Happy Swim

Hay guys. Anime Anything here again. sorry for the really late update. I hope you like this chapter.

From before

Atthe castle

"I can't wait until we get to see Keith again."Pidge said. Her and Allura were in Allura's room talking.

"I know. I bet that he looks huge with their baby inhis stomach. Haha."

"Yeah. Should we tell everyone since we will haveKeith and Lotor there with us?"

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Allura smiled.

This chapter

Allura and Pidge got ready for the lunch.

"Hay Matt?"


"Do you think Keith forgave me all the way? I mean Iwas really mean yo him when I told him to either leave voltron or theblade."

"Shiro, you are like a brother to him. I wouldn'tthink that he wouldn't forgive you."

"Okay. Thanks Matt." Shiro smiled at his boyfriendand pulled him in my the waist. Kissing him gently. "I love you."

"I love you to Shiro." they hug in silence.

"Hay Hunk! Have you seen Keith lately? He's as big asa house."

"Haha. Really?"

"Yeah. Can't wait to see the little munchkins. I lovekids!"

"Then maybe we could adopt kids one day." Hunk gaveLance big smile and Lance ran up to him hugging him.

"I would love that." Lance whispered in his ear."Now come on. We need to leave soon so we can make it on time."

"Okay, okay I'm coming." Lance and Hunk walk out totheir room and down the hall. And they make it right on time. Justbefore Keith and Lotor arrived. "Hay Keith. Hows everything going?"

"It's fine. Just really bored and tired. Can't reallydo much."

"Can you not stand?" Shiro asks.

"Well I can stand just not on my own any more. That'swhy I'm in this stupid wheel chair." Keith shot his arms to theside. Making every one smile.

"How much longer is that stinker going to be inthere?" Pidge asks.

"Two or three more months." Keith answered.

"So Lotor how are things going with your soon to beempire?" Allura asks.

"Don't remind me. There are so many clans that aretrying to take my place and kick me out of the picture. You shouldhave seen the video the Mellone clan sent in after we told them thenews." Lotor held his head in his hands placing his elbows on thetable.

"Yeah they freaked me out with it. Saying they weregoing to hurt me and our kid. I really want to just punch the lightsout of that guy."

"Wow the all mighty emo Keith was freaked out? Whowould have thought that could have happened?" Pidge teased. Lancegave her a high five.

"Oh come on Pidge. If you were to have a kid and someone threatened to hurt them would, don't you think you would befreaked out about that?"


"Speaking of kids and stuff. Have you found any onespecial yet, Pidge?" Keith asked.

"Well I need to talk to you guys about that..." shestopped and looked over at Allura. She mouthed out 'help' to her.Allura got up and walked over to Pidge. She lifted Pidge's chin andtheir lips met. Taking Pidge by surprised. And well every one else.They broke the kiss. "A-Allura! When I asked for help I didn't meankiss me in front of every one!"

"So? Every one got the point didn't they?" everyone clapped their hands for the pair.

"Aww!! my baby sister found some one as well! So gladfor you Pidge."

"Thanks Matt. That means a lot. So how as you guysbeen anything new?" Pidge asked her brother and Shiro.

"Well nothing much. What could there be?" Pidgesmirked and put her hands up for every one to see what she was doing.One hand was cupped to make an o and the other with her pointerfinger out. She stuck her finger in the hole.

"Pidge!" Shiro yelled.

"Hay I didn't say anything. So you can't get mad."Pidge crossed her arms. Me and Lotor went into a fit of laughter.Followed by Lance and Allura. Even a chuckle from Coran. Matt wasbeyond embarrassed by this point. Hunk was holding his head in one ofhis hands shaking his head.

"So what are we going to do now?" Pidge asked afterevery one was calmed down. "I mean there isn't much we can do forfun with Keith like that." She pointed to Keith. "What can you doanyways?" she asked him.

"Well I can swim and sit basically."

"Oh, that sounds like fun. Lets go swimming!" Pidgejumped up, taking hold of Allura's hand and dragging her to theirroom. "Go get changed every one! We're going to the pool!" thetwo girls are then gone.

"Okay you heard the girl. Lets go." Shiro said.Lotor got up and pushed Keith back to their ship. They changed andwent back to the castle of lions.

"So where is the pool?" Lotor asked Keith.

"We have to go to the elevator to get there. Me andLance once tried to go there and it didn't go as planned." Keithlaughed at his old memory. "The power was turned off so theelevator stopped. So what we did was go back to back up the shot toget to a panel. We slid down and got to the pool." they got to theelevator and went to the pool. Every one was already there waitingfor Lotor and Keith in the pool.

"Hay guys!" Lance shouted. Keith waved at him.

"Ready babe?"

"Yeah." Lotor helped Keith out of the chair and tothe edge of the pool. Lotor got in helping Keith into the pool allthe way in.

"I'm going to put on one of my favorite songs okay."Lance got up and grabbed something that looked like a speaker and putit some where the water couldn't get to it. He put on the song'LaLaLa' as a remix.

"Really Lance?"

"Yeah of course I love this song." Lance jumpedinto the pool.

Okay guys that's all. I love you guys.


okay so i have some bad news. i will be putting this book on hold until i can get my writers block away. so i will not be updating for a while. I will continue this book later in the year. So see you then.

Go check out my other books. I have one other Voltron book and two others i have created on my own. so Thanks. Also there might be a chance i will be doing another LOTOR X KEITH book while thinking about what to do with this book.

Until Next Time My Dudes!!!Anime Anything Out!!!! BYE BYE!!!!

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