Chapter 3: leaving Blue Heaven and running into a Ctral-Ctral
A/n: Hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story. Now I won't keep you guys waiting, so let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
As it was night, Jim was sleeping in one bed while Melfina was sleeping in the other bed in peace, but their bounty hunter friend wasn't sleeping and was resting his back against the wall, he then rises up pulling out one of his blaster pistols. while in the lobby footsteps can be heard, with the receptionist knocked out against the wall, the lights go out in the building with two men armed with shock sticks run up to one of the rooms and unlock it with a key.
As the two men enter the room and point their shock sticks at the single bed, with two people under the covers and with one thrust, the shock sticks made contact with the two in the bed and starts shocking them in the process. But to their surprise there was no reaction in the bed whatsoever and are completely unaware of two people behind them.
man1: It's empty?!
Then in a quick motion, the two people behind the men knock them out with a chop to the neck and once the two men fell to the ground, it was then revealed to be Hilda and Gene who knocked out the two men.
Hilda: Damn fools form the bar, huh?
Gene: *smirks* It's never a dull moment with you, isn't it? Or much time for anything else, I guess.
Hilda: Just be ready.
Voice from a radio: What's going on up there? Did you get em? Dammit!
Hilda: Let's go and don't use your gun.
The two then leave the room, only to stop and see a large machine burst down the door across the hall along with some portion of the wall, then activates a torch arm and stands in Hilda and Gene's way.
Gene: What is that thing?! And you're telling me I can't use me gun.
Hilda: That's right, cause he isn't using one.
Gene: Uh, I knew that. Well, here he is.
The large machine fully enters the hallway ready to fight, Gene was about to pull out his gun but notices a shadow behind the machine, which he gains a smirk knowing who it is behind the machine. As the machine was about to attack, it gets hit with a shock of electricity which forces the machine to shut down, while the pilot of the machine is confused to what is happening.
pilot: What the?! Why can't I move?!
????: that's because, I used my blasters shock function to short out your machine.
Then Y/n comes out from behind the machine spinning his blaster around his finger, then holsters it which Hilda gives Y/n a confused look at what he meant.
Hilda: Shock funsction?
Y/n: Basically, it fires electric imbued energy shots. It's nonlethal to lifeforms and can short out machines
pilot: Dammit!
The pilot is forced out of his machine and pulled out a blade from his belt, which he goes for a swing at Y/n to try and hurt the bounty hunter, but once the blade hits Y/n's armor it gets snap in two from the impact. Seeing this the man get's scared and looked at his broken blade, and back at the bounty hunter, while Y/n is unphased by the attack and has his attention to Gene and Hilda.
man: What the hell is that armor mande of-
Before he could finish his sentence, he gets shocked from behind by Hilda who jumped over Y/n and the man, without the said pilot who got out his machine and fell to the ground unconscious
Y/n: Nice moves.
Hilda: Thanks. By the way what is that armor made out of?
Y/n: It's made out of a metal called baskar, Me and my mentor found some of the metal on a planet once. It was way before I became a bounty hunter.
Hilda: Good to know. I see both you and Gene have some tricks up your sleeves.
Gene: Hey, I don't think these guys are after you, just because what you did at the bar.
Y/n: You guys got into a bar fight? Damn, and I missed the action.
Gene: Sorry man. *to Hilda* Well it looks like... just about everyone is after you.
Hilda then goes to one of the men that her and Gene knocked out, and pushed him against the wall roughly and wakens the man from his unconscious state, who then looks up to see Hilda standing in front of him and places her foot on the man's head.
Hilda: Okay, so tell me. What the hell, do you want with me?
man: *groans in pain* I don't know, I tell ya. Come on I don't know anything.
Hilda: But you know my reputation, right? *puts more pressure on the man's head*
man: Groans in pain* Someone asked us to do it!
Hilda then takes her foot on the man and crouches down to be at the same eye level as the man, along with information to who could have hired these men.
man: *rubs his face* They told us if we capture you or we can just keep you here.
