8. "I like Louis."


"I want that shirt! No! That one!" Louis is pointing at a pile of hundreds of shirts in the closet and every time Liam picks one up he says no.

"Which one, Lou? Come and pick the one you want." Liam said frustrated. Louis stomped over to the pile of clothes and picked a one with red stripes on it. He hummed and tried to dress himself. He pulled the bottom of the t shirt wide but it was not so gentle, Liam was afraid the boy would tear the shirt apart. He decided to see how long Louis can manage it.

"No, buddy. Your head goes in the big hole and hands go in the two small ones." Liam instructed as he helped Louis with his shirt. Louis hissed at Liam every time he'd try to help him because he wanted to do it all by himself, but Liam helped him anyway.

"All done! Good job, Lou! You did it all by yourself!" Liam cheered and held his hand up asking for a high five. Louis beamed as he gave Liam a high five.

They walked down the stairs as Liam's phone started ringing. Liam pulled it out and saw the call is from Harry. He wondered why he's calling this early in the morning.

"Hey, Haz! What's up?" Ha asked in his usual cheery voice.

"Hi. I... um... I-I was- I was wondering- I..." Harry stuttered making Liam impatient to hear out what he has to say.

"Gosh, Haz, just say it." Liam chuckled and heard Harry let out a nervous chuckle from the other end.

"I have something important to talk with you. So, I was wondering if you could come over to mine tonight, for dinner." Harry finally said after gathering up all the courage he has. 'God, if I'm nervous this much now, how am I gonna survive the moment I really tell him.'

It's been few weeks since Liam last saw Harry. Every time he asked him to come over he'd say that he has something that goes with his business. So Liam thought, why not.

"Sure, Haz. We'd come over around 6. Is that fine with you?" Liam asked after humming a little. He heard Harry gulp and it made him worried.

"Is everything okay, Haz?" Liam asked and it only made him wonder more when Harry nervously repeated the word 'yes' several times.

"Okay, you're not telling me something, but you gotta tell me that when we come over." Liam demanded.

'That's the problem.' Harry thought before bidding his goodbyes and hanging up.


"Alright, let's go to Harry's house!" Liam cheered as he finished brushing Louis' hair so it looks less messy. Louis squealed and ran out of his room and down the stairs, making Liam gasp.

"Slow down! You'd fall!" He called out, only making Louis more energetic. Louis giggled as he ran down the stairs. He hopped up and down as he waited for Liam to come downstairs. Liam chuckled at his enthusiasm and guided the boy to the front door.

"Put on your shoes, Lou." Liam said and watched as Louis try to put the wrong shoe to the wrong foot. He chuckled and helped the boy.

"To the car we go!" Liam cheered after putting his shoes on and grabbing his car keys. Louis lifted his arms up asking to be carried. Liam cooed and picked his elder brother up.

"Put your seatbelt on, Lou." Liam said wanting to see if Louis can do that by himself now. Louis dragged the seatbelt in one shift motion and almost broke it. Liam gasped and guided his hand. They successfully put the seatbelt on and Liam jogged to the driver's side.

"Want chocolate." Louis mumbled when they are already on the road making Liam sigh.

"You can have some when we get to Harry's house. It's only a 10 minutes ride, babe." He said but Louis shook his head and demanded again.

"You wanna play on my phone?" Liam said pointing at the phone on the console, trying to distract Louis. Louis nodded enthusiastically. Liam chuckled and handed his phone over to the boy. Louis quickly swiped his finger across the screen and unlocked the phone before going to a gaming app he desired. Liam sighed in relief when the boy played until they reach to Harry's place.

"Harry!" Louis cheered as he threw Liam's phone at him without caring if it'd hit the boy in the face. Liam caught it and let out a chuckle. He unbuckled Louis' and his seatbelts and got out of the car with Louis. Louis ran to the front door and rang the bell repeatedly. Harry opened the door with a big smile and opened his arms inviting Louis in for a hug. Louis jumped on him and hugged him, making both Harry and Liam chuckle.

"Come in." Harry said as he walked into the living room with Louis still attached to his front. Liam followed them and sat on the sofa with them. Louis stood up and walked to the kitchen without a word, so Liam assumed that he's gonna find chocolate.

"Where are you going, hun?" Harry asked and got an answer from Liam instead of Louis.

"He has been asking for chocolate for like 10 minutes now." Liam said chuckling. Harry chuckled but then remembered that he doesn't have any chocolate.

"Shit. I don't have any chocolate and I forgot to-" He was cut short by the slam of the fridge door closing forcefully. Both Liam and Harry stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen.

"Let's go to the store and get some chocolate for you, Lou." Harry said when Louis was about to look through the cupboards.

"No chocolate here?" Louis asked. Harry shook his head and said a no. He told Louis that he can go to the store and buy some.

"We can even buy a toy or two for you." Harry said enthusiastically, making Louis forget that he's not getting chocolate at this instant.

"Yes?" Harry asked with a big smile.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Louis repeated bouncing up and down. Liam watched all of this with a thoughtful look. He liked the way Harry convinced Louis and the way he simply avoided a little tantrum or even a huge meltdown. He smiled when Louis skipped out of the kitchen.

Harry ran upstairs to get into something more presentable than sweatpants and an old t shirt. He came down after 2 minutes and walked to the front door with Louis and Liam.

"Which car?" Harry asked eyeing Liam's car and two of his cars. Liam shrugged and Harry decided to get in one of his cars. He ran back to the house to grab the keys since he has forgotten to do it earlier and got in the car with Liam and Louis. Louis sat in the passenger's seat as Liam was forced hop into the backseat.

