Chapter 1: a Starwind, a kid and a bounty hunter in a bar

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the first chapter of this story I hope you guys enjoy this story now let the chapter begin.

3rd pov

on the planet of Sentinel 3 the sun was beginning to set as the scene changes to a bar called Clyde's Bar. inside the bar is the bartender, a waitress accompanied with three patrons as to of them were playing cards and the other one was polishing his weapons while watching the two play. as things were going as usual as the front door was heard opening along with a bell sound the bartender.

Bartender: so what it'll be?

man: I'm looking for two guys one by the name Gene and the other by the name Y/n.

Bartender: Gene and Y/n? what do you want with them?

man: let's just say Gene pulled a number on my brother and Y/n did the same with his crew and business partners.

the man looks to his right to see the group then turns back to the bartender then back at the group as a blonde kid was going to make a move.

blonde kid: I'll raise ya.

man: I heard they were regulars around here.

bartender: yup might say. 

blonde kid: watch ya gonna do? you gonna call? or are you gonna fold? come on I can't wait all day.

man: so mister does either Gene or Y/n come here or doesn't they?

as the man said that caught the attention of two people of the group one with red haired man and the other a h/c haired man in armor. the red haired man throws his cards on the table as the other puts his weapons on his belt strap then grabs his helmet that was on the ground then puts it on.

blonde kid: what are you dong?!

Gene: I got to call the game Jim I got guest to fight.

Jim: gnnrrr damnit! that ain't fair you knew you were going to lose!

the waitress giggles at Jim's reaction as the armored man chuckled as both the armored man and the red haired man turned their attention to the man who was talking to the bartender.

man: what the hell?

red haired man: you expecting someone else? your looking for me if I'm not mistaken as for the one that took out your brother's crew and partners that'll be my armored friend here.

man: you two are Gene Starwind and Y/n L/n? you mean to tell me a runt and a armored bounty hunter took out Butch and his crew?

Gene: oh yeah Butch and his crew that scraggily guy and his men started a brawl here last month. hey for wimps we made pretty good money off of them.

Y/n: no kidding.

man: hey punks you two better watch it. before you two die you should know who I am names Rob Cain. I've killed 30 men and you two will be 32.

bartender: your death Rob?!

Rob: some people call me that.

Y/n: interesting you probably have some bounty on your head this will be fun.

Gene: *blows his nose in a napkin* so your Rob Cain...deaf Rob?

Rob: *get's irritated* that's death!

Rob quickly pulls out his gun but gets shot by both Y/n and Gene three times each in the chest Gene's guns was a standard pistol as Y/n's was an energy based blaster that can pierce certain materials. as Rob was hit by the shots his back hits the wall and slumps down "dead".

Y/n: well that was short lived.

Jim: *pulls out a small device* he's not dead Y/n and Gene! that guy's a cyborg!

Rob's arm bursts open to reveal a cybernetic arm that turns into three separate metal tentacles he then attacks Gene first knocking his gun out of his hand as his arm turn back into an arm with a sharp metal hand. as he got passed Gene Rob cuts down a table making the waitress and Jim move away from the table then he turns to attack Y/n  but Y/n put his blaster away jumping over Rob dodging his metal arm and pulling out a small hilt with no blade.

Rob: so if you didn't have a gun would you run away? *looks at Y/n's hand to see the bladeless hilt* what on Sentinel 3  are you going to use that for?

Y/n: *smirks* you'll find out.

Gene: only when I don't have one.

Gene then pulls out a smaller pistol and shoots Rob in the head. but it doesn't kill him as he faces them again with blood coming out of his head.

Rob: that doesn't work.

Jim: *looks at the schematics of Rob's body* Gene! Y/n! he's a type C go for the bonic line in the side!

Gene: okay!

Y/n: I'll take care of the arm!

Y/n then charges activating the hilt making a black blade come out once Y/n was near Rob he swings the blade up cutting off Rob's arm. once the arm was off this gives Gene the opening when Y/n moves out of the way Gene stabs Rob in his side then pushes it across Rob's body making static sounds as it happens. once Gene removes his blade from Rob's body and Y/n deactivated his saber Rob's body falls forward dead on the ground.