Hilda: Gonna tell me who?
The man shakes his head, not wanting to the tell Hilda, who hired them with a bloody nose from Hilda kicking him with her foot and putting pressure on his face.
Hilda: Somebody even worse than me?
The man gasp as he stares directly at Hilda, who stares back at him with a smile but behind the smile is killing intent, which Y/n can tell from where he is standing and thanks to his training with his mentor would take more than that to scare him.
man: *sighs* Ron Macdougall.
Hilda: Macdougall? Why him?
Y/n: [That name again. I'm guessing these Macdougall brothers are a big deal.]
man: I don't know, we just did it. Because he pay us a lot of money.
Hilda: I see.
Then in a quick motion, Hilda kicks the guy in the crotch who then falls down to the ground and hold his family jewels, which also made Y/n and Gene slightly flinch in response for the guy getting hit where it hurts the most. Hilda then stands up and looks too Y/n and Gene.
A/n: Honestly, I watched that scene and I thought the kick was aimed at the guy's face.
Hilda Go wake up Jim and Melfina, we're going to the dock.
Y/n: I'm on it, and you two should get dressed.
Y/n leaves to wake up Jim and Melfina, while Gene rests his arms behind his head looking at Hilda.
Gene: So, who is this Macdougall guy?
Hilda: I'll tell you later.
Gene: Hmm, I heard that before.
The two then went back into their room, to get dressed back in their clothes while Y/n got back into the room that him, Jim and Melfina shared and starts waking up the two from their sleep, which the two woke up with different tones.
Melfina: Oh, is it morning already Y/n?
Y/n: Not, exactly.
Jim: *groans* Then why wake us up?
Y/n: Hilda wants us to head to the docking bay, so get dressed.
-time skip brought to you by Y/n teaching Jim how to shoot a blaster-
Y/n's pov
As Jim, Melfina, Hilda and Gene were fully dressed in their clothes while I on the other hand still had my armor on when we got here, when we reached the docking bay, we see Swanzo and Mikey tied up some more goons and pushed them to the ground. They then turned to us with Mikey dusting his hands off.
Mikey: Okay, that's the last of them.
Swanzo: Looks like you guys made it here in one piece.
Hilda: Sorry, about the trouble.
Swanzo: *chuckles* Don't mention it. We go back a long way, wouldn't mind to knowing what they were up to, though.
Hilda: Looks like Macdougall put them up to it.
Swanzo: Ah, so he's going all out, huh. What have you gotten yourself into?
Hilda: Well, it's nothing major, it's the Galactic Layline
Y/n: [Galactic Layline?! My mentor said that many pirates and a variety of races are looking for that.]
Swanzo: Galactic Layline? I will never understand what you Terrans think. You really believe in that stuff?
Hilda: Actually no, Swanzo. I don't believe in anything, until I actually see it with my own eyes. How's Horus doing?
Swanzo: I'm finished with the supplies, how are the engines Mikey?
Mikey: All green, except you got less than 50 parsecs left until your next recommended overhaul on your sub-either drive.
Hilda: The manufacturer's to paranoid, we're launching right away.
Gene: Hey, hold on! You mean we're going to launch now? Just like that?
Y/n: It's probably serious if we're launching now.
Swanzo: He's right, and that's probably a good idea. There's a big ruckus at dock twelve, maybe their buddies are setting out some ships.
This gets Gene to groan, from hearing that while I make sure my jetpack's straps are tight enough.
MIkey: What are you out of your mind? Starting a fight right outside of Blue Heaven.
Swanzo: Their breaking the rules, if they don't use hand to hand and Horus is too big for them, it like *alien language*
Gene: Huh, what did you say?
Swanzo: Eh, sorry translator glitched. What I mean is, it's like a bunch of sharks ganging up on a whale
Gene: Huh, whatever, I never seen a whale before.
Y/n: I've seen some creatures that can be whale like creature on other planets.
