23. 'The Talk'
Liam doesn't know if the influence Louis gets from Oliver, this new guy at the day program, is good or bad. Of course, Louis got to learn things and he obviously has needs that everybody does but the problem is he doesn't know what to filter out when he talks. His total honesty can be a bit of a problem sometimes.
These days Louis is going through a phase where he calls everybody a 'cunt' and that's not helping at all. Liam tried to get him to stop that but he only made it worse because whatever you tell no to, Louis does it. (The Tommo way XD)
Another thing is he seems to be a lot interested in sexual stuff and Liam believes it has to do with the things Oliver talks about at school. Liam was pretty sure Louis didn't hold very long conversations with Oliver because he just didn't wanna talk to anybody. However, Louis has at least overheard some things and he is starting to ask very blunt questions that make Liam squirm in embarrassment.
The questioning about sexual stuff started when Louis and Liam were sitting at the kitchen table, having dinner.
"What do boobs look like?" Louis asked, making Liam choke on his spoonful of rice.
"Why would you wanna know that?" Liam asked, for the lack of an answer.
"Because Oliver said to Jenna that he likes her boobs and I don't know what he meant," Louis answered, fooling around with his food.
"Hey! I'm sorry I'm late. This meeting took forever." Harry said as he walked into the kitchen after finishing an online work meeting.
"It's fine, Haz. I already plated some dinner for you." Liam said, gesturing towards the untouched plate on the table. Harry mumbled a small 'thanks' as he sat next to Louis on the table.
"Harry, what do boobs look like?" Louis decided to ask Harry the question since he didn't get an answer from Liam.
"What?" Harry asked surprised. Louis always asked blunt questions but he has never talked about stuff like this. Louis groaned because he would have to repeat the same question now.
"What do boobs look like?" Louis repeated his question.
"Should I tell him?" Harry asked Liam, pointing his spoon at Louis.
"Ugh, just go ahead and answer all the questions he has afterward too. It's not like he is never gonna learn those stuff." Liam shrugged.
"Okay, Louis, we call a woman's chest area boobs and they are round and have nipples?" Harry wasn't sure if he is doing a great job here but he hopes he is helping.
"Okay." Louis nodded before getting up and going to the fridge.
"Nope, you are not having any chocolate until you finish your dinner. You haven't even touched your food." Liam said sternly, as he got up to take away the chocolate bar Louis already took from the fridge.
"Cunt!" Louis called out as he hid the chocolate bar under his shirt.
"Louis, I told you that's not nice to call someone a cunt. Now please, have your dinner." Liam was on the verge of an angry outburst. It seems like his patience has run thin after the incident.
"No! Cunt!" Louis repeated and that did it for Liam. He launched forward towards his big brother and struggled against him before snatching away the chocolate bar. He walked out of the kitchen, with his face angry red and Harry watched it all in shock because he had never, not even once, seen Liam get angry at Louis.
Louis was also sat on the ground next to the fridge and staring shocked towards the doorway of the kitchen from where Liam left. Harry noticed Louis' breathing speeding up and he knew what was coming. Louis is probably overwhelmed and hurt right now and Harry immediately went to his aid and crouched on the floor next to him.
"Hey, hey, c'mon, it's alright. Let's just finish your dinner first." Harry said as he placed his hand on Louis' shoulder but Louis shrugged it away before starting to hum as he hugged his legs to his chest.
"Okay. Do you want another chocolate bar?" Harry tried again as he stood up to get another chocolate bar from the fridge. He crouched down and tried handing it over to Louis but he just pushed it away.
"It's alright, baby. Li was probably just overwhelmed. He didn't mean to hurt you." Harry sighed, as he tried to hold Louis' hands down, so he wouldn't start tugging on his hair. It was a very silent meltdown, except for Louis' hums and the soft sound of his back hitting the fridge as he rocked back and forth but Harry stayed there with him through it.
"If you wanna take a break or something, I can take care of Lou." Harry offered as he took a seat next to Liam on the couch.
"I-" Liam groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "I just get so angry sometimes. I probably should talk to Niall about it." Liam admitted.
"It's alright. Living with Louis can be frustrating sometimes and being frustrated and angry about it is not a bad thing. You got to take care of yourself too, Li. Please take care of yourself." Harry said as he rubbed soothing circles on Liam's back.
"I think I'm a shitty brother for what I did there. I should apologize to Lou." Liam sighed.
"I don't think it made you a shitty brother. Well, maybe a little bit but what I am saying is it's okay to be frustrated." Harry said giving Liam a pointed look. "And, yes, please go talk to him. He was so hurt more than anything."
Liam walked up the stairs to Louis' room and found him rolling his favorite toy car on the floor. He sat next to his big brother before talking.
"I'm really sorry for what I did earlier in the kitchen. I shouldn't have done that." Liam said, placing a hand on Louis' arm to get his attention. Louis quickly snatched his hand away and kept doing what he was doing.
"Lou, are we cool?" Liam asked after a little while.
"Cunt, cunt, cunt." Louis whispered under his breath and Liam sighed.
"I know I was a cunt, okay? Can I take you out to the park tomorrow to apologize?" Liam asked, hoping Louis would just be okay with him.
"Park?" Louis perked up at the idea.
Liam and Louis made up after the walk at the park and Harry couldn't be happier about it. However, Liam decided to live a few days with Zayn and work on his anger because he didn't want to hurt Louis' feelings with his snappy behavior.
"Hi, Lou! How was today?" Harry asked his usual question as he took Louis' hand in his to walk them to the car.
