Could I be?

Hay sorry for the late update. i have been so busy and haven't had time to do anything. plus i lost some of my writing because my computer turned off and i did not save it. So here i am with the next chapter. Sorry if it's a little cheesy. and just to warn you guys i feel like i might not be able to post as much as i used to. but i will try my best.

Keith's P.O.V

Every day was the same. They would wake me up and bring me tothat one room I woke up in when I first got here. Then they would hitme with lightning a few times. Taking my blood every now and then.Then at the vary end of all of that they would take this thing calledquintessence from me. That was the worse part of it. It felt like mylife was being drained from me slowly. After a few weeks of this theyplaced me into the gladiators ring to fight. For some reason Lotorwas always there to watch me and then leave. It was like he waswaiting for something. Right now I was waiting in my cell for theguards. But neither came. Instead it was Lotor who came. This was thefirst time that he had come to see me since that one day I was tryingto get out.

"Hay." I just laid on the cold floor saying nothing. I feltto weak to say anything. "I hear that you aren't eating anything."

"So..." I felt like crap and didn't want him to ask meanything or make me talk.

"You need to eat. I can't have you die yet. Plus I'm here togive you something and an offer." I just look away from him. "Doyou want to stop being tortured?" I snapped my head in hisdirection. I nod slowly. "Okay but you have to take this then."he showed me a tube of bluish purple liquid.

"What is it?" it looked disgusting that's what it is.

"Well with all of the blood the druids took from you they wetesting it. And they found you are galra."

"So, I already now this." Lotor then looked shocked.

"Well since you don't show any galra traits at all, this willbring them out. Making you look more like a galra. If you do drink ityou will no longer be tortured."

"What's the catch to it?"

"You have to serve with me. But I will let you talk to yourfriends when I'm sure you are working with me. So what do you say? Doyou want to stay in the cell or come with me?" he held the tube outto me. I look at him worried that something might happen to me. "Comeon trust me. If I can trust you enough to let you go and have you asone of my right hand men, then I think that you should just trustme."

"Do I have to fight voltron?"

"No. I'm would never ask you to fight your own friends. I'm notmean like my father." I thought for a second.

"Fine." I tried to grab the tube but when I went to move apain shot though my body. "Ah!" I winced in pain. Curling into aball. He got onto his knees to help me. He took the cap off andhelped me lean up. Putting the tube to my mouth. I took a breath andnodded telling him I was ready. He tipped it upside down and it wentdown my throat. The taste was horrible. After it was all down Istarted to feel like my head was on fire. It hurt all over. "Ahh!"I scream so loud that I think every one on the ship heard me. Why isit hurting every where. It felt like an hour before the pain startedto go down.

"it's going to be fine Keith. You'll be alright." those werethe last things I heard before everything went black one again. Itseems as if that was the only thing I have been able to do since Igot here.

Lotor P.O.V

It pained me to see himin pain. But I don't know why. Was it because I saw my generals haveto go though the same thing, but this time it was worse for himbecause he was already so weak? Why am I having these weird feelingsfor him? I pick him up and walk out of cell with him in my arms. Theguard didn't do anything but stand there. I was walking back to myroom. He looked to peaceful in my arms. I hope that he will bealright. I don't know why but I feel the need to protect him and helphim. Is there something wrong with me. I walk into my room and sethim on my bed. It is the middle of the day. But I just had to laythere and stare at him for some reason. He looks so.... beautiful,him small lips and thick eyebrows, the way his checks curved in everso slightly. It was all just so cut... What The Hell Am I Saying!?!

It's not like I'm gay........Right?

And there you have it. So that's all i have for now. i hope to see more votes and view. i really love to write this story because i feel like there are almost noun out there that are good. so i really hope that you enjoy this. it's just so much fun to write this book for all of you crazy and fun Keith and Lotor shippers.  And also if you guys do happen to come across a good Keith and Lotor book on here. i would love to here about it. i wish i could read more about them. but any ways... Love you guys!

Until Next Time My Dudes!!!! Anime Anything out!!!!! BYE BYE!!!

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