Destination Reached

Oh gosh it's been a while hasn't it. Sorry for the wait. Also I got a bit carried away with this chapter so enjoy a good 5000 words.


Dark shoves the coils of rope off his body as he stumbles into a stand. "Curse you and lasso, Vic." he spits, looking away to hide the blush on his face, a side effect of being so close to Chosen.

Chosen does the same and rolls up the lasso in his hand before shoving the coil into Victim's vision.

Victim smirks with amusement and takes the lasso, hooking it back onto his belt as he walks through the bunker door.

"You just have this place in the middle of nowhere?" Blue asks.

"Like I said, it's handy for a number of reasons." Dark reiterates.

"I wouldn't be surprised if this is some kind of trick." Purple states skeptically.

"That's rich coming from someone like you." Yellow mutters.

Purple frowns and bonks Yellow on the head as retaliation.

"It's safe to come in." Chosen calls out to the others in a responsible manner.

One by one they enter through the bunker door, escaping the dark of the night to find themselves in....more darkness. Engulfed in the sound of steps against metal and the dreadful sound of basically silence, the colour gang all huddle with their backs together.

"Uhhh." Second gulps. "Can we get some light in here?"

"Yellow?" Red steps back more, leaning with his back against Second's. "Your torch?"

"I can't find it!" Yellow feels around his pockets. "I can't remember what pocket i put it in-"

"What are we gonna do!!?"

A sudden warm, glowing light erupts in front of the group. Chosen stands there, flame in hand with a look on his face that says "Seriously?".

Second and his friends all look at Chosen awkwardly and with embarrassment, forgetting that he has fire powers.

Slowly they all part and start walking around the bunker, staying close to Chosen's fire however. Old and dusty, the walls made out of metal and concrete; same as the floor. Second goes to the side and runs a hand along some wooden crates, his fingertips getting covered in dust. He wearily opens a crate ajar to peak inside when suddenly something beeps in his face. The lid of the crate slams shut as Second retracts his hand quickly.

A few of the others look over with startled expressions.

Second just smiles and gives a thumbs up before turning back to the crate. He slowly opens the crate again, this time getting a better look at what flashed in his face. A camera, hidden in the crate, a small red light beeping on and off. Second's eyes widen and his heart skips a beat. Why is there a camera in here? In Dark's bunker. He slowly turns his head to look to his back right, over at Dark.

His vision distorts Dark's face, a menacing grin on the "villain's" face.

Memories of being stabbed flash through his mind, Yellow being held in the air, Red disintegrating, Blue, Green stabbed in the chest, pain, virus, blade, his friends.

Second's eyes quake slightly and he gulps nervously. His hands start to shiver and he takes deep breaths to try and calm himself. It's over now, he's not going to do it again, everything's okay, everything's oka-


Second jolts upright, his head whipping towards who talked.

Red crouches down in front of him, concern and empathy in his expression. "Your eyes are glowing green again."

Second glances over at Dark again, who seems to just be looking around and tinkering with things on the walls of the bunker. The bunker seems to be pretty big.

He looks back at Red and takes a deep breath as he raises a hand to one of his eyes. "Are they?"

Red puts a hand on Second's shoulder and rubs it soothingly.

Slowly, the lime green glow fades from Second's eyes, leaving his sunset orange eyes as usual. "Sorry.."

"No, it's fine. It's not your fault." Red retracts his hand and stands up with Second. "Did something happen? Usually you don't get these episodes unless.."

"I found something." Second opens the crate and pulls out the portable camera.

"Huh.." Red narrows his eyes at it and inspects it. "'s powered on.." he takes the camera and raises it up to his face, looking into the lens with his left eye. "HelloOOoOOo? Anyone home?"

"What's that?" Yellow walks over, taking a look at the camera. "A camera?"

"It was in the crate there." Second points to the crate.

"Who put it there then?"

"Dunno, but this is Dark's bunker."

All three of them slowly look over at Dark.




"Why would he put a camera here?"