Hilda: Swanzo, thank you for everything. I'll be back soon and I will need your help again, I'll have a new ship with me.
Swanzo: No problem, Hilda.
Hilda okay let's get going.
Everyone gets in the ship, with Hilda in the pilot's ship, while Jim, Gene and Melfina in the other seats of the ship, while I am standing and feeling the ship leave the docking bay and away from Blue Heaven. Then I hear Horus confirming the amount of ships giving chase.
Horus: Five class-A Grappler ships have launched from Blue Heaven and are closing in.
Hilda: Gene! Hey Gene!
Gene: Huh, what is it?
Hilda: Every fought in a space ship?
Gene: No, even if I did, I don't want too now.
Hilda: I thought, you had some experience as a pilot.
Gene: I do! But I might puke all over on the console.
Horus: Warning, that may cause a short circuit.
Jim: If you don't have a problem with it, I'll help.
Hilda: Can you operate a laser cannon?
Jim: Sure, I know how to use one.
Hilda: It's to your right. And Y/n, can your armor be breath able in space?
Y/n: Yeah, it can. Why?
Hilda: Think you can hijack one of the Grappler ships?
As soon those words just came out of her mouth, I just gained a large grin on my face knowing, that Hilda just made it more fun for me.
3rd pov
As the ship moves away from Blue Heaven with the five grappler ships tailing behind it, but what the five ships don't know is that an armored individual hiding among the asteroids waiting for them, then quickly moved towards the Grappler ship closest to him and the boots magnetized to the ship.
A/n: Just so you know, when I say Horus I'm referring the ship.
ship pilot1: {They won't get away. Let's split ourselves up.}
ship pilot2: {Got it.}
Then two of the ships split off with the rest, one of the two Grappler ships is the armored man sneaking into the ship without the pilot knowing, the man then walks over to the pilot and tapped on his shoulder gaining his attention.
ship pilot3: Huh?
Before he could do anything else, the armored man grabbed the pilot by the head and slammed his head into the seat and followed up with a knee to the face, effectively knocking him out as the armored man is revealed to be Y/n.
Y/n: Man, that trick works every time. *calls Hilda on his built in comm link* Hilda I captured one of their ships.
-meanwhile with Hilda-
Hilda: good, get ready to engage on my mark. Jim, eyes up their coming in from the rear.
Jim: Roger!
As the three ships behind Hilda's ship moved in close and started to fire lasers at Hilda's ship, which Jim can see them using the monitors and grabs the controls.
Jim: I see them!
Then the top of the ship showed a device attached to the ship, then fired three lasers at the three ships from behind, but the lasers were blocked by the ships shields which one of the pilots smirked.
pilot2: That ain't going to work, little lady.
Horus: Enemy craft has anti- laser defenses.
Jim: *gasp* Hilda, what are we going to do?
Hilda: Keep firing it'll keep them on their toes at least. *calls Y/n* Now's your time to shine, Y/n.
As the ships fire at one another with laser fire, Y/n who has hijacked one of the ships moved towards Hilda's ship and behind the hostile ships, but when he does he get's a call from the boss leading the group.
ship pilot1: {Hey! What are you doing?! Get back into position!}
Y/n: Yeah, about that...
Before Y/n finishes his sentence, Y/n fired lasers at the three enemy ships in front of him managing to damage one of them.
Y/n: Your friend is taking a nap.
Y/n ends the call and continues to fire at the three ships, making them split up and moved his ship near Hilda's to back her up, while Gene was having a hard time with the space battle going on around him. Just then Melfina sees a ship coming above them on her radar monitor.
Melfina: Grappler ship, coming from above!
Y/n: {I got it.}
He then moved the ship up and firing at the ship trying to shoot at Hilda's ship, but the ship Y/n hijacked blocked his view and flying at him fast, which the pilot in the ship freaked out and quickly moves his ship and caused him to spin out of control away from Hilda's ship.
Hilda: How much longer until we're clear of the asteroid zone?
Horus: 400 and 82 seconds.
