
Spilled Ink, he began to look around the area that he is in, as he than wandered around the place. Spilled Ink, he clenched his fist, he cannot believe that he had done this, but they had to. They were inside of their containment chamber, and they were simply doing their own stuff, but all of a sudden, an Old Man that seems to be rotting and corrosive, had came completely out of nowhere, and tried to take them into someplace that they have no way of coming back from. Because of this, they had to escape, and thankfully, Palette, he was able to help them escape. What the SCP Doctors don't know, is that like Gradient, Palette is able to escape the containment chamber of his own, even though it has been placed with reality anchors, and because of this, he was able to make a portal out of his containment chamber, get a card out, and unlocked the doors that had contained both BlueScreen and Spilled Imk, who was using his large pen to try and hold back the Old Man, and used his Paint to try and destroy him, only for the Paint to not work and gets corroded by the Old Man's body, though the Ink did damage him a little. Because of this, Palette Roller, Spilled Ink, and BlueScreen agreed to run, as they ran out of the corridor as fast as they can, while they also had to avoid getting caught by some hostile SCPs that are on the loose and are trying to kill all 3 of them. 

As with the Old Man, Palette Roller, he was able to summon some Purple Chains and Barbed Wire in order to prevent him from getting close to them, and he flies out of there as fast as possible, as SCP-106 began to slowly corrode out from the bindings that was set upon him, but by the time that happens, all 3 of them split up and managed to get away from the Old Man, but this is also bad, because now they are lost, and Spilled Ink, he has no idea where he is going, if this is the way that he should be going. But he does not stop, and he kept on running, and running, and he does not stop running away, until he knows that the area that he is in is safe, and is not going to have something dangerous.

Spilled Ink has been running for 10 minutes, and during those 10 minutes, he can hear the sounds of a battle happening, and briefly, he saw a tall humanoid with long arms and a very wide jaw, but does not see the front of the head, and he think that it is probably best that it never happens that he sees it. Otherwise, it will be a disaster, and he will have no idea what it will look like, and that is if he will survive looking at the humanoid's face. And to him, it is best to not find out, as Spilled Ink, he kept on moving. The pen that he has, he carry's it with him, and he turned around, and he sees that there is a red bipedal creature, and it is speaking, but it is obvious that this is simply to trick him. The creature leapt at him, and Spilled Ink responds by stabbing at it with his pen, before he yanks it out of its head, and he runs away fast, as he does not want to stay here, as he has no idea how long the distance will be to know when he will be safe.

After 5 minutes, he entered what appears to be a cafeteria of some sort, and it is empty. And even more breath-refilling, there is no sound. He was able to get very far away from the danger that he was in, and is now safe. But how long, he will not know. All he needs to do now is to think of a plan for the situation that he is in right now.

He then looked around, and he looks to see that the space is really open, the room he means, and he wonders why they need to make something this big. He looks down and clenched his fist. He could easily escape to another universe, but he is not leaving his brothers, and he does not want to be spotted to Ink, his own father, and be consumed by him, which is the very last thing that he needs, and the last thing Gradient wants. The last thing that Gradient wants to have happened to Spilled Ink, is to have him be consumed, all because he escaped without his protection. And that would be by far the most embarrassing and most shameful fate to have happened to him.

Spilled Ink then has a sad expression on his face, as he looked back in the past, thinking back on the times that he had, before the Gods and the Denizens of Alphatale had come into their lives. Before it was simply Error and Ink, bring their normal, less serious, childish, and weaker selves. And back when he was still just a normal destroyer, Error's favorite son, and when he and Gradient and Paperjam hang out with each other.

