It's Not A Small World After All
Eagle Droid Speaking: Bep Bep Brrrrb
The streets of Coruscant were as hearty as always, citizens of every race conversed in a myriad of different languages as they made their way to their respective destinations. The shuttles and carriers maneuvered around the sky with incredible precision, loading and unloading their cargo once they got to their assigned landing pads. A bit further away, on the outskirts of the Jedi Temple, were three experienced Jedi.
"Master Ord Enisence, Master Pong Krell, I'm happy to see you I am. Much to discuss we have. The elder of short stature spoke in a polite yet serious tone.
"Oh? If someone such as yourself wishes to discuss this with us then it must be serious..." The male Skrilling Jedi Master spoke.
"Unfortunately so, a disturbance in the force, I felt, something big is going to happen soon, I fear..." The Grandmaster of the esteemed Jedi Order said with worry.
The two Jedi Masters' eyes widened in both shock and worry, "Have the sith finally decided to act? How big is the threat?" The four-armed man, known as Pong Krell, started to bombard the Grandmaster with a list of questions.
"Sith, I think not, something bigger, something darker, I believe. Ally or foe, still unsure I am..."
The voice of the small alien was coated in both worry and fear.
Both Pong Krell and Ord tensed at the seriousness of the Grandmaster, "If it's this serious, why not ask Obi-Wan or Anakin to handle the situation?" Ord didn't understand why they were both called to this meeting. They both knew that there were more skilled, and experienced Jedi out there.
"The rest of the Jedi in the war they are... Trust in your abilities I do." This did not answer the question that Ord had answered, this caused both of the Jedi to become confused.
"What do you wish us to do, Master Yoda? Shall we bring in a fleet and destroy this darkness before it grows any bigger?" Pong was as ready as ever. He closed all 4 of his fists and waved them around, signaling that he was ready to take down this unknown threat.
"If we attack without reason, many consequences we'll face. let them know we come in peace and wish for no war with them, maybe offer to join our side, if we can..." Yoda's reasoning seemed to gather two different reactions. On one hand, Master Ord was thankful that they didn't have to resort to violence. On the other hand, Master Krell was dissatisfied, he wanted to peer into the abyss that was this never-before-seen threat. He wanted to see what he or they were capable of...
"A wise decision," Said Ord, "When shall we depart? I am eager to begin." The green-skin alien showed Yoda a sincere ear-to-ear smile. Master Krell wanted to interject, but he felt that it would be unwise to.
"As soon as you can, the time that we have must not be wasted, prepare you must, soon I shall send you the location." The two peacekeepers went their own ways after the Grandmaster concluded their brief meeting. Master Ord went to his personal chambers to meditate and prepare for his soon-to-be mission. Meanwhile, Pong activated a holoprojector when he reached a secluded location.
"Count Dooku, what are your orders?" Krell had placed a listening device underneath his robes when he heard that Yoda wanted to speak with him, he assumed it to be important and wished to record whatever the short alien said. When he was no longer within eyeshot of the Grandmaster he sent the recording to his true master.
"Hmm. Try to reason with this 'Dark Presence' and if you can, convince them to join us. If they refuse... Show them the power of the dark side!" The Count said this with a grave amount of seriousness, but Krell couldn't help but grin an evil smile when he heard the conclusion of the sith's message.
"I hear and obey~" With that, Pong turned off the holoprojector and walked away to resume his Jedi tasks.
The days passed as if they were nothing but a couple of seconds. Of course, they seemed longer for the two Jedi as they had been busy making preparations for the trip, though one had more patience than the other. When everything was said and done, both Krell and Ord boarded their ship.
"Napicata? That planet that is nothing more than the graveyard of the past wars." Was the only opinion Pong had of the planet they were getting close to, crossing his arms, disinterested in the oversized ball of mud.
"A shame really, it used to be such a wonderful world, it used to be full of life, but now, it's just a place filled with the remains of our mistakes..." Ord sighed, not happy with how the world had to suffer as a result of their blunders, his feeling made Krell roll his eyes in disgust.
"General Enisence, General Krell, we have arrived, please prepare for landing." One of the two pilots said, peeking his head over the cockpit. After a couple of minutes, the ship landed in an open area, which was hard to find, as most of the planet was coated in multiple layers of trash and rubble.
Ord gently hovered his hand over the ship's walls as he made his way to the shuttle's hatch. The moment it opened, 15 clone troopers poured out of it, weapons at the ready. They scanned everything that surrounded them, being careful as to not alert any wildlife around.
