7. "Use protection!"

"Louis! Stop! Louis!" Liam chanted as he ran after Louis. The boy was so fast and Liam cursed himself for lack of his body fitness lately. Harry has somehow gotten into his car and has started driving to the direction Liam and Louis ran. He drove past Liam and stopped the car after he passed Louis. He got out of the car and took a hold of both of Louis' hands. Louis screamed and kicked his legs. Harry got nothing to do other than restraining the boy with his hands. He lifted Louis off the ground and managed to go over to his car. Liam ran there just in time and opened the door for backseat. Harry lifted Louis up to his Range rover and laid the struggling boy down on the backseat.

"Louis! It's fine. It's fine. Sh..." Harry said trying to calm himself down. He made sure to keep his voice smooth. His nose was still bleeding and that's when Liam noticed it.

"Haz, your nose!" He commented on it. Harry was still pinning Louis down to the backseat (stfu you dirty minded pricks. lmao) and trying his hardest to calm the boy down. He didn't hear what Liam said over Louis' loud wails. Liam decided to drive them home while Harry tries to calm Louis down. He closed the door to the backseat and got in the driver's seat. His whole body was shaking with fear of Louis' almost escape but he somehow managed to start the car with shaky hands.

"Babe, sh..." Harry kept mumbling sweet nothings to the boy. Louis threw his head forward to hit Harry's forehead but Harry dodged it.

"Liam, what can I do?" Harry asked desperately but Liam didn't know what to do either. He just knew that Louis would tire himself eventually and stop it, but it's so hard to watch Louis' current state.

"I don't know, Haz. I don't know. Mom used to sing for him. Yes, sing for him." Liam said and managed to focus on the road again. (OTRA. Sorry.) Harry started singing the first song that came to his mind but Louis wasn't in the mood for any type of sound right now. Even the low roar of the engine was too noisy for him. He felt like he's in a small room with 1000 people where every single person is talking nonstop. He snatched his hand away from Harry's hold and stated scratching against his left ear.

"No, Louis!" Harry said a bit loudly, forgetting that he should keep his voice low and smooth. Louis started humming loudly and scratching harder. Harry pinned his hand again to the seat and looked down at the boy who is gritting his teeth together, making a cringe worthy sound come out of it.

Harry was afraid the boy would lose a tooth if he continued. He pinned both of Louis' hands above his head and put one of his own fingers into Louis' mouth to stop the boy from breaking a tooth. Louis bit Harry's finger hard making Harry hiss in pain but it was fine for him as long as Louis is fine. 

Liam pulled to their drive way and turned off the car. He turned around and looked at the pair to see Louis biting on Harry's finger.

"Harry, no. Put his dummy in. He'd break your finger." Liam said trying to keep his voice really low. Harry wanted to facepalm but now was not the time. He quickly got his finger out of Louis' mouth with a hiss when Louis' teeth scratched against his skin. He put Louis' dummy in the boy's mouth with the help of Liam. Louis kept biting on his dummy and trying to get away from Harry but he eventually stopped struggling and started sucking on his dummy. He still looked warily at Harry as Harry continued to pin him down.

Harry looked at Liam silently asking if it's okay to let go of Louis now. Liam nodded and got out of the car to catch Louis if something happened again. He opened the door to backseat and saw that Harry has let go of Louis.

"You need to get your nose checked, Haz. I'm really sorry about what he did." Liam said making Harry shake his head furiously.

"No, Li. Don't apologize. We both know that he can't help it. I'll be fine." Harry said with a smile and touched under his nose to see it's still bleeding.

"Yeah." Liam said and paused a little for a second. "Let's go in, bubba." Liam said looking at Louis who is laying there sucking on his dummy like a baby kitten.

'He's so cute. I wish I could kiss him now. What the fuck? Where did that come from? Harry make up your mind.' Harry's thoughts ran wild. (yoU DRIVE ME WILD!) He cleared his throat hoping he stated none of that out loud.

"You still got to get your nose checked, Haz. It's swollen." Liam said as he lifted Louis and placed him on his hip.

