The Temple Of Knowledge

Cad Bane could not believe what their first mission included.

"You want to break into the Jedi Temple and steal the information within the archives? That itself is already deadly. However, you also want to get ALL the holocrons? We would have to break into the Jedi Temple, which is deadly by itself, not to mention impossible."
Cad Bane looked around at the rest of the maids, who seemed to be relatively calm about this mission. Alpha, the leader of the maids, calmly responded to Bane's worries.

"While I do understand your concern, there is no need to worry. We have thoroughly prepared for any outcome. Furthermore, contrary to how we look, we are able to protect ourselves."
Cad Bane, after hearing Alpha's dismissal of his worries, started looking towards the rest of the maids. He had soon learned all of the maids' names after getting inside his spaceship. The leader was called Alpha, while the rest of the maids' names were Beta, Delta, Epsilon, Gamma, and Zeta.
Bane looked at Delta. She didn't seem to change for the mission, keeping on the same outfit as before. Bane started looking around at the rest of the maids that also didn't change their outfits.
Beta was a brown-skinned woman with red hair tied in two long braids. Her maid outfit had short sleeves and long black gloves. Her skirt also seemed to have a long slit on its left side, revealing her thigh-high white stockings. Despite the size of the weapon, she also seemed to easily carry a large black and silver scepter.
Epsilon was a blond beauty with spiral curls and clothes that seemed to emphasize her sex appeal. Similar to Beta, her maid outfit was short-sleeved while she wore long black gloves. However, her skirt was noticeably shorter and seemed to barely cover her body. On her legs, rather than stockings, she seemed to be wearing two large metallic boots. Bane couldn't help but wonder the reason for the boots, and what technology was inside them.
Gamma looked like an elegant black-pony tailed beauty. She wore a white bonnet, and had black armor decorated with gold and silver. Her skirt, unlike the others, seemed to be a hoop skirt. Her weapon seemed to be a simple golden staff plated in silver.
Finally, Bane turned to the last maid, Zeta. Zeta, unlike the rest of the maids, didn't seem to have the same mask. However, her face was far from her real one. Bane could tell that she was wearing a mask, based on the fact that her eyes and mouth never seemed to move. She seemed to have mauve hair with twin chignons. Her maid outfit seemed to be similar to a robe of some kind.
Cad Bane then signed and bit on his toothpick.

"What's your plan on infiltrating the Jedi Temple? We can't just rush in and attack."
At this question, Alpha once again responded.

"I will explain the plan that has been given to us by Lord Jaldabaoth on our way to Coruscant. First of all, let us head to our ship for this mission."
Yoda, holding the new cane he got, walked along the hallway towards the communication center. Yoda was beyond impressed with the gift he got from Lord Momonga. This [Cane of Sinner & Purity] had greatly improved his life in the past few days. Not only was he feeling a few centuries younger, but also noticed that his force power had been greatly strengthened. While Yoda wanted to know more about what this item was and how Lord Momonga got his hands on such an artifact, he wanted not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
As Yoda entered the communication center, he saw that Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto were surrounding a hologram of Anakin Skywalker. Yoda could hear young Skywalker talking to the other Jedi Masters.

"Good Evening, Jedi Masters. I'm currently packing up and getting to travel to planet Ainz Ooal Gown. After finishing packing, I'm going to talk to Snip- I mean my padawan. Before I set off, I plan to spend some time with my wife, Padme. I should be able to leave within the day."
As Yoda entered the room, the other Jedi Masters soon noticed him and slightly bowed before him in respect.

"Good Afternoon, Master Yoda."
Obi-wan noticed that Master Yoda seemed to radiate an energy that was much stronger than the last time he saw him. He could only assume that the cane Momonga gave to Master Yoda was an artifact of unknown origins and power, similar to the ring he received. Why he would decide to give such a priceless item so easily was unknown to him, however.

"We were just discussing Skywalker's preparations to head to Momonga's planet, Master Yoda."
Mace Windu quickly briefed the old Jedi Master on what they had been doing. Mace Windu heard the details of the peace meeting from Obi-Wan, and could only be curious as to who this Momoga fellow was, and whether he would turn out to be an ally or enemy.