Ride was a peaceful one as Louis just kept scripting some lines from a YouTube video he has watched. Harry listened to him and knew that it's probably a video about wild flowers. He looked at Liam through the rear view mirror and saw that he's very busy texting, probably with Zayn.

"How's it going now, Li?" Harry asked breaking the silence except Louis' scripting.

"Huh?" Liam asked as if he came here after being in another world for the past minute, which is technically true.

"I mean with Zayn?" Harry made his question more clear. Liam's face turned red with the blush decorated his features, making Harry send a knowing look at him through the mirror.

"It's going great actually. He asked me to go on a second date but since you were busy last few weeks I kept saying no." Liam explained but it made Harry frown. He didn't know that he has been holding back his best friend's love life because of his selfishness. He felt guilt creep into his veins.

"I'm sorry, Li. I guess you can go on a date this week? I'm really sorry again." Harry apologized. He wouldn't feel this guilty if he was actually busy with work, but he knows that he has been lying to Liam to figure out his own feelings about Liam's big brother and figure out a way to talk to Liam about that.

"No, it's all fine, Haz and yeah, I said yes when he asked to go on a date day after tomorrow. You are free right?" Liam asked, doubting the answer he gave Zayn. 

"Yeah, I'm free." 'If only you decided to leave Louis with me anymore.' Harry thought but didn't say it out loud. He hoped that he wouldn't ruin the friendship between himself and Liam and he didn't want to stop seeing the boy he has a hardcore crush on. He waited for weeks to see if this was a hopeless crush but those days just made him realize how much he likes Louis. He knew that he had to get Louis.

"That's great!" Liam almost jumped up and down. Harry chuckled at his best friend and pulled to the parking lot of the store.

"Let's go in, Lou." Harry said and unbuckled his own seatbelt before unbuckling Louis', just in case. Louis hopped out of the car and Liam was quick to take his hand in his before he takes off to the store. Louis didn't like it, so he tried to snatch his hand away from Liam's grip, making Liam shake his head 'no'. Liam tightened his grip as Louis tried to snatch his hand away again.

"Let him go, Li. He won't run. You won't run, right Lou?" Harry asked looking at Louis with a smile. Louis nodded furiously still trying to get away from Liam's grip.

"See, that's a good boy." Harry praised and extended his arm for Louis to take. Louis took his hand in his and that's when Liam let go of his big brother.


They came home after catching a Louis who ran around the store aimlessly, getting bored of every aisle there. Harry ended up picking chocolates for Louis as Liam ran after the boy.

"Here! Have some but not too much. Okay?" Harry said as he handed Louis a little chocolate bar but added the last part when he saw Louis eyeing the fridge. He left the kitchen after locking the backdoor and joined Liam on the couch. There was a silence except for the TV and Louis' quite loud hums coming from the open kitchen door.

"What did you have to tell me?" Liam finally broke the silence and Harry's nervous dam. Harry gulped visibly making Liam frown.

"What's wrong, Haz? Is everything okay? Did you murder someone? Or did you get a girl pregnant, oh no wait, you are gay-" Liam's ramble got cut off by Harry clearing his throat.

"No, it's not that Li." He said and took a little break before continuing again. "I have something to ask from you and I don't want that to ruin our friendship." He said avoiding eye contact with Liam. Liam nodded for him to continue but Harry didn't continue, too busy collecting some words with his messy mind.

"Haz?" Liam asked when he got no reaction from Harry. Harry's head snapped up.

"Yeah, yeah, yes. It's just- god I don't want to ruin our friendship." Harry let out a long sigh frantically blinking. That's a nervous habit of him. Liam thought for a second that Harry is trying to ask him out but soon brushed it off as he remembered what type of boys he likes and he's probably not Harry's type. Harry wants a petite boy who is soft at heart and basically made of sunlight and fresh roses in a cheery morning.

"Just say it, Haz. You know, I would not end anything without considering ups and downs of the matter." Liam said, getting tired of Harry repeating the same thing again and again.

"Okay, fine. I-I like- um... I like Louis. Like I have a- I have a crush on him." He said almost passing out while trying to muster up those words.

"Oh." Liam's face flicked an unreadable expression. Was it agreement or was it disagreement?

Harry's thoughts ran wilder than it was before. The milliseconds of silence was unbearable for him. His conscience was  telling him he's gonna lose Liam's friendship and he's gonna lose Louis. He felt so stupid but he had no other choice. Liam finally looked at Harry's continuously blinking eyes and spoke.



(Word Count 2096)

A/N - Cliffhanger!!!!!!!! ;)

Anygay... HI HOW ARE YOU? I hope you and your close ones are doing great! (:

I'm really sorry for late updates. I'm really busy these days. I stg being a senior and having lots of friends who have their birthdays on December is not a good combination. *sigh*

I hope you liked the chappy. I wrote this while running around. Like I write for 15 minutes and then runs out to the store and I write for another 15 minutes and start doing the homework I remembered. And friends would come over here and there too. and at th end of the day I'm tired af. )))):  I'm not complaining tho. I love the way my life is. ((((:

Anygay, enough ranting, Ash.

Have a nice day/ night sweethearts! I love you all to the moon and to the core of the earth. You all are my baby potatoes. (: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

QOTC - When is your birthday? And how old are you now?

Answer - 11th of April and I'm 18 now. GETTING OLDDDD *cries in a corner*


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