
BlueScreen is shown to be running as fast as he can, even with the left leg being blocky and separate a little, due to the way that he had been made. And needless to say, BlueScreen is running for his life, and is scared out of his whole entire damn mind. He cannot believe what is happening to him now. He and his brothers are simply doing their usual stuff, when all of a sudden, they are being attacked by an entity that has a corrosive music coming from him, and Palette Roller had to step in and save them all, by unlocking the doors, and they had to escape with their live, as they do not want to get caught and killed for no reason. He has no idea where that Old Man even came from, as all he knows is that it has suddenly appeared out of complete nowhere and began to attack. Luckily, his brother, Palette Roller, was able to summon purple chains and barbed wires and wrapped them around the Old Man, so that he was able to buy them all time to escape from being killed by him. But even after all of that, it does not make anything feel better in his eyes, as he is now rushing into the chaos, and he got caught in the crossfire.

Various SCPs were on the lose, and BlueScreen nearly got killed by a bunch of them when he had barged into some rooms, and he nearly even got shot by some guards. Though this was likely on accident, and is not really intentional on the part of the MTF that is working in the Foundation Site. He nearly got killed by a statue that has snapped the necks of some MTF Guards, and he nearly got bitten by a giant reptile with rotting flesh, and he was able to freeze it using his powers. Though the reptile seems very familiar, as he does not get why he seems way more scared about it than with the others, as he has never seen it before, and yet, for some reason, feels like he has seen it before. Well, maybe he simply forgot about it, as he does have a not very good memory, which might explain a-lot.

As BlueScreen ran, suddenly, a red bipedal entity was present, and tried to bite him, only for BlueScreen to take off his glove, and touched the entity with his bare bone hands, which made it freeze, as Blue glitched and binary code began to appear all over the body of the creature, as it is now going to be killed by being lost in time, due to now having crashed. BlueScreen got a good look at the entity that he had killed, and he felt horrified at what he is seeing and what he has done. He decided to not waste his time, and he turned around, and he ran for his life, in order to make sure that he does not get killed. He continues to run, until he appears to be in the offices for groups of scientists. There are a lot of desks present, with computers and paper also present, as BlueScreen, he began to wander around all over the place, as he sees that it is totally empty. There is no one here, and no one in sight. BlueScreen looks around, but even that does not feel better. On the contrary, the area that he is in, which is now is making him feel a little bit more worse than what he is now. He is scared for his life, and because of this, he wants nothing more than to go back into his containment chamber, where he will be safe. But with SCP-106 inside of the containment chamber, he cannot go back inside, due to the fact that if he goes back, he is going to be killed effortlessly.

BlueScreen was a little bit scared, as he than began to speak in Binary Code, of course, no one except most of his brothers will understand what he is saying, even though he does understand what they are saying. He looks around the area that he is in, as he sees that it is all pitch black, and he cannot see very well with what he is inside of right now. So, in order to see, he searched for the lights that are inside of the room that he is in, and after a little bit of searching the walls, he was able to find them. It was a bit difficult, due to forgetting that his blocky hand is a little bit difficult to use in turning on the light. But after he uses his left hand, he was able to turn it on, and the lights on the room, flared to life. The lighted turned on brightly, as the shine glared down onto the room as a whole, and BlueScreen looks to see that the area that he is in is clean, and does not have any sort of SCPs present, as he looked around, and began to walk around the room that he is in, as he thought to himself.

'This is a nightmare!! I do not understand what is happening to me! Why must I be exposed to something scary?! First with my adoptive father, Ink, than with Infected, and now, I am exposed to this scary SCP Escape!! How am I going to survive this?!'

BlueScreen looks around the room, and sees that the desk at the is small enough for a smile child to fit under there. And BlueScreen realizes that he is small enough to hide in there, so...perhaps that, if he goes inside of the desk, he can be safe. But he can only do it if he needs to, and not when he is all on his own. BlueScreen clenched his fist on his left hand, as he looks around, and tries to see if there is anything that he can use that might be of help. Any weapon that he can use to knock someone out, and not a weapon that is meant to kill, because he hates having to kill people, and he hates at what it will make him feel like. He has already gotten people killed, and he does not want to join the SCPs in the slaughtering of other people, and now, he just only wants to knock the person attacking him out cold.