"We're being watched!?" Blue questions, looking at the camera over Yellow's shoulder.


Chosen leans against the wall next to the electrical breaker box on the other side of the room, holding a flame in his hand to emit light. "Any luck getting this thing to work?" he says to Dark, who is currently knelt down and tinkering with the wires in the electrical panel.

"Give me a few more seconds..." he mutters, squinting at a particular bunch of cords inside the panel.

Chosen stays quiet, watching Dark for a moment or two before yawning quietly and crossing his arms. He directs his attention over to the colour gang with a questioning look. "What are they looking at...?" he mumbles to himself under his breath.

Dark frowns as the panel causes him more frustration than success. "Work dammit!" he throws his hands in the air for a second.

"Have you tried turning it off and on again?" Victim says smugly, leaning against the other wall nearby.

Dark glares at Victim with an irritated expression for a good five seconds, his eye twitching slightly. "Yes" he sneers.

"Have you tried sorting the-"


"Have you tried-"



"..." Dark looks at the electrical panel again. After a moment of pause, he slams his fist into the wires and circuits. Suddenly a hive mind of beeps and lights erupt and then a bright flash of light fills the bunker. Each long bar light flickers on, one after the other.

Victim looks around in amused surprise. "Well, would you look at that."

Green hisses. "God that's bright!!"

"WOOaaAhhhh" Red gazes around the large bunker room.

The sound of flashes spread across the ceiling as the ceiling lights illuminate.

Dazzling furniture and decor spread across the room- wait no. No it's just, metal plating for the floor and walls, with...sigh, a sad old couch, tv, crappy old computer, rusty kitchen, with a few doors across the room going to other rooms.

Everyone stares around with mixed reactions.

Green raises an eyebrow. "....That looks like shit"

"Would you rather go out there and live with the big lanky demons?" Second points to the bunker door.

Green glances at the door and then shuts up.

Red looks around. "I'm sure it's nothing we can't make our own."

"Waaait-wait-wait-wait hold on, how long are we staying here exactly?" Yellow looks at the others in confusion.

"Aren't we staying here forever?" Red grins.

"WHAT!?" Green panics.

"Woah woah woah, hey hold on-" Chosen starts. "We haven't made a proper plan yet but for now, this is the safest place to stay...thanks to Dark."

"Thanks to me" Dark adds smugly, nodding.

Chosen rolls his eyes. "So for now, calm down, get some rest, it's like bloody midnight or something, i'm going to bed." he goes to walk off but pauses again. "Listen to your leader" he points at Second, before walking off to snoop around the different rooms, looking for a place to sleep.

"Hold on, before you go-" Second calls out to his older brother.

Chosen peeks out from a door he walked through, looking back at Second. He raises an eyebrow in question. "Yeah? What is it?"

"Can you ask your boyfriend what this is?" Second tosses the small round camera in his hand and catches it again. He holds it in his hand so Chosen can see that it is in fact a camera.

The room falls silent.








Dark watches the back-n-forth as Chosen and Second yell at each other in the dastardly hours of the night, a smug smile slowly forming on his face as his eyes dart from Second to Chosen. "It's a camera."

Chosen and Second stop yelling and look at Dark, and Green stops recording the drama, putting away his phone.

Chosen raises an eyebrow at Dark, tilting his head in confusion and suspicion. "How did Sec find a camera in here?" His expression then furrows and his eyes darken. "Why is there a camera here-"

"Woahwoahwoah hold on." Dark intervenes. "Don't go making assumptions too soon." he points to the camera being held in Second's hands. "I have no clue where that came from."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

"You wanna give me a little more conviction?"

"Oh but Chosennn, I thought you'd already have so much unbroken conviction and trust in mee~" Dark mocks in a teasing over-the-top voice.

"Shut your damn mouth." Chosen spits darkly. "Now answer my question, why is there a camera here and how many more are there?"

"Chosen i'm not lying, I have nothing to do with it, i haven't even been in this bunker for over 5 years." Dark stresses.

Victim watches the interaction from the side and ponders, his expression serious and thoughtful. "He's telling the truth."

