Welcome to the jungle


Hey guys! So so sorry for the delay, I just got caught up with school and life in general. Enjoy the chapter!


"What the actual fuck were those creepy as-"





"Green can you STOP kicking your foot around, I'm trying to hold on!" Yellow scowls.

"Then hold on better!!" Green retorts.

"Hey Darkk?"

"What. Red." Dark bitterly answers.

"If you did perhaps, hypothetically, create the virus. Why?"

Dark sighs heavily, fuming with frustration.

Victim rolls his eyes. "He probably did."


"He needs to chill." Green says to Red.

Red snickers. "I think it's kind of funny."

"Of course you do Red." Yellow remarks. Dark's rambles of frustrated yelling are still heard in the background.

Dark then swerves downwards between a group of trees and gains a load of speed.

The others yelp and scream while getting flung around behind Dark. Green and Red scream like little girls.

"Oh bloody hell, Dark!!" Victim yells, annoyed by the sudden rollercoaster-like experience.

Dark eventually slows down, rising from the tree canopy with a smug and satisfied smile.

Meanwhile, Chosen, Blue, Purple and Second fly together peacefully, all holding onto each other in a line starting from Chosen. Chosen looks back at his passengers for a moment.

"You guys alright?" he glances back ahead, following Dark's group from a distance. Second and the others send a wave of thumbs up.

Chosen's brows furrow as he continues following Dark into denser forest. He slows down his flying, decreasing the amount of fire he's blasting from his hands. "Where is this bunker..." he mutters under his breath.

He comes to a halt as he notices Dark landing somewhere ahead. Dark is- ..dumping everyone on the ground carelessly, yeah that sounds about right. Chosen watches him with a deadpan look.

Chosen then slowly and carefully lowers himself to the ground, making everyone behind him land as well. He summons a flame in his hand, acting as a source of light. The faint sound of nature is heard, a thick canopy of leaves from the large trees, small beams of moonlight peaking through.

Blue's eyes light up as he spots some fluorescent red mushrooms to the side. He steps over to the patch of fungi, taking in how it's beautifully hooked onto a rock. Blue then stuffs a few mushrooms into a satchel on his belt, jogging back to the group.

Purple, Second and Blue follow Chosen, stepping over logs and mossy rocks.

"This place is so..." Second grimaces as he flicks a tiny black spider off his arm. "Dark.."

"Fitting." Chosen remarks sarcastically, raising an eyebrow as he ducks under a fallen tree, propped up against a boulder.

"Why would Dark put a bunker in the middle of a freaking forest!?" Purple questions, disturbed by his dark surroundings. "Isn't this too hard to access?"

"Probably the reason it's out here. I dunno. I don't even know why he has a bunker." Chosen struggles to keep an eye on where Dark is ahead, his vision becoming blocked by flora. "Dammit."

Chosen then suddenly starts running, hurdling over and ducking under obstructions while still maintaining the fire in his left hand.

The three other stick figure's eyes widen as they pause for a moment. One by one they all start running after Chosen, trying to stay in the area of the light from his fire powers.

"Hey Chosen, wait up!" Second beckons. Chosen is obviously more skilled in agility and speed, but the others are keeping up just fine too with Purple and Blue ahead of Second. Chosen then grabs hold of a nearby low hanging tree branch and swings himself upwards. As his feet hit the side of another large tree, he propels himself off it and lands skillfully just at the end of a small pond, doing a backflip in the process.

Second and the others pause for a moment. "Damn, thats a big jump." Purple says, blinking cluelessly at Chosen, who is now way ahead.

"Oh come on guys, it's nothing." Blue scoffs and grins. He builds up all this confidence and stretches a bit.

"Oh here we go." Second says, raising his eyebrows sarcastically at Blue.

Blue cracks his neck, lets out a breath and then takes off. He grabs the tree branch! He swings upwards-! And he goes plummeting into the pond. "AHH-"

Chosen looks behind him with a surprised expression. He raises an eyebrow and smiles slightly with amusement as he sees Blue surface from the muddy pond water, covered in algae, mud, and a frog on his head that leaps off with a "Ribbet".

Chosen chuckles and walks to the edge of the pond. He kneels down and holds out a hand for Blue. "Need some help?"

Blue stammers and sighs, taking Chosen's hand and hoisting himself out of the thick pond water.

Purple then also comes plummeting down into the pond, not being able to see where to grab hold of a branch in the dark of the night. "SHIT-" the sound of a loud splash and his yelling catches Chosen and Blue's attention.

Second then also comes falling, as he manages to propel himself off the side of the last tree, but just doesn't make it to the end of the pond. "NOOO-" splash

Chosen and Blue laugh, filled with amusement from Purple and Second's frustrated and embarrassed faces.


