It has been a day after the containment breach, and needless to say, it was rather...interesting, for Gradient, to say the least. Apparently, while he has been away, he died up getting his brothers into trouble in a rather unintentional way. What happened is that the Old Man, SCP-106, who he had punched. He phased into the floor and went straight to the containment chamber of where his brother, Spilled Ink, was at. And he nearly got killed for his troubles, and that is if he can be killed. Luckily, Palette, he was somehow able to break out of his containment chamber and was able to rescue his brothers before it gets anymore worse. Gradient does not know what had just happened, or how he was able to get out of the chamber. But if it has anything to do with the fact that he inherited the piece of Ink's soul, then it would make sense for him to be able to escape the chamber without any effort whatsoever. And it is probably a good thing that he had gotten his brother out of their containment chamber quick, because if Palette had not done that, then he surely would have lost his brothers, and he would have failed to keep his promise in making sure that he helps them survive, as they've always done. Because of this, he had thanked Palette Roller with what he has done, in being able to protect his brothers, all while he was gone, and he admits that he is very proud of what he had done back there, but he also does admit that he was very sorry for what had happened, feeling very ashamed and admitted that he felt like he had failed them in many ways. Their brothers said that it is okay, and that they have forgiven him, but to Gradient, it was not okay, and too him, it is one of his greatest embarrassments and shames that he had let happen. Because of this, he refuses to leave them be on their own, until he was sure that they are okay, and that no SCP was going to attack them. He would even look at glitched screens, just so that he can check on them when he is very far away, and if they are in trouble, he will make a portal, and immediately come to their rescue, all in an effort to make sure that they will not get harmed by that person or thing that is about to try and take their lives away from them.
Palette was a little embarrassed that his brother is being very protective this time, but he does not blame him for that. The doesn't change the fact that his brothers were in danger really made him scared for their lives, and thus, he wants to make sure that they are okay, and will not be hurt by anyone else ever again. Especially if another SCP comes out of nowhere and tries to do whatever they want to do with all 3.
But unexpectedly for Gradient, all 3 of them managed to meet with humanoid SCPs, each of them very different. One of them is SCP-105, Iris Thompson, who can use her powers in order to influence the photos of the area that she had taken, in order to influence the area that she is targeting. SCP-166, Meri, who's powers are uncontrollable, and can affect metal and any inorganic stuff, while also wearing clothing made from organic material, and SCP-3887, Donna and Grenda, and needless to say, it is a very unique meeting for all of them. Gradient even took some notes on SCP-166 and SCP-3887-B, especially with the powers that they possess. For SCP-166, Meri's powers are sort of the opposite to BlueScreen's powers.
While Meri affects materials such as metal and can affect electronics into degrading and having plant life coming out from very unusual areas of said materials, BlueScreen's powers revolve around organic material, specifically, humans, and unlike SCP-166's power, which effects the area, BlueScreen had to touch someone, or hit them with his blaster, in order for his power to take its effect on the person that he's targeting. Also, while Meri's powers are based on plants, BlueScreen's powers are based on code, which reside in electronics, the very thing that Meri's power degrades. So it is a big question mark as to why her powers had no effect on BlueScreen, and why BlueScreen's powers didn't kill her. Perhaps Meri is a demigoddess? It would make since, as BlueScreen is technically a demigod, due to Error being a God of Destruction, and his other parent, being a mortal skeleton monster. And if that is the case, tHan it would explain how Meri was able to survivor being in physical contact with BlueScreen, and BlueScreen being unable to be affected by Meri's powers, due to them both having god parents, and thus, makes them immune to one another. But again, this is Gradient's guess, and it is probably inaccurate, so people can decide how they think that this has happened.
And BlueScreen is a little bummed out that he had to go back. But Gradient promises to take him back to Meri, if he is ever given the chance, and he just needs to wait, until that happens, and BlueScreen nodded is head, as he decides to be as patient as he can, for Gradient.
