Chapter 14: Victim and Survivor..

Unknown POV

I ran through the forest, frantically holding my arm, I was bitten and I couldn't do anything about it. It had been only a couple of hours since I got bit, I could already feel the bite moving through my arm, poisoning my blood with zombie blood, I was going to turn in under 48 hours, I could tell. While holding my arm tightly, I continued running through the forest, I saw smoke from above, finally! Maybe these people can help me!

Ryan's POV

I decided to take first watch, Ashley wanted to too, I let her; but under strict rules, she nodded, taking in all the information.
We were looking over the area, when we spotted a figure of a young woman, clutching her arm, she was crouching almost, completely covered in blood and she had purple highlights...Oh shit!

"M-Minx?" I stammered, looking into the thick, dark forest, it was starting to get foggy.

"C-Cry?" Minx yelped, shaking and shuddering, as she crouched towards us, clasping her arm in agony.

"W-What happened?" I asked worryingly.

"I could ask you the same question!" She replied, laughing a little, her laughter soon turned to a frown, "I'm bit,"

"W-What?! No!" I was shaking slightly, "I got shot in the stomach because I was trying to save Ashley," I pointed to her, she was shivering.

"I-Isn't there any cure!!" Ashley bit her lip, quaking in fear.

"No...There isn't.." Minx sighed deeply.

"T-T-Then we have to..." Ashley stopped, she couldn't say the last bit.

" do..You don't want to see me like that." Minx clasped her arm again.

"I can imagine.." Ashley whispered.

"Her..Mum..." I trailed off, I didn't want to go into details, but Minx understood.

"I'm sorry about your Mum..." Minx replied sadly, looking to the ground.

"How long do you reckon you have left?" I asked, clearing my throat.

Minx examined the bite. "Well...At least over 24 hours.." She sighed.

The Next Morning...

Felix's POV

Ryan told me about Minx, I was extremely upset, we had been good friends for as long as I could remember...And she was already starting to go pale. While checking our supplies, I started talking to Minx.

"How the hell did you get bitten?" I questioned, curiously.

Minx sighed, "Its a long story.."



Minx's POV

I walked slowly and steady, I was covered in walker guts, trying to get past the horde; not daring to look back, my group had been caught by bandits, I was the only one who made it out of the prison, along with a guy named Josh and a girl named Scarlett. The rest had been killed by the bandits themselves, there was about 10 of us; it was a lucky escape. We stayed low, still and quiet, gently pushing past the walkers, our weapons in hand. As we were escaping the prison, there were people up top with automatic guns, shooting the walkers, but they were going to wash over this place no matter what...

"We need to..--" Josh was cut off when he was instantly shot in the neck, it pierced right through, making him yelp in pain, "AGHHH!" He couldn't take the pain, and in less than a minute, walkers were all over him, chewing him up like no tomorrow.

"NO! JOSH!" Scarlett screamed, she was very fond of him...And right before her eyes, he was brutally murdered by gut-thirsty walkers, that ripped open his stomach.

"I'm s-s-sorry Scar--" she interrupted me, her face full of anger and hatred.


"Shut up!" I hissed, "Your drawing attention!"

Eventually, she got really angry with me, it was like there was steam coming out of her head, clenching her fists. She pushed me really hard, I bumped into a walker.

"Have a nice life, bitch!" Scarlett scolded, walking back into the cluster of zombies.

By this point, I was wrestling a walker, they were extremely strong, I whacked it in the head multiple times, its dead, limp head resting on my body. I pushed it off. Getting up, a walker attacked me by surprise, as I was not expecting it, it bit my arm instantly, I winced; hitting its arm until it fell off completely, I ran through the herd this time. Being careful not to get nabbed again.

A couple hours later...

I walked through the forest, I saw a body of a young woman with brownish blonde hair, and she looked strangely familiar...It was Scarlett..I felt the feeling of guilt and sadness, it was true, I had killed my entire group. The plan did work, it was the execution which was the messy part, if everyone had stayed calm, none of this would have happened. If we had acted like we belonged, then everyone wouldn't be dead and I wouldn't be bitten..

*End of FlashBack*

Mark's POV

"Damn," Felix sighed, pushing his hair back and gently moving Ashley's hair out of her face, she was still peacefully asleep; her head lying on his leg. Felix smiled down at her.

"How does it feel right now?" Marzia started shaking sadly, her Italian accent noticeable in the silence and crackling of the small campfire we had made..

"Well..." Minx looked at her blood-splattered arm, "It feels hot, like when you break a bone, but tingly like its asleep.." Minx sighed deeply, looking to the ground. "This really is my fault..."

"No it isn't.." I replied almost instantly.

"Like you said, the plan worked, it was the execution that was the messy part.." Felix and Ryan smiled a little. "It would've worked, if your people had remained calm,"
Minx smirked at Felix and Ryan, thankful for their support.
Minutes later, Anthony woke up, stretching, yawning and rubbing his eyes; he sat up, looking around.