Gene was still not doing well with the space battle and quickly pulls out his flask, to drink it's contents to calm himself down, then Melfina starts to see another ship coming from ahead of them.
Melfina: I see something that's closing in on us ahead. It's a large ship.
Horus: The ship is a cruiser class, type unknown. It is on a colision course.
Y/n sees the same ship on radar as well and looks at another monitor to get an image of the ship, ahead of them.
A/n: Basically, it's the Orta-Honehone the ship that Aisha commanded before joining the outlaw star crew, I tried to upload the image, but it won't work.
Y/n: Oh shit. *calls Hilda* Hilda! That's a Ctarl-Ctarl ship!
-meanwhile inside of the Orta-Honehone-
In a large room a white haired female, with furry ears stands in the middle of the room with a microphone directing her call to all the ships in front of her ship.
Ctarl-Ctarl woman: This is the Orta-Honehone, registered to the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire. I am speaking to you as an ambassador Plenipoteiary Aisha Clan-Clan, with total authority in all space held by the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire. We're docking at Blue Heaven clear the way!
With her words spoken, the other Ctarl-Ctarl crew members shout out in cheer and chanting to "clear the way." While the ships giving chase to Horus hearing that it is a Ctarl-Ctarl ship, gets them scared while Y/n wasn't fazed by the words of the Ctarl-Ctarl's words, but puts the ship in full stop and places the unconscious pilot back in his seat.
Y/n: Better you than me, besides she'll probably be merciful to you, since I put the ship in full stop. *calls Hilda* Hilda, I'm bailing out of the ship and going to make my way back to Horus.
Hilda: {Roger, and make it quick.}
With that Y/n leaves the ship from the same way, he came in while hearing chatter from the ships chasing them.
ship pilot4: {The Ctarl-Ctarl Empire?!}
ship pilot5: {What should we do?!}
ship pilot2: {Like we even have a choice, these guys are even worse than pirates.}
Y/n: Hmph, wimps my mentor was a Ctarl-Ctarl mercenary.
Y/n then leaves the ship and activated his jetpack, making his way back to Horus and enters through the airlock hatch to re-enter the ship, with Hilda continuing to pilot the ship heading towards the Orta-Honehone.
Hilda: Listen, I'm an Outlaw. I hate to say it, but I don't have a treaty with you, understand? This departing ship is taking the right away.
Y/n\Jim: Oh, boy./Huh, your picking a fight with the Ctarl-Ctarl?!
Gene: Hey, Jim tell me what are the Ctarl-Ctarl like again?
Jim: Their like a mix of a human and a tiger. Their real nasty.
Y/n: And you never want to piss one off, since the Ctarl-Ctarl have superior strength and endurance.
As the ship continues its course, Aisha and her crew members see that Horus is continuing it's course of departure on their monitor.
male Ctarl-Ctarl1: Approaching ship isn't changing course.
Aisha: Wait, wait a minute, that's crazy?!
male Ctarl-Ctarl2: Quit screwing around!
male Ctarl-Ctarl3: Morons! We're gonna eat you!
Then, Hilda's face appears on the monitor, talking directly to them.
Hilda: {Don't worry, if you drop your shields they'll be enough room to pass.}
Y/n: [Is she crazy? The Ctarl-Ctarl can be just as stubborn as they are physically strong.]
Aisha: What?! *groans in anger* You'd defy the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire!?
male Ctarl-Ctarl4: If we don't do something, we'll collied!
Aisha: *groans in anger* dodge them, you idiots!
The crew members in the ship, begin to drop the shields and activating the ship's thrusters to move the ship away from Horus, as Aisha slightly sweats hoping to not collied with the other ship. While Hilda is completely calm with Melfina, Jim ducks his head down and Gene sits in his seat and takes another sip of his flash, and Y/n leans his back against the wall with his eyes closed.