"I saw boobs today and I don't like them." Louis said bluntly making Harry stop in his tracks.
"Woah, there. How did you see them?" Harry asked, needing a clarification.
"Charlotte showed me." Louis said without a care.
"Did you ask her to show you?" Harry's heart was racing now.
"Yes." Louis nodded as he tried to drag Harry down the hallway towards the parking lot.
"Oh, okay. Lou, the thing is, we don't just bluntly ask people to show those kinds of things to us, you know? Those are private places of our body and we don't normally ask someone to show them to us unless you are dating them." Harry decided to give the lecture exactly then because when they got home, Louis would not be willing to sit down and have a talk. He knew that the 'dating' part was bullshit but the complications of different kinds of relationships were not something he was willing to explain to Louis standing in the middle of a hallway.
"Why?" Louis has stopped tugging on Harry's hand and was listening intently to Harry because he was interested in knowing this stuff.
"That's not nice, Lou. That's why." Harry explained.
"I don't like them anyways." Louis muttered as he dragged on Harry's hand once again to go to the car. Harry couldn't resist the small chuckle that left his mouth.
"Hey, Li. How are you doing?" Harry asked into the phone. Louis was currently taking a shower after coming home and Harry is sitting in Louis' room waiting for him to finish up.
"I'm good. I had a session with Niall yesterday. I feel a lot eased now but he told me to talk with my psychiatrist about my meds." Liam explained.
"That's good. Actually, I called you to tell you something about Lou." Harry took the call because he wanted to tell about Louis' boobs story to Liam and ask him to have 'the talk' with Louis. The poor boy doesn't deserve to go around overhearing others' conversations to learn about that stuff. He must have the same desires as everybody else and he deserves answers for the questions he doesn't even know he has.
Harry told Liam everything Louis told him and the small lecture Harry gave him.
"At least he talked to someone to get what he wants." Liam couldn't resist the chuckle and Harry joined in.
"No, seriously, Li, I think you should explain these things to him before he goes around asking people. That won't be nice for his image and he doesn't deserve that." Harry said, on a serious note.
"Yeah, I know. Can- can you do that? I don't think I am comfortable explaining those stuff after- after- you know." Liam let out a sigh and tried to regulate his rapid breathing. Even the thought of the incident can send Liam spiraling down a black hole.
"Oh, yeah, I understand. Yes, I can do that if you don't mind." Harry said, standing up from Louis' bed and peeking into the bathroom when he heard a thud of a bottle hitting the ground. He found Louis has dropped his shampoo bottle and is now picking it up. He smiled a bit before returning to his previous spot on the bed.
"Thanks, Haz. You don't deserve all the burden I put on you. I'm sorry." Liam has been feeling like all this 'taking-care-of-Louis' thing was unfair on Harry's part.
"That's bullshit, Li. You know I love spending time with him. It doesn't feel like taking care of him. It just feels like spending time with him while helping him with some things here and there. Of course, he needs more help than any other person will but it's never a burden." Harry said, kind of angry that Liam even thought that way.
"Thanks again, Haz."
"You wanna have mac & cheese for dinner?" Harry asked as he sat next to Louis on the couch.
"Yes." Louis nodded as he grabbed another color pencil from his box of color pencils.
"Um, Lou, I think we should talk." Harry could smack his head for his awkwardness.
"It's about boobs?" Harry said when he didn't get Louis' attention but after saying that Louis was all ears because he still had many things he didn't understand. Oliver says a lot of stuff but he doesn't know half of them.
"What is a cunt?" Louis asked because even though he has been calling everyone that, he doesn't know the meaning of that.
That's how 'the talk' started. Harry started explaining it all to Louis. It included female anatomy, male anatomy, sex talk, how babies are made, protection, and what are the appropriate and inappropriate things to say about sexual stuff.
"I want to have sex," Louis said bluntly afterward making Harry choke on air. He doesn't think he can ever get used to Louis' bluntness.
"Are you gonna skip the dating part?" Harry asked.
"What is dating?" Louis asked curiously.
"It's when two people are together and do stuff together. They can fall in love afterward and have a family." Harry thought about the people around Louis to give an example. Sadly his father left them when they were kids, so no relationship there. He decided to take Liam and Zayn.
"It's like Li and Zayn. They are dating." Harry explained and Louis seems to be in deep thought for a while before speaking up again.
"Are we dating?" Louis asked making Harry's eyes go wide.
"I-uh-I don't know. If you want we can?" Harry couldn't believe how awkward he was.
"I want to." Louis' eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Then we are dating."
You can't blame Harry if his face split into two from all the smiling.
(Word Count - 2083)
A/N - Decided to finish this one too even though I kind of messed up with the character development.
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and I feel like I have misinterpreted it in this story. Of course, I didn't know I had ADHD at the time I started writing this book. I did some deep diving (YK using my superpower of hyperfocus XD iykyk) and learned a lot of shit about AuDHD and since people can be different, I realized that Louis' character here is also valid, so I decided to continue and get this over with.
Anygayyy, that's my rant. How are my baby potatoes doing?
I hope y'all are doing great.
I love y'all to death! Have a great weekend! (: xxx
QOTC - Are you neurotypical or neurodivergent?
Answer - Neurodivergent.
Getting diagnosed answered so many questions and explained different behaviors I had from my childhood. It explained hyperfocus and hyper-fixation, info-dumping, sensory overloads, and the 'out-of-sight, out-of-mind' theory my brain seems to work on. I'm not on meds and I don't plan on getting them either. I'm just happy to have an explanation for my behavior. XD
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