Most people look over at Victim, except for Purple who's about to fall asleep and Red who's preoccupied with a spider he found on one of the walls. Luckily no one else has seen said spider or there would be a lot more commotion.

Victim continues. "A trick I picked up from my time with the Rocket Corp." He steps over to Dark, bypassing Dark's clear unease when he points to Dark in multiple areas. "Facial expressions, muscle tensing, shifting in position, eye dilation. These are all things you can use to tell if someone is lying or not. For example, Dark looked away once or twice to concentrate on a reliable answer to why he isn't lying..."


"...his voice is also raised and is in a different tone rather than staying the usual, which is something he would've done to try and sound truthful is he was lying."

Dark sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Well okay then, glad to know we figured that out, can we drop it now."

"He's lying." Victim then adds.

Dark looks up in disbelief. "The hell!?? YOU JUST SAID I WASN-"

"I said that you weren't lying and then proceeded to act as if I was backing you up with evidence when in reality that whole play was to see if you actually were lying by seeing the change in reaction if things went your way, in which you got hopeful but then defensive if I called something out."

The colour gang look at Victim in astonishment. Was Dark really lying? Does he know something they don't?

Chosen's eyes flicker to Dark. A sense of distrust and caution lies deep within those reddish-black eyes of his.

Dark's jaw drops slightly as he stares at Victim. Jeez, I didn't know this guy was actually smart for once, he thinks. Dark then clears his throat and stands up straight, fixing his jacket. He shoots a smug smirk at Victim. "Well, look at you Mr. Detective~ How clever. I suppose I can play along with your little game here. I did lie about one thing."

"Cut to the fucking chase." Chosen persists. His expression has formed into a threatening glare.

A drop of sweat forms on Dark's brow as he looks at Chosen, although overcome by a smirk. He's never been scared of Chosen, only threatened. Knowing someone for that long makes you understand every fibre of them, enough to know their limits; when too far is too far.

"I know what the camera was used for. Frankly, I made it..."

Shocked "hm!?"s and light gasps come from the others in the room. Chosen simply rolls his eyes.

"...It's just a security camera I had in place when I made this bunker." Dark motions nonchalantly with his hand.

Chosen glances around the room. "Which means there's more."


Yellow listens to the conversation, not having said anything yet. But hold on a minute.. He realises something. "But something doesn't add up. How and why would there still be power running all the way out here to power these cameras. You said you haven't been here in 5 years." he crosses his arms with a hand up to his chin as he questions Dark.

"And that, is what I don't know." Dark sighs with a smirk.

"Then....then how?" Red shifts his attention from the spider in his hands to the others instead.


"We're being watched." Chosen mutters, his eyes fixed on a camera which is hanging from the ceiling in the corner, a small red light beeping from it. "Someone's powered and hacked the cameras."

Dark chuckles with a grin. "Bingo~."

Chosen groans and grits his teeth, grabbing Dark by the collar of his shirt. "Now's not the time to be laughing!!"

"Hahah! And what are you gonna do about it?" Dark gazes at Chosen daring and menacingly.

Chosen's eyes light up red. Dark's hand starts to glow to a flame.

"Okay enough!" Victim pushes the two apart. "Please stop before you go trying to kill each other!"

Second quietly sobs to himself. "I just wanna sleeeeeep..."

Green sighs from all the arguing and glances over to Purple who's standing next to him. Purple has his arms crossed and is staring at the ground, seeming to be in a world of pain...emotionally that is.

Green tilts his head slightly in concern, unsure what to do at this point. Maybe he should just do nothing?. No no, that doesn't sound right. Asking him how he is won't do anything. Green takes a deep breath. He then takes a small step closer to Purple, not looking at him because that would only embarrass the other.

Purple raises his tear stained eyes slightly to look to the side at Green.

Green glances back over for a moment, meeting eyes with Purple. He gives a small smile, a comforting smile. A smile that says that he's there for him.

Purple doesn't make any reaction back. "..." he looks away.