He looks down under a desk, tryin to see if there is anything under there, and saw that there is a metal bat on the floor. He looks down at it, and thinks about it for a little bit, before he than decides to grab it it from the ground, before he than looks at it. He thinks that it is good enough to knock someone out cold, as he thinks that it will not be enough to kill someone, which is what he is hoping to do. He just needs to give someone a very painful knockout, and makes sure that death does not become an option for him.

As he holds onto the began to deteriorate, and plants began to grow from within it, as BlueScreen shook his hand, as the plants nearly wrapped around his arm. He looks around, and saw that the whole rooms beginning to deteriorate, meaning that an SCP's here.

01010111/01101000/00101101/01010111/01101000 01101111/00011001/01110011/00100000/01110100 01101000/01100101/01110010/01100101/00111111 (Wh-Who's there?)

BlueScreen spoke out, as he began to look around the room...until he looked and saw that one of the entrances to the office, and saw that there was someone present there, and he was able to get a good glimpse of the entity that is present.

Learning out from behind the wall is a girl, somewhere in her late teens. But this girl was strange, as she resembles a human, but has antlers that are similar to a deer, with legs and a waist similar to that of a doe, not to mention having doe ears replacing normal human ears. She has blond hair and blue eyes, and the eyes are as beautiful as starlight. But despite this, to BlueScreen, as she is hidden in shadows, he thought that he is seeing a monster that is ready to attack him. And this, believes that it is going to kill him.

This made BlueScreen scared, as he than ducked under a desk, and began to curl himself up, so that he can blend in and not be seen, and hopefully, the monster, at least that he thinks it is a monster, has not seen him and tries to not be seen by her. But the deer girl...she gawked and saw BlueScreen, and unlike BlueScreen, where he goes under a table and hides in fear, she has other ideas. She than began to go to BlueScreen, walking to where he is positioned in, and as she does, the pavement and the computers surrounding the area began to deteriorate and have plants come out of them. She than ducked down, and saw that BlueScreen is shivering in fear, as he than began to speak out in Binary Code.

"01000111/01101111/00100000/01100001/01110111/01100001/01111001 (D-Don't hurt me!!)"

But the lady, while she does not understand what BlueScreen is saying, looks at his face, and saw that he is scared. He may be a skeleton, but he is scared, like other people. So, she puts her hand onto his gloved hand, and this made BlueScreen surprised, as he looked, and saw that the girl...she is touching his hand, and she is not affected! How is this possible?! As he looks at her, with tears coming down his eye sockets, he spoke out to her.

(What are you doing?)

But the girl than spoke out.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you. Please, come out. There's nothing to be afraid of."

BlueScreen was skeptical, and the girl grabbed him by the other hand, which is cubic, and this shocked BlueScreen, as his hand is not covered in a glove, and she is still unaffected by it! How is this possible? She smiled at BlueScreen, as she than helped him get out from under the table, and BlueScreen, although scared, does get up from under the table, as he and the lady looked at each other. He than looks down, and saw that the number, 166, is on her shirt. This means that this is SCP-166. BlueScreen looks down, before seeing a pen and pencil on a desk next to him. He than took off the pen and wrote on it, before he than showed her the words that he had written.

'Who are you?'

This made SCP-166 surprised, but seeing that he cannot speak in English, but does understand it, she spoke out to BlueScreen, in hopes that he can be seen as trustworthy to her.

"I am Meri. What is your name?"

BlueScreen than wrote in the paper as fast as he could, not wanting to waste time, as he showed his name, and he does it in a manner that is not messy or crude in her eyes so that she can read it properly and clearly.

'BlueScreen. Sorry if I can't speak English so you can understand what I am saying. I was born like this. did you survive being able to touch me? When other people touch me, they are killed by my magic, and only my brothers are able to be resistant to those effects.'

This made Meri puzzled. He can really do that? And as she looked, a bug landed on BlueScreen's skull...and the moment that happened, it froze and blue glitches and binary codes appeared all over it, as BlueScreen shook it off of his head, and both looked down to see the Virus-infected bug, as it is now going to be killed by being lost in time, due to the effects of the virus. Meri looked down, very shocked at what had just happened, as BlueScreen looked at Meri with a face that said that he was not joking when he said that his powers are able to do that. And judging by the look on his face, he does not like having this power. She spoke out to BlueScreen.

"Are you...cursed with this?"

BlueScreen than looks down, as he than used the paper from the other side, as he than spoke out.

'Cursed with it? I was born with that power, and I didn't even ask for it. It is useful to kill people, but the thing is, I don't like to do that. I hate killing people! I just want to be Friends with them. Is that so hard to ask?'