"Clear." Said one of the Clones. The very same line was repeated a couple of times by his brothers-in-arms. The leader of the small soldier squadron made a few hand gestures, which signaled the Jei aboard that the area was safe.
Krell and Ord started to make their way toward the Clone Captain. 10 of the 15 Clones started to spread out, wanting to cover even more ground. The remaining five started to make their way back to their Commanders alongside their higherup.
"What are your orders, Generals?" The leader of the Clones stood up straight, ready to follow any and all orders given to him.
"Hmph, if it's a threat, defend us and kill it, those are your only orders 'Clone'." The way Pong spoke to the Clone Trooper made it clear that he held no respect for his soldiers.
"Sir yes Sir!" The Captain didn't seem bothered by the way he was spoken to as he quickly signal and ordered his Soldiers to move forward.
"Do you really have to treat them in such a way?..." Ord couldn't help but question. He believed that Clones, although copies of someone, were just as alive as anyone else. This is why he -alongside most other Jedi- treated them with respect.
"Of course, they are made to be that way." Was Pong's only response, letting out a small huff as he walked away. The green wrinkled alien could only shake his head in disappointment, but said nothing and just followed the four-armed Jedi.
The whole group of fighters, for the first hour or so, did nothing but scout and explore the whole area, checking any abandoned and or broken buildings to see if anyone was hiding. They also interrogated any remaining beings that they could communicate with, though, this was all for naught, as they weren't given any information that related to their mission.
"This is getting us nowhere! There has to be another way to find what we are looking for." Pong was getting frustrated as a result of the lack of progress that they were making. He took a seat in a rusty chair that was housed inside a humble hut. He and Enisence had decided to take a break, as they didn't know how much time it would take to discover any lead relating to their mission.
"Calm yourself, I'm sure that if we're patient and careful with our search, we shall find the 'Dark Presence' in no time." Ord was meditating and trying to clear his mind. He tried to think of ways to get further along in this confusing mission, but he could not see anything, for his vision was clouded.
Krell was about to complain once more, but a terrifying feeling started to creep up his spine. He quickly turned to meet Ord in the eyes, signaling that something was wrong.
'I feel it too.' Enisence whispered.
Before any of the two could sneak another word into their conversation, a powerful aura of dread started to emanate from just outside of their makeshift resting place, "So. You're looking for my Master? I guess this makes my job much easier then~"
The entire Squad heard the sound of a young, elegant, feminine voice. They raised their weapons and carefully approached the door that separated them from the outside.
"AHHHHH!" Screams echoed over the walls of the hut, they were coming from the outside but were somehow loud enough to be heard over multiple walls of rustic metal.
Krell stood up from his chair and gently gripped one of his lightsabers.
*Splat* A wet and meaty sound reached the ears of the two masters. A drop of sweat slid over Ord's face and onto the floor. The silence was penetrating, almost as if the world itself had shut itself up to hear what the being outside had to say.
"Though I must ask... how did you lower lifeforms come to know of my Lord, was it because of your advanced toys? Or was his presence that great?" The voice that seemed to belong to a young girl started to get closer.
"No, it was the [Force] that led us here, it was able to sense a great presence here on this planet," Ord said through the other side of the wall. Similarly to Krell, he prepared to grip his saber.
*Click, clack, click, clack* The sound of her shoes only started to get louder after each second. *creeeek* The girl didn't bother to continue the conversation with the Jedi Master. All of a sudden, the world went quiet, almost as if the girl had just disappeared. One of the Clones approached the entrance. He gripped the handle of the door and started to twist it.
Just as he was about to open the door, an arm coated in crimson red armor reached out from the other side of the wall, which seemed impossible, as the walls surrounding the squad of Clones were thicker than a cruiser hatch. The Clawed hand that belonged to the armored hand gripped the clone's wrist and squeezed.
An agonizing amount of pain shot through the body of the Clone, his screams made both Jedi flinch. Seeing his comrade in pain, Ord decided to use force. He extended his arm and pulled. He tried to get the clone away from the door, and managed to succeed, but not entirely...
While the clone was now at his side, his entire forearm was still in the possession of the terrifying monster. It was Shalltear Bloodfallen, coated in her Crimson-Valkyrious armor. She shoved her remaining arm through the wall and pulled. With an uncomfortable amount of ease, a large portion of the wall crumbled into tiny specs of rubble, door, and everything.
Wanting to intimidate the enemy even more than she already had, Shalltear twirled her Spuit Lance, which she held in her right arm, "Greetings, my name is Shalltear Bloodfallen, and I will be the last thing you see before you are sent to an even worse version of hell..."
