Eagle Droid Speaking: Bep Bep Brrrrb
*After demand were met, and maybe another hour of two of talking smaller details of their new found unique relationship, plus also trading a few information here and there with one another, the meeting has finally ends with Momonga and Padme shaking hands*
"Thank you Lord Momonga, for coming here and forming a peaceful relationship with us, I hope this will last long between us.”
*Padme smiles in satisfaction while the Jedi's lets out sigh of relief, all very glad to make peace and not make any war*
“As do I, Senator Amidala, in fact, as a sign of good faith.”
*Momonga, after a giving a friendly handshake, let's go and reached into his sleeve, secretly opening his <Item Box>, and pulled out a few item and laid them on the table, which caught everyone's attention*
“I have gifts for everyone!~”
*Momonga, secretly hopes that these random trash items will be enough to earn their trust even, he really doesn't want any bad blood between them or have any chance of their peace ruin in any way*
“For you, Senator Amidala, I give you two <Horns Of The Goblin General>, blow on this and it will summon a group of Goblins that will serve and protect you.”
*Momonga then hands over two pair of horns to the Young Lady, who carefully takes it and looked at the item with great amazement, as did the Jedi's, to think such simple trinkets held such unique abilities*
“O-Oh my, you really shouldn't have, I'm flattered.”
*Padme held onto her gift and bow her head in appreciation, to which the Ruler Of Nazarick waved his hand dismissively, as if saying thanks was unneeded*
“As for Master Yoda, I offer you the <Cane Of Sinner & Purity>, not only will it help you walk better, but also offer a few defense and offense abilities that may help you in the future.”
*Momonga then gives the Old Master a walking cane, which had a white and black mix color on the shaft and a grey sphere gem on the tip, and while the small green alien could sense the dark power mix into the pure weapon, he understood that it wasn't evil, just nature*
“Powerful weapon you give me, use responsibly, I shall.”
*Yoda smiles and bows his head in thanks, the Hidden Undead King tried not to laugh when he said ‘Powerful', but luckily he calms down and moves on*
“Next, Jedi Kenobi, I present to you the <Ring Of 10 Blessing>, a special item that will allow you to use and control 10 elemental powers, I hope this will be useful to you in the long run.”
*Momonga then gives the 2nd Oldest Jedi a lovely looking ring with a black/white color while the gem looked likes a rainbow, to which he took and analyze it*
“Such a lovely and no doubt expensive piece of jewelry, I'll be sure to handle it with care.”
*Obi Wan couldn't help but admire it, and after giving a good glance, he puts it on his finger and shivers a little, feeling both the power and the ring adjust and fit properly on his body, to which did interest the Skeletal Lord, but said nothing and focus on the last person in the room*
“And lastly, Anakin Skywalker, you strike me as a fellow who loves a good fight, so I gift you the <Red Moonlight Razor>, a unique sword that could rival your <Lightsaber>, I hope you use it well.”
*Momonga hands over a sword to the Youngest <Force> User out of the three, to which the young man takes and held up, taking out the sword from its sheath, noticing the red crystal blade, which did make a few tense up, but said nothing, knowing it wasn't ‘THAT’ kind of weapon*
“Huh, rival my, ‘<Lightsaber>’, huh? I'll be the judge of that once I meet a few droids in the battle field~”
*Anakin gave the magic sword a few test swing, noting how light yet strong it was, to which he liked, the Servants of the Overlord didn't like the man's attitude, but the Ruler Of Nazarick didn't mind it, he likes the feeling to be treated like a normal person instead of a God King, it still made him sigh in exhaustion*
“Well, let's hope it's not on my planet, speaking of which, I'll be sure to prepare a guest room for you back at my home, when should I expect your arrival?”
*Momonga prepares to make any necessary arrangements at his Great Tomb to accommodate and please his soon to be visitor*
“Well, it's undecided, but hopefully in a week or two, we still have some matters to attend to.”
*Obi Wan quickly cuts in before Skywalker had a chance to say anything, mostly because he wish to discuss with a few, ‘Things', with him before he leaves, to which the Jedi caught on and nods*
“I see then, well if that's the case, and if there's nothing else to be said, I shall take my leave, since I also have other matters and meetings to attend to.”
*Momonga, once he thought everything was said and done, gestures for his servants to prepare to leave and follow him*
“Of course, I wish for you a safe trip, and thank you again for giving us a chance for peace.”
*Padme bows lightly and politely, still very grateful for the Supreme Being and his civil/reasonable nature, to which the other Jedi's agree and bow their heads in respect, the Elder Lich just nods back as he turns around and begins to walk away, heading straight for the door, though before he could open it, someone else did it for him akd revealed a elderly old man, which almost startled the Overlord*
“Oh! Excuse me, I wasn't aware Miss Amidala had a guest.”
*The Old Fellow was surprised to see the Skeletal Lord in front of him, though the Undead King couldn't help but look at the Elderly Man with a suspicious gaze, since his reaction didn't seem genuine*
“Ah, please forgive my rude arrival, I just needed to discuss a few things with her, but since I'm done, I shall take my leave and not bother anyone anymore.”
