Chapter 2: Unexpected Encounter!

Picture: Ashley with a gun.

Marzia's POV

I heard Ashley scream my name. "MARZIA! BEHIND YOU!" I turned around, the walker wrestled me to the floor. Ashley was covering her mouth with her hands, Felix ran and shot the walker, pushing it off my body, Ashley was trembling in fear.

"You okay?" Felix hugged me.

"Y-yeah!" I nodded, shaking uncontrollably. He helped me up.

"I-I'm sorry...I never warned you sooner." Ashley cried "I'm afraid to use a gun..."

"You did warn us soon enough. Don't worry, I help you gain confidence, we're safe as long as we keep our guard up." Felix hugged Ashley and then kissed my forehead,"We'll get through this, together!" Felix reloaded his gun, Ashley grabbed hers and I kept mine in reach. We left the warehouse with our bags full, we had as much supplies as we could carry.

"There! Ashley, you see that walker?" Felix pointed

"Yeah?" Ashley replied.

"Right! Okay get your gun out." Felix ordered softly

Ashley got her gun out and held it correctly.

"Right, so a few tips, Always aim for the head." Felix helped Ashley hold her gun "Take a deep breath and pull the trigger, so that you won't shake it so much and also make sure you look along the top to gain some more accuracy, okay?"

"Okay!" Ashley followed the tips

She held the gun, looking along the top, she took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. Bullseye!

"Nice! Right between the eyes!" Felix congratulated Ashley.

"Thanks!" she smiled brightly

"Okay! Let's put some miles between us and this place!" I smirked.

We got into the car and put our bags in the boot. We continued driving, looking for a place to spend the night.

Ashley's POV

As I was sitting in the back, I was playing with Edgar and Maya. Felix started the conversation.

"What's your favourite video game Ashley?" Felix asked

"Ah! That's hard! There have been a ton of good video games...If I could pick three...It would be The Walking Dead, The Last of Us and Outlast. What about you?" I replied

"My favourite? Hmm...I actually have 5!" Felix laughed

Marzia laughed too, so did I.

"Really?" I questioned

"Yup! Heavy Rain, The Walking Dead, The Last of Us, Journey and Beyond Two Souls!" Felix continued.

"Cool!" I gazed out of the window, the sun shining brighter than ever, It looked down on the entire earth, just as it used to. But my darkest memories would always shower upon me, every time.

"How on earth do you get your eyeliner so perfect, Marzia!" I exclaimed "Whenever I do it I look like an Egyptian!" I laughed. Marzia laughed too.

"Well, It takes quite a bit of time, you have to use little strokes and then bring it out." Marzia explained

"You honestly do it like a boss!" I said, in a epic voice, Marzia laughed

"It looks.....FABULOUS!" Me and Felix said in a kawaii voice! We all laughed.

"Can we listen to the radio?" I asked politely.

"Yeah ok!" Marzia agreed with me.

Felix turned it on. There was a slight crackling to the radio, but the voices were very clear.

The News

This is the news, at 9am. A new zombie virus has spread around America, killing almost half of the population, there are bases around different parts of America, but many say, that they are unsafe.


"At least that guy knows what he's talking about!" Felix stated, sipping his water and putting in back in the drink holder.

"They just after the immune people, If you're infectable, they'll just put you to death, don't ever go to the bases! Even if you are immune, they'll just kill you for the cure! Stay out in the open, scavenge for weapons and supplies, you'll at least survive longer if yo---"

The radio cut off, all that was heard was a static, crackling sound.

"So much for the radio!" Marzia sighed

"Yeah.." I huffed.

Felix wasn't pay attention to the road in the forest and he hit a something!

"THUD!" the car bashed against something.

"What was that?!" I whispered

"I think we hit a walker!" Marzia looked out of her window to see, If the walker was on her side, It wasn't.

"Right we should all get out!" Felix said politely

"Okay!" Me and Marzia said in unison.

We all got out the car. I looked under the car to see where the walker was.

"The car has some surface damage, but the walker is trapped around the front." I explained

"Okay." Felix replied.

I looked around the empty, dirty forest floor and found three round cylinder shaped objects, I picked them up.

"Felix?" I questioned

"Yeah?" He responded

"What are these?" I asked, I showed him the cylinder shaped items.

"Ah! They're gun silencers, they'll come in handy," Felix explained

"Awesome!" I replied, I put one into my backpack, one in Felix's and one in Marzia's.

Felix shot the walker after he'd pulled it out. The shot rang out.

"Oh shit!" Felix looked around, concerned.

Walkers came out from behind the trees.

Felix's POV

About 5 walkers came out from the trees, me and Marzia shot all of them, they tumbled to the ground like dead flies. But then... Ashley shrieked.

"AGHHHHH!" Ashley screamed, her gun was behind her, she was desperately trying to grab her gun, while struggling to keep the walker off herself, I had two decisions, kick the gun to her or shoot the walker....What was I supposed to do?!

Decisions ran through my mind just like in The Walking Dead, when you supposed to save Doug or Carley. I shot the walker in the head. I pushed the body off Ashley. She hugged me tightly. "Thank you Felix!" she sobbed "I was so scared!"

"It's ok," I comforted her.

"You're safe with us." Marzia replied, she hugged Ashley too. Walkers were beginning to surround us, we leaped into the car, I forcefully locked the car doors and sped away. That was close. So very close.

When we were out of site by the walkers, we opened the boot and attached the gun silencers, we grabbed a few snacks that we got from the warehouse, Ashley grabbed a packet of crisps, water and an apple, Ashley offered me a granola bar and I grabbed an orange, Marzia grabbed some water, grapes and a granola bar. We all got back in the car cautiously, checking for any walkers that were to appear out of nowhere. I continued driving through the forest, keeping to the road. While paying attention to the road and looking out for walkers, I grabbed the wheel tightly, as I turned left. Suddenly, the car stopped, I tried starting it again


"No no no! C'mon!" I complained

"Don't tell me we've..." Ashley trailed off

"Run out of gas?" I finished her sentence. "Yeah. We have."

"Oh great!" Marzia replied sarcastically, face palming.

"We're screwed!" Ashley sighed.

We all got out the car and grabbed our backpacks, Edgar decided to sit in Ashley's backpack and Maya decided to sit in my backpack, using up as much room as they could!

"Hey Pewds! Your backpack is super comfy!" Marzia laughed, impersonating Maya, as if she could speak English.

"Hey what's up Ashie?!" I grinned, impersonating Edgar, as if he could speak English.

I looked around the abandoned forest. As I had two spare gun holsters, I gave them to Ashley and Marzia.

"Thanks!" Ashley hugged me.

"Thank you!" Marzia grinned at me.

"How did you get these?" Ashley asked, sounding confused.

"Oh, I found them in the gas station, where we found you." I replied.

They wore their gun holsters and kept their guns in reach, 9 hours till it would be 6pm, we were sure to get somewhere right?

"Here we go!" Marzia mumbled.

"This is it!" Ashley murmured.

"Lets go guys!" I assured them, "It's now or never!"

We continued walking, we knew straight away that today, would be a long day..


Hope you enjoyed this! Please follow me and add to your library if you're enjoying this so far! More chapters await! So stay tuned and...


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