4. "No day program."


"You're gonna have to go to the day program before we go to Harry's house, Lou. You can't stay home. LiLi has to go to work." Liam tried to explain to his big brother. He is having a hard time getting the boy ready for the day program.

"No! I wanna go to Harry's house now." Louis repeated again.

"Okay, fine. Get ready then." Liam said. Of course he wouldn't drop Louis at Harry's place, he just used a trick to get Louis ready, so he can drop him off at the day program. Louis squealed happily and ran off to his room.

"Slow down!" Liam called after, walking behind Louis to help him.


"No day program. No day program." Louis mumbled repeatedly, shaking his head. Liam sighed knowing that there is no way in the world that he's gonna get Louis out of the car but he can't just give up like that. Louis needs to know that he can't have his way all the time.

"Louis, get out of the car this instant or else I'm gonna go in there and get an instructor." Liam said pointing at the building.

"No day program!" Louis screamed making Liam flinch. Louis covered his eyes and hummed loudly, rocking back and forth. Liam sighed once again clearly seeing where this is headed to.

Louis stopped rocking after a while. He quickly grabbed his backpack and threw it Liam's way which hit him square on the face. Fat tears started rolling down blue eyed boy's face but Liam wasn't ready to give up, just yet.

"No, Louis. You're gonna go to the day program and that's final." Liam said sending the boy a stern look. Louis hums got louder.

"NO!" He screamed and pushed against Liam. He kicked his legs around and started hitting how own head.

"Louis, no, no, stop that." Liam caught both of Louis' hands and Louis gritted his teeth while making growling sounds from his throat.

"Sh..." Liam said and got out of the driving seat to go and open Louis' door, but for the second he's out Louis has taken a hold of already half ripped leather of the passenger seat and torn it apart.

"Louis!" Liam said and took a hold of Louis' hands. Louis slammed his head against Liam's forehead making Liam yelp and let go. Liam touched his forehead and looked at his palm to see if there was blood. Thankfully, there wasn't. When he looked at Louis again he was scratching against his face while humming aggressively.

"Lou, calm down please. Sh..." Liam said in a soothing voice but Louis was having none of that. He banged his head back against the seat repeatedly making Liam gasp. He took a hold of Louis' head and stopped him from getting hurt.

"Let's go to Harry's house. You don't have to go to your day program. Sh... All is fine." Liam tried to cuddle Louis to his chest but Louis just pushed him away and growled through gritted teeth.

"I would drive you to Harry's house. We can go to Harry's house. Sh.." Liam said in a soothing voice. Louis kicked against the dashboard of the car and screamed. He covered his ears and kicked his legs more.

"Louis, calm down, buddy. Please." Liam said desperately thinking of what he could do. He decided to get on driving to Harry's house, hoping Louis would calm down during the ride. Louis is still letting out angry sounds and slamming his hands against the dashboard. Liam closed Louis' door and hurried to driver's seat. When he got in Louis is trying to open the door which already had child lock on, thankfully. He's pulling hard on the handle and Liam had no doubt that he would break it if he pulled a few more times.

"Louis, stop that. Louis!" Liam took a hold of Louis' hands and turned the boy around.

"Look at me." Liam said shaking his brother a little but Louis just tried to bang the back of his head against the window. Liam quickly pulled his brother forward, before his head could hit the  window.

"We are gonna go to Harry's house." Liam repeated the same line over and over in a soothing voice to get that through Louis' head. Louis kept humming and rocking his body back and forth in a fast pace.

"I'm gonna use restraints. God, what am I gonna do?" Liam whispered to himself and hissed a little when Louis dug his nails into Liam's skin.

"You're fine. You're alright. We are gonna see Harry. Sh..." Liam said while running his fingers through Louis' damp hair. Louis kept humming and rocking while breathing through his nose.

"Sh... You're okay." Liam whispered and kept running his fingers through Louis' hair. Louis started whispering to himself. Liam let out a sigh of relief knowing that Louis has started to calm down. He kept doing what he was doing.

"Harry's house. Harry's house." Louis repeated under his breath and hummed.

"Yes, we are gonna go to his place. Let's go." Liam said and slowly let go of Louis' hands, making sure that he's not gonna hurt himself anymore. Louis just kept flapping his hands while rocking a bit.

Liam pulled out of the parking lot and started driving to Harry's place. He glanced at Louis even once in a while. Louis just kept humming and looking about.


"We are here!" Liam cheered, knowing that Louis has completely calmed down. He felt horrible for triggering a meltdown by saying no to what Louis asked. All he wanted Louis to know that he can't have his way all the time but it looks like Louis is not to grasp that idea that soon.

"Harry's house!" Louis said bouncing on his seat. Liam chuckled and got out of the car and walked over to Harry's front door after getting Louis out.

"Ring the bell, Lou." Liam said and pointed at the bell. Louis pressed it again and again until Harry opened the door with a grumpy look. 'Cause who the hell can't stay 2 seconds for someone to open a door? Louis can't.

Harry's grumpy face disappeared when he saw the pair at his door step. He smiled warmly and welcomed Liam and Louis in.

"Where's Harry?" Louis asked as soon as he entered the familiar place. Harry chuckled.

"Hi, Lou. I'm Harry." Harry said and Louis scanned him from head to toe. Harry smiled, his dimples decorating his face. Louis walked a little closer to him and brought his hand up to Harry' face. He poked a dimple on Harry's cheeks and giggled.

"Harry!" He cheered but didn't go to embrace Harry. He's still not familiar with him. Harry chuckled and nodded.

"Wanna read." Louis mumbled and walked up the stairs to Harry's room.

"I don't have my baby books anymore." Harry said.

"Oh. Let's go and check on him then." Liam said tiredly making Harry eye him with a questioning look.

