
Hay guys. so i have another chapter. By the way this chapter maybe a bit boring but please read everything. there are something people that are placed in it that you will need to know. Also some thing at the vary end that you may want to see as well.

Also on of my friend was asking bout the book and i remembered that i forgot to tell you guys how i got this idea. So I'm going to tell you all.

First off if any of you watch voltron then you should know that the beginning of this book it vary similar in the real TV show. Keith leaves the voltron team on the vary first episode. but int the TV show it was Keith's chose and Shiro was not mean to Keith by yelling and all of that. i based most of the bigger things off of the show. like when Lotor  put off the war, in the show he joined voltron because he was a target. So yeah that's how everything came to be.

If you did not know. The 5th season of voltron is on it's way. They have already gotten the trailor out. only a couple of weeks until season 5 is here.

From last chapter

"Hay babe." Keith said.

"You doing alright with the baby and everything?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit tired from the long fight.How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. And by the way you are starting to show."

"What do you mean?" Lotor looked at Keith stomachfor a minute and then back to Keith eyes. Keith glared at him andLotor started to laugh. "Okay that's not far. Your the one that didthis to me." Lotor crossed his arms.

"I know. And I'm proud of it because I love you."Keith smiled a bit and hugged Lotor.

"I love you too."

This chapter

Time Skip (No Surprise there) 5 months later

Keith was now 6 months pregnant and bedridden. He was as big as a house. It made him so frustrated. Butthere was still one thing that he could do.

"Hay Lotor, do you want to come and swim with me? I'mreally bored."

"Sure." Lotor helped Keith up and set him in awheel chair so they could go down to the pool. The pool was huge andthere was always the younger teens swimming there when they got theirbreaks. Some of then splashing their friends and others floatingaround to clear their heads. It was quite amusing to watch and seewho won the water fights. "So how are you feeling lately?

"Just really tired and moody. Hows everything withthe rebellion? Anything fun happen?"

"Well they say they will not stop and want to kill meand stuff but I don't think they can with the help of voltron andtheir rebellion. I'm glad that we came to terms with them. So I heardthat Lance came by when I was off."

"Yeah. The goof was vary entertaining while I wasbored out of my mind. I hate they I can't stand on my own and can'twalk vary well either."

"Haha. Well at least in will be over in about threemonths or less. Can't wait to see our little one."

"Me to." Keith smiled holding his stomach. "Ihope we can give them everything they need."

"Me to." once Keith and Lotor got to the pool therewere a lot more people then some of the times they had gone there.Even Loren was there.

"Keith! Lotor!" she ran over to them and huggedKeith. Then shakes Lotor's hand. "How have you two been? It's beena while."

"We're fine. How are you Loren?"

"Busy. But I fine was able to get a break and comehere. I want you guys to meet some of my friends, come on." Keithand Lotor smiled. Lotor helped Keith into the pool and Loren grabbedher friends, and waited for the couple to get over to them. Shelooked at her friends. "As most of you know this is prince Lotorand this is his mate Keith." she looked at Keith and Lotor pointingout her friend and naming them. "This is Meggin." she pointed tothe girl with slightly brown hair and dark brown purple fur. Shewaved. "That's Ray." she had light purple hair that went to hershoulders and dark purple skin. "And last but not least Lily."what would have caught your was her strangely red purple hair. Butother then that she looked like the rest of the girls. Ears purpleskin and the eerie yellow eyes.

"Hello girls." Keith smiled.

"Wow! I can't believe I am getting to meet Lotor andhis mate in person!" Lily almost yelled out. "But... I thoughtthat Keith was a boys name no offense."

"Hahaha!" Keith laughed out.

"What? What did I say?"

"Lily, Keith is a boy." Loren said. The only reasonyou couldn't tell was because Keith had on a shirt.

"R-really? I'm so so sorry. Your just so beautifuland I just thought you were a girl and..."

"It's okay. I get that a lot. Back when I was onearth I would always get hit on my men. So I'm used to it." everyone smiles and laughs.

"Oh really? I never heard about that." Lotor raisedhis eyebrow.

"You never asked. Plus it's just a little weird. I'mnot even that beautiful."

"Well I think that you are the most beautiful personin the world. No one has ever come as close to you."

"Thanks babe." Keith reaches on his tippy toes andkisses Lotor on the lips.

"Aww!!!!" the girls squealed. "You guys are wayto cute for words." Loren said.

"So when is the baby due?" Ray asks.

"In three months or so." Lotor answered.

"Cool. And how was this even possible? I mean your aboy."

"Well I'm an omega."

"Wow." then suddenly an announcement went off.

Prince Lotor and his mate Keith are requested tomeet with the voltron team for lunch at the castle of lions in anhour.

"Well we have to go so we will see you later."Lotor said. Him and Keith got out and headed back to their rooms andgot really.

Atthe castle

"I can't wait until we get to see Keith again."Pidge said. Her and Allura were in Allura's room talking.

"I know. I bet that he looks huge with their baby inhis stomach. Haha."

"Yeah. Should we tell everyone since we will haveKeith and Lotor there with us?"

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Allura smiled.

Okay well that's it. Love you guys and see you next time.

Shout out to Golden-Foxy13

and PhoenixLightning

Thanks for the comments every one!

Until Next Time My Dudes!!!! Anime Anything Out!!! BYE BYE!!!

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