Chapter 2: the girl

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

me, Gene, Jim and the woman known as Hilda were in the barn Gene handed me my blasters and saber, but we see a naked girl in the small box that Jim opened.

Y/n: okay, just what the hell?

Gene: who in the hell is that? what's going on here?

box: resuscitation check in progress.

Jim: so Hilda who the hell is she?

Hilda: her name is Melfina.

Gene: ah Melfina?

Y/n: don't get any ideas Gene.

Box: systems normal. estimated resuscitation time 600 seconds. commencing count down.

the box then starts to do something that involved resuscitation which released some sort of gas during this process.

Gene: resuscitation? she's been in cold sleep.

then we see a damaged arm fall from Hilda to see that it's a cybernetic arm which would explain the other parts she needed.

Gene: what are you trying to pull!

Hilda: if you want to know the details on Melfina. fix my arm and I'll fill you in.

Jim: cybernetic prosthetic? I get it that's why you ordered all those parts and everything.

Y/n: those things did cost a pretty penny to afford.

Gene: I don't think you realize the situation your in right now Hilda.

Hilda: if your gonna shoot. then get it over with. *faces Gene* but if you must realize that if you do you'll be hunted down by those pirates' without even knowing who I am.

there was a silence around the room, but she is right about the pirates part. they will hunt us down even if we know anything about her or not.

Gene: hmph, go ahead Jim. fix Hilda's arm for her.

Jim: huh?!

Y/n: you sure about this Gene?

Gene: don't just stand there! and Hilda I suggest you hand over that gun you were carrying.

Y/n: wise choice there Gene.

Hilda: very well then. this should be interesting.

Gene: maybe it will at that.

Gene and Jim went to get the parts necessary while I keep an eye on Hilda to make sure she doesn't try anything.

Hilda: you know I never seen any bounty hunters that carry weapons and armor such as yours.

Y/n: well... let's just say I made the armor and weapons personally with a little help from an old friend.

Hilda: I see... so what's your story?

Y/n: don't trust you yet. *smirks* maybe later.

we both let out a chuckle since my little coy joke during that time Jim and Gene came back in the barn after getting the tools and parts as well hiding the car. I got my blasters ready and stand guard when our "guests" arrive while Jim works on Hilda's cybernetic arm.

Jim: this is nanopromantheus top of the line!

A/n: sorry if I misspelled the name of the tech of Hilda's arm let me know the comments of the proper spelling.

Gene: okay who the hell are you? I waited long enough.

Y/n: I second that. if these pirates are after you then it must be serious.

Hilda: the names Hilda. I'm an outlaw.

Y/n: seriously woman?

Gene: oh come on. spare us here on Sentinel everybody on this planet calls themselves an outlaw.

Y/n: except me I'm a bounty hunter.

Gene: anyways your gonna have to do better than that. now tell us who you really are.

Hilda: there's nothing to it really. I'm an outlaw who got in a bit of trouble with some pirates. we're after the same treasure so I fled to this planet.

Gene: you came from space?

Hilda: that's right.

Gene: in your own ship?

Hilda: I left my ship back in orbit. I just came down in a drop ship that's all.

Y/n: well I can guess your situation is serious if it's still in orbit as well having pirates that can use Tao magic.

Gene: *looks at the girl* why would this girl be such a treasure for those pirates?

Hilda: who knows. they wanted it so I decided to swipe it from them.

Y/n: if I know anything about pirates. "if it's something they want they'll get no matter what."

Gene: oh! yeah sure I get it now! right, what do you think I am?! dumb?!

Hilda: you have to understand. the trouble between us didn't start with this. *looks at Gene with a small smile* let's just say I have a bad history with them. okay?

as Jim continued working on Hilda's arm he asked her to try and move it which she was able to move a finger. at least that's one good thing as I continued to keep on watch for the pirates seeing some movement. I also heard Hilda took out one of the pirate guild leaders, but also at the cost of her arm right as Jim fully fixed her arm, but Gene then places his gun on the arm.

Gene: if you don't give me a straight answer it's going to cost you even more. what the hell makes that girl such a special prize?

box: resuscitation... 300 seconds.

Hilda: once she's awake ask her yourself.

Y/n: guys, just to let you know that our "guest" will be here soon. * explosions sounds heard with a slight shake* scratch that we have compony.

Jim: the pirates!

Gene: right! kill the lights Jim. Y/n with me.

I nod to him getting my blasters ready while Gene got his gun and caster at ready for the pirates.

3rd pov

outside the barn the pirates stand in front of the barn with their underlings waiting for Hilda, Gene, Y/n and Jim to come out.

old man: we know your in there and we know you can hear us. now hand over Melfina!

inside the barn Hilda and Gene stand behind the wall near two windows while Y/n hides just in front of the windows crouched down.

Hilda: I won't ask you to help. just stay out of my way.

