6. "Want, want, want."


"LiLi, LiLi, LiLi!" Louis bounced on Liam's bed, trying to wake him up. Liam groaned and opened one eye. He looked at Louis and checked his phone to look at time. 4.15 am. He sighed. Louis usually wake up at ungodly hours, because of his sleep disturbances.

"Good morning to you, silly bean." Liam said mustering up the sweetest voice he can in the morning. Being the lightest sleeper he is, Liam usually wakes up when Louis opens the door to his room but he was a little too tired.

"Want chocolate." Louis mumbled under his breath and walked out of Liam's room.

"Let's wash your body first, Lou." Liam said getting out of the warmth of his bed. Louis shouted a 'no' and kept walking to the kitchen. Liam sighed and followed him. Louis took one bar of many chocolate Harry bought for him and opened the wrapper. He sticks it into his mouth and dropped the wrapper there.

"Louis, pick up the wrapper and throw it in the bin." Liam said taking a seat on one of the chairs in the kitchen.

"No!" Louis grumbled around the chocolate bar. Liam sent him a stern look.

"You know we don't litter around the house, Lou. So, be a good boy and pick it up." Liam said sternly. Louis just huffed and didn't even look at the wrapper next to his feet.

"Louis! Throw it in the bin." Liam said a bit more sternly than before. Louis just hummed and walked out of the kitchen, passing Liam. Liam sighed and decided to do it himself. He just didn't want one of Louis' tantrums in this ungodly hour.

"Cartoon!" Louis cheered and plopped down on to the couch, roughly. Liam sighed knowing that he'd be buying a new couch soon.

"Do you want brekky now or do you want to wait till it's 7?" Liam asked, sitting next to Louis on the couch as Louis turned on the TV.

"Sandwiches." Louis said instead. Liam chuckled and ruffled Louis' hair.

"Yes, you can have sandwiches but do you want some now or later?" Liam asked again. Louis just carelessly flicked through the channels. He stopped when there's a cartoon on and giggled when Tom got sent down a chimney when Santa's reindeer jumped on him. (I just did not go and totally watched few episodes of Tom & Jerry after writing that line. Nopes.)

Liam sighed and decided to wait until Louis asks for him to make brekky. He decided to lay back and relax a little until Louis gets bored with the TV. But it wasn't long until Louis was turning off the TV and shaking Liam who has fallen asleep.

"Hmm?" Liam asked still half asleep. Louis pinches Liam's nose between his thumb and index finger making Liam gasp and wake up. Louis giggled when his little brother sneezed out of nowhere.

"Well, what was that mister?" Liam asked playfully glaring at Louis. Louis rubbed his tummy when it growled, making Liam chuckle and stand up.

"I'll make some sandwiches for us. Wanna help me?" Liam asked hoping Louis would say yes, so he can keep an eye on the boy while making them breakfast. Instead of answering Louis ran to the kitchen.

"Slow down!" Liam yelled when the boy almost hit his head on the doorframe. Liam walked in to find Louis already looking through the cupboards to find bread. (If you're looking for white bread, he's going to 'sleep in my own bed' right now, hun.)

"Thank you!" Liam said when Louis handed him the bread he found.


"Time to get ready! Let's take a shower and get ready." Liam said and took Louis' hand in his. He walked up the stairs with Louis and helped Louis take his clothes off.

"Sit on the toilet seat until I set the temperature." Liam directed and turned around. Louis wasn't picky with having showers and baths. He just goes with whatever and he wants to finish it quick.

"Okay, get in." Liam said and helped Louis to get into the cubical. He washed Louis and himself at the same time. He's used to this now. He had no other choice since he can't leave Louis alone in the house until he gets showered.

"All done!" Liam said and stepped out to grab two towels. He dried Louis off and then himself. He wrapped towel around Louis' waist and one around his own waist.

