Our Next Move
Eagle Droid Speaking: Bep Bep Brrrrb
“-And that concludes the report given to me by Neuronist.”
Momonga sighed, ‘How in the 9 worlds did we end up in a situation such as this!?’ He looked around, trying to see if any of the Guardians present would speak up, It hasn't even been a full week and we already have the attention of both The Galactic Republic And The Separatists! How bad can our situation get!?!’
Momonga was beginning to hyperventilate -if that was even possible for a skeleton such as himself- but was calmed down by his [Emotional Supressor] which gave him some breathing room, ‘Ok let’s summarize things in a simpler way… Two very different factions discovered me through the use of the [Force] -which is something we must look into- and as a result, want me to join their side. The Republic wants to form some sort of alliance through peaceful delegations, while the Separatist Alliance wishes to force me into their faction.’
Momonga, after a moment of thought, made his decision, “Albedo, Raise Nazarick’s security level to its maximum. I shall be departing to meet the leaders of both the Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems.”
The throne room burst into a cacophony of complaints the moment that the Undead Lord stopped talking, “Please reconsider, my lord! We don’t know what delves into the surrounding planets! For all we know, you could be heading into a trap!” protested the Guardian Overseer.
Even Shalltear, who was considered Albedo’s rival, agreed, “The big-mouthed gorilla is right, Lord Momonga!” Albedo flinched, but decided not to speak up, “As Albedo said, you could be heading straight into a trap! At least let me accompany you, that way I’ll be able to protect you if you encounter any danger.”
The twin Dark Elves nodded their head in agreement, “P-Please don’t go, Lord Momonga.” Mare sheepishly said, “Please stay…” Aura said with concern, which shocked Momonga, as she was usually so lively.
‘Maybe I should stay…’ The Overlord was about to open his mouth but quickly stopped himself, ‘No, it has to be me. I know that I said that I didn’t want to partake in this ‘Clone War’, but at this point, I don't really have a choice.’
“So, that's how you wanna do this, my Lord, very brilliant indeed~...”
Momonga turned towards the source of the sly voice.
Demiurge was about to join the other Guardians in their interjections but stopped to think about what his master could really be thinking. That’s when he managed to gaze into the bottomless abyss that was his master’s intellect.
‘Huh?’ Momonga, -along with the other denizens present- stared at the devil with confusion.
“Oh! How foolish of me to not understand your true intentions, please forgive me.” Albedo said but a second after the Archdevil finished talking. She curved her lips into a grin-like smile.
‘HUH?!’ Momonga began to panic, ‘Am I missing something?!?!’
“... I don’t understand, my lord. Would you be as merciful as to explain your grandiose plan to me?” Shalltear, after struggling for a moment to understand what the Overseer and Archdevil were talking about, simply decided to ask.
‘Don't look at me! I don't even know my own cryptic plan!’ Momonga wanted to ask Albedo the same question that Shalltear had just asked him, but he knew that wasn’t an option, ‘Oh, I know…’
“Demiurge, since you seem to think that you understand my plan, why don’t you go ahead and explain it to Shalltear and the others,” Momonga said in a mocking tone, “Oh, and do explain it in a way that’ll be easy for them to understand.”
Not expecting to be put on the spot, Demiurge stuttered, “O-Of course, my lord!”
‘This must be a test of some sort…’ the devil reasoned. The Archdevil turned to face his comrades, “Shalltear, Aura, listen closely as I’ll only say this once.” Once Demiurge gathered everyone's attention, his expression contorted into one of smugness.
“Simply put, this is the first step of Lord Momonga’s plan to take over the galaxy.”
Many in the audience hall gasped in both awe and admiration… meanwhile, Momong was having a mental breakdown, ‘WHAAAAAAAAT???!!!’ His [Emotional Supressor] started to beg him to calm down, as it couldn’t shut down his emotions as quickly as it wished.
“Though it pains me to admit, I haven’t figured out the entirety of Lord Momonga’s plan, only another Supreme Being would be able to. But I do believe I was able to get a glimpse into our master’s great mind. I believe that Lord Momonga wishes to establish Nazarick as a prominent force in this war so that we won't be searched out again. I assume that our great master also wishes to form a truce with both the Separatists and the Republic, we’ll also use the fact that they attacked young and innocent Shalltear over here to our advantage.~”
“Oohs” and “ahhs” could be heard all over the throne room when Demiurge concluded this segment of his speech.
‘ONLY A TINY FRACTION OF THAT IS TRUE!’ Momonga said to himself. While it *was* true that he wanted to form an alliance with both the CIS and Republic, the only reason that he wanted to do so was to remain a neutral party and prevent Nazarick’s involvement in the war.
“...After that, we’ll integrate ourselves into both the Republic and CIS. When that is done we’ll start gathering information on their strengths, weaknesses, technology, and secrets! After all is said and done the final bout will begin. When this happens, Lord Momonga will show his true strength, and make the entire galaxy bow before his unstoppable might! Demiurge spread his arms as he finished explaining the entire plan, or at least the fraction that he managed to understand.