Green's smile fades a bit, and he also looks back at the other's commotion. Dammit.

Blue hums in agreement with something Yellow said. "So what do you suggest we do?"

Chosen yawns once more. "Look, we're all tired...exhausted I should say. Let's just get some rest and we'll deal with it tomorrow." he then looks down at Second, who has ultimately fallen fast asleep on the floor, camera in hand. He gives Second a light kick. After that doesn't work he just crouches down next to Second and gives him a firm slap across the cheek.

Second bolts awake and hisses. "What is with everyone slapping my face today!!"

"Your fault for continuing to fall asleep." Yellow says, hands on his hips as he looks down at Second.

Before Second could even swear at Yellow, Dark, Chosen and Victim had already seemed to walk off, being no where in sight.

Second yawns, lying his head back down and closing his eyes. "Well I guess we should get going."

"Yeah, and that means standing up and walking dumbass." Green remarks.

"Then carry me."

"Get your boyfriend to carry you, not me."

"But I don't have a boyfriend, i'm not even gay."

"And i'm not a musician, get the hell up."

"But I'm comfy here."

"I'll take your pen-"

"DON'T YOU DARE." Second growls darkly, before a realisation comes to him. "Wait a minute, my pencil."

Purple and Green both pause. Does he not have his pencil? Please tell me he does.

Second stands up and checks his pockets. "Oh no. Shit. I-I can't find it!"

"It must still be at the pc." Purple mumbles.

Second sighs in defeat. "Even more reason to fall asleep right now."

"Yellow and Blue went into the room over there." Green points to the first doorway along the left wall of the large bunker hall.

Red races off to a doorway in the middle. "Lets go in this one!"


Yellow goes into one of the rooms off to the side. The entrance is a small walkway with a shower and a bathroom branching off to the side, with the bedroom then beyond the walkway. Blue follows behind him, glancing around at everything.

"Maybe at least the beds will be alright-"

Yellow stops when he sees the two double beds with the thinnest mattresses he's ever seen in his life. "Fuck me..." he mumbles irritability.

"What are you talking abouuut, this is fine." Blue says as he throws himself back first on one of the beds, his hands behind his head. His face tightens as his back hits the bedframe through the mattress.

Yellow snorts. "Yeah right, so fine. Are there even blankets?" he goes over to a small cupboard. The first two draws have nothing, but then the last one has a large, thick, comfy blanket. "Thank god."

"Oh nooo, there's only one blanket. What will we ever dooo??" Blue feigns dramatically as he pulls off his side satchels and any uncomfortable things that make up his outfit, chucking them onto the floor.

"Oh no, guess i'll have to sleep without one-" Yellow jokes with a smug smile.

Blue grabs Yellow and hugs him tightly, pulling him onto the bed with him. "No you don't!"

Yellow laughs. "Let go of me! Of course i'm not sleeping without one!." He sits up and gives the blanket to Blue to unfold, before also pulling off his equipment and taking things out of his pockets. He then lays down next to Blue on the bed after he takes his glasses off and puts them on the bedside table. "Oh god this really is horrible." he complains as he can feel the bedframe under the mattress.

Blue flicks the switch that turns the bedside lamp off. "Then just cuddle with me."

"And that'll solve all my problems?" Yellow asks softly as he pulls the blanket over himself as well.

"Maybe.." Blue mumbles, closing his eyes as he turns to face Yellow.

Yellow sighs, closing his eyes as well and snuggling into Blue's arms contently.


"Wait look theres a room with bunk beds!" Red yells out to the others excitedly.

"Four of them?" Purple asks hesitantly. "Also please stop yelling, it's too late for your excitement right now."

"Yeppp, there's four." Green calls out.

Second pays no attention to them and walks right past. He just jumps up to the top bunk and gets comfy, falling straight asleep before having to worry about anything else. "zzz..zzzZZz..."

"Well i'm taking bottom then" Red grins and hops onto the bottom bunk. He pauses when a loud snap springs from the bed he's laying on. "Uh-"

Suddenly the bedframe underneath him completely snaps and he falls, not very far, but onto the ground.