"Yeah, I'm gonna get it checked now. Are you gonna be fine with him?" Harry asked gesturing to Louis. Liam nodded and told him it's all fine. (My sister is laying on the bed next to me and putting her head on my laptop to distract me and get my attention on her. xD) 


"Hey, Haz. How's your nose?" Liam asked to the phone still tired from the events of last night. From the way Harry groaned from the other end it's obvious Liam has woken him up.

"Hi and it's fine. It's not broken." Harry said in his deep morning voice. "How're you and Louis? Didn't he wake up early today?" Harry asked.

"No, still no. I went to check on him but he was sleeping. It's surprising though. He normally wakes up around 4am." Liam chuckled. Harry hummed from the other end.

"Um... and Haz, about tonight. Can you still come over so I can go on my date?" Liam asked still blushing about the fact.

"Of course! Why not, lover boy." Harry teased.

"I'm not in love!" Liam stated trying to prove his useless point.

"Oi, John Legend said that a crush only lasts 4 months and if it's still here after that time, you're in love. And what is it? 8 years?" Harry asked chuckling when Liam groaned.

"Fuck, John Legend. I'm not in love." Liam said grumpily.

"Heyyy language and no, he's a good singer, so hush it!" Harry said still chuckling. They talked for few more minutes until Louis stumbled into Liam's room. Liam already knew that it's a grumpy Louis day from the look on his face.

"I want phone." He demanded, extending his arm.

"Give him the phone, Li. We can talk later." Harry said from the other end. Liam bid his goodbyes with his best friend and gave Louis the phone which still has Harry's call ongoing.

"Hey, Lou! It's Ha-" Louis hung up and went straight to the app he wanted to play on.

"Lou! That was rude. We don't hang up a phone when the other person is in the middle of a sentence." Liam explained trying to teach Louis that it hurts other people's feelings but Louis paid no mind to him. Liam sighed and didn't go to lecture the boy furthermore.


"Hey, Lou! How was the day program? Good?" Liam asked as Louis got into the car. Louis nodded and hummed as he looked through his backpack to find his coloring books. Liam smiled and leaned over to put Louis' seatbelt.

"Put the backpack down for a second, so I can put the seatbelt on, hun." Liam said but Louis just kept looking through his backpack. Liam decided to wait patiently for Louis to finish his work. Louis zipped up his backpack and pushed it so it lands on the floor between his legs. Liam put the seatbelt on and started the car. Louis started coloring on his book while humming. He would twist his fingers every once in a while and would look around, being distracted by something outside.

He soon forgot that he was coloring and he started look at the trees they pass by. He was amazed at how trees would get bigger and bigger as they go forward and how they would get smaller and smaller right after they drove past them.

Liam pulled to their driveway and parked the car.

"Let's go in, bubba. Oh, and you're gonna stay with Harry tonight and LiLi is not home tonight." Liam said for the while Louis has his attention on him.

"Harry!" Louis cheered and tried to get out of the car but the seatbelt stopped him. Liam watched this with an amused look, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Stupid!" Louis said trying to unbuckle the seatbelt but failing miserably.

"Hey! We don't call anyone or anything stupid, okay love?" Liam said as he gently removed Louis' hands from the buckle and unbuckled the seatbelt for the boy.

"But seatbelt is stupid." Louis said grumpily.

"No need to be a grumpy pants, babe. Okay, let's go in." Liam said and got out of the car. He opened the door for Louis and saw that Louis hasn't brought his backpack with him. Liam walked back to the car and retrieved it.

"Take off your clothes and wait for me in the bathroom. Do not touch the faucet, you will burn yourself." Liam said the last part strictly. Louis took off his shirt while in the living room and was about to take off his jeans too.

"We don't change our clothes in the living room, hun. I already told you this." Liam said making Louis whine and stomp away. He hated being called off. Liam let out a sigh and walked to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water. As he was drinking his water, his phone rang making him jump. He fished his phone out and instantly blushed at the caller ID.

"Hey, Zayn." He spoke trying not to sound so excited.

"Hello, Liam. I was checking if the date was still up." Zayn said from the other end. Liam nodded furiously but remembered that Zayn can't see him.

"Yes, yes." He said but he felt like he sounded a little too much excited so he cleared his throat hoping Zayn didn't notice it. God, he was a nervous wreck.

