Galactic Republic

Eagle Droid Speaking: Bep Bep Brrrrb
*In a small room, with a few pieces of furniture and lit candles, while also having sun pierce through the blinds, which was the only source of light, there was Yoda, in the center of room, and was in some type of deep meditation, evidences by him sitting completely still, gently having his hands on his laps, and had his eyes softly close shut, he was in this type stationery state for unknown amount of time, never breaking his posture, never losing focus, and never pausing his concentration, no doubt it would take a lot for one to stop what the Master is doing, unfortunately, something, or someone, managed to accomplish such a thing, cause Old Jedi lets out a shock gasps and opens his eyes widely*

“Darkness, it is approaching…”
*After Yoda came to this realization, he wasted no time preparing, in his room in one moment, the nexts he ends up outside at some spaceship landing area, while being surrounded a few dozen of Clonetroopers, two Jedi, and one random lady who seems to be important, judging by her clothing and weird hair style, they all just stood outside and watch the green man look up into the sky*

“Um, what are we waiting for?”
*Spoke the Important Lady, looking at the Old Jedi in confusion*

“Coming, someone is, friend or foe, unknown.”
*Was all Yoda could, which did not clear up anything for the Human Female, in fact it made her, and a few of the clones, slightly worried*

“They're here.”
*Spoke a Jedi with a beard, no doubt he, and the other Jedi, were probably the only ones to understand what the Small Green One was talking about*

“I know, I sense them entering our solar system.”
*Added the Youngest Jedi, compared to the three, and what he said, everyone couldn't help but also look into the sunny sky, to which if you go pass and beyond, there would be a spacecraft, which looks like the Vulture Droid, but bigger and is made for space travel, it is heading towards a planet that it was set to be at, though it took its time and was in no rush, something that a certain Skeleton couldn't help but appreciate*

*Momonga sat near the window, looking outside and seeing the many planets, comets, stars and even a nearby milky way, he couldn't help but admire everything he saw*

‘I'm sorry that you guys couldn't be here to see this, especially Blue Planet, it truly is amazing and I'm sure you would've loved it…’
*Despite such a beautiful sight, Momonga couldn't help but feel sad and depressed whenever he looks at it, to which quickly went away with his <Emotion Suppression>, and in great timing as well, since both of his servants bow down before him, catching his attention*

“My Lord, we have arrived at Planet ‘Coruscant’, and we're about to land.”
*Sebas quickly informs his Undead King that they were close to their destinations*

“There also seems to be a group of lower life forms awaiting our landing.”
*Shalltear also adds in that someone seemed to had expected them, which made the Overlord sighs to himself softly, but nods either way to the useful info he was given*

“Thank you, Sebas, Shalltear, I suppose I should prepare myself then.”
*Momonga held out both of his boney hands, which was instantly covered by a pair of metal gloves, after doing that, he reached his hand into his <Item Box>, cut a small hole in space time, and pulled out a red mask, which is called <Mask Of Envy>, he uses this to hide his skeletal face, while also added to some illusions magic just in case, after he was fully disguised, he stood from his seat*

“Oh, one more thing, please treat everyone with respect and no hostility, I prefer to make allies than enemies.”
*Momonga tried to be clear with his attentions, the Butler nods with no hesitation, though the Loli Vampire let out a pout before accepting, seeing that made the Elder Lich worried, but said or did nothing about, since he knew he had no time to think about such things*

‘I hope this goes well…’
*Was all Momonga could hope for, soon the Eagle Droid started to land were all the people were at, a few almost wanted to shoot it down but realized that it did not attack, nor was it the same enemy they fought before, the wings of the spaceship turns into four legs, to which it used to land and stand on the ground properly, once it did, the door opens and three important figures walks out their ship*

“Greetings, to the Jedi Temple and the Imperial Palace, I welcome you.”
*Despite everyone's intense and careful expression, Yoda was the only one to step forward and greet the ones that arrived, even bowing his head in slight respect, no doubt noticing his ‘Royalty Aura' he oozes out naturally*