Spilled Ink could not help but reflect on all the good times that he had, when he was with Paperjam and Gradient, who was still like his original self, back when they all had a good time, and messed around. Especially when they had no one, except for Paperjam to parent them all around, and when he was able to hang out with Bluescreen and Blueprint, before all of this happened. This made Spilled Ink unhappy, as he wishes for all thing to be back to normal, but he knows very well in his very soul that this sort of thing will not happen, and this is forever his life. Forever Gradient's and Bluescreen's life, but at least Bluescreen only saw the fight that brought them to this Earth, and was able to stay alive in the Omega Timeline, unlike him and Gradient, who was exposed to the stain of Alphatale, though Gradient was exposed to most of the problems, due to the fact that he had to work with Error404, though Spilled Ink, he has no idea of who Error404 is, or where he came from. All he knows is of his appearance, and the strength level pf his power, which is absolutely crushing to Spilled Ink.

As Spilled Ink looked down at the ground, as he began to think of a plan of what to do in the situation that he is in right now, suddenly...he heard something from one of the entrances. A clatter, and some footsteps.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This made Spilled Ink turn around at the direction of where it had come from, all from where the entrance was at. He narrowed his eyes, as warning signs took shape inside of his eye sockets, which narrowed, before he then grabbed onto his pen, and he then manipulated the ink inside of his pen, and made a sword made of paint. Spilled Ink maybe a destroyer, but that does not mean that he can't create. After all, he is a child of Ink. He looks at the direction of the noise, and spoke out.

"Who's there?"

Silence at first, as Spilled Ink's eyes began to glow dangerously, as he is ready to attack whoever it is that seems to be ready to attack him. He does not know who it is, but he needs to be ready for anything. After all, he has no idea who or what it might be that is ready to attack. It is unlikely that it is Ink or Infected, due to the fact that they are most likely unaware of this place, but he does not doubt that it must be an SCP that is ready to attack. He gripped his paint sword, and is ready to attack, when suddenly...a female voice spoke out from where the entrance is at.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm friendly!"

This made Spilled Ink stop, as he looked to see who it is that is coming from the entrance. And obviously, it does not sound threatening. And even more ridiculous, it sounds like the voice of a normal teenage girl. Spilled Ink puts away his paint sword by turning it into its normal state, and he looks to see that there is a humanoid figure coming. Spilled Ink watches, and watches, as the humanoid then came out from the shadows, and Spilled Ink was surprised at the sight that has appeared before his eye sockets.

Coming towards him was a female, possibly between the age of 15-16, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a petite build, along with what seems to be a camera in her hands, not to mention 5 feet 1/2 inches tall. Spilled Ink was surprised, as he kind of expected something dangerous to start to come and attack him. He has a surprised look on his he than spoke out to the lady that is in front of him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Okay, I was...I kind of expected an SCP to attack me. But this...this is just new."

This made the lady smile, as she than spoke out.

"Well, your sort of right, I am an SCP. SCP-105."

This made Spilled Ink surprised, as he than spoke out.

"Oh. Umm...SCP-7131-2. Do you have a name besides that designation?"

The lady looks down, as if to think of her words carefully, as she than spoke out to Spilled Ink.

"Well, I have been originally named Iris Thompson, my real name. Do you have one?"

Spilled Ink nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Yeah, and believe is it or not, may name is Spilled Ink. And no, this is not me joking. I really mean it."

This made Iris surprised, before she than began to snort, as she than spoke out.

"Seriously, that's your name?"

Spilled Ink nodded his head, as he glitched a little bit.

"Yep, that's my name, especially to a skeleton such as me."

He shrugged after saying that last part, as Iris than began to step forward, as she went close and looked up at Spilled Ink, with Spilled Ink staring down. And while he is very humans, he never bothers to look at one of them in the eyes properly. And now...he does get a look at one of them, and needless to say, he sees how beautiful a single human is, even if she is a teenager, which is very wrong for SCP-7131-2, Spilled Ink, to think of, especially since Spilled Ink is in his early 20s, at the age of 21, and SCP-105, Iris Thompson, she is a teenager at the age of 15 to 16, and that make a disgusting to think of having a crush to a kid of all people. This is just very wrong to him, at it means to have a crush on a kid, and it should be wrong for Iris Thompson to feel the same way, and luckily for Spilled Ink, she does not feel the same. He mentally sighed in relief, as he looks at Iris, and spoke out.

