Chapter-7 Zombie
"Why you want to know so bad? Cuz I was told I can get in trouble for telling people. Or put them in danger since I can't actually physically hurt me. But they can still hurt the people around me." I growled annoyingly.
"Oh come when a new day walkers are real but they're not that rare." One of the other male snickered.
"I'm not a day Walker okay. I'm a purebred Crusnik." I snapped and they shut up staring at me wide-eyed.
"Your a Crusnik I though those were made up. I mean we only have one record leaving so that one could even possibly have existed like a thousand years ago. But it was never proven. And it was a male there's never been a female. What percent are you?" He asked.
"I'm a hundred percent Crusnik. So is our unborn child. Which is why their growling so rapidly." I exclaimed straightening out my composure.
"Well that explains a lot like there's nothing wrong with being a Crusnikthey're practically gods for crying out loud. Wait is that where you got the feathers?" She asked before I pulled them out they just gawked at me.
"Yeah I use my own I'm in the car right back like my skin. Instantly heals instantly grows back." I said plucking one and showing them how it literally grew back within minutes. I handed the feather her. Which was weird cuz as soon as it had her hand at turn your dang sword. With blue small electric folks like trickle-off the blade. She dropped it and dad picked it up.
"Umm didn't know I could do that.that's actually really freaking wicked. Hey babe come here. I got an idea." I said walking over to him. Pulling out a feather when dad stopped me
Okay sweetie it's time we've had the talk at the beginning. When all the kings were made each of. Them was given a sacred weapons. Nobody knows how they were made. Containing all the power from their clans. And as the other clans realized how powerful they were they pretty much destroyed them while fighting over them. and almost destroyed each other in the process. So then lock them away five hundred years ago there's only two in existence as of today. They're the most powerful weapons of destruction. Ever made and you literally just made one with a feather. Well that explains how they were made. I'm a question is where is it Crusnik. And what happened to that Crusnik. Cuz the only way to actually kill one. Is with another one in that has to be one of the same power or higher. So if he died how I need to know these since you're one. I need to be able to protect my children." Father thought to himself out loud.
"That's a king sword. Holyshit yeah hide that lock it up. Don't let anyone know that she can make those.God only knows what they would do. If they found out they had a creature that can make them. It would probably do you like a repeat of the clan wars when we almost literally obliterated each other over them." Gramps said, dad nodded in agreement taking it and putting it in a safe. That was made of the same rock that Leon. Used to unlock my dormant memories.
"Only me or someone carrying my royal blood. Like my children can open it. But I don't advice you to unless it's absolutely necessary. I trust you to be responsible with it. So please don't get in it. Before talking to me I can't risk them falling into the wrong hands. It's not that I don't trust you sweetheart. I mean your full grown adult you're about to be a mother yourself. But you're also my next in line for my council chair and even my throne if you wanted to since it was originally my family's position anyways. But since his grandfather's the one. Who I picked to take over when I step down. Kind of works out that you married him. So either way you do it it really doesn't matter. Cuz she still your queen you're still her king so either way. Neither family has to step down.and honestly in the armor and I think that would actually be really good for the loveline since I know his family derives from a very strong bloodline themselves. point is that I don't think either way you guys could do this that could go wrong because you both have kingsblood in you and you both have the makings of a good leader. and I trust that you guys will know what to do and if you guys need any questions just ask Mimi and I did rule for like 700 years. and I've got plenty of wisdom from what my dad taught me since I inherited it off of him and it's been in my family since the very first one of our species was born. That's why I'm so determined to keep it kind of in the family's. And that's why I got your father to sign anything for whenever I have my first child they can take the throne but since you're her husband and you're his grandson I don't have to make him step down now and she still gets to be Queen. Which was her just out of curiosity does your dad even know you're with her or that you guys are married or that she's carrying your child?" My dad asked.