“It seems you have expected me, from the ‘<Force>' I presume.”
*Momonga, try to be someone who is both polite but doesn't beat around the bushes, no doubt wanted to be quick with his visit*

“Right you are, the ‘<Force>' foresaw your arrival, though unsure if you come with evil or pure intention, it does not.”
*Yoda also spoke with honesty and wanted to make clear of his worried to his guest, a feeling shared with everyone, as the clones and two other Jedi ready their weapons, which made the Servants of the Supreme Being narrow their eyes*

“If you're worried about me attacking and causing chaos, then please be at ease, I only came here to make a truce with your leader.”
*Momonga laughs lightly, as he quickly reaches into his sleeves and pulled out three <Lightsabers>, to which the three Jedi recognized and knew who it belonged, two of them wore a sorrow expression, while one of them glares and clenches his fist*

“I noticed two of your, Jedi's, came to my planet and wished to speak with me, though only one of them desires peace…”
*Momonga said the last part with a cold tone, was still unhappy that one of the two Peacekeepers tried to not only back stab them, but attempted to hurt one of his friend's creation*

“... Pong Krell, a traitor, I assume you speak of.”
*Yoda couldn't help but feel shame for this, to think that his attempt of peace, would leave to betrayal, he, and the other's, couldn't help but feel deceived and upset about this unfortunate truth*

“Yes, I believe that was his name.”
*Momonga nods, before holding out the weapons to the Master, which surprises him and the others to see the Ruler Of Nazarick return the laser swords to them*

“Though since I'm aware he was a traitor to you all, I will not hold his actions against you, and as a sign of peace, and slight apologies for killing an innocent, I will return their weapons to you.”
*Momonga, despite his polite gesture, was glad that he had time to take it to his creations, which made him ashamed of himself, and understand its function and how its made, which would no doubt be useful in the future*

“Thankful I am, a gracious man, you must be, your Majesty.”
*Yoda bow his head again, clearly relieved and happy to know that, even though the Overlord was the source of Darkness, was not some mindless evil and could easily be spoken with*

“Oh, please forgive my rudeness, it seems I've forgotten to introduce myself.”
*Momonga then bows his head slightly, as a sign of respect and politeness*

“I am the one known as Lord Momonga, and these two are my personal servants and bodyguards, Shalltear and Sebas.”
*Momonga, after revealing his name, also introduced the two Servants beside him, who also bows and try to be polite*

“Master Yoda, please to meet you.”
*Yoda also bows his head, to return the respect and politeness back at him*

“You may call me Obi Wan, your majesty.”
*The one that had a light brown hair and beard, while also seem to be the 2nd oldest person, was known as Obi Wan, who put a fist on his chest and did a more formal bow*

“Anakin Skywalker.”
*The Youngest Jedi, out of the three, had nice dark brown hair, wore more darker clothes, and seems to be the less threaten and less careful, as he calmly said his name and waves lightly, this was Anakin, and him taking this lightly made a few glare at him, especially two certain Loyal Subject to the Undead King*

“And I am Padme Amidala, and as a Senator of Coruscant, I wish to be the one to discuss peace and negotiation with you, my Highness.”
*The most Royal like person, besides the disguised Elder Lich, was the human female who walked up to the Overlord, which made the Butler and Loli Vampire tense and got ready to defend just incase, and she introduced herself as Padme Amidala and wish to talk and offer peace*

“I am glad to hear it, I'll be in your care if that's the case then.”
*Momonga nods his head and seems to accept this, which made the Senator and Jedi's glad that no bloodshed needed to be spilled, and so after a few orders and requests made with the clones to set up a few things, and the Supreme Being ordering the Eagle Droid to stay put and wait for their return, who nods and turns back into her humanoid form and sat down on the floor waiting, this managed to surprise everyone, clearly not expecting this, though most didn't say and just started to lead the Ruler Of Nazarick and his two Servants to a place to negotiate, to which they follow with much resistance, though unknown to them, a certain old man couldn't help but watch from the shadow, and wore a very distasteful frown*