"What? Something on face? Well...besides the pixels."

Iris Thompson began it look around, and study Spilled Ink, as she looks at his body, and she than touched his chest, and felt a ribcage, meaning that he really is a skeleton. She than looks at Spilled Ink and spoke out to the destroyer.

"Wow, you really are a skeleton. But...why are you glitching, and what is with the Pen you have...and why is it huge?!"

Spilled Ink looked at Iris Thompson in the eyes, as he spoke out.

"Woah, that is a lot of questions. Well...for the first question, that was from one of my parents, since he always glitches, though I resemble my other parent more. And as for the Pen...well...that is for a purpose that I have been given, as well as a future that I decided for myself. Though I cannot tell you what it is, since I highly doubt that you will believe it...due to it being...on a whole new level on what we would call...insanity. All I can tell you is that my powers are based on rewriting stuff, especially with the Pen that I have with me in my possession.

SCP-105 was curious as to what he meant by that, but she does not question it. And than, SCP-7131-2, he looks at her in the eyes, as he than spoke out.

" said that you are an SCP, right? What can you do?"

Iris Thompson smiled at what SCP-7131-2, as she than spoke out.

"Oh, I was expecting for you to say that. Well, my powers revolve around photography. I can use my power to interact with the photograph, such as sticking my hand into it, in order to manipulate the scenery that is actually happening in front of me." Watch."

She than turned around to try and get out something, and after she is down, she pulled it out, and showed it to Spilled Ink, before his face.

Iris than took a photo out from somewhere, and puts her hand on it, as her powers began to take effect. As soon as she touched the photo, the photo began ti animate, and than, something very, very incredible happened.

Than, the whole area began to change, as Spilled Ink looks around, and he is confused as to what is going on.

And then, the entire area, it had become an entirely different place. It is as though they have both transported into another location. Spilled Ink was surprised, as he spoke out to Iris Thompson.

"Wow. It's like we are in a different pocket dimension, or that we had teleported somewhere or something else. This is actually pretty cool."

Iris Thompson smiled, as he than spoke out.

"I know, right? And the best part, is that some living beings, like this butterfly, they also move, as if they are really alive. And...truth is, I never liked to be inside of the Foundation, due to the fact that I feel like I am in a prison of sorts that I cannot get out of. But than, I got one had a chance to go outside again when Dr. Collingwood informed me that I can join a task force, and I was very happy to do it, as it means that I can be outside again. And I can use my powers to he able to help the Foundation with whatever problems that they have, along with an old teammate of mine named Abel, also known as SCP-076-2, and while it was a little rough with him here, when I was outside, it felt like I am no longer bound by the Foundation, and I felt like I am able to be free from a chamber."

Them, the area began to change back to normal, as Iris Thompson began to feel traumatized by something that she's remembering.

Iris looked down, unhappy as she than spoke out.

"But the sad part is, when I did join a task force, my old teammate, Abel, he slaughtered so many people there, many of them were my friends. And because of this, I can never go outside again, and it also prevents me from taking pictures. I just wish that I can take more photos with my powers."

Spilled Ink looks a little sad for Iris Thompson. But he then looked down to try and think of something, before an idea came to mind, as he then snapped his fingers.

"Actually, I might have a solution to your problem."

This made SCP-105, Iris Thompson, look up at Spilled Ink, who took his pen out.

"Really, what is it?"

This made Spilled Ink smile for some unknown reason, as he than spoke out to Iris Thompson.

" about I take you someplace interesting, someplace where you can snap more photos of, and hopefully, it can make you feel a little bit more better. And while it may look dangerous, once you see how beautiful it is, you can then see as to why it is so interesting to go to this place."

He than turned around, before he than swung his pen, and created a portal made of paint. He than held his hand out, and spoke out.