"Tread carefully, we must. Antagonize them, we must not. On friendly terms, we must stay."
Soon after Yoda said that warning, Yoda suddenly felt his body weaken as he felt something through the force. Obi-wan, noticing this, worried for Master Yoda. He looked at the cane Master Yoda was holding and wondered if it had anything to do with Master Yoda's sudden change. Despite knowing that Momonga was trying to be kind, Obi-wan couldn't ignore the dark presence within the cane.

"Master Yoda, what is it? Has the cane impacted you in a negative way? Are you in need of a medical droid?"
Yoda shook his head and stated, with a sense of urgency and worry,

"A disturbance in the Force, there was. Intruders, there will be, in this Temple."
Anakin, seeing what was happening on the other side of the holo, suddenly looked worried.

"Master Yoda, should I stop my preparations for my trip to Planet Ainz Ooal Gown? If there are intruders at the Jedi Temple, I shoul-"
Before Anakin could finish speaking, Mace Windu interrupted with a firm and authoritative voice.

"There is no need, Skywalker. You should focus on establishing friendly relations with this Momonga. We shall focus on the intruders at the Jedi Temple."
Hearing this, Anakin couldn't help but feel a little downhearted. He wanted to test out the new weapon he got from Lord Momonga, the [Red Moonlight Razor]. Despite its red color, Anakin liked the way the weapon felt. Being pulled out of his thoughts by the conversation going on, Anakin listened in on what the Jedi Masters were talking about.

"We should prepare to put the temple on high alert. If they are attacking the temple, it is very likely they are attacking to get information on our forces."
Master Kit Fisto, who had been relatively silent for the entire time, decided to speak.

"Call Ahsoka Tano, you should, Obi-Wan. Need her, we will."
Yoda turned to Obi-wan, giving his command, before turning to everyone else.

"Prepare, we must. A lot of time, we do not have."
Cad Bane and the Pleiades arrived above Coruscant in a civilian ship. Bane didn't know where the maids got this ship, and he honestly didn't care, as long as it helped them get the job done. Even though the maids wanted to steal a bunch of items, the ship was relatively small, with barely any cargo space. When Cad Bane brought this worry to Alpha's attention, she merely dismissed him by saying, "We have a way of easily transporting the items." Deciding to give up and leave the issue for his future self, Cad Bane looked out of the window onto the world.

"We should take this chance to remind everyone of their roles, I don't want any form of misunderstanding when doing this mission."
Cad Bane entered 'Work' mode, any personal feelings he had was ignored and was full on serious, something the leader of the Pleiades approve in seeing

"Please listen up everyone, I will only say this once."
Yuri walked towards and stood beside the Bounty Hunter, as she continues to speak with everyone

"Our mission today is quite simple, I shall follow Sir Bane, who knows the layout of the temple and where the Holocrons are, and I will act as his guard, lockpicker, and be in charge of holding all the important that needs to be taken."
Once Yuri explained her role, she quickly points at Gamma and Delta

"You two will go to any computer-like device that is connected to everything, Delta you will steal every information available, while also erasing it all, and as for Gamma, make sure she is protected and not distracted."
The two strong silent type nods their heads in understanding, after that Yuri points at both Beta and Epsilon

"You two will steal anything that looks important, Beta will be incharge of taking all the items, like books, technology, and even random objects that could be useful, as for you Epsilon, kidnap as many people as you can, Jedi are top priority, but if you see someone useful, take them as well, also harming them is fine but do not kill them if possible."
The redhead maid pouts, no doubt jealous for getting a boring role, all the while Epsilon squirms in excitement, which made Cad grimace in disgust, lastly Yuri points at Zeta, who was very curious on what she will be doing

"Zeta... Please don't stain your clothes while eating."
What Yuri said made the blue cowboy raise an eyebrow in confusion, though the fake face maid started to drool and shake with excitement

"Ah, so she's a carnivore, good to know."
Cad Bane immediately understood what was going on, to which Alpha nods while pulling out a scroll from her sleeve

"With nothing more to add, and assuming all of you know what to do now, we shall begin, 'Greater Teleportation'."
On the surface of the planet, Obi-wan and Ahsoka were walking the halls of the Jedi Temple, trying to search for any signs of the intruder. As the pair were walking, you could notice Ahsoka staring at Obi-wan's hand. Ahsoka, who had recently been put under Master Obi-wan due to Anakin's mission, noticed the ring on his finger, but never had the courage to ask until now.

"Master, I've been meaning to ask you a question."
Obi-wan, who noticed Ahsoka staring at his hand, guessed what she was going to ask about.