He looks down, and clenched his left fist, as he feels very upset, but as he did, object teleported next to Meri, and she saw that it was a set of headphones with a microphone, and is not decaying. But BlueScreen...he recognized it. It is from Blueprint, who used it to act as a translator in order to help understand his language. When Meri saw it...she actually knew what to do with it, as she has seen how a microphone worked, due to having used it to speak with someone from a church she lived in. She than puts on the headphones over her dear ears, and she held it up to BlueScreen, and he actually began to speak English from the headphones.

"What are you..."

It didn't take long for him to realize what she is doing though, as she than spoke out.

"I figured that this would work."

BlueScreen than looks down at the object, as he spoke out.

"How did that get here? That was supposed to be from one of my brothers?"

This made Meri confused, as BlueScreen than spoke out.

"My brother, Blueprint, he made this thing, so that he can understand what I am saying. How did that get here?"

This made her surprised. As she did not expect for BlueScreen to react in a way such as this.

"It somehow appeared, as if someone sent it."

BlueScreen looked down, as he began to think in his head.

'The last time I had seen it, Blueprint had accidentally lost it. But now...this...this is not what I have expected. Did someone bring it to me, for someone to understand me using it, and if so...who?'

BlueScreen looks down at the ground, before he hears walking, and she looks to see that Meri is beginning to walk, only to stop at the moment BlueScreen made eye contact with her.

And Meri...she hugs herself, as she looked at BlueScreen, and she felt uneasy. Despite that, she could tell that BlueScreen, in spite of his appearance, is very innocent. Because when she heard his was different from when he usually spoke. When he spoke without being translated, it was without emotion, though he does still make expressions. Bit now...with this translator...she can hear how BlueScreen really feels. He is very nervous, but has a form of kindness in his voice that she has not heard many people use. She stepped toward again, and observed him, and she saw that, even though both Meri and BlueScreen are close of age, with Meri possibly being 18, maybe even 19, and BlueScreen also being 19, their heights are hilariously different. Meri is at the height of 5'2, but BlueScreen has the height of 4'7, basically, much more shorter than Meri, and needless to say, it makes him look like a young child, even though he is a year older than Meri. Even Meri found this a little amusing, though BlueScreen, in the way he sees it, he does not find this sort of thing amusing in his eyes. Than, a growl was heard from the distance, as Meri looked, and she felt concerned. When she turned to BlueScreen, he was shaking up, like he is ready to see his death before his eyes. It is obvious that it is something very bad. So...she decides to grab his hand, and spoke out.

"Come with me. I think it is safe in my room."

This made BlueScreen, surprised, as the deer girl than ran, and BlueScreen than began to run, as he is dragged along with Meri, SCP-166, who decides to bring BlueScreen. The glitched skeleton demigod does not know why she would want to do that, but he thinks it is better than to stay inside of the office and get himself killed by whatever entity is going it be coming his way. And thankfully, at least for BlueScreen, Meri had carried along the translator headphones and microphone with her, all in order to make sure that she can understand what BlueScreen is saying, and since it does not seem to be affected by her powers, it is a very good thing for her, otherwise, she is going to have endless trouble trying to understand him, trying to know at what BlueScreen is saying, simply by the fact that he is speaking something else. Speaking a language version of a computer code.

After what must have been about a quarter of an hour, the 2 half divine entities were able to go to where her room is, and it is a very big mess, due to the fact that, when she walked out of the room, plants began to appear out from the ground, walls, and ceiling, as the normal material that the hallway was once made of, had began to deteriorate and almost resembles a forest of sorts. Meri was able to go inside of the area of where her room is lead to, as BlueScreen followed inside, as Meri felt relived, but BlueScreen, he felt a little unsure as to know if he is really safe or not.

Meri sits down, her legs crossed, as she felt very good to be back inside of her place. She sat in front of some plants, as she closed her eyes, and thanked her lord for being able to get herself a new companion. BlueScreen looks around, as he saw down onto the floor, as he has nothing else to do. And surprisingly, the floor is very soft, though this is because of the fact that there is grass beneath his feet, due to the fact that Meri has walked around. He looks down, as he than looked at his right hand, which was cubic in appearance. Although it looks like he can't do much with it, surprisingly, despite its useless appearance, he can actually move it as efficiently as any other hand that people have.

As he looked down, as he hears footsteps, as he looked up, and saw that Meri is holding out her hand, and this time, without any hesitation, he grabs her hand, and he gets pulled up from the ground, as he looks up at her.

