I have a What?!?
Hay guys i finally got another chapter done. This ones is a bit longer then some of them. So i hope you guys like.
By the way thanks you for reading so much. I am almost to my goal and the views of this book. Love you guys so much. and thank you for voting as well.
From last chapter
(Lotor's P.O.V)
I woke up to find the bed empty. Myboyfriend no where in site. I get out of bed and put some underwearon. I walk to the bathroom to hear some one throwing up. I rush in tofind Keith in the bathroom over the toilet. Throwing up what ever wasin his stomach. I rush over to his side. "Are you okay?"
"M-Morning sickness, I think." Myeyes widen.
This chapter
"Are you goingto be okay? Do you need anything?" I ask as I grab a towel and wipeof his lips.
"I just feel a little sick that'sall."
"Okay. Are you hungry?"
"A little." I help him up off ofthe floor and walked him back to the bed.
"I'm going to go get us somethingto eat. I'll be right back." I walk out of the room to go get thefood from the lunch room. "Can I have two breakfast meals please."
"Sure thing my lord." the youngwoman said. She had short black hair with fluffy, dark purple skin.And after waiting for a while the girl came out and offered me theplates. "If I may ask who's the other plate for?" she asked bewith a bright smile.
"Me and my mate."
"Oh, well I hope she likes it."
"Well actually its a he."
"Really. Is he a beta or an alphamaybe?"
"He's an omega." her eyeswidened. And her mouth was hung wide open.
"Wait, Wait, Wait. I thought thatall of the male omegas had disappeared a while back."
"They did but he his the last andit turns out that he is my mate."
"So cool. Do you mind if I meethim?"
"Sure but don't you have work todo?"
"Hold on I'll be right back." thegirl ran into the kitchen only to come back out again. "They said Ican take a break and come back."
"Okay follow me then." we walkeddown the hall back to mine and Keith's room. "So what is you name?"
"Loren." I no and we walking insilence. We got there and I held my finger to my lips telling her tobe quiet. I opened the door slowly to revel a sleeping beauty in bedfast asleep. I set the plates down and walk over to him. Lorenwalking behind me. I sit on the side of the bed and shake him awake.But that doesn't work. Just like last time. "He looks so cute."
"Yeah but hes such a snot when itcomes to waking him up." I walk tot he bathroom and get a cup ofcold water.
"Oh god. Are you sure that's a goodidea?"
"Oh it'll be fine." I then poorthe cold water on his head. He jumped out of bed screaming that itwas cold. Me and Loren burst out into laughter.
"What the funk Lotor!"
"I see you are feeling better."
"Yeah no thanks to you. Is that howyou treat some one that had morning sickness?"
"Oh your fine. It was water.Anyways I brought us some food and some one wants to meet you."Keith looked over at the girl that was wiping tears from laughing sohard. "Keith this is Loren. Loren this is Keith."
"Nice to meet you." Keith gaveher a smile putting his hand out for her to shake. Which she did. "Sowhat was going on when you said morning sickness?"
"Well..." Keith looked at me andI nodded. I knew he was asking if he should tell her or not. "I'mpregnant." her eyes go wide.
"Oh. My. God! I'm so happy for thetwo of you!" she then hugged Keith making his jump once again. Buthe hugged her back.
"So when do you have to be back inthe kitchen?" I ask her. She let go of my mate.
"They said I didn't need to rush.It's been slow for a while now. They new I was with you anyways."
"Okay. Do you want her to staybabe?"
"Sure why not." we walked over tothe plates of food. We talked about random things. Keith and I werebecoming good friends with Loren.
"So how long have you guys beentogether?"
"Almost a week." I said to her.And it went on like that until she had to leave and go back to work.Once she left Keith went over to the bathroom. "Were you going?"I ask him.
"Going to take a shower. You wantto join?"
"Hell yeah." I got up and wewalked over to the bathroom and started to shower. "After thisshower do you want to come with me to tell the world the war hasended?"
"Yeah. So does earth know thatgalra and others live out in space?"
"Some do but not many."
"Why did you want to know babe?"
"Well there was a few people backthen that I would love to prove something wrong to them." I lookedat him. His face a little sad.