"No, Ahsoka. This ring isn't anything meaningful like that. I just received it as a peace offering from Lord Momonga, the new ruler of planet Ainz Ooal Gown."
Ahsoka, who recently heard a lot about this Momonga, was curious to know more.

"Who is this Momonga, Master? I heard he came out of nowhere. Is he an ally or an enemy? Is it true that he had a powerful dark aura? Is i-"
Before Ahsoka could ask more questions, Obi-wan stopped her with his hand.

"Please, Ahsoka. Ask one question at a time. As for who he is, I do not know. No one knows. Except for the fact that he is undoubtedly powerful, we don't know much else. Now, we should focus on the task at hand and focus on finding the intruders."
Ahsoka, sad at not being able to find out more about this mysterious person, pouted before asking a question that seemed to be on both their minds.

"But Master, where do we start looking for these intruders? They could be anywhere in the Jedi Temple!"
Obi-wan, hearing this, stopped and thought about her question. She was right. Aimlessly walking around won't do anything.

"Well, I doubt they've come to explore the scenery."

"What can they get here that they can't get anywhere else?"
Ahsoka asked Obi-wan, who seemed to reach the answer to her question and was about to answer it, but was stopped by the sound of crunching and chewing, this confused yet feel a unknown vibe of dread, they immediately followed the sound, lightsabers out and ready, and once they arrive at the source of the sound, Kenobi couldn't help but frown is disgust while Tano was close to vomiting, what they saw before them was none other than Zeta, who was in the middle eating a random person, most likely a guard, alive, the carnivorous maid stop in the middle of her meal once she noticed the two before her

"Oh dear, it seems that my diet will be ruined after the end of this day."
Entoma face them fully, as a large amount of bugs started to crawl in the hallway, which definitely made the two Jedis tense up and got ready for battle, two special magical bugs in particular crawled up the maids arm, turning into a sword and shield, the monster raised her weapon and started to drool even more so

"Better hope you taste good take make up for it~"
Meanwhile, at the library of the of the temple, an elderly looking woman, named Jocasta Nu, was in the middle of walking through said library, putting away what was misplaced, cleaning anything that was dirty, and just taking a moment to explore the area, though before she could continue her peace, her communicator went off, which definitely caught her attention

"This Is Obi-wan, We've Found The Intruder, And We Request Back Up, Also Anyone Near Our Location That Can't Fight, Please Stay Back Or You Will Be Killed!"
After that message was sent to everyone, Jocasta Nu wasted no time doing as she was told and was about to run off, unfortunately she couldn't get very far as she ran into something, or someone, 'Slimey'

"I hope you continue to squirm while inside me~..."
Jocasta only had enough time to look up at Solution with shock and horror, even though she wore a mask, the old lady can tell she looked at her with a nasty expression, without saying another word, she was absorb into the body of the blonde maid, who managed to take away any valuables she has on her and toss it to Beta, who turned off her invisibility and caught the items

"Why do you get the fun of playing with your food..."
Lupusregina crossed her arms, after putting the items in her pocket dimension

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to save you a few toys once I get to full to carry anymore~"
Solution pats her flat stomach and let out a delighted giggle, to which the redhead responded with a huff

"You better..."
Soon both Lupusregina and Solution started to leave the area to do their mission, leaving behind the Bounty Hunter, Alpha, Delta and Gamma, who all uncloak and revealed themselves

"I hope they don't let their habits get in the way of our missions."
Cad Bane, while he didn't care to much of someone who was, 'Less Merciful', he was a professional and preferred to be work as such

"We can only hope."
Yuri didn't deny anything, turning around and walk towards the vault, pulling out another item and aimed it at the door, no doubt using it to unlock it, the blue cowboy huffs as he turns to look at Delta, who was plugging herself into the system, and Gamma, who stood by her side and just waited until she is needed

"How long will it take for you to access everything?"
Cad Bane wanted to know his time limit and how much he can waste when doing his job

"2.346 minutes to uncover everything, 3.583 minutes to steal everything, and 1.482 minutes to erase everything."
The Bounty Hunter was both impressed and pleased on what CZ just told him

"So around 6 minutes, I can work with that, also while you are at it, turn off the GPS and security for this area, should buy us more time for us to complete our mission."
Delta only nods in response, Cad Bane then heard the sound of the door opening, turning his head and saw Alpha finally opening the vault