"It's okay to sound excited, Li." Zayn said cheekily making Liam blush even more.

"I-I..." Liam trailed off and settled with an awkward chuckle.

"It's fine, really. I'm lot more nervous than you." Zayn stated truthfully. After all, what if Liam didn't like what he planned for them tonight? What if Zayn fucked it up? What if he made a fool out of himself? What if his plan was too romantic for Liam? What if's were eating Zayn alive.

"How are you gonna leave Louis, though?" Zayn asked after few seconds of silent. He knew a lot about Liam.

"Harry is gonna come over and look after him." Liam said and heard Zayn gasp. Oh, he forgot that Zayn doesn't know about Harry's return to the town. (lmao it sounded like he's a murderer.)

"Harry means as in Harry Styles? The one who moved houses when we were in 7th grade?" Zayn asked making Liam surprised at how good Zayn has noticed things and how good he remembers things. It's not like they were close friends when they were in school. Liam was always the quiet kid and Zayn was the popular boy.

"Yeah. That's him." Liam said.

"Oh, okay. Then Styles is back. Haven't seen him in a while." Zayn said more to himself than to Liam. Liam just hummed along. They talked for a little more until Liam heard a sound of something hitting the ground from the upstairs. He quickly hung up and ran up the stairs to see Louis sitting on the dirty bathroom floor covering his ears and few bottles of shampoo and body wash next to him.

Liam walked over to his brother and scooped him up. Louis still had his ears closed and he was whimpering a little. Liam didn't make any sound as he rocked Louis side to side letting the boy calm himself down. Soon Louis came back to his normal hums and looked around the bathroom.

"Alright, let's get you in the tub. You want a nice bubbly bath?" Liam cooed like he's talking to a 4 years old which somehow is true.

"Yes!" Louis cheered and got out of Liam's hold He stepped on a bottle on the floor and slipped. He fell on his bum with a loud thud.

"Oh, babe. It's fine." Liam said trying to hold back a coo at how adorable he looked. Louis' face twisted in pain and he let out a choked sob.

"Did it hurt?" Liam asked as he rubbed Louis' bottom. Louis cried for good five minutes until the pain subsided. Liam applied some cream to his bottom and sat him on the toilet seat.

"Bubbly?" Liam asked holding up a bottle of bubble bath. Louis nodded excitedly. Liam chuckled as he poured some to the filling tub.


"Bye, babe. Don't give Harry so much trouble." Liam said and placed a kiss on Louis' forehead. Louis jumped up and down before placing a kiss on Liam's cheek. Harry and Zayn cooed at the sight and Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' shoulder, calming down the jumping bean.

"Bye, Haz. I'll come home before 12." Liam said and hugged his best friend. Zayn shook his hand and bid his goodbyes. He waved at Louis too but Louis shied away with a whimper.

"He's not good with new people." Liam commented making Zayn nod his head.

"It's fine." Zayn said smiling. He looked at Liam's hand hesitantly and slowly took it in his making Liam's heart skip a beat. Harry smirked at the way the couple acted like two 13 years olds.

"Use protection!" Harry called after chuckling but his eyes widened when Louis started mumbling the same thing under his breath.

Lucky for Harry, Liam didn't hear Louis repeating the same sentence under his breath, or else Liam wouldn't let him live. He saw both Liam and Zayn turn scarlet red.

"What do you wanna do Lou?" Harry asked as Liam and Zayn drove away.

"Use protection!" Louis cheered making Harry's eyes bulge out and his face turn scarlet red. He wanted to bang his head against a tree. (There are lots of banging heads included in this story and I apologize for that. xD)

"N-no, Lou. It's- It's not a game. Come on, let's go and color, yeah?" Harry was thankful when Louis dropped the subject and ran up the stairs to get his coloring books and crayons. Harry sat on the couch and thought about what just happened. He wanted to laugh and die at the same time.

'God, he's so fucking innocent.' Harry thought. 'Wish I could have his innocence all for myse- what no. I didn't think that.' Harry slapped his own head trying to get it stop thinking about Louis but nothing seems to work lately.