*Once Momonga quickly explain his reasons, and ignoring his suspicion, the Stranger quickly understood and step aside to let the Lord and his Servant through*
“Well, whatever the reasons you were here, I hoped you enjoyed your stay.”
*The Old Guy gave a polite bow and wave, the Overlord let out a small hum as he just walks away*
‘What a weird old man…’
*Was all Momonga could think about when meeting the important looking Elderly Person*
“Would anyone like to fill me in on what happened?”
*The Old Guy, after letting the Guest leave the room, went inside and asked what was going on*
“Chancellor Palpatine, conflict avoided, it was, a nice conversation of peace, happy with results.”
*Yoda quickly sums up on what happened, he seems very happy and satisfied of the outcome*
“He was very reasonable and kind, I hope we can have him join our side one day.”
*Padme shared the same feels, as she was glad no bloodshed was made and had hope for a better future*
“Not to mention he gave us new gear as a token of friendship, and definitely worked in achieving that.”
*Anakin took a liking to his new weapon, he could already imagine a few ironic scenario when using this red blade sword against his enemies*
“Careful Anakin, don't need you causing more wars with your new toy.”
*Obi Wan calmly joke and warn his Young Apprentice, to which he shrugs and sheathed his weapon and put it away*
“Is that so? Hm…”
*The one known as Palpatine couldn't help but rub his chin hum, meanwhile, at a different planet, in a different location, in a different building, there was a man, with grey hair and beard, wearing black clothes with a brown cloak, bowing before a holographic mysterious person who wore a hood to hide his identity, the two seem to be speaking with one another*
“-Even if he's not fully connected to the <Force>, his dark power is still undeniable, which is why it's important for you to persuade him to join our side, at all cost.”
*The Stranger had explained the who situation about this unexpected person, known as Momonga, that joined the party uninvited and out of nowhere, while also telling him what needs to happen now*
“It shall be done, my Master.”
*The Grey Hair Man bow and nod his head in understanding, knowing what his ‘Master' wants to be done*
“Good, do not fail me.”
*Was all the Master said, before the Hologram turns off, leaving the Person to stand up and think about what he has been told*
‘This ‘Momonga’ fellow must be very dangerous.’
*While thinking of this, he couldn't help but look out the window and watch the setting sun, which made him narrow his eyes and frown*
‘Enough so to make ‘Him' notice and acknowledge.’
*Meanwhile, in the same sky, a familiar looking Eagle Droid was in the middle of flying towards the Planet and Palace of Serenno, they took a small detour, so that the Ruler Of Nazarick could admire the area and its surrounding, something that made him please to see, after such a trip, the ship flew towards the landing platform, there we see a bunch of Battle Droids, ranging from B-1, B-X, Droideka, B-2, etc, they all got in front and stand around the aircraft that just landed, weapons pointed and ready to shoot*
“You are unauthorized to park your droid spaceship here, please state your business before we shoot.”
*A single ST-Series, who was apparently the General of this small group of droids, walked up to the ship and quickly began questioning, the head of the aircraft popped up and looked at the Tactical Robot*
“Dep, Bep bep bep, brrrrh.”
*The Eagle Droid quickly speaks with the Strategic Bot, who seems to be able to understand everything it's been told to them*
“You did not make a appointment to meet him, so we must-”
*The ST-Series was about to reject them, but was interrupted when he got a message inside his head, which made him pause and listen*
“... Roger Roger, Everyone, Stand Down! They have been given permission to meet with our Leader.”
*Once the ST-Series said this, all the battle droids put their weapons away and took a step back*
“I shall lead your King to meet with the person he wishes to see.”
*ST-Series quickly offers to be the guide and take the Guests into his care, this satisfy the Nazarick Brand Android, as she quickly opens the door and let the Supreme Being, the Vampire, and the Butler walk out and up to the General Android*
“We thank you for your hospitality, we shall be in your care.”
*Momonga quickly express his gratitude, to which Tactical Droid replies with a nod, before leading the three away, meanwhile, at some meeting table that was inside the Serenno Palace, the Grey Hair Man had sat down and waited for his guest, planning what to say or do, while also having some MagnaGuard stand near him and acts as protection, luckily he didn't need to wait long, since his Strategic Bot had came in with the three important people*
“Count Dooku, I bring you the ‘King Of Planet Ainz Ooal Gown’ and his loyal subjects, who wish to speak with you about peace and not wanting to start any wars or bloodshed.”
*The ST-Series quickly introduced the arrival the visitors and why they were here*
“Thank you, you are dismissed.”
*The person, now known as Count Dooku, waves away his Droid Servant, who bows light and leaves the room, leaving them alone and in private*
“Good evening, my Lord, I am glad to know you wish to speak with me about peace, please have a seat, shall I offer you a drink or meal?”