For Grenda, he took note on the fact that her powers are the opposite to Palette Roller, in being able to absorb emotions. But Grenda only feeds on it for sustenance, while Palette absorbed it in order to make himself and his loved ones stronger. He also takes note of the fact that Grenda is not so different from Gradient himself, only difference being that Gradient wants to make those weaker then him suffer for even daring to try and hurt his brothers, while he only kills those that are way to strong and dangerous to continue on living longer. But Grenda, on the other hand, she does both to those weaker than her, though that only depends on how you act and treat Donna, her best friend. Donna's previous abusive boyfriend was abusive, so Grenda decides to kill and consume him. Dr. Buck had treated Donna harshly and verbally insulted and lashed out at her, so she decides to give Dr. Buck a taste of her own medicine, in order to make her feel Donna's pain, but much worse than ever before, so much that it even made Dr. Buck cry, which is insane. Of course, and luckily, Dr. Collingwood was spared from this, possibly due to the fact that Dr. Collingwood was friendly, and even Grenda knew that, which is why she decides to let her off easily.
But this time, now that he is in his containment chamber, and he is speaking to his father, Error, as he wants to be given an update, or at least, wants to know, if Dead!Radier is still alive, and is inside of Error404's dimension. And that is if they had been able to notice Dead!Radier. This act made Gradient want to smack himself in the face, as he never thought of it sooner. And so, it seems that even with the training that he had gotten from Error404, including mental training, he is still sometimes idiotic, as he once used to be, and this annoys him immensely, as he is not supposed to be like his old self.
"Hey, Father."
Gradient said at the screen, as Error looks back through the screen.
"Yes, Gradient? what is it?"
Gradient sighed, as he then spoke out.
"Do you remember that spawn that I had mentioned, the one that I saw form during that fight you had with Dead!Nightmare?"
This made Error's eyes widened a little bit, as he then spoke out to him.
"Oh, that's right, we forgot about that. It was actually a smart move that you had done, Gradient, sending him to Error404's place, which not even Ink, and the Dead!Dreamtale brothers are unable to access. Yeah, we actually manage to get him...and...he looks unique, yet similar to Radier. Do you want me to show you to him?"
Gradient than spoke back.
"You mean show me Dead!Radier? Absolutely. I want to see how he is doing."
Error nodded, as he then turned the screen, and Gradient can see what his brother, Dead!Radier, looks like. He looks a little bit different from the original Radier, having a much more balanced grey skull, white eye sockets and teeth, and has a crown that looks like it is made of Palladium, and is very sharp at its ends. It has a white jacket, with 4 black rings around each of the sleeves, and a blue tie. He has a blue right eye, while the left eye is purple, as the top half of the iris, and golden, being the bottom half. He wears black pants that are short, and like the orignal Radier, he has no legs, and only feet, with the feet being worn by black boots with leather steps and a crescent moon at the back of each of the boots, a white ring on both top parts of said boots, as well 2 other crescent moons on the back bottom part of the coat, the back parts of the crescent moons facing one another, the front parts facing each other and the ender points of the moon pointing to a single star in between the 2 of them. Unlike the original Radier, however, he has 4 pairs of arms, being black and white like Dead!Nightmare's tentacles, with the palm and the back part of the hand being white, and the fingers being black, and he has 5 fingers on each of the hands. On the palms of all 4 of the tentacle hands, are eyes, both of them looking like that of Dead!Radier's eyes, with the eye of the right eye socket being on the top right hand and the bottom left arm, and the left eye being on the top left hand and the bottom right hand. Obivioisly, the piece of the Unnameable within Error transfers to Radier. And, ifhe had a completed body, like Radier, he would have been shown to be taller and slightly bigger than the original Radier. He is also slightly glitching on other parts of the body, unlike the original Radier.
Gradient was in awe at the sight of his newest, youngest half-brother, as he is not expecting to see something such as this. He then spoke out to Error.
"What is Dead!Radier, my new half-brother like?"
Error than took his turn to speak out to Gradient.
"In personality, he is similar to the original Radier, except a lot more vicious to those that are our enemies, and has a lot more blinding loyalty, compared to his original self. Though he is also well more behaved, and a bit more serious and calmer, but he is still a mischievous and naïve kid, though he doesn't capture people in order to make friends, like my original counterpart and the original nightmare had done."
This made Gradient nod his head, as he than spoke out.
"And what of his powers?"
Then, Error spoke out to Radier, as he then described his powers.