Gene: don't you think that it's a little late for that?

Y/n: yeah I don;t think they'll just let me, Gene and Jim off scot free.

Jim: Gene, Y/n.

box: resuscitation 300 seconds.

Gene: *readies his caster* now we just have to stay alive until Melfina wakes up.

Y/n: *readies his blasters* I'm right behind you partner.

Gene: Jim give me a number 3 shell.

Jim: you got it, but you better make it count it's our last one. while we do have one number 5 and one #19 along with the #12.

Gene: one #5 and one #19? alright give all three of them two me. the #12 we'll save for another time.

Jim: uh, these are expensive you know. *throws the shells to Gene*

Hilda: could you guys hold them off for a few minutes?

Gene: what about you?

Hilda: Melfina can't be moved while she's being resuscitated.

Y/n: but if we stick around here we're dead what your saying, right?

Hilda: that's right. so I've been thinking if you three can just hold them off for awhile, then I will have enough time to go get my drop ship.

Jim: she wants to run Gene, Y/n. you two don't believe her, do ya?

Y/n: do we even got a choice?

Gene: none of this makes sense Jim, but I've decided you go with her while me and Y/n stay with Melfina.

Jim: huh?! I'm going with her?! why not Y/n?

Gene: I'm going to need his help holding off the pirates, also *hands Jim a pistol* if she tries to skip out make her regret it.

Jim: *takes the pistol* damnit I'm supposed to be the brains of this outfit.

Gene: Jim! hop to it. let's get this party started!

Y/n: you can say that again!

Jim: I got ya. *presses the button*

as Jim pressed the button two rockets shot out from inside the barn aiming at the pirates colliding, but the two leaders of the group used a magic barrier with Tao magic.

girl: go!

as she gave the order the underlings of the pirates charged towards the barn, but both Gene and Y/n fired their weapons Y/n with his blasters while Gene was using a automatic weapon taking out the grunts.

old man: alright I'll handle this.

the old man starts chanting another Tao magic spell with magical energy coming off of him. while this was happening Hilda and Jim were running to where Hilda left her drop ship.

Jim: where is it?

Hilda: I sank it in this pond.

Jim: make it quick will ya.

they stop in front of the pond as Hilda took out a small device typing in some buttons then stops.

Hilda: you like Gene and Y/n don't ya Jim?

Jim: huh?

Hilda: everybody needs a partner or two.

Jim: uhh...

Hilda: you'll understand soon enough.

back at the barn Y/n and Jim keep on firing their weapons taking out the grunts while the old man pirate was finished with his chanting making a serpent like creature out of Tao magic.

Y/n: Gene we got a problem!

Gene: *looks at the old man* ah you got to be kidding me! that guy's a Tao master.

Gene then pointed his caster at the serpent energy made creature and fired one of the shells making both the creature and the shell collide canceling each other out.

old man: old magic?!

girl: out here on the frontier?

Y/n: damn that was not a bad shell.

Gene: yeah not bad for a number 5. *reloads his caster* that just leaves me with a number 19.

Y/n: better make it count.

Gene: time to take them all down. *points his caster at the pirate group* that's it! game's over old man!

he pulls the trigger making it about to fire, but unfortunately it dose not fire making small steam come out around the barrel.

Gene: it's a dud!

Y/n: crap! not good!

Gene takes cover just dodging the gun shots while Y/n fires back with his blasters hitting three of the grunts. while the old man chants another spell while the girl gave the grunts orders.

girl: get them! kill everyone, but Melfina!

the grunts charged again, but Hilda's drop ship comes just in time firing it's weapons upon the grunts taking them out while catching the two leaders by surprise.

old man: Hilda!

girl: it's too dangerous! regroup!

as the remaining grunts regrouped with their leaders the girl and old man used a Tao magic barrier defending them from the drop ship's gun fire.

Gene: talk about over kill.

Y/n: but the help is appreciated.

Gene: that's true.

box: resuscitation complete. now activating.

Gene and Y/n draw their attention to the box the Melfina is in making steam come out as the steam dies down Gene is in front of the box to see that Melfina has completely woken up standing in front of Gene while y/n is still at his cover spot. Melfina then opens her eyes to see Gene whose in awe.

Melfina: headed towards star space kilo year 156. the que mind project has found successful.

Gene: Melfina?

this got a gasp from Melfina as her eyes then showed more emotion and tears started to flow from her eyes and down her face making her cry.

Melfina: why? why did I had to be born.

Y/n: oh wow Gene you made her cry. -_-

Jim: *who entered the barn* Gene! this is no time to make a lady cry.

Gene: it wasn't me! *to Y/n* and I wasn't trying to make her cry!

Jim: whatever, just take Melfina out back! Hilda is waiting for us there!

Gene: alright *takes off his outer coat* but first we need sleeping beauty here dressed.

