Hay guys anime anything here again with another chapter. so i think that you guys will like this one because of what happens near the end of it. but its manly meeting other people and fighting/training. Well thanks for all the comments you guys have been giving me. Love you guys!
From last chapter!
"Will you be myboyfriend and then maybe my husband?" my eyes widened. I was right.He pulls away to look at my face. To hear my answer.
"I...I... are you saying that youlove me? Or are you just saying this to get me on your side? Are youjoking about this?"
"Why would I ever joke about this.I would never lie to you Keith. Never." tears started to well up inmy eyes. I can't believe this is happening to me. The prince of thegalra empire just asked me out. He wants me to be his boyfriend andthen maybe his husband. Oh gosh. I was at a loss of word.
"Y-Yes." I nod my head as I saidthat. He then leans in and kisses me on the lips. I kiss back. Thekiss turned into a a full on make out session. Heated and sloppy.
For this Chapter!
Everything waslike a dream. He was a really good kisser. And it felt so right to behere and just kiss him. "So what now? What is going to happen tome?" I said after we broke apart and caught our breaths.
"Now, we are going to get you fixedup and get you ready for a dinner with the others."
"How are the others?" I askedher.
"My generals. We will tell them,but they will know that you are an omega. We will tell them and makeit known that we are together. Is that alright with you?"
"Yeah." I hug him and he hugs meback. "I love you..."
"I love you to Keith." after wewere done hugging he helped me to the bathroom and told me to useanything I needed to clean up, and to call him if I had any cuts thatneeded tending to. There was a few but not to many. Once I was donehe got me some cloths to wear. They were really nice and just theright size. I walked out of the bathroom to find Lotor on the bedplaying on something similar to a phone with games on it. He lookedup and said, "Wow, you look good in those."
"Yeah." he got up and walkedover to me. "Come on. Lets go. You mush be hungry."
"Yeah." we walked hand in handdown the endless hales of the ship. It all looked the same to me.Even after being here for a little over a half a year I still can'tfind my way around the place. Well not that I was able to just walkaround ever. But I was still dragged around a lot. We headed down thehalls for a while but we finally arrived at the dinning room. Therewas already 4 other people sitting at the table. Once Lotor and Ientered the room they all stood up and looked our way.
"Good evening my lord." the girlthat had purple hair said. "And who may I ask, this might be?"
"Smell the air before I answer yourquestion Acxa." Lotor said. All of the others did the same. Aftera few seconds all of their faces were in shook.
"You found him. But I thought thathe was the one you locked up." one of the others said.
"I couldn't tell that he was theone because his human side had a stronger sent the his galra. Ioffered him to be my new galra but he had to take the liquid first.He did so and once I got close to him once he was awake I smelled it.Now please lets have a seat and talk about the things we need to."the others sat down where they had been. Lotor lead me to a chairnext to him. And we all began eating. I was really hungry andeverything looked so good. "Mission report before we start anythingelse please."
"Of course. Everything went asplanned other then there was a slight change in the plans that theyhad. This time they formed voltron with out any problem. It was easyfor them to do." I stopped eating and looked up and the generalsand Lotor. The general that was speaking looked over at me. "No onegot hurt in the fight. At least that could have been fatal in anyway.So don't worry." she smiled at me.
"Thank you for telling me." thenthe 4 generals stopped. I gave them a confused look. "Did I saysomething wrong?"
"No, it's just that you soundreally young. We thought that you would be a bit older. If you don'tmind us asking, what is your age?"
"I'm 18 in human years."
"Okay thank you for clearing that."I nod. I went back to eating. It was quiet before Lotor spoke up.
"Anyways, I have an announce meantto make to all of you. Starting today Keith and I are dating." Ihad a bit of a blush on my checks as Lotor took my hand and held it.I looked up at their faces and saw them smiling.
"Well a good luck for the both ofyou."
"Thank you Ezor. Well let meintroduce you to them. This is Acxa." he pointed to the girl withthe purple hair. "I girl with the bigger ears is Zethrid. Ezor isthe one with the the blue orange markings. And the quiet one isNarti."
"Nice to met you all." I said.The rest of the dinner was talk about anything.
Time Skip
Third person
"Are you almost ready for bedbabe?" Lotor asked Keith.
"Yeah." Keith walked over to thebed where Lotor was waiting for him. He climbed in. Lotor grabbed himand pulled him close. "Your so warm." Keith smiled.
"And your so cute." Keithblushed. "I love you kitten. Get some sleep. We have training to dotomorrow."
"I love you to. Night." Keith andLotor went to bed with no nightmares. Just the warmth of each other.It was peaceful to just lay there and sleep in the others arms. Andthey sleep until some one came into the room to wake them up. Lotorwas the first to wake up. One of his generals had came in to get themfor training.
"Sir. We are ready for trainingwhen you are."
"What time is it?" Lotor asked.He looked down that the still asleep kitten in his arms.
"It is late in the morning mylord."
