Omega and the kiss.
Okay since i only had one comment and no one else wanted to say anything i have put it all together. i have decided to go with the omega and alpha thing. so here is the next chapter. just to let you know, i have so much information and ideas for this so this whole chapter only took about an hour or so to make. i hope you like and thank you for over 300 views on this book and thanks for all of the votes on it. Love you guys!
From last chapter
Lotor P.O.V
It pained me to see himin pain. But I don't know why. Was it because I saw my generals haveto go though the same thing, but this time it was worse for himbecause he was already so weak? Why am I having these weird feelingsfor him? I pick him up and walk out of cell with him in my arms. Theguard didn't do anything but stand there. I was walking back to myroom. He looked to peaceful in my arms. I hope that he will bealright. I don't know why but I feel the need to protect him and helphim. Is there something wrong with me. I walk into my room and sethim on my bed. It is the middle of the day. But I just had to laythere and stare at him for some reason. He looks so.... beautiful,him small lips and thick eyebrows, the way his checks curved in everso slightly. It was all just so cut... What The Hell Am I Saying!?!
It's not like I'm gay........ Right?
For this chapter
No way I can't begay. I mean I have ever only like girls. Then again I've never havemet some as cute and beautifu.... whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell?Okay I'm just going to stop thinking. Just need to go back to work.
I got up and walked over to mycomputer. I have so much paper work to do. It's not even funny. You'dthink that there was some one to do these type of thing for me. Butno I have to do them all myself. It felt like hours before I was doneand I hear rustling come from behind me. I looked over my shoulder tofind Keith starting to open his eyes. Sleep still itching at his eyesto just fall back to sleep. Then I saw the pair of ears and his tail.He looks so cute! "I see you are finally up. And it's almost timeto go back to sleep." I smile at him. He tried to move but wincedat the pain. I guess he was soar and didn't feel good. I stood up andwalk back over to him. I saw the scares and bruise on his skin. Healso looked in pain.
"Ow. What happened?" he askedthen I leaned in and flicked his ear with my finger. "What the..!"he touched it and his eyes widened. "What did you do to me?"
"I didn't do anything Keith. I justgave you something so that your galra side would come out more."then the smell hit my nose. It smelled sweat. As if there was honeyand sugar near. The smell of a... no... it can't be there hasn't beenone of them in for so long. But know I have found one. The galraempire has been looking for so long. And now here he is. The last ofhis kind. The last member of the omega clan. And it's a he. This isand will be the final day of the long search. And he will rule withme. "That smell..."
"What smell?" Keith asked me.
"Your the one we have been lookingfor. It has been so long."
"What are you talking about?"
"You are some one vary important tothe galra empire. You are the last of the omega clan. The clan ofonly omegas born as males."
"What are omegas?"
"Omegas are in a way the lookeddown on in a pack. But not in our community. They are some of thestrongest fighters and have the best hearts any one could ever have.They are the ones that carry our young. You are the last one of yourclan. The last male omega. The one we have been searching for." Itold him.
"What! Your telling me that I'mpart of this can and I am the last of my kind. And I'm an omega. Doesthat mean I am like a woman and carry children? What do you mean whenyou say that you have been searching for me?" he was asking. He wasasking a lot of questions. But I guess he has the right to ask them.
"Yes. You are an omega in mycommunity. And also yes, you are able to carry children like women onearth. We have been all around the galaxy looking for the last clanmember. And here you were right under our noses. You have been hereand no one know. Not even I knew. Not tile I smelled you after youwoke up."
"That's why you said somethingabout my smell?"
"Yes. I'm glad that you did take upthat offer I gave you. I finally found the one I have been waitingfor."
"What do you mean?"
"The reason I trust you and why Ihave these feelings about you. It all make scene. You are my mate."
"A mate?"
"You are my soul mate. You weremeant to be with me since the moment you were born. That's why it washarder for me to see you hurt. The reason I am having all of thesethoughts about you. Ever since I met. You. I should have seen it. Butall I was worried about was the war. I'm sorry I hurt you. I shouldhave never done that."
Keith's P.O.V
Suddenly he hugs me lightly. Then itall clicked in my mind. What he was saying and what it all meant.Then in his arms I could feel my heart beating faster then everbefore. I feel safe. And it also feels right to be here. I it wasmeant to be this way. His smell was sour but sweet. I took a deepbreath and hugged him back. It was like I could just stay here forthe rest of my life. I love this feeling.
"Well you rule by my side and bewith me for the rest of our lives?" he asked me. His voice hitchinghalf way though the sentence. Was he crying or trying to hold tearsfrom falling.
"What do you mean be by your side?"I had an idea what he was talking about but I wasn't sure if that iswhat he was talking about. I want to make sure I'm right.
"Will you be my boyfriend and thenmaybe my husband?" my eyes widened. I was right. He pulls away tolook at my face. To hear my answer.
"I...I... are you saying that youlove me? Or are you just saying this to get me on your side? Are youjoking about this?"
"Why would I ever joke about this.I would never lie to you Keith. Never." tears started to well up inmy eyes. I can't believe this is happening to me. The prince of thegalra empire just asked me out. He wants me to be his boyfriend andthen maybe his husband. Oh gosh. I was at a loss of word.
"Y-Yes." I nod my head as I saidthat. He then leans in and kisses me on the lips. I kiss back. Thekiss turned into a a full on make out session. Heated and sloppy.
Okay that's it. for today. also if you want smut tell me. if you do not then please tell me that. i will put all smut in another little book for all of the readers that might. speak now or i will write it to just be put into another little book this got all of the other people. also go check out my other books. my other voltron book is finished if you wan to go see that. hope you enjoyed this chapter.
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Until Next Time My Dudes!!!!! Anime Anything Out!!!! BYE BYE
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