Gene: okay Clyde you can call the sheriff now

Y/n: *put's the saber on his belt strap* another day another bounty taken care off

waitress: Gene *hugs Gene from behind* I was so scared.

Gene: *turns around hugging her while sneakily putting his hand on her butt* oh Iris it's okay now.

Jim: huh is that why you have your hand on her ass?

Gene quickly removes his hand from Iris butt as Y/n just takes his helmet and face palms while sighing as the bartender known as Clyde went along on his business.

Clyde: so you think everything is okay Gene? than what about the damage to my bar?

Gene: Jim what's the bounty on this Death Rob guy?

Jim: four thousand wong.

Gene: pay the repairs and deposit what's left. *blushes lightly* tonight I'm going to hit the town! what about you Y/n?

Y/n: probably check around for any bounties to see if one's worth doing. if not then I'll turn in. you two have fun now.

Y/n then puts his helmet on and exits the bar leaving Gene and Jim to do what they feel like doing.

Y/n's pov

as I left the bar to let Gene and Jim do whatever they were going to do I went to the bad side of town to find some caster shells for Gene since those are his specialty. I entered one of the shops that would have fire arms and ammo along the way here I did notice a ship heading to the docking bays I might have to ask about that later.

shop keep: what can I do for you?

Y/n: not much just wondering if you have any caster shells for a friend of mine.

shop keep: well that depends on what kind of your looking for. but I do have two shells a number 3 and 12 since these shells are so rare to find it will cost you a few wong but I'm willing to trade them for that neat looking hilt you have what do ya say?

this ticked me off thinking I'm willing to trade my saber to some shady shop keeper. I then quickly pulled out my saber activating it point ting the black blade at his neck.

Y/n: don't think I'm willing to sell or trade this saber. now tell what those caster shells cost or we're going to have a problem.

shop keep: okay, okay they cost ten thousand wong but for you I can cut it to one thousand just please remove the blade.

Y/n: now that's more like it.

????: hey it's time old man!

I look back to see two thug like men enter the store as one has a bat as the other has a gun by looking at their weapons they're here for trouble. one of them went up to the counter and slammed his hand on it.

man1: it's time to pay up on your protection payments.

shop keep: please I don't want any trouble I can't make good business with you two causing trouble.

man1: that was that old man!

he was about to grab the shop keep but I grabbed his wrist just before he could grab the shop keep and slowly move it way from him.

Y/n: if I were you I would turn around and go home.

man1: *removes his arm* like hell I would listen to you bucket head!

it ticked me off when he called me bucket head when he was referring to my helmet then the other man pointed his fire arm at me.

man2: you must have a death wish pal. do you know who you are talking too?

Y/n: no enlighten me.

man1: well I'm fast hands Ben I'm quick with the draw when armed with a gun.

man2: and I'm mark I don't do titles cause they're stupid and a waste of time.

Y/n: I bet you guys have a large bounty on your heads.

Ben: oh you have no idea we're both worth 10.000 wong each.

Y/n: *smirks under his helmet* is that right...

Mark: *notices Y/n's saber* hey that's a nice little device there. I tell you what you give me that and we leave this guy alone.

in that instant I drew my two blasters and point them at Ben and Mark who pulled out and point their weapons at me.

Ben: if "I" were you I would put my guns down and give my friend here what he ask for.

Y/n: I don't think so.

Mark: there's two of us and one of you. your odds are against you.

Y/n: I like those odds.

A/n: you get a cookie if you know the reference

then Mark charges me with his bat which I dodged and kicked him back knocking him to the door. Ben then fired his gun at me helmet but thanks to it's special metal the bullet bounced off hitting Ben in the shoulder. I was about to shoot Ben but he shot both my blaster out of my hands then tried to shoot me again but I was quick enough to pull out my darksaber and blocked the bullets or more like melted them upon impact. then used my foot to pick up one of my blasters and shot Ben in the head I then heard Mark yelling seeing him charging at me raising his bat but sadly for him i used my saber to cut his bat in half then slashed him across his torso. once that happen Mark's body falls to the ground dead.