"Hey....guys..." Anthony murmured, looking across at Minx.

"Oh Anthony! This is Minx, Minx this is Anthony." Felix introduced them to each other.

"Nice to meet you." Anthony greeted.

"You too!" Minx grinned, it instantly turned into a frown. "I wouldn't get too friendly though..." She exhaled once again. Anthony looked confused, then noticed her blood-seeping arm.

"You're...bit?" Anthony asked quietly, scratching his head in confusion.

"Y-Yeah...I am.." Minx looked around awkwardly.

"What are we gonna do? We haven't had a bite victim in the group before.." Anthony shrugged, asking for ideas.

"We don't know yet...If she turns, well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.." Felix sighed sadly.

Marzia's POV

Ashley was still sound asleep, everyone else was up now, just a casual conversation.

"How many of you were in your group Minx?" I spoke, munching on an apple.

"There was about 10 of us...Only three of us had made it to try to escape the prison, but....I was the only survivor.." Minx sighed, leaning her hands against the heat of the fire, her hands were still pale, the bite was still sinking in.

"Let us know if you feel dizzy or anything.." Ryan suggested, drinking his water slowly.

"Ok, I will." Minx replied sadly.

"What was the prison like?" Mark asked, "Was it fortified?"

"Well, its pretty much how it sounds.." Minx giggled a little, but then continued, "It was fortified, but they used us as slaves, eventually, we'd had enough, we decided to leave that evening; but they caught 7 of us, and they were beaten to death right before our eyes. Then walkers broke into the prison and we had to cover ourselves in guts really quickly, we left the prison but that's when..." Minx sighed deeply and trailed off, she didn't want to talk about what had happened anymore, she was sick and tired of the word 'walkers', I think everyone was..

Ashley's POV

I woke up to the sound of commotion, my head was hurting like hell and I didn't know what it was; so I didn't think about it.

I yawned and got up slowly, "Hey.." I mumbled.

"About time you woke up!" Felix smirked, ruffling my hair.

I gave him a sarcastic funny look, fixed my hair and he laughed aloud.

"So..How are you feeling Minx?" I moved my fringe from my face, my head still banging once again.

"Numb. It feels numb, I can't feel my left arm at all." Minx looked to the ground.

"I would guess so.." I sighed, "You look a lot paler than before.."


A Few Hours Later..

Minx was definitely going to turn, I didn't want to see her turn, her bandages were seeping with blood, they were completely drenched and she was paler than ever, not forgetting the fact she was drowsy. We decided to leave the camp area, as it couldn't be a permanent solution.

"Where are we gonna go now?" I asked, holding my head in agony, it was still painful and a sharp beeping noise was all that I could hear. No one else was phase by it. Hallucinations, there was definitely something wrong..

"Are you okay Ashley?" Felix replied, he was concerned.

"I'm fine!" I managed to speak, I lied through my teeth.

Felix, Ryan, Anthony and Mark all looked at each other in suspicion, they could tell I was lying, but didn't say anymore about it. Minx started to look ghastly.

"I'm....." Minx murmured, we could hear her just slightly, "I'll Good...bye.." Minx began to sob a little. She fell to the floor instantly.

"Minx? MINX!" Felix shouted, running over to her body, she looked lifeless.

"Fuck!" Ryan shrieked, turning to see her body.

"I-Is she gonna turn?!" I mumbled, I was terrified.

"" she managed to murmur. She then fell back, her body completely still, she was going to turn at any minute..Suddenly, Minx jumped up and attacked me, she was a walker now, I didn't want to kill her, she had been nice to me.

"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed, my voice was so loud that it brought attention, I was to wrestle Minx by myself, the others fighting off the walkers.

I was desperately trying to kick her off but every time I'd try, she would become close to biting me. Felix and Ryan started to cry a little, Felix grabbed his gun and looked away. shooting Minx in the head...Ryan helped pull the body off me, I scrambled back as fast as I could, breathing heavily; I was still completely scared.

"Are you alright?" Felix asked me, helping me up and wiping his eyes.

"Yeah...I'm okay.." I spoke quietly, Felix pulled me in for a hug, he knew I needed it..

We scraped our feet along the dusty, concrete floor, we were doing okay on supplies and we were topped up with ammo, but then; there was a male figure in the distance. Anthony and Felix seemed to recognise him, but they were completely speechless, so they stayed silent, shock appearing on their faces. As he walked closer, I noticed he was covered in burn marks, cuts and bruises, I looked up at his face, I gasped, staring wide eyed at him...

"Hey guys..." he folded his arms, looking at everyone in the group..


Hope you enjoyed this mega long chapter, Please follow me and add this to your library to see when I update :3. If you liked it, then please leave a vote, I would be so grateful. Stay tuned and....


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