“If that's the case, why can't we just obliterate anything and anyone who gets in our way?” Aura couldn't help but tilt her head in confusion, not understanding why they couldn't just pillage and conquer.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have enough knowledge to proceed with this approach. There are many factors such as the [Force] that we don’t have enough information on. If we aren’t careful, we may run into an enemy that is either smarter, or stronger than us. To put it in an easy-to-understand explanation; It’s too risky.” Albedo decided to explain, though she only did it to contribute to the discussion.
Our lack of information is something that greatly hinders us, but thankfully, Lord Momonga has already thought of a solution~” Demiurge -once he finished talking- returned to the side of his comrades and bowed in front of his lord.
“Speaking of which, may I have the blessing and responsibility of handling this segment of your plan? Please be confident that I’ll follow each and every step that you have carefully laid out in front of me, so please, don’t worry.” Demiurge cut the theatrics and straight up asked his master for a bigger role in his plan. He removed his usual smug tone from his voice, as he wanted to be taken seriously by his master.
“... I have total confidence that you will meet and even surpass my expectations, Demiurge…” Momonga, decided to give in and let the True Devil do whatever he pleased, not having the heart or energy to say no.
“Such praise! I do not deserve it! I am only doing what is expected of me as one of Nazarick’s Floor Guardians.~” Demiurge said, his face as serene as always. But the one thing that gave away his true emotions was his metallic tail, which was currently erratically swaying behind him.
“With that, I believe that we’ve discussed everything on the agenda, have we not?” Momonga turned to ask Albedo, who responded with a simple nod. “Great,” The undead Lord turned to the Autonomous maid behind the Floor Guardians, “CZ, please prepare Eagle for boarding, we shall be departing soon enough.”
Momonga was about to leave the throne room when he saw the puppy eyes that Shalltear was giving him, “Very well, I shall grant you this one boon, Shalltear.” he whispered to himself, “Shalltear Bloodfallen!”
Hearing her full name, Shalltear tensed up.
“You along with Sebas will be accompanying me on this trip. You’ll have the important job of protecting me if anything goes wrong.”
“I shall protect you with my life if it comes to it, my lord!”
“I do not doubt it. Now, my Guardians, I leave you to your duties. Make sure to make me proud!”
*All of the present denizens shouted with vigor, devotion, loyalty, and determination in their voices. To disappoint their lord and master would be a fate worse than death, so they’ll do everything in their power to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
Momonga took one last look at the people in the throne room before teleporting to his personal chambers, “I hope, that whatever they think I'm planning, won't turn up badly in the future…”
That was all he could say to himself.
“I wonder what Demiurge means by personally handling ‘That segment of ‘my’ plan?”
“Ahh, there’s nothing like a nice shot of whiskey right after finishing a job, ain’t I right boys?” A hooded man turned to the 3 people beside him, “Aye aye, boss” They responded with glee.
The world of Bounty Hunters was a harsh and desolate one. ‘You either succeed or die trying’ was the motto that veteran hunters told the newbies that often dreamed of becoming rich with the money that they could earn via bounty hunting. The 4 man squad was about to order another round when the doors of the bar opened. This isn’t what caught their attention, no, what interested them were the people that came through it.
“My name is Alpha, the leader of the ‘Pleiades Maids’, we are here to hire a bounty hunter to accompany us on a mission given to us by our Master. Do know that you’ll most likely die….”
The masked maid snapped her fingers. This resulted in two -other similarly clothed maids- stepping forward, revealing a small box containing a myriad of different jewels, “...But if you succeed… you’ll be rewarded. What we are showing you right now is but a portion of the entire reward. Every Bounty Hunter in the bar started to surround the maids when they revealed what they were willing to offer. Some hunters begged, hoping that they would be chosen, others flat out threatened them, hoping that the maids would simply give them their riches.
A few of the masked girls looked at the low lives with either disgust or annoyance, even the one who introduced herself as Alpha couldn't help but be bothered by their eager and shameless displays.
Alpha was about to raise her voice when someone fired a few shots inside the building. The leader of the maids turned her head toward the direction of the noise, but couldn’t see anything as a group of Bounty Hunters blocked her view. That quickly changed however, their expressions turned into ones of fear and terror the moment that they realized who fired their blaster.
“What a bold master you have... To send such pretty ladies to such a deplorable location, don’t even get me started on the number of things that someone could do to you if they caught you by surprise…” An echoing voice said. The owner of the voice continued to get closer and closer until he stood in front of the Pleiades Maids, which gave the ladies a chance to look at the man. He looked to be a blue-skinned alien with rubber black tubes connected to his cheeks. He wore a brown coat, with a vest underneath that held a few interesting items, and below his waist were black pants that holstered his personal blasters. There also appeared to be some sort of advanced wrists gauntlet on each of his arms. His head was covered by a large brown hat, but when he lifted his head, his crimson-red eyes became visible.
“Does that mean you refuse our Lord's request?” Alpha, could tell that this person was possibly the most ‘Capable' one here in this entire place, and if the confidence of the man was enough to tell Alpha that he was the strongest around, well… at least before they arrived.
“Heh, tell your master that Cad Bane accepts~...”
Hehe, a small teaser for the future~
(Also the nexts few chapter will be about Momonga speaking to the leader's of the Republic and Separatist, so any information about those two, like their location and supreme leader, would be very helpful)
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