Y/n: yeah it could send the wrong signals.

Jim: yea kind of distracting. *takes out his radio that was making a beeping noise*

hilda: {you ready down there? let's go!}

Jim: *to the radio* okay.

Gene: *smirks* sounds like you two are hitting it off.

Y/n: *smirks under his helmet* when's the wedding?

Jim: haha very funny, but we've reached an understanding.

Y/n's pov

we ran out of the barn through the back while we see Hilda's drop ship land and the door opens. me and Gene took out our firearms and shoot at the pirates, but then we see the old man making another energy serpent out of Tao magic.

Gene: shit.

Gene runs inside of the ship while I just before running in I point one of my wrist gauntlets and fire off a small missile hoping it would delay him and run in the drop ship. then I felt the ship take flight and just heard a faint explosion from outside of the ship.

Y/n: hoping that took out either the old man or his Tao magic formed serpent.

I then got to the cockpit of the drop ship  where everyone else is sitting down while I sant holding on to a handle bar so I don't have trouble keeping balance.

Hilda: I'm leaving orbit and this what will it be you three coming along?

Jim: your damn right we haven't gotten our money yet. ain't that right Gene?

I looks over to Gene to see that he's having trouble with space mostly because of his past that I don't ask him about since it's personnel to him.

Hilda: so what's the story with him?

Jim: ah it's nothing Gene is just a space cherry.

Gene: I ain't a cherry! my first time was just way too young that's all.

Hilda: your an odd one alright. *to Y/n* what about you mister bounty hunter is this your first time in space?

Y/n: maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

Jim: yeah that's just him being coy.

as the ship continued to leave Sentinel 3 Jim made a comment about Gene holding Jim's hand who retorts saying he preferred women and holds Melfina's hand. who then holds Gene's in return we then start to see Hilda's ship in our view.

we then feel the ship move position as Hilda was making the drop ship where it would connect and docked with the bigger ship until we know it's docked.

Hilda: okay Horus lay in the shortest course to asteroid Blue Heaven.

voice: roger.

Jim: hey what's Blue Heaven guys?

Gene: it's a free town.

Y/n: one that is considered an Outlaw hangout.

Hilda: *smiles* and Horus is able to get us there in just two jumps.

as I can feel the bigger ship move the computer system of the ship begins count down for a jump to Blue Heaven until the count down hits zero and the ship makes the jump.


 as Gene passed out from the jump me, Jim and Melfina decided to do our own thing around Hilda's ship. I was working on my blasters and saber to make sure they are in prime condition same to my armor and jet pack.

Y/n: like a wise man once said "if your going to use this equipment you better make sure how they work and do proper maintenance."

Horus: now entering Blue Heaven space.

Y/n: huh, that was quick.

I then gather my equipment like holstering my blasters and saber along with putting my armor back on, but leave the helmet off holding it under my arm. I left the room to run into Jim and Melfina, but she's wearing some kind of suit.

Y/n: [well at least it's some thing.]

Jim: hey Y/n how's your gear?

Y/n: all good. let's head to the pilot's seat.

he nods to me along with Melfina as we head to there we see Hilda back in the pilot's seat and Gene awake from being passed out.

Jim: hey Gene your finally awake.

Y/n: you doing okay there buddy?

Gene: layoff Jim. *to Y/n* and yeah I'm doing okay just some unpleasant memories.

I nod to him not pushing any further while Jim keeps on teasing Jim while the rest of us wait until the ship is docked at one of the docking bays of Blue Heaven. once done we start to leave the ship and come out to see the docking bay that we're in.

Jim: so are you okay Gene?

Gene: yeah I'm fine. *taps his foot on the ground* I'll take this over a ship any day.

Jim: I guess your cherry is officially popped now.

Y/n: *facepalms* still on with that Jim.

Gene: alright drop it I'm fine, you got it? or unless you want to make something of it.

????: Hilda! how long has it been? can you hang out for a while?

I look to see two individuals one was in some kind of round armor or suit while the one next to him was a human in an engineer jump suit.

Hilda: not right now. I need you to resupply and repair Horus.

round suit guy: got it! leave it to me!

Jim: check it out Gene, Y/n a corbonite. I never seen one before.

Gene: yeah.

Y/n: you don't see a lot of them around Sentinel.

Corbonite: *sees the three humans* who are they? are you a tour guide now Hilda?

Hilda: *soft laugh* let's leave it at that Swanzo.

Swanzo: *laughs* actually I got a message for you, but...

Hilda: it's okay you can tell me here.

Swanzo: McCoy said he can't make it.

Hilda: why not?

Swanzo: I'm not sure looks like he didn't want to get mixed up with pirates.

Hilda: ah he's nothing, but a big chicken.

Swanzo: I have one other piece of bad news. the Mcdougall brothers have been asking about you.