'SHIT!' Krell thought, he started to dash towards the monster, hoping that he'd be able to kill it before it did any more damage than it already had. He was about to reach the demonic-looking girl when he was stopped by Enisence, who nabbed one of his 4 arms.
Ord raised his arms above his head, "Hold on a moment! Please, let's have a civilized discussion before any side has to resort to violence!"
Pong despised Jedi Enisence and his 'Let's Make Peace' ways, but said nothing as he let the two speak. Honestly, he didn't want to engage this enemy, especially as he held no knowledge of it... of her...
Shalltear let out a small hum as she thought of the best course of action, "Very well. Just before, you mentioned something called the [Force], right?"
"Yes, it has brought us here, not only to meet the one we were sent to find but also hopefully speak with it. The last thing we want is to start any unnecessary conflict. Ord continued to speak, he had nothing to hide after all... He thought it would be a better decision to speak truthfully to the monster in front of him.
"Awww, come on! I was actually getting excited at the prospect of killing you all! But, I guess I don't really have an option, the Supreme One *did* order me to gather information if I ever had the chance..."
A few of the Clones shuttered at the blunt honesty of the one in front of them. They tried to stand tall and ignore the fear that ever so tightly hugged them, but they were unable to, as the presence in front of them was too great, even for the veteran soldiers of the Galactic Republic.
"Ugh... Fine, with great fear of disappointing the Supreme One, I will allow you all to follow me and to meet with my Lord." Shalltear sighed in disappointment, before turning around and starting to walk off, gesturing to the Jedi and Clones to follow her.
"We thank you for your generosity." Ord bowed his head, before signaling everyone to remain calm and to follow the Floor Guardian. The Clone Troopers understood and did as they were told, though Krell couldn't help but be silently angry about what was happening.
'Damn it! This isn't good... If Ord manages to befriend this 'Supreme One' and make them join the Republic, Count Dooku will surely ask for my head!' Pong couldn't help but dread such a thought, he quickly looked around to see what he could do, but then, he glanced at Jedi Enisence and noticed how close he was to the Boss Level NPC, which gave him an idea.
"Ord Enisence! Get Down!" Pong quickly shouted. He leaped forward, trying to get the green alien away from the Lolita Vampire, which only served to confuse her.
"K-Krell!? W-What Are You-" Ord was about to demand an explanation, but was quickly interrupted by the four-armed alien, who now stood in front of him in a protective manner.
"Clones! This Witch was about to backstab Ord, Kill Her!" Pong yelled. He thrust one of his arms forward, signaling his men to shoot the Floor Guardian. Unfortunately, like any good group of soldiers, the Clones raised their weapons and started to fire.
"Hm~ [Time Accelerator]~" Shalltear quickly used some of her magic to quickly avoid and dodge all the blaster shots before quickly closing the distance between herself and the Clones. She wasted no time swiping her clawed gauntlet at them, using its sharp nails to either rip them into pieces, stab through their chest, or simply slash their throats, 'I have no need to use my lance on weak pests such as these, it'd be an insult to Lord Peroroncino if I did.'
Both of the Jedi couldn't help but watch in a mix of shock and awe. Krell was mesmerized by the way that Shalltear effortlessly and masterfully killed all of his men. It looked as if Shalltear was dancing and moving at the melody that was the screams of the Clones. Meanwhile, Enisence was terrified, the mere existence of a monster such as this was a threat to the Jedi Order as a whole.
"Usually, I would comment on how stupid it is to fight someone who is stronger than you." The Bloody Valkyrie said after striking down the last Clone Trooper, "But instead, I shall thank you~"
She said in a thankful tone as she stood back and face the two, who technically betrayed her trust and rejected her kindness.
"For what?" Ord spoke with great concern, as he felt that he might not like the answer. He slowly and steadily moved his hand closer to his belt, which is where his lightsaber rested.
"For giving me a reason to slaughter you all. You also gave me the opportunity to drink a cocktail of never-before-seen heteromorphs~" Shalltear wore a very evil expression, as she begins to lick any blood that was on her hand, such a threat made them flinch, though while Enisence had the idea to retreat and call this mission a failure, Jedi Krell did not.
"You are nothing but a monster!" Pong showed no fear, as he quickly pulled out two metal handles, before quickly turning them on. A bright beam of light grew at each side of the handle.
"And all monsters, especially when they disturb the peace, should be slain, am I right, Master Ord?!" Pong glanced at his side and looked at the Green Wrinkled Alien as if asking for his support. The Peacekeeper couldn't help but sigh in disappointment, before taking out and unleashing his own laser sword, having no choice but to fight alongside him.
