slightly, she was growing fond of him. Ashley looked shocked as Ian helped her up an comforted her. I can't imagine how Ian would act if Ashley died, I don't think any of us would have dry eyes. Mari sobbed on Joven's shoulder, they were both crying, Ian and I were slightly too. David was that crazy friend you could always laugh with, but now he's gone. We stood there in silence for about minute, and then continued, we couldn't just give up. It even started snowing heavily, we stayed wrapped up and continued walking through the somewhat calm blizzard.

Ian's POV

As we walked through the cloudy, cold atmosphere, we came across a constructed house and a massive frozen lake in front of it. We clambered into the house, finding ways to set the fireplace alight. Alexia whipped out a metal nail file and picked up a rock, she rubbed them together and it made a spark, causing the wood to slowly burn. The house began to warm up, heat spreading around every room. Everyone started to feel a lot warmer and we were calmer too. We fell asleep after that long day. But little did we know, that it was gonna go downhill from there....


Hope you enjoyed this long chapter! Please follow me and add to your library to find out when I update, a vote is always appreciated :3. New chapter will be coming soon! So stay tuned and...


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