The two-ships managed to move pass one another, but the Orta-Honehone's wing gets hit by a small asteroid not doing much damage to the ship itself, but Aisha yells in anger with her ship slightly shaking form the impact. Once the two ships were away from the other Gene sighs and Y/n lightly smiles, knowing that they made it out alive and the ships giving chase see their opportunity to attack Horus again.
ship pilot1: Okay, go after them!
Aisha: {Hey! Hold it right there!!!!!!}
The sudden loud voice from Aisha, made the pilot hold his head and cover his ears from the loud female Ctarl-Ctarl, while the said Ctarl-Ctarl yells in her microphone yelling at the ships that were in her way.
Aisha: All of you, stop your ships, do you hear me?! You're under arrest under the name of the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire!!!
ship pilot2: {Oh, no! What do we do?}
ship pilot1: {What else can we do? We can't get away from that ship.}
the rest of the Grappler ships stop in place, while Hilda's ship continues onword away from the Otra-Honehone, which didn't go unnoticed by Aisha's sight.
Aisha: {Hey! You too Outlaw!}
Horus: T-minus 60 until asteroid zone is cleared.
Instead of taking her time, Hilda accelerates the ship to get out of the asteroid zone faster and to leave the ships chasing them at the hands of an angry female Ctarl-Ctarl, while Gene nearly loses his dinner, Jim falls back in his seat, Y/n keeping himself steady by placing his hands on both walls in the hallway. While Melfina just hangs on to the controls meanwhile Aisha just loudly groans in anger looking at the monitor.
Aisha: Damnit! Everyone is trying to make fools of us! That's it, fire! I said fire!!!!
Most of the Ctarl-Ctarl crew members chant wanting to fire at the ship getting away, but one male Ctarl-Ctarl walks up to Aisha to get her attention.
male Ctarl-Ctarl: Lady Aisha, firing within the asteroid cluster would-
Aisha: Quiet! This is in honor for Ctarl-Ctarl!
male Ctarl-Ctarl: Y yes ma'am.
As the Orta-Honehone fired its lasers trying to hit Horus, but the laser fire only hit asteroids and the said ship was now clear of the asteroid zone and flies off into the vast space, leaving an even more angry Aisha in her spot while the other crew members speak amongst themselves. As inside the ship Gene managed to calm his nerves from the pace action and turns his attention to Hilda.
Gene: So, Hilda... Where are we headed off? To this time?
Hilda: Just a little star system, meeting up with some friends there.
Y/n: Let's hope they don't start coming after you.
The ship then takes off into Sub-Ether drive jumps to its destination, of the star system that Hilda mentioned.
-time skip brought to you by Chibi Y/n using a laser pointer that looked like his saber blade's hilt, while Chibi Aisha is trying to pounce on the red dot-
Y/n's pov
Just then, I feel the ship exit the Sub-Ether jump which I highly doubt we made it too the destination, I look towards Gene seeing that he didn't take the Sub-Ether jump too well from the jump.
Gene: Are we there yet?
Hilda: No, we have to jump three more times.
Gene: *groans*
Hilda: *leans back into her seat* Get some rest everyone.
Y/n: Way ahead of you, after hijacking a Grappler ship for a time and running into a Ctarl-Ctarl ship, I could use some rest.
I leave to sit in one of the chairs and close my eyes, while resting I hear Hilda and Gene talk about what is the Galactic Layline, which I have heard of it from my old Ctarl-Ctarl mentor, who also heard about it from pirates and other mercs. But then I heard something that caused me and Hilda to laugh.
Melfina: Oh, you can't preform?
Gene/Jim: Huh?!
Melfina: Oh, sorry you can't preform. That's too bad
Y/n\Hilda: *laughs at the comment*
Then after acouple of Sub-Ether jumps, we arrive at the destination which I look through a nearby window to see a green planet and a mood.
Hilda: The moon of that planet is where we'll meet my friends.
Y/n: [Hope, things down go down hill.]
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think and do let me know in the comments on when I should do a lemon ideas for the reader and Aisha after she joins the crew. And I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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