*Dooku tries his best to sound like a great host and make sure his guest were nice and comfortable*
“You may call me Momonga, no need for the ‘Lord' title, also I must decline your offer, I already had dinner before I got here, but I am thankful for your offer.”
*Momonga quickly sat down, while expressing his pleased feelings to his Host, to which made the Count nod in respect and acceptance*
“As you wish, Sir Momonga, now then, what type of truce or deal did you wish to discuss with me?”
*Once Dooku said this, the meeting has begun, Elder Lich explained his desires, his reasoning, and what he has to offer, basically saying the same thing he said to the Senator, though with extra/hidden details, the Separatist made sure to pay close attention and listen to every word being told to him, while also preparing on what to say or how to respond to the Overlord*
“-Of course, if these sound unreasonable, I am very open to discussion and how to come to an understanding between us.”
*With that, Momonga had finished speaking what was on his mind and his main reason of coming here, the Sith Lord had to take a moment to think and process everything that was told to him*
“Hm, I have no complaints, so I shall accept your deal, though I hope you can give me time to think of someone trustworthy enough to visit your sacred home.”
*Dooku quickly made his decisions without hesitation and without regret, which slightly surprised the Undead King for such a quick answer*
“Oh? You actually accept my terms and offer? I was sure you would've at leasts rejected some of my ideas.”
*Momonga did not expect to have such a easy reply from the Sith Lord, he thought he had to make some type of alternative offer or something like that*
“Well, if the Republicans have already agreed, then unfortunately I can not back down and refuse so easily, without making us Separatists look bad.”
*Dooku gave his reasons for accepting the offer, which made the Overlord rub his chin and think about what he has been told*
“Ah, yes, that does make sense.”
*Momonga understood his point, and probably do the same thing if he was in his shoes, maybe, he needs to study more on becoming a king*
‘Maybe I should stop by the library and read some ‘Kinging’ books.’
*Before Momonga could continue his thoughts, they were interrupted when the Count spoke up again*
“Though, if I may, can I make one simple request before this meeting is adjourned?”
*What Dooku said annoyed Shalltear and Sebas, something that the <Force User> quickly noticed, and found it interesting to know*
“Request you say, huh?”
*Momonga, after calming his servants, turn his attention to the Separatist, amd was curious and what he wanted*
“Yes, if you indulge me, your Majesty.”
*Dooku bow his head, no doubt wanting to get on his good side and such*
“Well I suppose I can, though I must hear what you desire before I agree.”
*Momonga, while seeing no harm to hear out what he wants, was still a little bit weary on ‘What' he could want*
“Alright, what I want from you, is for you to share one of your servants or warriors to work under me, as a sign or trust and who I'm dealing with.”
*After Dooku made his requests, Supreme Being had to take a moment to think about this, weighing the pro's and con's of accepting this requests*
“Hm… Alright then.”
*Once Momonga accepted the requests, he reached into his leaves, opened his <Item Box> and pull out a scroll, catching the interests of the Count*
“This item is called ‘<The Scroll Of The Generals>’, it's a list of different types of servants that can act as your General, each with their own unique abilities, though you can only summon one.”
*Momonga quickly explain the function of the item he had on his hand, before quickly giving it to the Separatist*
“Fascinating, and how do I summon them?”
*Dooku was honestly amazed by hearing such power, as he picked up and look through the <The Scroll Of The Generals>*
“Just rub your blood on a name and they shall appear, and depending on whose blood you use, not only would it be absolutely loyal to the one that shared its DNA, but also have the same level of power as the Master.”
*Even though what Momonga gave was indeed a powerful magical item, he didn't really see it as a big deal, not only was he sure he could take down the summoned if it became a threat, but his servants and himself can do the same thing, without the use of a scroll, so he had no real issue with giving away such a minor item*
“I thank you for such a gift, and I hope for a long lasting relationship between us.”
*Dooku then stands up and offers a hand of friendship, to which the Undead King respond the same and grab the hand to shake*
“As do I, Count Dooku.”
*Once Momonga had finally finished creating friendly ties with the Separatist, he couldn't help but let out a loud mental sigh and groans in exhaustion*
‘UGH! FINALLY IT'S OVER! Now I don't have to worry about being in the middle of some stupid war! Bwaaaaah I want to go home already…’
*Momonga couldn't help but mentally cheer and complain about what he had to go through to achieve peace between the Separatist and Republican, but now he can finally rest and no longer worry about any of this and instead focus about taking care of Nazarick and what to do in the future, though, unknown to him, he failed to realize a evil looking grin that Sith Lord had on his face, no doubt up to no good*
OH MY GOD, this tool longer to rewrite than expected, though that me cause I'm a lazy person lol~
(Btw I'm just making up magic and weapons and items, cause I don't really know what thry have or what they can fully do)
/People Who Can Hurt Nazarick Pt.2\
-Count Dooku.
-General Grievous.
-Darth Maul.
(I'm more or less talking about the Main Villains that are consider powerful, which isn't a lot in all honesty)
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