"If you please lead the way, Sir Bane."
Yuri was ready to move on, the blue cowboy nods, reaching in his bag and set a ball size object, with magical crystal around it, on the floor and press the button, 10 minute timer, after setting that up, he quickly goes in the vault and leads the way to where they need to go, meanwhile, back at the temple highways, Entoma was in the middle of having a sword clash with Kenobi, her magically bug blade hitting his 'Lightsaber', it was no easy battle that's for sure, Kenobi was obviously faster and more skilled, not to mention using the 'Force' help him make his enemy trip up and make mistakes, but Zeta was relentless and gave no room to breathe, not to mention that she was able to block any fatal attacks that landed, whether with her weapons or magical clothing, which was taking a quite a bit of damage despite its special defensive

"You Dare Damage The Clothes My Creator Made For Me, I SHALL END YOU!"
Though Entoma used that fact to fuel her rage and attack more wildly, with no chance of slowing down, also it didn't help that her smaller bugs were crawling and biting into the Master Jedi, distracted him enough to get some deep cuts on his body, though he was able to avoid getting hurt seriously, while also using the 'Force' to push her more far away and give him some distance

"Ahsoka, how's the bug exterminating going?"
Obi-wan takes this small moment to catch his breath and checks up on the Padawan, who was busy cutting up and pushing away the bigger bugs, making sure that none of them will get close to her Master

"Please don't worry about me, everything is under control here!"
Ahsoka sliced up a few more bugs with her green 'Lightsaber', while quickly used the 'Force' to remove any small ones off Kenobi, who lets out a small sigh of relief

'Wish I could say the same.'
Obi-wan quickly blocked the blade that came from above, the heat from the plasma melted the magic metal even more so, though that didn't stop her from pushing, also add in the fact that the burning blade drip on his cheeks didn't help, making him clench his teeth in pain and started to struggle against her strength, though while trying to push back, he saw the ring on his finger, it made him a bit conflicted at first, but sigh in defeat

'Hopefully this gift won't destroy the temple...'
With little options, Obi-wan decided to use his magic ring against his opponent, unsure what it might do specially and could only pray that it will do more good than harm, he quickly aimed his fist on her chest and used the rest of his concentration to activate the ring, it took a bit since he never had training with his new weapon, but fortunately for him, not only did it work, but nothing destructive came from his weapon, instead all it did was turned blue and shoot a large wave of water, which pushed Zeta, and all the bugs behind her, away and slammed against the wall with enough force crack it, this instantly killed all the insects, while momentarily stunning the monster maid as she fell to the ground, the Master Jedi was surprised by this and looks at the ring with newfound fascination

"Such power..."
Obi-wan was already thing of future possibility, he had just used 'Water Element', which can already solve a lot like thirst and fire, but he was imagining what else it can do

"N-No only did you damage the clothes of the Supreme Beings, but you also sullied it with your unholy liquids..."
Kenobi quickly snapped out of his thoughts and face towards Entoma again, aiming both weapons at her

"I Will End You!"
Entoma, when she stood up back to her feet, let her wet bug mask drop and reveal a very horrid spider like face, which made the Jedi Master wince once looking at it, it was more unsettling that a child like voice also came out those mandibles, but he did not back down and kept a brave face

"Then what are you waiting for, turn my story into an epilogue."
Obi-wan smirked, Zeta replies with a insect like roar, quickly growing four large legs from her back and wasted no time charging towards him, which greatly increased her speed, she raised her weapon and prepared to bring it down upon him, though before Kenobi could counter attack, a certain purple 'Lightsaber' met the blade, cutting it completely off

"You will tell us everything that you know."
Mace Windu glared at the spider maid that stood before him, to which she was about to take a bite out of him, but was instantly stopped and pinned down to the ground, thanks to Fisto and Secura using the 'Force' to keep a hold on her

"Obi-wan, Ashoka, well, I hope you are feeling."
All the bugs that Tano was killing was suddenly picked up and thrown out the window by none other than Yoda, who walked up to them and looked concerned for their well being

"I am fine Master Yoda."
Ashoka bows her head in thanks, while also letting him know that she was unharmed

"Well I've definitely been better, I think a few of those bugs were venomous."
Obi-wan puts away his weapon, while also taking the chance to crush a single bug that survived with his foot, despite admitting to possibly being poisoned, he did not show it and seemed to be fine at the moment