He has caught himself get distracted in his business meetings as he thinks about Louis. He has caught himself having heart eyes whenever he's around the boy. He has caught himself staying up until late at night just to think about Louis. 'God, I'm so whipped.' Harry finally admitted what his heart has been trying to tell him for so long. He felt a smile creep its way into his lips and he felt his cheeks burn at the realization.

"Lion! I want to color lion. Lions are so cool!" Louis cheered as he bounced down the stairs with his coloring book. Harry cleared his throat as he came back to reality.

"Yes, let's color your Lion!" Harry cheered making Louis beam. He bounced all the way to Harry and plopped down on the floor next to Harry.

"What color is a Lion, Lou?" Harry asked as he opened the box of crayons.

"Orange!" Louis said grinning widely.

"Good job! Give me a five." Harry said and extended his arm for Louis to give him a high five. Louis gave one not so gently but Harry didn't mind. They started coloring and Harry instructed Louis throughout it. Louis soon grew bored of it and stood up.

"Harry's nose?" Louis asked as he reached to touch Harry's swollen nose but Harry quickly covered it with his own palm.

"yeah, love. It's all fine." Harry said catching Louis' arm when he tried to touch it again.

"Don't touch it, love. It hurts." Harry said truthfully. Louis inspected it a little more before turning around with his usual hum. Harry let out a sigh of relief and stood up to follow the boy.

"Let's watch a mo- Louis get down. You're gonna fall." Harry cut himself middle of his sentence when he saw Louis standing up on the kitchen counter. God, this boy moves fast.

"No!" Louis said and tried to jump down from it making Harry gasp. He leaped forward and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist. He placed Louis on the ground and looked at him sternly. (Mommy Styles mode on)

"Do not do that!" He said sternly. Louis looked up at him like a deer caught in headlights (Bitch it's so fooken creepy when a deer looks at you with its eyes shining by the light of headlight.) making Harry want to coo but he kept his stern face up.

"What do you say, Lou?" Harry asked when Louis didn't apologize yet.

"Sorry." Louis mumbled making Harry smile.

"Good boy!" Harry ruffled Louis' hair making the boy giggle like mad.

"Want chocolate." Louis stated and looked at Harry silently asking him to get a chocolate for him. Harry nodded and walked over to the fridge. He took the smallest one he can find, since he doesn't want the boy to have rotten teeth anytime soon.

"Here you go, bubba!" Harry said as he handed Louis the chocolate.

"Thank you." Louis said using his social scripting methods. Harry just hummed as he sat on the chair next to Louis, but it wasn't enough for Louis.

"You're welcome." Louis mumbled under his breath, speaking the words Harry was supposed to say. (My sister always does this and I just coo and kiss her saying the words I'm supposed to say. She's so fooken precious. Okay, continue.) Harry cooed and ruffled Louis' hair.

"You're welcome, bud." He said smiling at the boy. Louis happily munched his chocolate as he dangled his legs.

"Okay, Harry is gonna make dinner for us now. Be a good boy until he's done." Harry said as he stood up from his seat. He got to work and glanced at Louis every once in a while. The boy left the kitchen and Harry went to look for him after a little to make sure that he's okay. He found Louis in his room playing with his blocks.

"Are you being a good boy, hun?" Harry asked popping his head into the room. Louis squeaked and nodded.

"Good." Harry stated and walked back to the kitchen. He did his work hurriedly and finished cooking the meal within 30 minutes.

He was about to call out to Louis when he plated the food but he heard Louis' feet hitting the ground as he walked down the stairs. Harry turned around as Louis walked into the kitchen and let out a sigh when he saw the wet patch on Louis' trousers. The boy doesn't throw tantrums when he has accidents, but he would do if he didn't get changed immediately.

"Icky." Louis stated as he tried to get away from the now sticky material of his pajama bottoms.

"Couldn't you make it to the toilet, hun?" Harry asked as he took Louis' jammies off. Louis shook his head and stepped out of his jammies.

"Okay, let's just get your bottom half washed since you had a bath already." Harry said and took Louis' hand in his. Louis skipped away with Harry but stopped when he felt his skin being sticky too. He whimpered and stopped.

"What's wrong, bubba?" Harry asked, looking at Louis.

"Sticky." Louis whined. He hated the sticky feeling so much. It's just ugh, no.