Y/n: well that takes care of them. *looks at the shop keep* call the cops tall them that the bounty placed on Ben and Mark has been done.

shop keep: thank you sir those two have been giving not only me but other people's business trouble.

Y/n: no problem now let me pay for the things i was looking fo-

shop keep: actually you can have them for free with those two gone my business can get better now.

Y/n: thanks sir *takes the shells* now if you ever get any more thugs causing you trouble give me a call.

I then left the shop as i get a deposit of 20.000 wong into my bank account. I then make my way to a hotel to sleep for the night cause I really didn't feel like making a long trip to the shop plus it doesn't have much space for me to sleep. 

timeskip to the next day

once the day sets in I start to make my way back to the shop once I entered I took off my helmet and was hit with the smell of breakfast.

Y/n: hey guys I'm back

Jim: oh hey Y/n where were you last night?

Y/n: just went to the shopping area and took out two bounties that were worth 10.000 wong each.

Gene: hey nice going.

Y/n: thanks also catch *tosses the shells to Gene*

Gene: *catches them* hey caster shells nice find what numbers are these?

Y/n: numbers 3 and 12. by the way did any of you guys see the ship that came down last night?

Jim: yeah it was a pirate ship.

Y/n: oh boy.

Jim: yeah but I'm not sure what organization their from.

Gene: nor what there doing here on Sentinel 3.

then we hear the phone ringing so Jim went to go answer it as i went to the kitchen to make myself a light breakfast. once i got done making it Jim got off the phone with a woman named Rachel who asked for parts and a bodyguard.

Gene: well?

Jim: gosh Gene that lady asked for real serious hardware.

Gene: hey Jim she's a customer and a real babe.

Jim: *looks at Gene with a deadpan look* women will be the death of you someday.

Y/n: luckily for me i don't have to worry about a woman that would want to have my head.

Gene: right I can't forget to include that in my plan for an ideal life. hey she gave you money to order the parts didn't she?

Jim: *nods* mhm it's been deposited into our account. but it's stuff of bio elements, system parts and some nano tech you know this stuff is hard to get guys and it's way expensive. makes me wanna know what she needs them for.

Y/n: you not the only one.

Gene: you check her ID?

Jim: all green appears to be safe.

Gene: hmm, well okay I guess I'll have to go meet our Mrs. safe and check how safe she really is.

Jim: why do you think Mrs. safe needs a bodyguard. *gives Gene a personal digital assistant* here I impute all the data for ya *tosses it to Gene* take it.

Gene: *catches it* I'll see you guys at the usual place then.

3rd pov

after Gene met with Rachel at Clyde's bar and talked about the details of the bodyguard job. they are now waiting for Jim and Y/n to come pick them up .

Gene: what's taking Jim so long. sorry they should be here by now.

Rachel: that's alright.

Gene: so where we heading anyway?

Rachel: to an acra plant that's three coulometers to the north east.

Gene: what? that's out in the middle of the Wheat fields.

Rachel: uhuh you see I have to do some major repairs on the farm equipment that's out there.

Gene: *mutters to himself* then why did she order bio elements?

Gene quickly looked up to see an odd looking slender looking person wearing a mask and armor. it then jumps down landing perfectly on the ground in front of Gene and Rachel.

Gene: does uh this guy happen to be a friend of yours?

Rachel: no.

as the odd looking armored man then moved revealing two more like him behind him reading their bladed claws.

armored man1: *looks at Gene* you leave the woman and walk away other wise your a dead man!

Gene: hehe this is great, just great do you realize your threating Gene Starwind? that's right come on!

he then charges at the armored men as he pulls out a pistol as shoots the middle one killing him. then the other two start to attack him with their claws making Gene dodge the incoming attacks then jumps back shooting the second one in the neck killing him. the third one went on the offense attacking Gene making him roll out of the way but the armored man stood above Gene and starts attacking him on the ground but Gene dodges the claws.

Gene: rgh play times over!

Gene then head butts the armored man making the said man jump back then dodges a shot from Gene and retreats. as Gene pants from the fight Jim and Y/n who has his helmet on came by in a car that has three seats.

Y/n: sorry we're late.

Jim: waited long? we got hung up at the shop. what have you been doing?

Gene: you two are late!