He walked into Louis' room and got the boy get ready first with a little bit of trouble. When he's done with that, he went to get himself ready for work. He walked out to find Louis sitting on the kitchen floor covered in chocolate.

"Oh god!" Liam mumbled. He didn't know how Louis got so messy, 'cause the boy is normally not so messy when it comes to eating.

"What happened, Lou? Why so messy?" Liam asked crouching down next to Louis with a wet wipe. Louis paid him no attention he just continued eating the melted chocolate. Liam chuckled when he understood what has happened. One of Louis' chocolates has fallen out of the fridge and has melted. Louis has found it and eaten, more like smeared it around his face and hands.

"Let's clean you up and get going." Liam said and took the empty wrapper from Louis' hands and threw it in the bin.

"Harry?" Louis asked.

"No, hun. He said that he's not home today, remember?" Liam asked. Liam has told Harry to say that he's not home so Louis would go to his day program. Louis just hummed a little as Liam cleaned him and threw away the wipes.


"Bye, Lou. I'll come back around 4." Liam said when he stopped his car in front of Louis' day program.

"Bye!" Louis waved and got out, closing the door not so gently. Liam sighed but smiled at his big brother's disappearing figure nonetheless. He fished his phone out of his pocked when it started ringing. He checked the caller ID to find it's Harry.

"Hey, Haz. What's up?" He cheerily greeted his best friend.

"I just called to see if Louis went to the day program." Harry said from the other side of the line.

"Yeah, he went. He basically drowned in chocolate today." Liam continued saying about lots of things that happened that morning. He always adores talking about his big brother. He always loved the feeling of having a brother even if he was a little different. Harry cooed at almost everything Liam said. It wasn't odd for them. They'd do this even when they were little.

"I'll get going now. I just dropped him at his day program." Liam said and bid his goodbye's before hanging up.


"Louis, sit on the chair." Liam said when Louis kneels down on the chair while eating. Louis just giggled and bounced as he ate his dinner. Harry watched the boy with a fond smile.

"He's not gonna stop that until he's fed up with it." Liam mumbled,

"Yeah." Harry filled in. Then a little talk filled the table but Harry felt that there is something Liam is not telling him. He decided to ask when Louis is not around even though he felt like it's something you can be happy about.

"Pee pee." Louis said and ran to the bathroom holding his crotch, making Liam and Harry laugh. Liam didn't think about helping since the boy was just in a pajama. Harry took that moment to ask the question he had in mind.

"What are you not telling me?" Harry asked sending Liam a look of 'you're not getting away from this.'

"I..." Liam trailed off blushing. Harry smirked.

"Tell me...." Harry sing-songed, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I kind of- sort of have a- um..." Liam blushed more and hid his face in his palms. Harry chuckled and nudged Liam.

"You've got a date, haven't you?" Harry asked smirking more when Liam nodded.

"And that's the boy you've been crushing on since we were in primary school. Isn't he?" Harry asked making Liam gasp at how good Harry is with guessing.

"Yes. God, how did you guess that good?" Liam asked with big eyes, making Harry chuckle.

"It doesn't take rocket science to get that, Li. Your face was like a tomato." Harry said nudging Liam playfully. Louis came in waddling with his pajama bottom down to his knees and giggling like mad at the way he walks.

"What's so funny, bug?" Liam said turning around to look at Louis' way, Harry doing the same. They both burst out laughing making Louis giggle harder. Harry got up from his seat and lifted Louis' jammies to his waist.

"Silly one." He said chuckling and ruffled Louis' hair. Louis took his previous seat again and started picking on his food like usual.

"When is it?" Harry asked looking at Liam with a smirk.

"Huh?" Liam asked confused.

"The date." Harry said. Liam blushed at even the mention of it. 'This boy is too gone for it.' Harry thought, smirking more.

"Tomorrow. Actually, I wanted to ask you to stay with Louis tomorrow." Liam said looking at Harry. Harry nodded and put another spoonful of his food into his mouth. He swallowed before talking again.

