PTSD Attack

Gradient is sitting down on his bed, as he has now made a glitched screen in front of him, and he is now talking to someone that he is quite familiar with for a rather long time.

"Raven, Goth, how are things going on the Omega Timeline, for you and your other brother and sister?"

This is Goth and Raven, at least the Alphatale versions of them that resides in the Omega Timeline, and they are the sons of Reaper and Geno.

Reaper is a version of Sans from the universe called Reapertale, where many of the main people in that universe are gods, with Toriel is the Goddess of Life, and Reaper is the God of Death, and unlike most gods from his world, which are born from stars, Reaper was born from a dead star, which is another way of saying that he is born from a Black Hole. He is capable of manipulating darkness, and has the ability to kill most living beings with a single touch, with the exception of anyone with the title of god, or the spawns of said beings, such as Gradient himself.

Geno is what was once the original, classic Sans, where he had the blue coat, lacked Papyrus' scarf, and did not have a bloody slash worn a yellow and blue left iris, except that Geno, in his timeline, took a syringe filled with Determination, in order to gain control of the timeline, only for that to fail, and he originally resided in the Save Screen to keep himself alive. And both Geno and Reaper, they are both connected, and strangely, love each other, despite the both of them being male, and making Reaper Goth, and 2 of their other siblings. And while Geno is no god, due to his status an being that is already 'dead' he is not affected by Reaper's death touch. This is the opposite to Gradient's familial situation, where Ink and Error hate each other immensely, though Ink does not truly feel hatred, until he gained that soul.

Gradient is quite close to both Raven and Goth, with Raven being 28, which is Gradient's age (though Raven is months older), and Goth being 22, due to having played with them when he was very young, and when Gradient was still his original self. These 2 are one of the small amount of people from his universe that he can show his soft and kind side to, though he still doesn't smile in their presence. Not that it bothers the both of them, as Gradient is still very friendly with them. Raven than spoke out to Gradient.

"It's going all well. Me and Goth are doing just fine, along with Sorell and Shino. The both of them are still doing fine as well."

Sorell and Shino are the younger brother and sister of Raven and Goth. Though not as well known as Raven and Goth, they are still very well known regardless. Though Gradient does not know what they can do, he can guess that they are extremely powerful in their own ways. Raven than spoke out.

"And Shino seems to be having some fun with Drop. She is able to make her feel better by being in Drop's presence. It is very amazing that she is able to do it, even though Drop known to be quite a cry baby."

Gradient shook his head, as he puts his hands on his face, as he spoke out.

"You do not need me to remind me of that. I just want to know how you and Raven are doing, that's all."

As Raven began to speak out something, Goth than shouted out.

"Oh my god, not again, Radier!! Give Shino back!!!"

Goth turns around, and began to fly fast in a direction, as Radier, the original Radier, is shown on the background, carrying Shino, with Goth flying behind, chasing him.

Gradient looked a little bit frustrated, as he smacked his face with his hand, feeling much more annoyed than before, as Gradient spoke out.

"Huh...some things never change on your end. But, anyhow, Ink has not invaded the Omega Timeline yet, has he?"

The moment that Gradient, mention Ink, Raven's expression became serious, as he than spoke out.

"Not yet. Father Reaper is checking up on him, and he said that Ink has not made his move in the Omega Timeline yet. But he doesn't doubt that Ink will be planning to make his move soon, especially with what he had nearly done when he, Error, and Another arrive in the scene."

Gradient nodded his head, having not forgotten what has happened. Ink had invaded the Omega Timeline, consumed some people, Error and Another, who is from Anothertale,

stepped in, with Error insulting Ink, and made him turn into the Inkmation, and the Inkmation destroyed hundreds of universes with his Orb of Utter Destruction, and Ink only was stopped because Omnipotent had stepped in and send him away. And the thing is, Gradient was there, back when he was still his normal self, when he had gotten away from Ink when he almost tried to consume him, and retreated into the Omega Timeline. So seeing Ink become that, was very traumatizing, and a second blow in his mind. The first is when Ink nearly tried to consume him. So when Error saw him, he contracted Error404, who went to Gradient, as and held his hand down to him, as Gradient collapsed to his knees at the horror that he had seen happen, the universes suck into the point of no return, and that is when he was trained by Error404 Sans himself, and Gradient claims that he'll continue training, as long as Error404 allows him to keep on creating, which Error404 really needs, and that he needs his family safe from Ink's corruption, and the rest is history. And needless to say, that experience traumatized him a lot, and that is simply the beginning of what he had to go through in life.