Green stares at him for a moment before cracking up laughing. He wheezes, leaning his hands on his knees.

Red also laughs, throwing his head back as he cackles uncontrollably.

Purple raises an eyebrow at the two, before also not being able to help himself and chuckling.

The three of them just continue laughing, cracking up even more from each other.

Second rolls over on his top bunk and looks down at them, pure annoyance in his eyes. "Go. To. Bed."

The others don't hear him at first, just ignoring him.

Second's eyes flash lime green. "GO TO SLEEP-"

They all quickly shut up while Red hops up onto the other top bunk. Now there happens to be a dilemma, there's only one bed left.

"I'll sleep on the floor-" Purple quickly says.

Green looks at Purple, a slight blush on his face. "Why?"

"What do you mean why? There's only one bed left." Purple's eyebrows furrow, not wanting to trouble over anymore problems.

Green raises an eyebrow and smiles, an amused, yet soft smile. A smile that has left Purple in a state of fluster many of times, but getting used to it, it affects him less. Purple sighed and looked to the side. "Don't do this to me."

"I mean, if one of us is sleeping on the floor, it'll be me because i don't want you sleeping on the floor, but i don't exactly fancy sleeping on metal ground either."

"What are you saying-"

"Can you two just shut up and go to bloody bed, just share a bed it's nothing personal." Second groans from the top bunk. He knows Green likes Purple and Purple likes Green, everyone does, it's obvious. Despite the two's constant blushing and cuteness, they make a good team, they help each other out in many ways emotionally.

Purple turns to look at Green again. He just sighs before hopping into the bed, facing the wall on the far side. "This bed sucks."

Green chuckles. "From one to ten, how bad?"


Green lets out an amused breath, looking at Purple while all he can see is the back of the other boy. He blushes a bit, glancing to the side and then back at the bed. "So do I-"

"Get in."

Green's heart skips a beat as he smiles, his eyes lighting up with excitement. Oh this is the best and worst day of my life. He sits down onto the bed and proceeds to lay down on his back like an awkward teenager. He reaches a hand up behind his head to turn off the light, leaving the room in darkness, before wrapping himself up under the large blanket.

After around thirty minutes of silence and some shifting around, Second and Red seem to be asleep. Green was nearly asleep but has had no luck. So much has happened today, everything happened so fast yet so slow. Honestly he's still processing things. I wonder how the others feel..

His thoughts are interrupted when he hears a quiet sob from next to him. Green's eyes wake up more and he glances over to his right. "...Purple..?" he whispers.

Purple seems to be crawled up to the side and facing the wall, hugging himself under the blanket with his face buried.

Green sits up a bit by leaning on his elbows as he looks at Purple with concern and sympathy. "Purple..." he mutters quietly once more.

Hearing his name be called only makes him cry more. His figure trembles under the blanket as sobbing is heard from him.

What do I do now..? Green asks himself internally. His dad is gone apparently. What do I do when someone loses someone?? How would I feel??? Okay Green, what if you lost Second, what would you do. How would you feel.....What would you want......comfort from....Purple?

After a moment of thought, Green comes up with a question for not himself, but Purple. " you want a hug..?" He mumbles quietly.

There's silence. But just after the silence, Purple rolls over in the bed to face Green. His messy but neat braid has mostly come undone, leaving his soft purple hair out. Purple gets mistaken for a girl most of the time with his feminine features. People look at his braided hair, his long eyelashes, and his fancy way of dressing and assume he's a girl. Green on the other hand has never cared. He likes those things about Purple, giving him just another reason to see how gorgeous Purple is to him.

Green can barely see Purple in the darkness, but reaches out an arm in the rough idea of where he is. Wrapping an arm around Purple's back gently, he pulls the other towards him. Purple then also shifts closer to Green.

Wrapping his arms around him, Green rests his head on Purple's soft hair as Purple cuddles into Green, burying his head into Green's chest.