"Aw, babe. Come on, I'll carry you up the stairs." Harry said and picked Louis up. Louis laid his head on Harry's shoulder as he walked up the stairs with him on his hip.

"Stand up for me, hun." Harry said as he placed Louis in the shower cubical. He detached the showerhead from the wall and started washing Louis' bottom half. He put some body wash too for good measure. When he's done Louis has grown so bored of it and he's whining like a baby kitten.

"Alright, alrigh- No, Lou, stand up. Come on." Harry said when Louis sat down on the floor successfully wetting his shirt too.

"Come on." Harry tried to lift Louis up from the ground but Louis just sat there humming and flapping his hands. Harry turned around and took a fluffy towel from a drawer. He spread it in his arms and nodded at Louis. Something fluffy sounded good for Louis, so he stood up and jumped into the towel in Harry's hands. Harry dried him off and wrapped it around Louis waist. He took off Louis' shirt and threw it in the hamper.

"All done. Let's go and put you in new jammies. You can go eat while Harry cleans where you had your accident. Okay?" He asked as he walked out of the bathroom with Louis in his arm. He avoided the puddle of urine at the doorway of the bathroom and walked over to Louis' bed.

He dressed him up in a new set of pajamas and sent Louis down to his kitchen since he has already placed their plates on the table earlier.

He started cleaning the floor and was done within 10 minutes. He has to talk with Liam about Louis wearing his pull ups again. It's not fun if he had an accident on a carpet. He walked down the stairs but before he could make it to the kitchen he heard Louis' loud wails from the kitchen.

"What happened?" Harry ran into the kitchen to find Louis standing near the stove, crying while holding onto his own hand. Harry knew immediately that the boy has burnt himself by going to touch a hot pot on the stove.

"Sh... love. It's fine. Let me see it, honey." Harry cooed as he gently took Louis' hand in his. The pot hasn't been that hot but it was still too hot for Louis' sensitive skin. His skin can't handle things like hotness, roughness.

"Let's apply some cream, okay?" Louis nodded his head curtly, almost hitting Harry's nose again but Harry quickly backed away. Louis was sobbing uncontrollably as Harry rubbed cream on the burn area. He kicked his legs and tried to snatch his hand away but Harry ignored his kicks against his own legs and kept a good hold of his hand.

Louis was still crying as Harry finished rubbing cream, so he sat on a chair and placed Louis on his lap. He sang to the elder boy as he rocked them side to side. Louis put his dummy in his mouth and started sucking on it peacefully. Harry looked down at him and let out a content sigh.

He's ready to accept it. He's ready to give it all a try. He's ready to call Louis his. He wants Louis to be his. But he got one problem. What would Liam say?


(Word Count 3967)

A/N - The longest chapter of the era of my own! Sorry if you hate long chapters and you're welcome if you love them. There was lotttttttttttttttttts of Louis' little little tantrums here and there and this is how living with an severely autistic is.

People with Downs Syndrome aren't that violent but my sister is. It's so hard sometimes. I would get a hit in the face by a plate if I didn't give her something she wants. And she would scream in my ear if I scolded her for something. I'm not complaining about anything though. She's my precious little bean.

Andddddd about the Harry drama going on now, STOP BEING FUCKING RIDICULOUS AND ACTING LIKE HE'S SOMEONE THAT DOESN'T MAKE MISTAKES. Untwist your panties and thank you very much! And I understand that it's wrong but he's going to a script ffs. It's not like he can say no to it and lose his job. He's fucking hiding about himself being gay ffs. What do you expect? And for those who has gone through the things 'Harry' joked about, I know it hurts to hear him say that but make sure you know that it wasn't him who said that before you point your finger at him. Stay strong! (:

ANd sowwy bout the long ass a/n too. (:

Now tell me.......... How are you and your loved ones? Fine? I hope y'all are fine. (:

And I found someone for me but I won't tell you guys yet. ;)

okieeee have a good day/night! I love you all to death! Stay happy! (: xxxxxxxxxx

QOTC - Three things you would change about yourself?

Answer - 1. My legs. They are like frog legs. lmao

2. Thinking about what others would say/think.

3. This is not about me but I would like to change the way my parents look at me. (:


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