She than looks down at his right arm and left leg. She than spoke out.

"Seems like I'm not the only one that has been born with something of inhuman limbs. Tell me, did you inherited it from your parents."

BlueScreen looks up, with a confused expression on his face.

"No, but he is the cause of the way I look when I was born."

Meri looked confused, as she spoke out.

"You sound like you know of him."

BlueScreen looks down unhappily, as he than spoke out.

"That is because I do know of him, though I sometimes wished that I did not know of him."

Meri looks at him, rather curious. For her entire life, she never knew her own parents, due to the fact that she was raised from within a church. But SCP-166, she remembered her letter, which had belonged to her dad, and while she was unsure of what her mother is, she believes that she is a spirit. But based on the way that her father described her, she cannot help but wonder if her mother really is a goddess, though she still holds doubt to that claim. But BlueScreen, he seem to know one of his parents, as she spoke out.

"What is he like, if you don't mind me asking?"

BlueScreen looks up, as he than spoke out.

"He was not the best father. He was an entity that was made for the sole purpose of destroying stuff. When I was created, he told me that my powers, which are used to kill people, are a gift, even though I don't like to kill people. He was someone that despises anything that is related to the concept of creation. But he is the only true parent that I know of."

This made Meri confused, as she spoke out.

"What do you mean by that?"

BlueScreen than spoke out.

"I know of my parent that is purposed in destroying creation, but my other real parent, I never knew of that one. I was raised by an adoptive father, who creates, and I...I had overheard an agreement between my real parent, my adoptive parent, and what I believe was my uncle, and they agree that I must not see him. But...perhaps it is for the best, since I could have accidentally killed him with my powers."

This made Meri feel a little sad. Like Meri, he was adopted by someone else, but unlike Meri, he knew one of his parents, who was not a good person, but does not know who the other one is. He knows he is out there, and knows that he exists, but he is denied it because his adoptive father, real father, and a relative of his agreed to not have BlueScreen meet or see him. Where Meri was adopted by the church, and never saw or even knew her parents, or at least, her mother, and even then, her mother was only given vague descriptions of what she is and what she had done.

"I am sorry to hear that. I never knew my parents, and only heard of my mother, and she was said to have done something bad. Father killed her, probably because she did something bad."

BlueScreen looks down, and spoke out.

"My adoptive father also did something bad, but I'm not sure if he knew what was going to happen. I know what happen to him...but I do not want to say it."

She than looks at him, before she than spoke out.

"You you mind coming inside my room. I would like you to do something with me?"

BlueScreen looked up at Meri, and spoke out.

"What is it?"


Meri and BlueScreen went inside of the room, and saw that, unlike the other parts of the site, this one does not seem to be effected by Meri's powers that much. It seems that it is made out of some material that her powers cannot affect much, as she looks at BlueScreen, as he looked very confused, and spoke out to her, microphone in front of his mouth.

" want me to go in your room...and pray to the one God himself. I've...I've never done that before."

Meri looks at BlueScreen, as she spoke out to him.

"You've never prayed before in your life?9

BlueScreen than shook his head.

"No, at least. Not to THE God. I have prayed, but only to the stars. My kind sees the stars as something sacred, akin to a deity, or at least, many groups of deities. But that's it. Praying to God. That is a whole new thing for me to even do, Meri."

Meri smiled, as she than spoke out to BlueScreen.

"Well...just follow my lead, BlueScreen. I can show you."

BlueScreen than followed her lead, as they both began to pray to god. And as she taught him of what he is supposed to do, he reflects on everything that has happened in his life, on how he was first born, filled with nothing more than confusion. Filled with fear, but when Ink came into his life, he felt cared for. He felt loved, and this love only increased when he was with his half-brothers, who he cares for with all of his very being. And it resulted in having the same pure personality as his other real father, who BlueScreen had no real knowledge about. After he and Meri are done praying, BlueScreen looks down, and spoke out.

"How...was it?"

The microphone next to Meri said, as the headphones are off. But they are still loud enough for Meri to hear what he said, and she than spoke out.

"I think you did well for someone so new."

BlueScreen looked at Meri, and spoke out.


Meri nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"We are both alike in some ways. I think we should get to know each other more."

BlueScreen smiled for once, as he felt like he is not afraid of Meri anymore, and more importantly of all...he got himself a new friend. Seems like, even when there is a scary situation that he is in, even when he is in the middle of a breach of containment by other SCPs, hope, happiness, and luck is on his side after all

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