"His powers are actually the same to the original Radier, being able to control shadows, making bones, merging and traveling through them, and can collect bad emotions into the form of black and white diamonds. But his powers are way stronger, as he can completely override people of their personality, making them extensions of his own will, making them blindly follow his command, as long as his arms are still attached to their shadows, can make shadow blasters, is able to make 4 diamonds at a time instead of one, and he can use the powers that my right arm can do on the 4 extra tentacle arms, such as the black electricity, the blinding light, though he cannot split his tentacles into more, and like Nightmare, can empower himself with the Negative Emotions of other people, which can make himself stronger. And thankfully, we manage to show him what he can do, and he is able to learn fast. Hopefully, you and Radier will have a chance to meet each other soon."
Gradient nodded, before he then looked up, and spoke out.
"Someone's coming. I need to go. We will finish talking about Radier."
Error nodded, as Gradient got rid of the screen as fast as he can, and he looked to see that the door to his cell opens up, and it was Dr. Buck herself.
Dr. Buck has her arms crossed, and her usual stone-faced expression, as Gradient spoke out.
"Ahh, Doctor. I guess you want my help with a test of sorts?"
Dr. Buck nodded her head, as she spoke out.
"You guesses are very accurate, SCP-7131-1. Now please follow me. Dr. Collingwood will be waiting for us. And also...take SCP-7131-4 with you. We will also need him as well."
Gradient nodded. He does not question the test, as he than snapped his fingers, and Palette teleported next to Gradient, which surprised him immensely.
"Huh, Gradient? What in the..."
Gradient spoke out.
"Dr. Buck, she wants us to do a test of sorts. Best part is you are going to be in it with me."
Palette nodded, as he than stood up. Gradient also stood up, and looks at Dr. Buck, before he than spoke out.
"Lead the way, Doctor."
Dr. Buck nodded, as she than spoke out.
"This way."
Dr. Buck turned around, as both Gradient and Palette Roller followed her, and they both began to walk for half an hour, passing by other researchers, until they met up with Dr. Collingwood, and she was happy to see Dr. Buck again.
"Oh, you 3 arrived. That is good."
Gradient nodded his head, as Palette Roller than spoke out.
"Gradient and Dr. Buck said that we are doing a test. Can you please tell us what it is?"
Dr. Collingwood nodded, as she spoke out.
"Absolutely. You both will be experimenting with SCP-085. You can call her Cassandra or Cassy, if you'd like."
Dr. Buck than spoke out.
"SCP-085 is a humanoid entity that is drawn on paper, after a Doctor used SCP-067 and placed the picture of what would be SCP-085 into SCP-914, also known as the Clockworks. She exists on the paper, and is able to interact with any object that is drawn by anyone that draws on the paper that she is on, and she can transfer from what sheet of paper to another. She also can communicate by writing words or using sign language."
Dr. Collingwood than took over, as she than spoke out.
"So, we want to see if your creative anomaly powers are able to effect Cassandra in a way."
Gradient and Palette looked at each other, a bit of a worried expression on both of their faces, as Palette than spoke out.
"Uhhhh...that....I mean... is that even safe for the 2 of us to be using our powers on this so-called, Cassandra, drawing? I mean...I don't know if there'll be drawbacks from this."
Gradient sighed, as he spoke out.
"Well...regardless, we're still gonna have to do it, now don't we? Alright, when do we start?"
Dr. Collingwood than spoke out.
"Right now."
She opened the door, and both Gradient and Palette went in. Palette and Gradient looked forward, as they continued to walk towards the end of the door, which other, and they entered a containment room. And on the wall is a piece of paper. But the piece of paper is not blank. There is something inside of it, or someone.
Inside of the paper, is a strange woman, that resembles a human, but is black and white in color, and the eyes are now shown. The female has a ponytail, is wearing dress with no sleeves, and is barefoot. And she is moving, as she turns to look at both Gradient and Palette Roller, as both brothers waved at SCP-085, and SCP-085, surprised to see them actually waved back at them, happy that she is able to get some new visitors inside of this new test that they're doing. Gradient, though, looked rather confused, as he then turns to the window, as he spoke out to Dr. Buck and Dr. Collingwood.
"So, what do you want me to do? You want me to draw and make something for this drawing lady inside of the paper?"
Dr. Buck nodded her head at Gradient, as Dr. Collingwood spoke out to Gradient.