"Well, that is at least one good thing, in that he is still not doing something. But I still need news on what he is going to do next. So keep me in touch of what he is doing, along with your father, okay?"

Gradient said, as Raven nodded his head, before he than spoke out.

"I will, besides, it's my job to tell you, since, technically, I am somewhat your older half-brother, due to Error once being Geno."

Gradient looks down and shook his head. It's no secret that Error had once been Geno. In the past, when Geno got out of the Save Screen and was healed, he did a Determination Experiment on himself, and the experiment ended up sending Geno into the Anti-Void, where he would one day become Error. And Error had once tried to kill, Geno, his part self, while inside of the Save Screen, which ended up leading to the creation of Fatal_Error, one of the most dangerous entities to exist.

And because of how powerful Fatal_Error is, in addition to being more powerful than Error when he was untrained, he and Error had came to blows with one another, as Fatal_Error blamed Error for making him like this, which he is not wrong in. And even though Error is now much more stronger, even gaining his own Red Strings, Fatal_Error still ends up giving Error a very tough time, due to the fact that he is now extreme close to Error's level. Error404 had once met Fatal_Error, and tried to use the MainFrame to delete him, but it didn't work, due to Fatal_Error being immortal, thanks to the Determination that he has, and the fact that his code is way to broken.

But it kind of embarrasses Gradient in a way, as Raven and Gradient are related to one person, just in a rather different form.

At least another Geno emerged from his own Save Screen, as he is able to be with Reaper and his kids. But it doesn't stop Gradient from being embarrassed at what Raven, his oldest-half brother, was reminding him of.

"Well, I've gotta go. Stay safe, and make sure that you see Ink, okay?"

Raven nodded, as Gradient swiped the screen away, as he sighed, before he than laid his head onto the pillow. He puts his hands in front of his face, as he clearly has no idea what he will do with Raven and Goth, as well as the other brothers.

In fact, Gradient is amazed at one thing in mind.

He is amazed at the fact that he has so many Half-Siblings, along with some that are related to his half-brother Palette, such as Lux and Starcross, at least the original versions of them. He doesn't know if they exist, but he has no doubt that they might be in the Omega Timeline, so where, hidden from view, and hidden from Dead!Dream, which is a good thing that this is such the case. But this does not stop Gradient from being the most powerful of the spawns in the Alphaverse, due to the circumstances that has made him power. And it is simply not usual the Piece of the Unnameable's soul that has made him much more stronger.

As he laid down, the door opened, and he looks to see that Dr. Buck is now entering the room.

Gradient than sat up from the bed, as he spoke out.

"Ahh, Doctor. I assume that you want to do some more tests on me again?"

But Dr. Buck shook her head no, as she than spoke out to Gradient.

"No, not this time. Many of my fellow researchers wanted to know how it is that your body is able to glitch the way that it does. So they want me to find a way to examine you."

Gradient was a little bit surprised, as he spoke out.

"Really? Well...I can give you a bone that can glitch, and it might give you a good way to examine it. Maybe that would work?"

Dr. Buck nodded, as she than spoke out.

"That would be most helpful."

Gradient then held out his hand, and a bone than formed into his hand, and Gradient used his powers to condense the magic into the bone, as it than began to glitch, just like Gradient. He than gave it to Dr. Buck, who than took it in her hand, and she walks off. Gradient sighed, as he than stood up, and began to think about something. But unbeknownst to Gradient, an MTF, who was assigned to guard the area that Gradient is in, his eye shown, and a ruthless glint was in his he than prepares to do something to Gradient, one that even Dr. Buck and her group won't be expecting for it to happen.


Dr. Buck has arrived in the laboratory, with Dr. Collingwood and Agent Lawrence present. Dr. Collingwood looks at the glitched bone in Dr. Bucks hand, as Dr. Collingwood spoke out.

"Did SCP-7131-1 give that bone to you?"

Dr. Buck nodded.

"He did. He is allowing us to use it, so that we can see how it is that SCP-7131-1 is glitching the way he is."

Dr. Lawrence than looks at Dr. Buck and spoke out.