"Sure. Should I come over here since I don't have lots of things for Louis to be occupied with?" Harry asked and Liam nodded.

"Okay." Liam mumbled and looked at Louis to see him taking some of his food with his fingers and dropping them to the floor.

"We don't do that, Lou. Now eat your food." Liam said sternly. Louis just kept doing that until he's fed up of that which didn't take long. Liam watched him with a tired look but didn't say anything.

"Okay, Lou. You're staying with Harry tomorrow till LiLi comes back, okay?" Liam asked when they are finished eating.

"Harry's house?" Louis asked. Liam shook his head and looked at Harry.

"I'm gonna come over here, bubba. I don' have cool toys like you do." Harry said adding a pout for good measure. Louis seems to think for a minute but he got distracted when Liam started cleaning the food Louis dropped. He just watched him while humming.

"Scooby doo!" He cheered out of nowhere and got off the chair he was kneeling on. Harry chuckled at the boy's behavior and got up to wash their dishes.


"I want that! No! I want that!" Louis said grumpily stomping while pointing at Liam's phone. Liam has been texting with his date and he didn't want to stop that.

"Here, hun. Take my phone." Harry said handing his phone to Louis. Louis snatched it away from Harry hand but whined when it asked for a fingerprint. Harry chuckled and put his fingerprint to access the phone. Louis looked through the apps and found that Harry's phone didn't have any of the apps he needed. He whined and threw the phone making Harry gasp and jump to catch it but he was too late. The phone hit the ground but for Harry's luck it wasn't broken.

"Babe, babe, look at me. It's fine. Here, take it." Liam tried to hand the phone to Louis but boy just sat on the ground and started hitting his own head repeatedly. He let out few screams and covered his ears but soon started scratching on his ears making Harry and Liam gasp. Harry took a hold of both of Louis' arms and tried to stop him but he soon realized that restraining would only make this worst.

He let go of Louis' hands and hoisted the boy up to his hip. Louis bent himself over and let out a long whine making Harry almost fall but he managed to stumble over to the couch with Louis. He sat Louis on his lap and started rocking the boy side to side. Louis scratched against Harry's arm making him hiss but he didn't say anything.

Liam wanted to do something about the situation so badly but he knew if he went over to Louis now the boy would feel overcrowded and it'd worsen the situation. He just ran to the kitchen and fetched Louis a chocolate. He knew it'd calm the boy down a little more after his meltdown died down.

"Want, want, want, want, want." Louis chanted under his breath and let a scream of his own end his own chant. Harry ran his fingers through Louis' damp hair and hissed again when Louis' fist connected with his jaw.

"Baby, shhh... you're fine, you're fine." Harry whispered softly and kept rocking Louis side to side. Louis took a long breath in and threw his head back making it collide with Harry's nose. Harry let out a pained sound and took a hold of his nose while still holding Louis with his other arm. Louis took the chance to get out of Harry's hold and run to the front door. He unlocked the door as he heard Harry shout after him.

"Liam, he ran out the door!" Harry screeched, making Liam gasp and run to the front door. Harry ran after him while holding onto his bleeding nose.


(Word Count 2193)

A/N - OMFG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 700+ FOLLOWERS! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST BABY POTATOES EVER!!! It's not just 700+ followers for me, It's 700+ people who know that everyone matters. I'm so happy! (: xxxx I love every single one of you to death.

Message meeeee..... I want to get to know all of you! (:

Anyways.... How was your day? Good? bad? sad? I hope it's fine and everything is going okay for you.

My day was good except my nail polish getting chipped. I had a dark purple one with glitter on and I loveeeeee it but I can't put color again now cause my friend borrowed it. ):

Anygayyyy have a nice day/night! I love you all to death, my baby potatoes! (: xxxxx

QOTC - First kiss?

Answer - With my cousin when I was 12. (Bitch hell yeah we dated. Lmao that prick. Ugh.)


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