"No honestly I was wanting to surprise them since she's your daughter and my grandfather loves you like a brother my dad loves you like an uncle mean your family either way when they find out that she's your daughter. I'm honestly dying to see my Dad's and Grandpa's reaction. Can you just imagine how they're going to react when they find out that you're in a grizmatik I mean cuz you know that they're going to have to be involved whenever the baby is born. So at some point they're going to figure it out. Oh and I'm also waiting to tell them that she's pregnant till I notice just a mess with them so yeah babe don't mention it whenever we meet them. cuz I want to meet them meet up with them tomorrow if possible. Since we don't exactly have to hide out anymore?but the main reason why I don't want to say anything is because I want to surprise my sister tomorrow's her birthday. ever since we were younger she's always told me that every year that she wishes for me to find happiness. I really want to surprise her. And show her that I did. and then I kept my promise that I would only get with the woman that's my favorite partner. Oh and she loves your mom so yeah we're stealing mom tomorrow. You can come to Dad. I'm sure Dad would love to see you and Grandpa oh. What am I talking about you guys would show up anyways. You guys with my sister. I don't know why bother even ask how you guys and you guys always come over on any of her birthdays I'm going to have you guys drive me over as a surprise I bought my sister a onesie that says pretty like my auntie hopefully she gets it.and I'm planning on having you as one of you walks are in after her mom I'm sorry but she has been dying to meet you and when she heard that I actually got to meet you already she was pissed at me but I didn't realize that drink was your husband. He's practically family. So of course I was excited. When I found out that my wife's dad was someone who helped with raised me and my sister. I'm just glad that you guys are already technically family so yes it did work out that Scarlett's. Your biological daughter and on top of that. I got to let her meet her family. hich is all she ever wanted as a kid. And the fact that we're both the next in line for the throne worked out amazing because like I said she still gets her birthright which I was going to give her to begin with as soon as I tell my parents cuz like I said it is hers but kind of work summer husband so either way she gets became queen and I still get to be her King. But I would have still married her either way though. I absolutely love hershe is my world and no matter what position she would have had no matter. What bloodline she originated from. I would have still taken her. And I do it again. It just got to work in my favor. That she just happened to have been your biological daughter. We dated three years we know literally everything about each other and I had no clue she was your daughter.and I only stayed him from her cuz I thought she was a mortal and I didn't want to hurt her. I want didn't want anybody going after her or harming her. This would happen to way beforehand. But That's how crazy I am about her. Why I never brought any women with me to clan gathering of parties. I talked to her in secret for two years before I even asked her out officially. And the rest was history. We weren't allowed to publicly talk to each other. The monster we thought was her father I'm sorry but now that I know he's not her actual dad. That dude was a monster. He literally beat the shit out of her one day just because he caught her talking to me and at the time we were just best friend. So we had to find secret ways of how to talk to each other and there is beyond no way hed let me see her he took away her cookies and everything would check her mileage not even joking I was literally watching her in secret the headlines PS you didn't know that. I had actually been watching you since the first year that we were been talking. Especially after I started gaining feelings the first year we were talking. New video chatting and heat beat the crap out of her and I seen it I told him if I ever see him he's a Deadman. Hell I even had to call the cops because he literally shove her in a cellar with no stairs in the water. So she broke her leg. And thinking back I feel guilty for not seeing the early signs I should have known he wasn't her dad. I could have gotten her out of that terrible situation but every time that are called the authorities instead they're just let him off. he's had several domestic violence reports and nobody ever does anything they're all for me and they're all from him hitting her while I was on the video.Which was the whole reason why I started sneaking around and watching her in the shadows so I can make sure she was safe I know that's probably creepy but at the time trust me I'm glad I did because I stopped him quite a few times from hurting her of course I didn't let him know that was me. If he did he would have only beat on her worse. I was afraid of what he would do to her at the time I did think she was human so are you free my killerso when I found out that they walked her house on lockdown because I thought that one of the family members had it I suck the fuck in the factors of GERD I was the one that was always making you you're favorite foods, sneaking your thanks for entertainment like books that was me that was not your handler that was mebut at the time I didn't want you to know that I kind of think I should have told you. As soon as I identified her as a nonhuman though I broke her ass out of there Epecially when I realized she was your daughter. she's the reason I ignored my parents counseling even my friends every time they try to hook me up with someone like they're trying to force me on people before and high Street of walked out of there you got said I was being rude but just because she already had my heart from day one. my mom's convinced that she's immortal that's why she wouldn't let me like take her away from that situation she told me that it wasn't worth it. That's also why I want to take her I want my mom to apologize to her because I could have gotten her out of the situation way beforehand if she would have just let meshe forbid mean even talked to her or to even mention her name so I had to even like date her in secret for the last 3 years. They don't know we were together though. She just knows about when we talked to years ago. and I'm not having them call me a liar. That's also why I was going to ask you got to come. And putting my pregnant wife under unneeded stress. That's bad for my child and her I'm not letting them bully her. Although she probably beat the s*** out of them but the point is is that I'm not letting them bully her. Cuz I know that since she's pregnant. She's not going to be as strong. And them that's opportunity and if any of them hurt her I don't care if they're blood-related or not I will kill them.that's probably where Dad's going to have to step in because I will literally beat the shit out of someone. If any of them even attempt or even think to talk to her and it disrespectful or aggressive manner." Leon exclaimed angrily I could tell his family was kind of assholes except his sister. Cuz his sister's the only one he's got anything good to say about. Which is kind of saying something that they're probably assholes which means this is going to be fun which means I'm definitely bringing my home with her family as long as moms around us she won't be affected. non humans can't spread or contract any human illnesses or diseases such as STDs or human papillomavirus. You get the gist. But they do have diseases and sicknesses but there's are completely different. Each one is is uniquely different with each race like werewolves can't get the same diseases that vampires can vampires can't get the same diseases of the shapeshifter good that's why we have to know what species they are to know what they're susceptible to and what they came contracted they can only contracted from another one of their species. Which can lead to Extinction for some species which is why we keep that on record now. After he calmed down my dad hugged him.
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