"How are you going do to that? Through a microscope?"

Dr. Buck shook her head, no, as she than simply spoke out.

"I have another idea."

She than puts the bone into an analyzer of sorts, as she puts the bone inside of it, presses the button, and she than looked at the computer screen, as the analyzer began to scan the bone, in order to determine how it is that Gradient's body is glitchy the way that it is. 

She began to type in the computer, as she began to look intently at the image of the glitched bone that is in the analyzer, in an attempt to decipher as to how Gradient's body is the way that it is. But as she did, she looks at the computer, and she than noticed something.

"Unknown anomalous energy detected."

The computer said, as Dr. Buck looks at the computer in confusion. She than looked and analyze the data, and it is confusing. It is simply described as the pieces and bits of bone acting as code, in order to split and put back together, but this doesn't make any sense. Something is very wrong here. And it is not answering why Gradient's body is the way that it is. And needless to say, this is making Dr. Buck a little confused and frustrated. It is obvious that this is not normal, even by SCP Standards. Gradient and his kin are more unusual than the other SCPs that they had contained. And this abnormality is extending to the Bone that he has made.

Dr. Collingwood looks at the computer, as she spoke out.

"Is the computer having trouble or something?"

Dr. Buck than shook her head, as she than spoke out.

"No, it is not that. The computer is working just fine. It is that the bone that SCP-7131-1 had given to me, it is confusing even the computer. And even I have no idea what is going on."

Agent Lawrence than stepped forward and looked at the screen, as he spoke out.

"Geez, is Gradient doing all of this to the computer?"

But Dr. Buck shook her head, as she than spoke out.

"No, it is more than that. SCP-7131-1 and the other instances, they are very unusual. Much more unusually even by SCP Standards. And because of that, the computer is having a lot of trouble analyzing how SCP-7131-1's body is acting the way that it is."

Dr. Buck than looks at the computer, as she than spoke out.

"But there is one thing for certain, that SCP-7131-1, it is obvious that he is the one that knows why it is that he has became like that. But he will not reveal any information about that."

She than looks down at the file on SCP-7131-1, as she began tor think of something. Dr. Collingwood also began to think of a way to gain some information, until she than spoke out.

"Well, maybe we can ask SCP-7131-2 on how Gradient is this way. After all, 7131-1 is this way as well."

Dr. Buck looks down at the file, and than back at Dr. Collingwood, before she than spoke out.

"Well, that is if it knows as to why it is that way."

Dr. Buck than stood up, as she and Dr. Collingwood, along with Agent Lawrence, began to walk to the containment chamber of where SCP-7131-1 is at, along with his brothers, in order to talk to Spilled Ink. After all, Spilled Ink, along with Gradient and  BlueScreen, as Dr. Buck takes note of, are related to Error, and he himself is glitchy, and the spawns may have inherited that from this Error skeleton.

"You know, I think we might have a way to get through with SCP-7131-1, and have him believe us enough that he can be truthful about it. Perhaps it might be enough to tell Gradient about what he knows instead of us asking his brothers as to how they are like that."

Dr. Buck than turns around, and spoke out to Dr. Collingwood.

"And how do you propose that we are able to get through him, Dr. Collingwood?"

Dr. Collingwood was about to speak out, until Lawrence than spoke out.

"Wait a moment. Do you both hear something coming from SCP-7131-1's containment site?"

Dr. Buck and Dr. Collingwood turned around, as Dr. Buck spoke out.

"What do you mean by that? What sound are you hearing?"

Agent Lawrence than spoke out to Dr. Buck.

"It sounds like some sort of, humming?"

When Dr. Buck heard this, as she spoke out.

"Oh no. The Tesla mechanism, someone's using it!"

