
Hay peoples! Sorry i haven't been able to update in so long. but now i have another chapter for you guys. Hope you like. And also this is the last chapter of the first full chapter for the book. next time it will be the second chapter. Hope you enjoy!

What happened last time.

"Well I really like him. I love him. I wanted to askhim out, but I was afraid that he didn't like me or he wasn't gay orbi. I was just so scared. But now I see that I should have just toldhim in the first place. Maybe he would have said something differentto that question you put on him. He left because he thought he wasn'tneeded and wasn't loved. I wish I had told him." Lance was about tocry. He wanted Keith back safe and sound. Why did this have tohappen. Why now and why to him?

"You like him?" Shiro asked him.

"Yeah, I really really like him. I've had a crush onhim for a long time. Ever since the garrison." Lance said answeringShiro's question.

"I guess that means we both like him." Shiro said.

For this chapter

"Yeah I guess so." That was all Lance said. Theneverything was silent, they didn't speck for the rest of the time.

"Hay Matt?" Paige asked her brother "Do you thinkyou can help me find Keith? He has been missing for a while and Ineed your help." Paige had called Matt on a phone like thing.

"Keith's missing?!" Matt was surprised. "Whathappened to him?"

"Lotor took him before he left the castle." Paigehad a sad smile on her face. "He was going to leave voltron andright before he was going to leave Lotor appeared and took him. Andnow I can't track him."

"Yeah I'll head over there right now. I'll help youwhen I get there."

"Okay. Thanks Matt."

"Yep." they hung up and Paige just wanted to cry.Her best friend had gone missing and he couldn't do anything to helphim. This was tearing her apart. After waiting for a while Matt wasthere and they worked until the alarms went off.

"Every one to there lions. Allura like we planedbefore will pilot the red lion." Coran announced to the team. Paigegot up and Matt ran to the main room. The team went to their lions.By this time Lance and Shiro had already got back. So every one wasout and fighting the fleet. It was one of Lotor's generals. They wereattacking with full force.

"Let's go team!" Shiro yelled. They formed Voltronsoon after getting out to fight. It was a longer fight then the onelast time. It was harder. But after the fight voltron won and thegeneral fled with what was left of her small army. After gaining afar enough distance between voltron and them they stopped for amoment. "Call Lotor now." she demanded. Once he was put in fullview they started to talk. "As you thought my lord, they have adifferent paladin then the one we have. What are your orders?"

"Come back to the base and go on a mission with Ezor.She will explain everything to you. Now get going have other mattersto attend to." Lotor signed off. She nodded and command her shipsto the base. Lotor went to his room again. It had been a while sinceKeith had gotten there and nothing was happening. Once he got to theroom he found Keith still on the couch but this time he was sittingup.

Lotor's P.O.V.

Once I got back to my room I found Keithsitting up where I had moved him last time. He looked a little bettersince the last time I saw him, but he still looked like a wreck. Hishead slowly pops up to look at me. His eyes looked almost dull andunhappy. Well I guess he has the right and reason to be unhappy.There was some one else riding the red lion and he was basically justkicked off his team. That would make me off as well. "How are youfeeling?" I tried to make my tone as little concerned as possible.But the look and tone came out to look like I was worried about him.

"I feel like I want to die. Other then that I'm doingpeachy." he had a bored look on him face.

"Come on you don't want to die. You just don't wantto have to deal with your problems." I walked over to the youngerteen and take a seat close to him.

"And why would you care? Why do you care so much? I'mjust your prisoner." Keith had that sad look on his face again.Just watching him like that made me sad. To hear him say this to mein such a cold tone, was like being hit in the heart by ice.

"The reason I care is because I've been there before.But its been a long time since then. I used to cut my wrists andalmost end up ending my life." I look down at me feet rememberingthose times.

"Well I guess that makes sense but I don't get whyyou would cut when you are a prince and most likely to be king soon.Why would you do that?" he asked me.

"My father would beat me for the littlest of things.But now I don't care about that, I have the people I need most inlife here with me." I said smiling at the thought of every one onthe small team I have. After talking to Keith for a while he startedto dose off into a deep sleep. I lay him down on the couch and got tomy bed. It was getting close to the time I went to bed so I took offmy armor and grabbed something to sleep in. I walked over to thebathroom connected to my room and changed in there. Once I was donewith getting ready I got into bed to sleep. Basically diving into mycovers.


I was fighting with one of my instructors. Hewas teaching me how to us a sword and fight like everyone else. Hekept the pace, going fast and attacking me with all his might. I hadalready learned a few things and how to fight. But the teacher wasfaster then me and knocked me on the ground with the end of the largeblade. Making me drop to the ground with a thud. It hurt like hellbut it was nothing compared to the beatings my father would give meafter that. Every time I did something out of place and not right hewould beat me until I pasted off on the ground with a puddle of bloodsurrounding me. Once practice was over my dad dragged me to my roomand threw me to the ground. He started to kick my head.

"Fight!" my father said to me while beatingme for messing up practice. "I told you to fight!" he yelled atme. He throw punches at me until I heard a crash.

Dream over

I shot out of bead as I hear the crash. Itwasn't from my dream. It was from reality. It was from the one personthat it could have been at the moment. His pale skin and dark hair.His purple blue eyes and small figure. The sight of him standing mythe door with a bucket of water spilled all over the floor. He wasshaking with his hands tied in front of him. He was trying to escape."Keith?"

Hay guy's, that's all for today. I have other thing's to do as well. so I'll see you next time.

Until Next Time My Dudes!!!! Anime Anything Out!!!! BYE BYE!!!!

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