Purple then cried. He didn't care how loud he was being, he was in a state of grief. He was distraught. "H-He can't be dead." he sobs to Green. "He can't be.."

Green's voice wavers a bit. "P-Purple...I don't.."

Purple's hands grip onto the back of Green's shirt, his tears leaving damp spots on the fabric. "He can't be dead.." he croaks out faintly.

"I...don't know.." Green whispers with a distressed voice. A couple tears break from his eyes as well. "I'm sorry." he sniffles. Sorry for what Green? Sorry that you couldn't save MT? Sorry that MT's gone? Sorry that so many bad things keep happening to Purple?

Purple continues sobbing, tears running down his cheeks uncontrollably. "I feel hopeless...why do I keep losing everyone I care about!? Why!? I don't want him to go.."

Red lays awake on the bunk bed above them, lying on his back and staring at the ceiling as he listens. It's painful for him to hear Purple like this. If MT is gone, it only scares him if anyone else will be lost as well...

Purple eventually cries himself to sleep, fallen asleep in a position that leaves him and Green cuddling. Another ten minutes or so and Red and Green are also both asleep.

A rough night it's been.


1 hour earlier.

"I am NOT sleeping in a bed with you."




Chosen scowls as he lets go of Dark's ear from pulling on it. He angrily pulls off his heavy belt and all his other combat accessories which he shouldn't wear to bed. "Why did we have to come here and not some actual civilian bunker in the city!? Oh wait, you're a CRIMINAL!"

Dark scowls as well as he crosses his arms all sassily. "Oh and YOU'RE not a criminal as well!!?? BULLSHIT!!"

"Well at least I actually stopped a few years back, you fucking psychopath!!!"

"At least I don't have anger issues, fucking prick!!"

Chosen snaps. He chuckles darkly with a threatening smile as he slowly turns to look at Dark. "Did you just say you DON'T have anger issues..?" his eye twitches. "Because from where i'm standing, you're the petty one who rages at people after ONE insult or ANY constructive criticism, is stubborn as fuck, and NEVER LISTENS TO ANYTHING I SAY!!"

Dark seethes with anger after that one. His fist clenches. "Fuck....You."

Come on Chosen...don't fight him...not more fighting remember? That's what you promised. Chosen takes a deep breath and glares at Dark.

Dark holds a hostile look at Chosen, aggravated and hurt.

"Sorry." Chosen admits, looking away. He crosses his arms bitterly.

Dark stops himself. He also takes a couple deep breaths and looks down to the floor. We keep doing this...nearly fighting....when we've been trying to stop...he's always so angry with me...

The room they went to is the master bedroom, because for some reason Dark must have designed the bunker to suit himself, not knowing he would have to share said bedroom with his....whatever Chosen is to him. Victim took the only other bedroom and insisted that Chosen and Dark share the last bedroom, so no other option was available other than the couch in the main bunker room. Too cold to sleep on.

"Just.." Chosen sighs, putting his hands into his pockets. "We can share the bed, it's no big deal anyway."

Dark raises a suspicious eyebrow. That's odd of Chosen, just giving in like that so easily. He must be tired, or just sick of me- y'know probably both. Dark then smirks cockily. "Okay well i'm sleeping on the right side of the bed and don't get in my way."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Chosen rolls his eyes, walking over to the left side of the bed in his tank top, pants and socks.

Oh hell no. Dark almost throws up. No sarcastic remark? Actually listening to me?? "So, where is Chosen?" he grins with his hands behind his back.

Chosen looks over at Dark in confusion. "The fuck you mean?"

"Okay different question. Kiss me."

Chosen narrows his eyebrows, his jaw dropped. "Whaaat..." he utters under his breath. "Okay first off, what the fuck, HELL NO!!" Chosen faces Dark fully. "Secondly, that's not even a question!?"

"Shoot you're"

Is this even Dark i'm talking to..? Did he take some kind of drug on the way here?? Chosen pinches the bridge of his nose, his cheeks feeling warmer than he would like. He silently thanks himself for his dark toned skin as his blushing doesn't show.