"What did you want to prove themwrong about?"
"A lot of them, well most of thensaid I would never fine love and never end up to be anything morethen a street rat." Keith tilted his head up closing his eyes. Iwalked over to him. Hugging him.
"You are not a street rat Keith.You never were." I said to him. He would never been nothing. He wasthe most important person that I have ever met. He was mine and I washis. "You have friends that are part of voltron and you were once apilot of voltron as well. Then we found our way to each other. Thatis most important to me. You are my mate and you are way more then Icould have ever asked for. I will give you the world because you reworth much more then anything or any one else." Keith was almost totears by my words. He then hugged me tighter putting his head on myshoulder.
Short smut warning~~~~~~
"Thank you." once he calmed downI pushed him back a little and took off his shirt. I kiss his on thelips. Trailing my hands down to his pants pulling them down slowly.He was in his boxers moaning as I suck on his neck. His membergetting harder by the second. "A-are we d-doing this a-again?" heasked me trying to sound normal and confident.
"Is that okay?Because I really want to taste toy more. Your so sweet." I lookdown at his face be had 50 shades of red on his checks.
"O-okay." I smirked and went backto biting his neck. I grab his hard-on and start to stroke it. "Ahh!"he was so cute. I pulled his boxers off then pulled off my closetaking him into the warm water of then shower that was going.
"Put you hands on the wall kitten."he did what I asked of him and I took this member in my hands frombehind. I slowly stroke it slowly and rub mine against him. Rockingmy hips. Me was moaning and panting. I take on of my hand and hold itunder the water getting them wet. I put my middle finger into hissexy tight hole and move it. He gasp and tightened more. I wiggleanother finger in and scissor him until he was loosening to the pointhe was ready for me to come in. I take my fingers out and quicklyreplace them with my bulging member. With one push I go all of theway into him. His head flying back his eyes rolled to the back of hishead. Moaning out loud. I let him adjust and start to move my hipsback and forth, side to side. I took his member in my hand and pumpit. I could tell he was getting close but I was only half way there.I started to thrust into him hitting his sweet spot every time. Itwas like heaven being in his hot tight sexy hole. I was getting closeand then he came with one last trust, but I kept on going. Releasinginto him moments later. We were both panting really hard. I slowlypulled out making sure Keith didn't drop. I turned him around andhold him in a hug. He held me back.
All safe people~~~~
"I love you."
"I love you too babe." I washedthe both of us and we got out of the shower. Now I hand to go andtell the new news.
Control Room
"I want to contact every one in theworld that we have fought and the people that are fighting with us.Send this video out once finished." I told my crew. They started alive stream video and also recorded it. "I want to let every onethat is see this right now to listen. I have to say the war has beenfun in some ways and it also brought me the happiness and person Ineeded most in the world. I have found my mate. If it wasn't for thiswar me and him would have never met. I know what you are allthinking, he what does he mean. Well my mate is the last of his clan.The omega clan. And he was once part of voltron." I waved my handfor Keith to come up and show himself. "This is Keith Kogane. Mymate, and my boyfriend. I am stopping the war for both him and mysoon to be child." the crew was silent until one started to clapand the others joined in. "The war has ended no more fighting and Iwant every one to go free. I was to live a happy life with my family.Thank you for listening and tell every one the news." I nodded andthe video stopped. The crew cheered for us. My generals came up tous.
"We are so happy for you guys."Ezor said to us.
"Thanks. Have you guys found yourmates yet?"
"I have." Ezor said. She looksover at Acxa.
"Good I hope that you guys willhave a good life together."
"Me and Narti haven't just yet."Zethird said.
"We I hope you find them you two."I gave them a smile.
"Sir, may I talk to you and yourmate in privet please?" Acxa asked. I nod and we go out into thehall.
"What's it you need to talk about?"
"Well you see... Keith you aremy.... little brother..."
HAHAHAHAHA!! Cliff hanger again! I'm Very evil to you guys.
okay guys that's about it for this chapter. i really hope you guys Loved it.
Until Next Time My Dudes!!!! Anime Anything Out!!! BYE BYE!!!
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