"Medical attention, you must have, this intruder, we can handle."
Yoda pats Kenobi, letting him know that he did enough, while also walking towards the spider maid, who was still struggling against the 'Force'

"I'll go after we find out what's going on."
Obi-wan refused to leave and clearly wanted answers, as did everyone

"We are giving you this chance to talk, you Monster, I recommend you take that offer before we are forced to use, 'Other Methods'."
Mace aimed his purple plasma sword at Zeta, who growls and glared at everyone

'Zeta, we got everything we needed, please fall back.'
Once Entoma got the message from Delta, she immediately pushed away any hateful feelings she had for everyone, as she had one of the last bug pull out a 'Scroll', which every Jedi notice

"Um, is she gonna write us an answer?"
Ashoka couldn't help but ask, though before they could question on what's inside the paper, Zeta said her final words to everyone

"Greater Teleportation!"
The 'Scroll' bursted into a blue flame, and just like that, Entoma was gone much to everyone shock

"Everyone, Split Up And Find Her!"
Quickly Mace, Fisto and Secura did as they were told and ran off in separate directions, in hopes to find that spider maid, though Yoda, Obi-wan and Tano stayed behind

"Shouldn't we also split up as well?"
Ashoka was confused on why the two Jedi isn't joining the search

"Something terrible, I feared happen."
Yoda frowns deeply as he started to walk off towards a certain direction

"So you came to the same conclusion huh?"
Obi-wan followed the short green alien, Tano was still confused on what they were talking about

"What do you mean by that?"
Before Ashoka question could be answered, a very loud explosion could be heard, which was big enough to shake the entire temple, and if anyone looked outside, it could almost look like a nuke, this made the three very worried and wasted no time rushing towards the location, and said location was the Archives, key word 'Was', when they got there, all they saw was the outside world, and a large chunk of the temple was missing, this was enough to make Kenobi fall to his knees in horror, and for Yoda to bow his head in guilt and depression, Tano on the other hand was extremely upset

"The Nasty Bug Lady Was A Distraction!"
Ashoka clenched her fist in extreme silent rage

"Destroy Jedi knowledge, the real goal was, succeeded, unfortunately."
Yoda wipes a tear from his eye, clearly such a thing affected him more than what was shown

"... This is no time to let our thoughts and feelings be clouded with this tragedy, we must find the people responsible for all this, before they continue to leave more destruction ...."
Obi-wan, once he was able to recover from this unfortunate turn of events, stood back up to his feet with new found determination, to which they agreed and started to leave the area, so that they could regroup and plan for the future.
Demiurge sat at his desk on the spaceship he was given. On his face, you could see a large grin. It had been an hour since Cad Bane and the Pleiades returned with the holocrons and information he wanted, while also acknowledging the strength of the Jedi, evidence on how one of them can damage and push one of the Pleiades to the edge, no doubt useful information indeed. Soon after dismissing Cad Bane, Demiurge moved everything into Nazarick, for further study. However, the most important thing is that this mission has been an overwhelming success. Those ignorant Jedi masters didn't assume a thing, revealing a lot of classified information. Not only did he learn that holocrons are only accessible by Jedi, but he also learned of a certain kyber memory crystal. If this kyber memory crystal were to be combined with the holocron, he would have a list of all the force sensitive children across the galaxy. A list of possible test subjects. As he thought of this, Demiurge was grinning. He would need to find the Jedi Master holding this crystal soon, for the sake of learning more. After Demiurge was thinking about the kyber memory crystal and holocrons for a few minutes, he eventually decided to get back to work. Reaching a finger to his temple, he activated [Message] and called Yuri Alpha.

"Yuri, please contact Cad Bane about our next mission. We should begin the next step of the plan."
Yuri responded in a very formal and kind voice, "Understood, Lord Demiurge."
Demiurge stood up and looked out the window, facing the many stars within his view. The first step toward Lord Momonga's perfect plan has begun. Now, everyone else only needs to play in the palm of his hand.

"Dance for our Supreme Lord. Let us give him an amazing show."
Due to a lack of response, my partner is now no longer a part of my story, and I will continue to write the rest on my own, also sorry if my writing looked weird, they did still add some of it and I didn't want to get rid of it.
(Also sorry if this feels a bit rushed, I honestly lost track on where I was at and forget some ideas I had, sorry)

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