"Oh?~" Shalltear looked at the new weapons with great interest, 'Would Lord Momonga praise me if I brought these measly bugs before him? No, I think their weapons alone would do...'
Both Jedi raised their lightsabers high above their heads whilst Shalltear was swimming in her thoughts. They were about to strike the Floor Guardian but were stopped by three simple words that escaped the young girl's lips.
"[Mass Hold Species]~"
"Hm~" Shalltear let out a small hum as she took a moment to look at the unfamiliar weapons. She slowly separated the arm of Master Enisence from the rest of his body, "I wonder if Entoma would like to have a taste..." With her other hand, she carefully grabbed the lightsaber from the severed hand.
With a twist of her hand, the weapon in her grasp turned off and on again. She gently swayed it left and right. Using her child-like hand, Shalltear unhurriedly gripped the beam of flight that that laser sword emitted.
"Oh? Aren't I lucky?~" She then moved her hand away.
Both Jedi were in complete disbelief, to see her petite hand not be sliced off and was completely fine... What kind of monster was this little girl?!
"If I was careless, you both would've actually stung me with your hot sticks, I should thank my Lord for telling me to be weary, huh?~" Without giving it much thought, she steadily pushed the plasma sword -that was now in her possession- closer and closer to the two Jedi.
"Bahaha, how ironic, to be killed by your own weapon~"
The weapons slowly started to sear the flesh of Master Ord. The blade dug deeper and deeper into his neck with every second, after a short moment his head plopped down to the floor. Shalltear smiled seeing the shocked and pained expression of the now dead Jedi Master.
"What an interesting color, hehe~," Shalltear said, taking a look at the majestic ball of crimson blood that hovered above her.
"I hope that you'll both have a better purpose than to simply serve as Kyouhukou's meal. I am sure that the Supreme One will figure something out~" Shalltear
The last thing that Krel heard was the maniacal laughter of the short Vampire...
The only thing that Antelmo could do was move his eyes around. Every other part of his body was bonded to what seemed to be a yellowish brick wall. He inspected his surroundings and noticed the myriad of odd torture devices laying around.
"Oh you're awake, good... good, that means we can finally get started~" Before Pong could question or think about what was happening, a squid-looking monster pressed its face against his. The blush on its checks only served to add to its disgusting face. The monster placed one of its tentacles over his face, sliding it left and right. The texture of the slimy extremity only made him recoil in disgust.
"I was beginning to doubt that you'd wake up... but thankfully, it seems that you're going to enjoy what'll come next just as much as I will~" What it said made the Krell look at the creature with confusion, but as soon as it grabbed one of the tools that he previously saw, he began to realize what was gonna happen next.
"My name is Neuronist Painkill, one of the creations of the Supreme Beings, I shall thank the last of them for giving the opportunity to mess around with you~" The one known as Neuronist Painkill walked up to the bound Pong Krell, who desperately struggled to escape, and begin to use one hand to caress the face of the Jedi.
Painkill chuckled at the alien's desperate attempt at an escape. Deciding to ignore this, she gently picked up one of the instruments that idly laid on the table next to her. It was rather small for a torture device, it had sharp spikes at the top, "We're gonna spend a lot of time together, alone, just you and me... I'll make sure that you sing a song befitting the greatness of the Supreme Being..."
I will give a Lightsaber, and any weapon similar to it, a 'Legendary Weapon' rank, for a few reasons, 1: While it is a very advanced weapon, it's still not that impressive, 2: Non magical materials in the Star Wars Universe could still block the weapon, 3: And lastly, not only are most of the character high in level, but has many items and magic that can defend from a weapon.
(Though if it was upgraded somehow, then maybe it can do some more damaged)
/Usefulness Of A Lightsaber, Or Anything Similar, Is It Against All Of Nazarick\
Supreme Being Level: Characters like the Player's, or just Momonga in this case, will basically do nothing.
Boss Level: Characters like the Guardian's will only feel the burning or sting from such weapons, maybe even bruies if they're lucky.
Mini Boss Level: Characters like the Pleiades could get some cuts and some burns.
High Rank Level: Characters like the Golden Armour Skeletons would need to be very serious if they don't want to get hurt.
Above Average Level: Characters like the Death Knights would have a 50/50 chance of surviving.
Average Level: Characters like the Silver or Enchanted Skeleton would have 25% of surviving.
Mob/Weakest Level: Characters like the normal skeletons or normal maids will have zero chance of surviving.
(Does this seem fair/reasonable?)
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