"Follow me. I have a place that I would like to show you that might brighten up your day a little bit."

SCP-105...she was a little bit curious as to what SCP-7131-2 is thinking inside of his mind, but she does so anyway, and he grabbed his hand, and surprisingly, despite the fact that it is as hard as bone, it also feels gentle, like a human hand with skin still on the body. Spilled Ink goes into the portal, and SCP-105, without hesitation, followed him.

What Iris Thompson does not know, is that Spilled Ink had made a portal to Outertale, and it is a universe that his brother, Gradient, had rescued from his fat her, Ink, so that he does not have access to it. Well, he can still access it, but that would have to be by luck that he does so. So when the both of them reach to the other side...Iris Thompson was shocked. They were in a snowy place, but it is floating in space, as stars are literally all over the area.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Spilled Ink smiled, as he turned around, before he than spoke out.

"You like it, Iris? Isn't it beautiful? We're in space, but you can breath still."

'Though this is due to magic.'

Iris smiled, as she than took out her camera, and snapped a picture of the area that she is in, before Spilled Ink jumped, and instead, he is floating up as high as he can, though he is now doing it slowly, as he looks down at Iris Thompson, who is staring up in awe at what Spilled Ink is now doing.

Spiller Ink is now floating in space, as he is then looks down at SCP-105, Iris Thompson, who is looking amazed at what she is seeing before her very eyes, at the fact that they are in space, and they can actually breath and live inside of this area. He than made a portal above him, as he want up into the portal, and landed back down into the ground. This made SCP-105 happy, as she and Spilled Ink than began to move around the area, and went out of sight, as they than took a few more pictures, many areas in which Monsters do not know about. And this is beautiful, due to the fact that they are in Starrin, the Outertale version of Snowdin. As there is snow, crystals, and stars, shorting stars, and all that kind of stuff, it is very beautiful to see such a place in the Multiverse. It is also a universe that Error likes to visit in the old days, due to how beautiful it looked, as well as a place to calm down, if he ever gets stressed. But now, only Gradient uses this place, as a type of break room, due to the fact that he has to destroy universes, and the fact that he cannot take having to keep on destroying universes so many times. And luckily, unknown to Spilled Ink, this is a pacifist timeline, where all of the monsters escaped this sector, except for Gyftrot, Asriel, who is still Flowey, though Outertale Frisk may have also taken him, and a certain snowman.

And now...both Iris Thompson and Spilled Ink are now sitting at the edge of the Starrin area, their feet dangling off to the edge, though gravity does not seem to appear, as SCP-105 smiled very happily. To think that Spilled Ink knows of a beautiful place such as this, is absolutely amazing to her, as she has never seen it in her life. And now, now she can be able to see this place in her photos, as she has a few in her camera. She felt very happy, much more happier than she could have ever felt, than she could have ever imagined, as the Foundation, it is always a place with a lot of horrific stuff. But this place, it is on a whole new opposite, and it is a very beautiful place to be inside of.

But it is time to leave, as Spilled Ink and Iris Thompson went back into the portal that is still open, and they are back in the cafeteria, which they left.

Iris Thompson smiled, as she than spoke to Spilled Ink.

"Thanks, Spilled Ink. It was a very good experience for me to do. Now I can take all sorts of new and interesting pictures!"

Spilled Ink nodded his head, as he than spoke out to his new friend.

"No problem. If you want to take more photos, I'll have my brother come to pick me up, and I will meet you so we can go some-places that's interesting."

SCP-105 nodded her head, as she than spoke out.

"I would love to do that, especially since there is so many stuff that I have not snapped a picture of. It's just so beautiful."

SCP-7131-2 nodded with a smile.

"Thank my brother for that. He manage to find this place, and now...I think it brighten up your day very much."

SCP-105 smiled wider, and so did Spilled Ink did the same, as they looked at each other. Seems like there is a nice friendship that is now able to be formed, especially to an anomaly that has once been a human in the past.

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