"Yes, that's right, Gradient. We are kind of curious to see how your powers may work inside of the piece of paper that Cassandra is in. Who knows at what would happen? It might produce some good results. It might not produce anything at all and may only produce the same result as what the other tests have proven, just like what the other subjects before you had done in the past. Try it."
Gradient sighed, as he than took out his stylus out, and looks at the pile of a lot of pieces of paper on one of the tables. He than went to it, as he than grabbed onto a piece of paper, as he than began to make something inside of the paper. This made Buck and Collingwood confused, as they have no idea what he is doing. After he is finished, he goes to Cassandra, and held the piece of paper next to the blank paper that Cassandra is next to, and Cassandra, she goes to the other side, and she is surprised to see where she is at right now. It resembles a town made of snow, with a lot of houses and store, and many of them with doors just the right side for Cassandra to fit inside of. And luckily, there is a winter coat, a thick pair of pants, boots, and gloves, as Cassandra puts them on as soon as she touched them. Cassandra than began to look around the town that she is in, as Gradient placed the piece of paper onto the ground. And surprisingly, the art looks very beautiful, and Dr. Collingwood spoke out.
"Wow, Gradient. I didn't think you were a great artist."
Gradient shrugged his shoulders, as he than spoke out.
"I've been making art for a very long time. I guess it's...nice making art again after 2 years of not doing it at all."
He looks down at the paper, and saw that Cassandra is inside one of the houses. And an idea clicked into his mind. Gradient than looked at a part of the snow that he can draw on, as he than made a cup with hot chocolate inside of it. Cassandra came out, and saw the Hot Chocolate, before she grabbed it and drank it. She than made a some words appear.
"Thanks for the hot chocolate, I like it."
This made Gradient very surprised, since he does not expect for someone to actually be able to drink inside of a picture that he has made.
"Okay, this is kind of weird. How do you even drink inside of a picture of all things? Also, you're welcome, Cassandra. Hopefully it didn't burn your tongue, though."
Cassandra simply gave a thumbs up, which meant that she is okay, this gave out a relief to Gradient, as Palette Roller than took a turn, as he held out his own piece of paper, and laid it down next to Cassandra, who than jumped to the other side of the paper, and took off her winter clothes, and saw where she is in right now, as Gradient and the 2 SCP Doctors looked to see what it is that Palette had just drawn now.
He made a village of sorts, that seems to be an old classic village, but in the distance, was a tree, one that Gradient actually recognizes.
It was the Tree of Feelings, the one that had given Nightmare and Dream, the original versions of the 2 of them, their powers, and Cassandra was coming near to it. Thinking as quickly as he could, Gradient was able to make a dense, and stopped Cassandra from reaching it, so she does not have a chance to take one of the apples. This made Gradient unhappy, as he than spoke out.
"Palette, do not make that one again, okay? Have you forgotten what it is like?"
This made Palette confused at first...but when he looks into Gradient's eyes, he realized something.
"Oh, whoop."
Gradient sighed, as he put his hands over his eye sockets, which are closed, as he breaths and makes a sound of annoyance. He than spoke out.
"Let me try something."
He than used his blue magic to bring in another piece of paper in his hands, as he than began to draw something. And when he is done, he showed it to Cassandra, who went to the other side. Gradient had drawn and made the Snowdin version of Outertale. And needless to say, it was beautiful. The Stars are even twinkling in the background, thanks to Gradient. He sighed in relief, as he spoke out.
"Results so far?"
Dr. Buck than spoke out.
"Not bad. It is good progress. But why did you stop SCP-085 from trying to reach the tree filled with apples."
Gradient looks away, and spoke out.
"'s best to not know. All I can say is that these apples, they are based off of a location that I went to...and it would not be good for Cassandra, due to the fact that it might risk her being affected by the powers that they have."
Dr. Buck than looks down at the picture, as Gradient than spoke out.
"Do you want us to do more?"
Dr. Buck nodded her head, as Dr. Collingwood spoke out.
"Please do."
Gradient and Palette nodded, as they both began to take turns with making stuff for Cassandra to be in, in order to see what the results would be if she went into one of the pictures and see she it would interact with them. And needless to say, even though Gradient doesn't show it...he is happy to be making art again, after 2 years.
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