"Well, tell me when I wake up again if this was all a dream." Dark nonchalantly says as he takes off his trench coat.

"Dark can you just take this seriously. I'm bloody exhausted and you're acting like a child." Chosen groans as he sits onto the left side of the bed.

"Then be un-exhausted."

"Wow, real mature."

"Maturity is just a word."

"Yeah, and you don't fit that word."

"Y'know what else won't fit?"

Chosen and Dark pause what they're doing. Chosen looks over at Dark and Dark looks over at Chosen from taking his shoes off.



Chosen glares.

Dark smirks with amusement.

"....Okay, WHAT THE FUCK!?"


Chosen groans and buries his face in his hands. "You're disgusting."

"You love me."

"I'm starting to think I don't."

"Yeah wise choice honestly."

Chosen sighs and leans up against the backboard of the bed, one knee bent and the other leg under the blanket.

Dark on the other hand strips down to his boxers with no care in the world. He goes to get into bed when he's stopped by Chosen.


"What do ya mean?"

"Just why." Chosen motions to Dark's mostly bare body while also looking away completely, a light blush on his face.

Dark blushes a bit. "What's wrong? You don't like what i wear to bed?" he cracks an amused and smug grin.

"More so the lack of what you wear to bed. PLEASE put some clothes on." Chosen's eyes glance back over at Dark's face, trying not to look any lower.

"Ugh fine. It's so uncomfortable though." Dark walks over and grabs his long dark red trenchcoat. He then wraps that around him as if it was a dressing gown, before hopping into the right side of the bed.

Chosen rolls his eyes and stares at ceiling. "..."

Dark also stares at the ceiling, sitting up in bed just like Chosen. The bed is quite a large one, maybe a queen size or so, leaving a fair amount of space between the two young men. "..." Dark's tone of voice goes serious along with Chosen's. "Nothing makes sense. It's as if everything's been planned out and has happened in relation to us."

Chosen narrows his eyes as he listens to the events that Dark lists.

"The virus starting at the pc, the infected people coming after us, the cameras in the bunker."

"You think the cameras have relation to the virus?" Chosen looks over at Dark.

"I can only think that they must. It doesn't make sense why they're all on."

Chosen hums in agreement. His eyes then shift to a spot in the room, on a small shelf. Sitting on that small shelf in the corner, is some kind of object. Chosen squints to see what it is, and to his suspicion is a camera with a little red light to indicate that it's turned on.

Dark hums a tune calmly to himself as he closes his eyes, resting his hands behind his head against the headboard.

Chosen swiftly runs his hand down across his hip pocket and flicks out a small dagger between his fingers. He then smoothly throws the dagger through the air, piercing straight through the camera at the end of the room with ease, in the matter of a second.

Dark smirks to himself as he opens one eye to see if the weapon landed. Chosen always keeps a dagger on him at all times, even if putting everything else away. Shot the camera with perfect aim too, no less expected from his companion.

"Just so you know..." Chosen leans back against the headboard of the bed. "I do trust you."

Dark makes an unreadable expression, like a mixture of guilt, annoyance, vulnerability and softness.

"I trust you enough to not believe you did make the virus." Chosen sighs, looking in a random direction. "But.."

"I won't pull anything..." Dark says solemnly. You can tell by his expression that he finds it embarrassing to his dignity to say things like this, but with Chosen....he doesn't mind it too much. "...i swear....nothing deceiving or evil." he looks over at the other.

Looking back at Dark, Chosen's eyes dilate. How did that one simple vow, make his heart flutter so much... "Good.."

"Welp, anyway I'm goin' to sleep. Night." Dark slides down till his head is on the pillow and his body is under the blanket. He rolls onto his side, facing in Chosen's direction with his eyes closed.

"Night.." Chosen mutters. He yawns again and decides to himself he should get some sleep too. He turns the bedside lamp off and lays down into the bed, wrapping the blanket over himself. Stupid Dark Lord..

Hopefully he'll have no nightmares tonight.

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