*The Stranger then walks off, no doubt up to no good… Soon, in some type of big meeting room, with a large table at the center, to which Padme sat on one side while Momonga sat the other, the negotiations has officially begin between the two important people, with the Jedi's and Servants nearby, ready to jump in if needed*

“Well then, Lord Momonga, since you were generous and kind enough to visit and forgive us, I wish for you to start off our negotiations and what you desire from us.”
*Padme, after everything was finally set up, decided to start thing's off with letting the guest ask for what they want and see where it goes from there*

“I thank you, Senator Amidala.”
*After Momonga express his thankfulness, he pulls out a small device from his sleeve and place it on the center of table*

“To be blunt, I have in total three demands, and if they are met, then we should have no problems, of course I'm not unreasonable and we can talk it out if my requests are unacceptable.”
*Once Momonga put the device down, a big hologram appears on top of it and reveals the planet Napicata*

“One of which is giving me full custody of Planet Napicata. I desire to own this world and become its official ruler, also if possible, I would appreciate it if this planet is renamed to ‘Ainz Ooal Gown’.”
*With Momonga making his first requests, the Senator, and a few Jedi's, couldn't help but think about the Undead King's first requests*

“Hm, I believe this is acceptable, I have no objection.”
*Padme didn't need long to think and give her final answer, which slightly surprised the Ruler Of Nazarick*

“Oh? You don't reject me taking over a planet?”
*Momonga honestly didn't expect his first demand to be met so quickly*

“Well, sorry if this comes out as rude, but the planet is of no use to us, and we would lose nothing if we give it away to you.”
*Padme, since her guest was blunt, she decided to be as straightforward as well, since sugarcoating or dancing around any topics would get her nowhere*

“Not to mention, the only people that even remain on your world are rogue scavengers and hidden criminals, since most of the citizens had to leave due to our war efforts.”
*Obi Wan also gave his own opinions and approval, while he does have some regret for making such a planet wasteland due to their battle with the enemy, he knew it was for the best, and since the Overlord seems to be a, ‘Respectable Man’, and it turn out to be a great decision in the end, to which most of his friend's agree*

‘That's a relief, I didn't need to bullshit my way out of that one, ugh, we barely started and it's already stressing me out…’
*Momonga took a moment to let his <Emotion Suppression> calm him down, and took a moment to clear his head and continue the meeting*

“My second request is that I shall be known as an independent ruler, or in other words, I desire to not be bound or restricted by your laws, of course I will follow them if I visit your planet's and such, but I rather not bow my head to someone I do not know.”
*Once Momonga made his 2nd demand, the Senator and the Jedi had to think more deeply about his request*

“I wish to make a counter offer, if you listen to me.”
*Padme finally said, which made both Shalltear and Sebas clench their fists in silent anger for denying their Lord's demands, to which the ‘<Force>’ Users and got ready to defend if needed*

“I am listening.”
*Momonga was ready to hear her out, after raising a hand at his Servants, which stops and calms them down, impressing a few to see how much control he had over his subjects*

“While I do understand you wanting to be independent and have no connection to us, I am afraid we can't just let you roam free completely, especially with someone we just met, please forgive me if it comes out rude.”
*Padme bow her head, as if asking for forgiveness, to which the Ruler Of Nazarick waves off*

“No need to apologize, I understand where you are coming from, I would do the same in your shoes.”
*Momonga nods his head in understanding, which made the Senator relieved to have someone very understanding*

“Thank you, now, as for my idea to solve this minor inconvenience, I would like someone to visit your home and analyze your way of life, to both make sure we can trust you, and hopefully establish a more friendly relationship.”
*Once Padme made her counter offer, the Supreme Being rubs his chin and thinks it over*

“It won't be another traitor that will attempt to hurt my friends' children, will it?...”
*Momonga spoke in a cold tone, which made everyone, including his guardian's, shiver in slight fear*

“P-Please calm yourself, we promise that it won't be someone like that, it will be someone we trust completely!”
*Padme tries her best to calm herself, while also reassuring her guest about her true intentions, which is peace*

