19. Arrival

3 months later

"Hello, Liam. Come in." Niall said with a smile.

"Good morning." Liam greeted with a smile of his own. Liam has improved a lot since the day he first came to Dr. Horan. He's slowly gaining himself back and everyone can't be happier about that.

"How was your week?" Niall asked once Liam is sat in front of him.

"Good. I'm still at Zayn's." Liam said.

"Do you think you'd like to maybe go and see Louis?" Niall asked with a little caution, because it was a sensitive subject for Liam. Maybe that's why Liam decided to take a few minutes to think about an answer.

"Uh- I don't know. I thought about it yesterday too. I actually asked for Zayn's opinion too. He said that we can go anytime I'm comfortable with it. Harry is doing a great job of taking care of him. Louis calls me every night and used to ask for me to come home but recently he has stopped asking for me to come home. I'm afraid he has forgotten about me. " Liam admitted with a long and drawn out sigh.

"Oh. I don't think he has forgotten about you Liam. He must've forgotten to ask you that. He sounds happy talking to you, right?" Niall asked.


"Ah right. Then he still expects you come home. I'm glad Harry is doing a great job." Niall said with a smile.

"Yeah. I think maybe I'd go to see him this week." Liam mumbled.

"That's great! How about you go today or tomorrow before you change your mind?" Niall asked with the biggest grin on his face.

"I think I'd go tonight. Like you said, I'd change my mind if I didn't do it soon." Liam chuckled a bit.

"Yes. You are a strong person Liam. I'm so glad you are brave enough to take this step. I'm sure he'd be so happy to see you. I know that he loves you so much from the information you have given me." Niall smiled reassuringly at Liam.

"Thanks, Niall."


"Do you wanna spell with me?" Harry asked sitting next to Louis on the couch.

"Yes!" Louis, who has recently grown a passion with spelling words, said.

"Okay. How do you spell 'cat'?" Harry asked sitting back. Louis put Harry's phone, which he was playing a game on, aside before answering.

"C-A-T" Louis said proudly.

"Right! My smart baby." Harry kissed Louis' hair and Louis clapped his hands.

"How do you spell, um... 'apple'?" Harry asked.

"A-P-P-L-E" Louis said easily. "That was easy Harry. Louis can say bigggg words."

"Oh, okay. Then tell me how do you spell 'house'?" Harry asked.

"H-O-S-E" Louis said pausing in between letters to make sure that he says it right.

"One letter went missing. Where did the 'U' go, silly goose?" Harry ruffled Louis' hair.

"Uh" Louis seems to think again.

"House is spelt as 'H-O-U-S-E', baby." Harry said slowly, so Louis can process the information he gets.

"H-O-U-S-E" Louis mumbled and looked at Harry for confirmation.

"Yes, H-O-U-S-E." Harry nodded. Louis kept mumbling it under his breath with a little giggle here and there making Harry's heart swoon with the feeling he knows all too well.

He was in love with Louis and he knew that. He has had these feelings since forever and he doesn't know how to tell Louis. Does he even understand what love is? Does he understand the meaning of a relationship?

Harry didn't know the answers for that.

"Harry! Harry! Ask Louis!" Louis' voice brought Harry out of his little trance.

"Uh oh, right. Spell 'Love'." Harry said without thinking further.



"Hello, Li! How are you?" Harry beamed to the phone.

"I'm good. Um.. Haz? I actually called you to tell we are coming home today." Liam said before he would chicken out. There was no response from Harry's side for a few seconds and Liam could feel his heart beat go wild thinking something is wrong with him going home. A millions of things that could possibly go wrong came rushing into his head and that was enough to make him panic.

"I- Harry, I'd stay home. It's okay. I'd just-"

"No, Liam, no. Please come home. God! Yes! Come home! Louis would be so happy to see you! Oh my god." Harry went on babbling about how Louis would be so happy and that made Liam calm down.

"I'd come tonight."

"Are you gonna stay?" Harry asked.

"I'm still not sure, Haz." Liam sighed.

"That's alright. For dinner then?"

"For dinner."


"Hello guys! Welcome to my channel if you are new and thumbs up if you like this video." Louis was scripting something on YouTube with the same variations of voice as the YouTuber. Harry has probably heard that at least a million times and He never got to watch the video full cause Louis just doesn't let the video finish before opening another one.

"I'm gonna make dinner." Harry called out as he went to the kitchen and he heard shuffling from the living room. In no time, Louis is after him.

"Hello, boo." Harry smiled.

"Hello, Harry." Louis skipped over to him. "Give Harry's phone." He extended his arm. Harry nodded and gave Louis his phone before turning it on. Louis went straight to YouTube and played a video as he made his way over to the kitchen table to sit on. Harry watched him for a second before starting dinner.

Harry decided to leave Liam's arrival as a surprise for Louis. The boy is gonna be over the moon once he sees Liam. He just hopes that Liam wouldn't get too emotional and have a panic attack or something.

He checked on Louis once in a while as he went through the dinner. Louis left the kitchen with Harry's phone when Harry was just cutting the veggies. Harry put on the stove and went to check on the boy.

He found Louis taking off his pajamas in the living room, making him frown.

"What are you doing, Louis? You know that we don't take off our clothes in the living room." Harry shook his head.

"Pee pee." Was all Louis said.

"To the bathroom mister." Harry placed his hands on his hip. Louis whined and took off his pajama bottom anyway before stomping off to the bathroom. Harry sighed as he picked up the piece of cloth Louis left behind and went after the boy to make sure that he does just fine. Once he's about to enter the bathroom with Louis, the boy shut the bathroom door with a slam on his face. Harry sighed and decided to wait there if Louis ever needed him.

After a few seconds Louis opened the door.

"Here you go." Harry handed the boy his pajama bottoms and went into the bathroom to check if Louis flushed the toilet. He got Louis to wash his hands even when the boy was fussing over it and sent him off to do whatever he wants to do.

He went back to the kitchen and finished with dinner. He checked the time and it was around 8pm. He looked at the front door and sighed thinking that Liam has changed his mind.

If Liam was going to postpone it, he's just gonna give his best friend more time. He can look after Louis as long as Liam wants him to. The problem is, Louis misses Liam. He can't always lie to the boy when he asks for Liam and Louis never stops asking. He would ask for him whenever he does something that reminds him of Liam and that is basically everything.

Harry decided to check on Louis again and went halfway up the stairs before he heard the sound of the doorbell ringing. He dashed down the stairs because he knew who it was.

It was Liam.  


(Word Count 1309)

A/N - Hiiiiiiiii my baby potatoes!

So sorry for the long wait and the shitty chapter. ):

I have been really caught up with my new two books in my other account. one of them is SerialKiller!Louis. sooooooooo i think you understand me. *puppy dog eyes*

anygayyyyy how have you been? I hope y'all are doing great! (:

Okie den byeeeeeeeeeee i love y'all to death and have a nice day/night! (: xxx

QOTC - Hollywood or Bollywood?

Answer - Bollywood.


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