"He didn't want to go to the day program today, so he had a massive meltdown when I made him go." Liam sighed. "I got to replace the leather of my passenger seat." Liam chuckled.

"Oh, it must be a big one then. I was about to ask why you came early, 'cause you said that you'd come over for dinner. But now I see why." Harry said and started walking up the stairs as they heard some shuffling upstairs.

"Oh, god. He's probably turning my room upside down. I have lots of boxes there." Harry said and hurried up the stairs with Liam following close behind. They found Louis digging through one of Harry's boxes.

"I don't have those books anymore, Lou. They are at my London house." Harry said. "I took them with me when I moved houses." He explained. Louis kept digging through the boxes.

"Do you want me to read a book from my phone?" Harry asked crouching down next to Louis. Louis didn't say anything, he just kept digging through the box. Harry sighed and stood up.

"Li, aren't you gonna go to work today?" Harry asked suddenly remembering that Liam in fact has to go to work.

"I can't leave him, Haz." Liam said gesturing to Louis.

"Don't worry. I will look after him. He'll warm up to me soon. I'll call you if anything goes wrong." Harry said and patted Liam's back. Liam seems to think about the offer for a moment.

"Okay. Make sure you call me and please keep your door locked. I don't want a repeat of yesterday." Liam said with a pointed look. Harry nodded.

"Sure." He said. Liam crouched down next to Louis who's playing with some of Harry's clothes.

"LiLi is gonna go to work, now. Are you okay to stay with Harry?" Liam asked setting his palm on Louis' shoulder to get the boy's attention. Louis immediately stood up and wrapped his arms around Liam's torso.

"No!" He said firmly. Liam saw from the corner of his eyes Harry's face fall.

"It's just Harry, babes. You'd be fine." Liam tried again. Louis paused a little like he's thinking about it. Liam hoped the boy would agree.

"Chocolate?" The boy asked out of nowhere.

"Yes, Harry would even give you chocolate. Right, Harry?" He asked and Harry nodded.

"I have lots of chocolate. I bought them for you." Harry said smiling at Louis. Louis squealed and nodded.

"Bye bye LiLi." He hugged his brother and ran out of the room to probably go and get some chocolate.

"Bye, Haz. Call me if anything happens." Liam said and hugged his best friend.


"What do you wanna play, Lou?" Harry asked as he took his phone and opened the app store to download a game for Louis. Harry downloaded a game that has to set blocks together.

"Here you go!" He said and handed the phone over to Louis. Louis took the phone and watched fascinatedly at all the colors on the screen.

"I'll be in the kitchen." Harry said and got up from the couch to go and make some lunch. He was just getting the ingredients out when Louis walked in.

"What are you looking for, buddy?" Harry asked.

"What do you wanna do? Wanna help me make lunch?" Harry asked but Louis didn't reply. He just walked over to the fridge, while humming.

"Chocolate." He said as he dug through the fridge. Harry watched as the boy took some chocolate and sat on one of the chairs of the kitchen table.

"I'm gonna make your favorite." Harry said to get a response from Louis and got to work when he got none. He walked around the kitchen to find the ingredients he wants.

"Wanna go pee pee." Louis said making Harry stop his work.

"Do you need help?" Harry asked and walked over to Louis.

"No!" Louis yelled for no apparent reason making Harry flinch.

"Okay, fine. No need to yell. You know where the bathroom is, right?" Harry asked and Louis nodded. He got out of the chair and walked out of the kitchen. Harry followed Louis, just in case.

Louis walked into the bathroom and took a hold of his jeans but he couldn't take them off since he had a belt on. He didn't know how to unbuckle a belt. He whined and kicked the toilet.

"No need to get angry. Let Harry help you." Harry said making Louis jump a little. Harry was about to unbuckle Louis' belt but Louis pushed his hands away.

"No!" He said and started humming a little louder than he normally does.

"You will go pee pee in your pants if you didn't let Harry help you." Harry tried to reason but he soon remembered that Louis doesn't give a shit about logic.

"No, no, no, no, no" Louis mumbled repeatedly and started twitching his fingers. Harry didn't know what to do. He can't let the boy have an accident and trigger a meltdown but he can't touch the boy and trigger a meltdown either.

"What do you want me to do, Lou?" Harry asked and tried to reach for Louis' belt again. Louis hissed at him like a baby kitten. Harry wanted to coo at the boy's cuteness but he got something to deal with right now.

"Do you want to play a game again? With lots and lots of colors. Red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink. Lots of colors." Harry said smoothly all the while distracting Louis from the matter and unbuckling Louis' belt. He kept talking about colors and slowly slid Louis' trouser down his legs.

"Now, go pee pee." Harry said and turned around to give the boy some privacy even though he knew Louis didn't know about what even privacy is.

"Done?" Harry asked while turning around. He gasped when he saw the scene in front of him.

Louis has peed without taking his boxers off and his trouser which was only slid down to his knees was soaked wet too. He probably has gotten distracted and didn't know that he was peeing. The boy still hasn't noticed that he has in fact peed with his clothes on.

Harry wanted to bang his head against a wall and kiss Louis for his cuteness at the same time.


(Word Count 2203)

A/N - I'm the biggest fan of this book. Don't even argue. xD


I feel really excited for no apparent reason. fsdjfsdfs (Future me: Because you had undiagnosed ADHD back then bro)

Anygay..... tell me something interesting.... I asked Cortana (My lappy's voice recognizer) and she told me it'S PEARL HARBOR DAY! XD (idk wtf it is. Don't ask unless you have a death wish.)

Have a nice day/ night! I love you all to the moon and back! *kissy kissies*

QOTC - Height?

Answer - 5'6 I'm smol xD


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