"Right soldiers! This is your training! We're in the wild now, and i'm your leader, Sergeant Lord. You follow me, and DO NOT-"

Everyone stiffens up, except for Victim.

"-under any circumstances, leave this group. DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

"Yes Sergeant!"

"Good. Now, we move forward! FOLLOW ME!" Dark begins treading through the densely overgrown landscape. He grabs a small dagger like knife from his inner trenchcoat pocket, pulling it out and slicing through obstructing plants.

Red raises an eyebrow. "Do you just carry a knife everywhere you go?"


"Does the knife thing carry forward to the bedroom-?" Victim smugly asks.

"WHAT THE FUCK VIC!?" Dark stops walking, looking back at Victim with a bewildered but amused expression.

"Well, does it?"

"Shut. Up. AND KEEP WALKING!!" Dark scowls, grumbling to himself as he continues walking through the bushy landscape.

"Gosh. He's so grumpy." Yellow sighs.

"I know right. It's almost like he's holding some deep dark secret that he won't admit to share with anyone..." Green sighs.




"AHHH THERES A SPIDER!!!!" Green clings to Yellow, screeching.

"WHAT!? WHERE!?" Yellow screams and clings to Green.

"SPIDER!?" Red's eyes light up with excitement. He shoves Yellow and Green to try and find it.



All three of them tumble over and go rolling down a hill, hitting bushes and spiderwebs. After about ten seconds, they come out rolling slowly onto a flat spot of land, stopping at someones feet.

"Rough time?" Purple says with amusement.

Green's head shoots up and he looks at Purple. He then positions himself into a more casual and "cool" pose, sitting on top of Yellow and Red. "I mean, for them maybe. Not me of course, just a few scratches but nothing i cant handle." Green smiles confidently.

"SIMP!!" Red yells, rolling over and making Green fall to the ground as well.

"AGH-" Green flops on the ground.

Red and Yellow then stand up. Yellow dusts dirt off his clothing as he fixes his glasses.

Purple helps Green up as he chuckles, teasing Green with annoying comments as Green tries to play it off cool, despite his embarrassment.

Chosen looks up towards an opening of foliage where the three idiots fell from. He locks eyes with Dark and Dark's amused grin. They stare at each other for a moment before Chosen scowls and scoffs, looking away.

"What is his problem? Seriously Vic, he's acting like teenager with mood swings!" Dark remarks to Victim with frustration.

Victim sighs. "To be honest Dark, you both are." he then swings his black and neon blue lasso, grappling onto a tree branch. He hops over and slides down the dirt hill, spinning around the tree branch and landing on the ground near Chosen with a somersault.

Dark stutters with annoyance. "W-WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!??" he scowls. "Hmph...I don't act like a teenager.." Dark crosses his arms and pouts.

"Dark get down here!!"

Dark rolls his eyes and groans as he hears Chosen's voice. "Coming honey" he remarks sarcastically. He then skillfully treads down the small cliff, hopping off tree branches and sliding down the dirt, landing with not even a speck of dirt on his ever-so-iconic trenchcoat.

Chosen rolls his eyes, trying to distract from the fact he felt a bit of admiration towards the way Dark made an entrance. "Right, now show us the way to this damn bunker."

"Yessir." Dark scoffs and claps his hands in the air to get the colour gang's attention. "Oi, skittle-gang! Listen up and follow me! Now."

Red, Second, Green, Yellow, Blue and Purple all turn their attention to the three older guys, Dark mainly in focus. Dark beckons for them to follow as he begins walking, Chosen next to him. The ground is muddy and mossy, the foliage beginning to become more dense as the forest turns into more of a rainforest. Yellow pulls out a torch from his pocket, flicking the on switch so a bright, but narrow, beam of light fills the space in front of him.

Blue raises an eyebrow. "You had that the whole time?"


"And didn't use it?"

"I forgot I had it.."

Blue sighs, shaking his head in a disapproving manner.

Yellow scoffs and gives Blue a light, playful shove. Blue snickers and smiles, shoving Yellow back. Yellow laughs and gives one last heavy shove back, accidentally sending them both to fall on the ground. Yellow pauses as he realises he's on top of Blue. Blue's flustered face flushes red as he's held down by Yellow on the damp grass.



Yellow quickly gets off Blue, blushing like hell. "Uh, sorry." he clears his throat and helps Blue up.

"Yeah uh..heh." Blue stands up, blushing furiously.

"Hey lovebirds! Chop chop and get over here!!" Green yells teasingly while looking back at Yellow and Blue. His eyes widen as he trips over a hidden log and falls face first into a patch of mud.

Purple looks behind to see Green and laughs. "Idiot." he stops walking and steps over to Green, holding down a hand for Green to reach. "Second time i've helped you up now."

