What We Know And What We Should Do
Eagle Droid Speaking: Bep Bep Brrrrb
“Has it really been a week since our arrival? Oh, how time flies.” Momonga looked down at his hands, he had finally come to terms with his new appearance -actually, he kind of enjoyed it. He didn’t need to sleep or drink. Thanks to this, he managed to experiment on what his magic was capable of if he were still human.
He gazed at the empty throne room, apart from him and one of the 41 maids, there was no one in sight. All of the Guardians were either managing Nazarick’s defenses or working on the other tasks he had assigned them.
Returning to his thoughts, he listed everything that he had managed to figure out in this short amount of time. ‘Many of my skills, abilities and weapons seem to work as they did in YGGDRASIL, including some of the in-game restrictions, like not being able to pick up a sword because of my class.’
‘Though, unlike the game, I can use my power for an endless amount of possibilities, not to mention most of my summons and servants have free will and can think for themselves, which opens many doors for them to grow and learn and become much more powerful than they already are.’ Momonga hummed thoughtfully, thinking about his servants gave him memories of what they had accomplished so far during their time in this New World.
‘Speaking of which, the Floor Guardians have been able to do a lot, despite this new, unfamiliar situation.’
Momogna turned to face the banners of two of his friends, Peroroncino, and Warrior Takemikazuchi, Shalltear, and Cocytus have been working together very well, much to Momonga’s surprise. He didn’t expect someone so wild as Shalltear to be perfectly synchronized with someone so calm and collected as Cocytus.
Momonga turned his gaze to another of his guildmate’s banners; Bukubukuchagama, ‘I never expected Aura’s search party to be as successful as it has. The machinery that she has been able to find will certainly be of use to Nazarick, still… I can’t believe she managed to find people in this decrepit hellscape…’ He was impressed with the resourcefulness of someone as young as the Dark Elf.
Momonga diverted his gaze to the banner of another of his guildmates one last time,
‘As for Demiurge, with his constant research and experiments, he was able to not only understand the basics of this universe’s machinery but also bring a few of the droids they found back to life. Knowing him, we’ll soon be able to peer even deeper into the chasm that is this universe's technology.’
Momonga chuckled, ‘Ahhh, I can’t wait to have an army of droids! That’ll be so cool!’ Before his excitement overwhelmed his mind, Momonga was sedated by his [Emotional Suppression], ‘All in due time, I’m sure that Demiurge will figure things out eventually…’ Momonga felt confident in the Devil’s abilities to bring back wonderful results.
‘As for Albedo… Boy am I glad to have someone so reliable and helpful at my side. Not only has she been able to organize and report about everyone's achievements and findings, but also suggested a myriad of great ideas. I can’t think of anyone else who deserves the title of Overseer.’ Momonga couldn't help but sigh in calm relief, as his nonexistent heart was filled with gratitude and appreciation, not only for the Succubus servant but everyone in the tomb.
‘I’m proud of her, I'm proud of everyone! I’m glad that they’re at my side, the Humonculus Maids who work incredibly hard to maintain Nazarick, Sebas who has been ever so patient with me, Shalltear and Cocytus, Lupusregina and Solution who joined the hunt with Aura, Entoma setting out sentry and lookouts around the area, and CZ, she’s-’
Before Momonga could list all of the ways that the denizens of the tomb had been helpful, a loud, booming knock was heard at the entrance of the throne room.
Momonga turned to face the maid that was at his side, “Foire, could you please open the door? I’d hate to leave whoever is on the other side waiting.”
“Of course, Lord Momonga!” The Homunculus Maid flashed the Overlord with a pure, lighthearted smile, which almost made the Undead Lord blush if it were possible.
“My Lord, CZ wishes to report and show off on what she has accomplished.” The maid shouted from the other side of the great hall, “Lady Albedo is also with her, should I let them inside?” Foire asked, she already knew the answer, but she couldn’t act on her own.
“Does she now? Let her in, I wish to know of her results.” Momonga leaned forward, a little excited about what the young Combat Maid had achieved,the petite maid bowed and did as she was asked.
What Momonga saw next left him without words, it took a couple of seconds for his [Emotional Supressor] to fully achieve its purpose.
“Lord Momonga, I present you with your new spaceship.” CZ and Albedo walked into the throne room, what followed behind them was a very large lady, maybe the size of a house or two, she had pale skin with special markings. She wore metallic clothing that hid her very fit and curvy body, her eyes were red, with red streaks over said eyes, she had bluish-grey hair and wore a Vulture Droid head as a helmet.
“Her assigned definition is ‘Eagle Automaton Droid, Mark 2’, she has been fixed and upgraded with the mix of this world’s technology and our own magical materials. Her only purpose is to serve you and take you across the stars.” CZ, while explaining what she had created, had the Eagle Droid bow before her Lord, which was now its own as well.
Momonga sighed and massaged his skeletal face, “You have exceeded my expectations…” Was all he could say, to which both Robotic beings took as a sign of praise. This made the duo incredibly happy, the Vulture Droid, now named Eagle, showed this by humming a few happy “Beeps”. Meanwhile, all that Delta expressed was a mild smile. This might not seem as much, but Momonga knew that the Automaton was unable to express her emotions, something such as the small curvature of CZ’s lips, not something to scoff at.
‘If she’s able to do this with what tech we have right now, I can’t imagine what she could be capable of if we had more resources…’ Momonga couldn't help but rub his chin, even though he was shocked and slightly embarrassed on what Soldier looking servant created, he could not deny the results and how impressive it was. In fact, the immediate thought of going to space excited him. He was pondering if he should take Eagle for a test drive but was interrupted by the Overseer.
“-Is that so? Alright then, I'll let him know… Lord Momonga, it seems that Shalltear has engaged two unknown warriors outside of the tomb. They seem to be wielding a type of blade that she’s never encountered before. What are your orders?” Albedo was just contacted by the aforementioned Vampire and wanted to know what her master wished to do.
“Excuse me… can you repeat that?”
Would Lightsabers count as Devine or Enchanted weapons?
(Also like Ainz new spaceship?~)
/Vulture New Body\
Head: Has lovely blue and grey hair, she has pale skin with red marking over her eyes, that resembles the eye's of the droid, she also has a fully robotic brains that are filled with maps and locations it's been to before, while also having the ability to learn more and save away informations.
Chest Area: Besides having pale skin with marking and designs all over her body, inside her chest, carries two important items, 1: being engines and 2: being the power source/hyperdrive, which both can be found where the breasts should be, giving her DD-Cups, also has built in blasters in the shoulders.
Arms: Inside the arms carry all the deadly blasters/blades that was made from a mix of tech they can find out in the junkyard and some magic.
Belly Area: Inside her belly area, besides one certain organ that was implanted, has a entire items/tech need to carry a person and poilet the ship, enough room for three people.
Legs: Her legs has rocket boosters that allows her to fly in insane speed.
Clothing: If her body is the inside of the spaceship, the her clothing is the outside, both which can be transformed into her original form, she has a helmet that is the head of the droid, the sleeves are the wings/blasters, and everything is the body of the ship.
(Here's a image to get a good reference on what I'm trying to do)
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