"Thank you Acxa." she left without another word. "Keith." Lotor shook Keith a little but hedidn't wake up. So, he gained a funny idea in his head. "Okay thenyou leave me no choose." Lotor leans in and takes his chin inbetween his figures. "I have to say you are way to cute for yourown good." Lotor lets go of his chin. "Okay since you are notgoing to wake up, I might as well have some fun." Lotor pinnedKeith down and (Okay don't get made they will have other moments i just had to put this in!) started to tickle him.
"HAHAHAHA!!!!" Keith yells.
"So now you decide to wake up?"
"LOTOR!!!! STOP, STOP!! PLEASE!!!"after another minute of tickling Keith Lotor stopped. Keith catcheshis breath and says, "Why did you have to do that?"
"You would not wake up, that's why.So lets get ready. We have some training to do."
"Fine. Just please don't do thatever again."
"What ever you say babe." Lotorwalks into the bathroom to take a shower. Leaving the door open forKeith to brush his teeth. Keith got up and did just that.
"So what's your training like? Doyou fight one on one for fight with robots?" Keith asked.
"We fight both ways. Mostlyfighting robots with the same power was up. Like a simulation."Lotor answered. "Today we are doing one on one. What training levelon the castle are you on?"
"I was on level 64, maybe. Notreally sure. Coran and Allura didn't really tells us much on that.All I know is that I was second strongest on the team. Shiro is aboveme." Keith answered.
"Yeah. And what is your level?"
"Nice." Keith and Lotor kept ongetting ready for training. Once they were done they walked over tothe training deck. The 4 generals were already sparing with eachother.
"Okay Keith, lets test you and seewhere you are at." the others stopped and stepped to the side.Every one was in the same suit. "Engage level tester!" Lotoryelled to the computer. A robot appeared from the light purplefloors. Taking a fighting stance.
"Ready set... GO!" they began tofight. Keith was the first to strike. Dodging the attacks that werethrown at him. The robot increased levels of difficulty. Making itharder and harder to fight it off.
Time skip to level 65
Keith was starting to run out ofbreath. The robot hitting him any chance it got. Keith had donesomething similar to this when he got mad and when Shiro had gonemissing. Just fighting till he dropped. Lotor was watching himclosely to make sure that he didn't get hurt to bad. It had beenabout an hour since it had all started. The robot hit Keith in thestomach making him fall to the ground and roll away. It was hand tohand so there wouldn't be any wound there other then a slight bruise.It was now at level 69. this was the farthest any one other thenLotor and his father have gotten in a while. Making his generalsmouths open when they heard Lotor tell them what level he was at. Noteven they were at that level yet.
"Level 70! do you want to keep ongoing?" the computer asked.
"Yes!" Keith yelled back. Readyfor the robot to come and attack. His voice was deep from being outof breath. The fight continued until suddenly Keith fell to theground.
"Stop!" Lotor yelled. The robotstopped and fell thought the floor. "Keith are you alright?!"Lotor ran over to his side. Kneeling down. Keith was holding hissides.
"I... Can....can't breath..."Keith said in a weak voice. Lotor picked him up and walked out of theroom with his generals following close behind him. They went to thedoctors office that was near by.
"Doc, you in?"
"Yes my lord. What may I be of helpof you today." she asked as she walked into the room.
"He's almost passed out. He sayshis sides hurt and he can't breath."
"Sat him on the table please."Lotor did as told. The doctor moved him to his side and unzipped himsuit. "Lets see whats wrong with you." once the suit was to hiships you could see some bruises on his stomach and sides. "Whatwere you doing?"
"We were training. Why whats wrongwith him?"
"When did you start training?"
"About an hour ago."
"Then these bruises should not behere." then she stopped and sniffed the air. "He's an omega!"
"Yes he is from the omega clan. Thelast one. So what does that have to do with it?"
"If he is an omega male they gethurt easier then the others. It also seems that he has some sort ofbreathing issue." so walked over to the cupboards and pulled out aneedle with some weird looking liquid. She then gave Keith the shot.After about a minute he was able to breath again. "When was hislast heat?" the doctor asked Lotor.
"He has not gotten his first onyet. He is human and that over powered the galra side of him until Igave him the liquid I asked you for."
"Okay it's been about a day right?"
"Does he have a mate yet?"
"Yes I'm his mate."
"Okay. Just to warn you, he will gointo preheat around tomorrow and the next day. If not please comeback here. But for now please let him get some rest. No more trainingfir the day."
"Okay, thank you so much."Lotor walked out of the room holding a past out Keith in his arms.
"Is he alright?" Acxaasked.
"Yes. It's just because he isan omega male and he had a breathing problem. But he will be fine."
"Okay. What is the plan?"
"I'm going to the Keith tobed for him to rest. I have some paper work to do. You 4 can trainunless you have other work." they nodded and they went theyseparated.
Okay guys that is all for this chapter. I thought that this was a vary funny but important chapter. and as always, Love you guys so much. hope you enjoyed.
Until Next Time My Dudes!!!! Anime Anything out!!!! BYE BYE
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