"Yeah, yeah." Green hoists himself up with the help of Purple. "Shut up."

Purple goes red in the face from trying to hold in laughter, an upside down smile on his face.

"What?" Green raises an eyebrow.

"You've got a tiny bit of mud on your face." Purple giggles.

"Huh?" Green tries to wipe mud off his face, only getting it all over his hands.

Purple laughs. "You're not getting any off." he then pulls his sweater off and uses it as a cloth to wipe the mud off Green's face.

Green blushes. "Your sweater!? No, now it's all muddy.." he can't help but giggle.

"Your fault for falling face first in bloody mud."

"Well I don't want your muddy sweater!"

"Well I don't want it now either!!"

"UGH, give it here.." Green takes the sweater and ties it around his waist.

Purple snorts. "Come on, we need to catch up with the others!" he grabs Green's hand and starts jogging down the overgrown path, pulling Green along with him.

Green snickers and follows Purple. A soft smile forms on his face as he watches Purple's mood lift. Despite the slightly gloomy look, Purple seems to be distracted or trying to be distracted from the sudden events of today. Green's smile fades a bit as he realises how much Purple is avoiding his problems. I need to talk to him later, Green thinks to himself.

"How far in this stupid forest is the bunker?" Victim questions, raising an eyebrow as he pushes past a large fern.

"Now if i remember correctly..." Dark smiles confidently and steps over to a patch of shrubbery. "It should be.." he pushes a large leaf downwards to reveal an opening of space on the other side. A dirt landing surrounded by dusty green trees and foliage. There's a space over to the side where the trees part to a rocky ledge, overhanging a cliff that runs down to the ocean. And on the other side, built into the forest and firmly sculpted into the ground is a large metal door, round with a big handle in the middle.

"Right here..." Dark says softly with pride, a grin forming on his face.

A few "wow"s and faint gasps come from the younger few of the group, while Chosen and Victim shimmy through the bushes and into the area.

"Why on earth do you have this- When, did you even make this Dark!?" Chosen asks with uncertainty. "I mean, it's not too far fetched for you i suppose.."

Dark smirks smugly with his hands behind his back as he leads the way over to the bunker door. "Don't be so surprised Chocolate, you know me."


"I do like to construct my minor bases, testing and operation stations, outposts, bunkers-"

"Yes yes yes, i get it, you're full of yourself."

"I'm not full of myself, it's called class, Chosen." Dark scowls, getting irritated now.

"It's called having an ego bigger than the amount of crimes you've committed, you self-loathing-" he leans in closer to Dark's face, scowling. "-sad, pathetic-" his voice gets more and more bitter as he and Dark lean right up to each other, anger rising. "Piece of shi-"


Victim pushes in between them as Dark is just about to try and tackle Chosen. "HEY! Woah woah woah WOAH."

Dark growls, sneering at Chosen.

Chosen scowls, his eyes flickering red from his lasers starting to rile up.

Victim sighs and unhooks his lasso from his belt. He then wraps it around both Chosen and Dark, tying them up together in a loop and then kicking them over.

Dark yells. "HEY-"

"WTF VIC!?" Chosen growls, thrashing around in the lasso.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Dark screeches, trying to kick at Chosen like a child.

"FUCKING SHUT UP AND STAY STILL!!" Chosen bellows back, doing the exact opposite of staying still and instead trying to shove Dark away.

Everyone else watches them squabble with utter confusion and amusement.

Victim smiles angelically and starts dragging the two along by the end of the lasso. Dark and Chosen leave a trail in the ground as they're pulled along to the door, still arguing and fighting.

Victim walks over to a small control panel on the side of the old bunker door, raising an eyebrow. He wipes his hand over the buttons lightly, brushing off the heavy layer of dust that has built up over the years. A spider crawls out from the side of the panel, scurrying away into the darkness. Victim grimaces and snatches his hand away, before slowly holding it back out to the panel once the spider is out of sight.

"Hey Dark..?"

Dark groans with irritation from on the ground, tied up in the lasso. "What, Vic?"

"What's the code for the door?"




What is the code? Yes, I'm talking to you...you, behind the screen..

...Well....what is it?

...##%@%Q 2011 $#^@^..



"Uh, it's @)!! i'm pretty sure.." Dark mumbles, looking to the side.

Chosen's expression shifts slightly as he remembers @)!!...Dark's creation date.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"@)!!" Dark says with a bit of a louder voice for Victim to hear.

"Right....@...)....!...!" Victim mutters as he enters the code, the buttons making a small beep sound as they're input.







[Virus: input]


[Initiating plan: U.L.T.R.A]




[Hacking systems {loading}]


[Two months {please wait for data to input}]

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