Hilda: damn. bunch of fools.

Y/n: *mutters to himself* who are these Mcdaugall brothers?

Gene: hey! hey! McCoy this Mcdaugall that. when are you people are going to start talking some sense.

Swanzo: he, don't butt in on an adult conversation kid.

Gene: did you call me a kid? listen here buddy!

Swanzo: *waves his finger* woah now. if you let yourself get worked up for everything kid. you won't last long.

Gene then points his gun at Swanzo who doesn't seemed fazed by the action of having a gun pointed to him.

Swanzo: using those things is banned here you might want to remember that kid.

Gene: *lowers his gun* relax buddy it's not even loaded I was just bluffing. *holsters his gun*

Jim: so firing a gun is banned in a free town. why is that?

Swanzo: well... if a stray cracked a seal somewhere and the air escapes everyone that lives here will go straight to heaven. morons who can't follow the rules don't have a right to go on living.

Gene: yeah maybe only morons that follow the rules live here. so that's what a Outlaw is huh?

Jim: their pirates?

Swanzo: sounds like this other youngster doesn't understand either. you have three powers in space. the Space Forces, pirates and the Outlaws. the difference is what motivates them what motivates an Outlaw varies from person to person. good or bad don't figure at the solidarity and sense of duty.

Jim: and that's what makes them Outlaws.

Swanzothen goes to do the job for the ship while me, Gene, Jim, Melfina and Hilda leave to see more of Blue Heaven. along the way Hilda wanted us to find clothes for Melfina which I don't have a problem with.

Gene: then how about Melfina goes with Y/n and Jim that way the job is sure to get done. plus Y/n can make sure no harm will come and then I can come along with you.

Hilda: it's a deal

Jim: and what a deal.

Y/n: I'm fine with it. it also gives me a chance to get the way of where some shops are.

Gene: let's meet at the hotel then. okay Jim, Y/n?

Y/n: got it.

Jim: right.

we then stop for the door to open to reveal loads of shops and people around either shopping or talking amongst themselves. we spilt up to do what we talked about me and JIm are walking with Melfina to fine a shop that sells clothes for her.

Melfina: Y/n, Jim I'm sorry.

Y/n: you don't have to apologizes it's no problem at all.

Jim: yeah don't worry about it.

we then found one shop that we took Melfina too and have her try on some clothes in the changing rooms. we wait for a couple of minutes for her to try on one set of clothes.

Jim: hey how's it going in there?

Y/n: patience Jim.

we then hear the curtains move as we turn to see Melfina in which was a blue shawl that covered the outfit underneath it, but it is still noticeable to see that it's one layer of clothes. her legs were covered with leggings with black shoes.

Melfina: what do you two think?

woman: you look absolutely wonderful.

Y/n: not bad Melfina. it suits you.

Jim: yeah.

Melfina: *smiles* thank you.

-timeskip brought to you by Hilda and Gene talking about business and being involved in a bar fight-

 we then got to the hotel that we agreed to meet up at only to find out from the receptionist that Gene and Hilda are sharing a room leaving me, Jim and Melfina to share one.

Jim: you mean Hilda and Gene are gonna share a room?

receptionist: that's right sir.

Y/n: [Gene you lucky bastard keep it in your pants or women will be the end of you.]

Jim: oh damnit that scumbag. don't tell me he's going to make a move on her. *faceplams* how could you Gene.

Y/n: well no use on crying about it let's head to our room.

receptionist: *gives them their key* here is the key to your room.

Y/n: huh, must of thought ahead.

Jim: wait you mean our room?

receptionist: yes sir room 345 with twin beds

Jim: *holds the key* uhh... well you heard the man.

Y/n: yup let's go we'll talk about who sleeps in what bed when we get to the room.

we then leave to head to the room we were sharing. once we got there it was a normal room with one bed on both sides of the room with a small dresser with a lamp next to the bed on the left side of the room. once we entered Melfina went first on taking a shower while me and Jim wait patiently.

Jim: man Gene don't you know that there's a time and a place for these kinda things.

Y/n: tell me about it. you don't see me going around and being in bed with women.

Jim: I've been wondering how come?

Y/n: well-

Melfina: so how do you think this looks Jim? Y/n?

we look to see that Melfina is wearing a large outer shirt that is buttoned with a small glimpse of a green tank top underneath it. with a orange shorts barely noticable and a yellow band around her head.

Jim: it's not bad I guess.

Y/n: you look comfortable in it.

Melfina:*sits on the bed that Jim is sitting on* well should I sleep here tonight?

Jim: yeah okay. *looks at Melfina*

Melfina: sleep with you?

Jim: *jumps off the bed* gah! no, no you use that bed *points to the bed that Y/n is sitting on*

Melfina: okay with Y/n?

Y/n: [oh boy.]

to be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think of it in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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