Y/n get's out of the as Gene and Rachel get in the seat they were about to go but the car stops dead in it's tracks. Gene and Jim made some quick repairs to the car and it starts back up again but Rachel looks at Y/n.

Rachel how are you going to keep up?

 Y/n: *smirks under his helmet* with this

he then pressed a button on his wrist gauntlet activating his jet pack surprising Rachel. then they start to head to the Wheat fields with Y/n following them from above once Gene and Jim took the next off ramp but they stop with a groups of people blocking their way. three individuals stood out from the group one was a young girl wearing a chinses like outfit with a yin and yang symbol the next was and old man wearing a large coat like top and the last one was a tall male with a sword on his back.

Jim: Gene it's them! the pirates!

girl: ok play time is done now. can't fool us anymore come out and we'll spare your life...Hilda!

Jim: Hilda? Hilda?! Hilda?!

"Rachel": *pulls out a grenade* close your eyes!

she pulled the pin out of the grenade and threw it in front of the group blowing up. this give Gene the time to speed up the car and drive ahead with Y/n next to them at a lower altitude.

Y/n: okay lady who are you really!

"Rachel" then grabs part of her face removing it to reveal it was a disguise as the woman had black hair with an eye patch over one of her eyes.

woman: Rachel is purely a fake name but the part about needing a bodyguard how ever is real.

Gene: okay so your real name is Hilda. why are those pirates after you?

Hilda: I'm their enemy, we're after the same treasure.

Jim: treasure?! this is bad news Gene and Y/n let's just get out of here!

Y/n: i highly doubt they would let us go.

Gene: he's right *looks at the rear view mirror* here they come.

they see the man with the sword on his back on top of a platform made of the armored soldiers shooting at them.

Y/n: great Tao magic!

Y/n then turns facing the man behind them while flying backwards and pulling out his blasters. while Gene and Jim move to the back of the car while Hilda take the wheel Y/n and Gene take shots at the man Gene managed to graze the platform as for Y/n he managed to hit the man's shoulder.

Gene: haha how you like that!

man: *pulls out his sword* opai!

he then charges a purple orb attack and sends it to the car but Y/n pressed a button on his wrist gauntlet firing a small missile hitting the orb causing a explosion. Gene then shoots at the man but the bullet get's stopped by a barrier made of Tao magic Gene then picks up a rocket launcher and shoots the sword wielding pirate but that too get's stopped by the barrier. Gene then pulls out his caster surprising Hilda as he uses one of the number 3 shells and fires the caster at the pirate effectively killing the pirate.

timeskip at the barn

as the group got to the barn they stand in front of the doors of the barn Y/n was keeping one hand on his saber in case of anything.

Gene: so this is where you hid the treasure?

Jim: mission completed!

Hilda: thank you I appreciate what you done. 

in a quick motion she took out a pistol and shoots Gene point blank then turns to shoot at Y/n but he took out his darksaber and deflected the shot and pulled out his blaster and points it at Hilda who points her gun at him.

Y/n: put the gun down.

Hilda: I still have some work for the boy to do you are a different story.

Y/n reluctant dropped his blasters and and saber then Hilda let Y/n and Jim inside while keeping her pistol pointed at them.

Hilda: ok pull out that trunk. load it in the car.

then the sound of something igniting was heard as some pointed Y/n's darksaber at Hilda neck behind her.

Gene: tell me Hilda what's in the trunk?

Hilda: how did you.

Jim: Gene!

Gene: sorry there buddy *pulls out the personal digital assistant* but it looks like we're going have to write off your personal assistant. shall we see what's in there?

Y/n walked to Gene as he handed him his blasters and pointed at Hilda as Jim tries to open the trunk.

Jim: it's a electronic lock I need the code number!

Gene: what is it Hilda?

Hilda: it's not in your best interest to open that.

Y/n: what's the code?

Hilda: VSDO2C

as Jim put the code in the trunk opens up to reveal a girl in the trunk with no clothes on.

Y/n: what the hell?

Gene: what is it?

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now I want to know how should the reader act around Aisha when they first meet after they return to blue heaven please let me know while for Melfina the reader will act somewhat like a brother figure to Melfina please let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one. 

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