“Really? Like who?”
*Momonga crossed his arms, still having some doubt, which made a few worry for his lack of trust in them, though before anyone could recommend anyone, the Youngest Jedi stepped forward*

“I'll go.”
*Anakin calmly said, which surprises a few in the room, though the Overlord and his Servants look at him in curiosity*

“What makes you trustworthy?"
*Momonga couldn't help but ask, still suspicious about this unknown man*

“Well, if I betray you, then it means I betray my wife.”
*Anakin said in a straight face expression, confidence and brave, and his words made a certain important Lady blush shyly and avoid anyone's gaze, to which the Undead King noticed*

“Ah I see, I suppose I'll allow it, though I must warn you, if you ever betray my trust, I will kill you without hesitation.”
*Momonga, while accepting this Young Jedi, still made a clear warning of what he will do to him if he turns out to be a traitor, to which Skywalker nods and waves off the warning*

“Do you think it's wise to send Anakin?”
*Obi Wan leans towards the Older Jedi, and whispers out his concern*

“Little choice, we have, for now, we should accept, also, in charge of Ahsoka Tano training, you are now.”
*Was all Yoda had to say about this matter, to which Kenobi sighs and nods in acceptance*

“Now then, what is your last request?”
*Padme decided to start wrapping up thing's up, no need to delay with anything else that was unnecessary*

“Yes, as for my last demand, while I am aware that you are in a war with the Separatist, and in a such a galactic scale that it would be foolish to ignore, I would rather not be seen as anyone's enemy or allie, nor do I desire to pick side's.”
*When Momonga made his last demand, a few couldn't help but wear a disappointed expression*

“So you wish to be Neutral?...”
*Padme couldn't help but sigh softly, while glad they weren't enemies, she hoped that they wouldn't just be another neutral world*

“Actually, I think it would be more accurate to call me a ‘Third Party’.”
*Momonga quickly corrects the Senator, which surprises her and the Jedi's*

“What do you mean by that?”
*Obi Wan couldn't help ask, not really understanding what the Elder Lich was talking about*

“Again, I'm aware that I can't just ignore your war, and no doubt I'll be part of it some day, so instead, I wish for my planet to be consider a place that supports and not support both of your cause, a example of what I mean is that you can us my world as a place to rest, heal up and maybe hold treaties, but you'll be forbidden to start any wars on my home, and those who betray my hospitality will feel my full wrath.”
*Once Momonga explain everything he had in mind, the Senator and the ‘<Force>’ Users couldn't help but think very deeply about what the Ruler Of Nazarick suggested, mostly the pro's and con's*

“Having a place to retreat to and not worry about being attacked by the enemy would be beneficial, not to mention a good time to recover and strategize.”
*Obi Wan was pointing out a lot of pro's to this deal*

“Unfortunately, the enemy would also be given the same treatment.”
*Anakin couldn't help but point out the con's of this deal*

“Hm... In the end, the choice to make, is up to her.”
*After a moment of deep thinking, Yoda decided to let the Senator have the final say in this choice, to which she definitely felt the pressure, but tries to not let it bother her as she took a moment analyze the offer given to her, and whether or not to accept this or not*

“... I have made my final decision.”
*Padme, took a deep breath and a moment to collect herself, before looking at the Overlord with a straight face*

“I will accept your terms and demands, Lord Momonga, the Ruler Of Planet ‘Ainz Ooal Gown’.”
Dun Dun Dunnnnn, let's see how long this truce last~
(BTW, to clear up something, while I am using the Clone Wars and other shows/movies story/cannon, I will also be adding in some Legends stuff in it as well, like a few characters will be more powerful then other's, a few people and other things will be added that wasn't seen in the disney/cartoon network,  and many more important stuff)

/People Who Can Hurt Nazarick Pt.1\
-Anakin Skywalker.
-Obi-Wan Kenobi.
-Mace Windu.
-Ahsoka Tano.
(I'm more or less talking about the Main Hero characters that are considered strong in their world)

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