Dr. Buck ran, and as that happened, Dr. Collingwood and Agent Lawrence also ran as well. They went past the other doors, and the thing is...when they unlocked the door, with Dr. Buck using her Level 3 clearance card, an MTF Guard went past them, with a bone pierced in the shoulder, as he held it. He shoved both Dr. Buck and Dr. Collingwood away, as Lawrence, feeling like the MTF did something, used the back part of the gun to bash him in the head, knocking him out. Dr. Buck looks down, and saw that here of to MTF Soldier's shoulder is pierced with bone, and the sound of an electric shock was heard, coming from SCP-7131-1's cell.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Dr. Buck said, as she went in front of the containment cell, and she sees that Gradient is being electrocuted by the real mechanism, and it is at a very strong amount of volts, and she looks down, as the dial has been put to a 4, with the strength and the amount of electricity seriously getting to hurt him badly, the moment that he felt the shock of electricity. And Gradient is screaming, and the screaming is the worst one that she has ever heard. She has heard the scream of D-Class, and even the screams of some SCPs when they get hurt, but Gradient's was by far the worst scream yet. His screams of agony and pain are distorted, lowering and heightening in pitch. The screams sound like the cry of a young child, as well as other numerous pitches coming from Gradient. Dr. Buck quickly turned off the dial, bringing it to a 0, as the electricity inside of the room vanished. She than opened the door, and she than spoke out.

"SCP-7131-1?! Are you okay?! SCP-7131-1!!"

Than, Gradient rose his head, and Dr. Buck was shocked and stepped back, and even Dr. Collingwood was a bit scared.

Gradient's eyes, they are empty at first, but than...Error signs began to fill the insides of his eye sockets. And Dr. Buck took note of the expression on his face. The expression that he is using, it is unlike any type of face that he has used. She is used to the stone-faced expression, not to mention the embarrassed look on his face, but this...his expression is of fear, pure absolute fear, of something. Almost looking like he is traumatized with something. But what Dr. Buck doesn't what Gradient is seeing in his own eye sockets, something that scared him the most.

Gradient's vision...


Gradient screamed, as he is on the ground, being hit by some bright purple fire. Gradient felt pain, pain like nothing that he has ever felt before, cruelty like he has never seen before, as he felt his own body being hit by purple flames, exploding on him, and damaging him extremely badly.


Gradient can't stop screaming, as the agony that he is feeling is way too much. The purple flames, the wisps, they are way to hot for him to handle, they are way to painful for him to comprehend, way to scary for him to realize. Gradient is defenseless, he cannot comprehend at how cruel this is, as he looks up to see who it is that is attacking him, while he is close to doing a fetal position, as he raises his arms to try and  protect as much of his other parts of his body as he's able to try.

Gradient's eye lights began shaking, as he thinks that Infected is in front of him. He can hear Infected's voice, speaking out to him.

"Do you see now, Gradient. It will not matter to me what your fate is. It matters to me, in what pain you are subjected to. Your screams are music to my ears. Your agony is so tasty, your pain is my entertainment, and I will make sure, that you get to feel every last bit of it, every single lags bit of that agony, from the ones that I had killed, to the souls that are in eternal torment, working all for me. And you, you shall be the one to sing the song of pure damnation and cruelty, the cruelty that exists with me, and all inside of me."

Gradient's eye sockets widened, as the purple fire went in close to Gradient, and Gradient felt himself being hit.

Outside world...

Gradient was holding his head, as a look of pain and distress filled his face. He looks down, and he began to shake, before he than spoke out in a tone of pure fear.

"No...get away!"

Dr. Buck stepped back, as the room began to crack, as Gradient than went to full on screaming.


And the way he spoke was heartbreaking. He sounds like he is begging for his life. Than, the walls of the containment area, not just Gradient's own containment cell, began to shake and crack up immensely, as Lawrence hurried to the area, and sees that Gradient, he is in a state of distress. Dr. Collingwood spoke out.

"This is not good, how bad is it?!"

Dr. Buck checks a device, as she looks down at the screen, and her eyes widened, before she spoke out.

" is more than just bad."

Dr. Collingwood and Agent Lawrence spoke out.

"What do you mean, not just bad?!"

Dr. Buck than spoke out.

"SCP-7131-1, it's affecting the entire site as a whole! He's going to collapse and destroy the entire site if we do not find a way to calm him down from whatever it is that is happening to him!"

Dr. Collingwood spoke out.

"Oh no!! What do we do?!"

Than, a voice spoke out.

"Hey, can you guys hear me?!"

This made everyone stop, as they turned to see Palette, banging against the containment cell glass, as he spoke out.

"Listen, I can calm him down! I have seen him do this many times!! Just unlock the door and let me calm him down! I can make him stop feeling this way!"

Dr. Buck, while a little bit hesitant, knows that she cannot afford to be picky, as she than ran up to his containment cell, and opened the door. Palette than immediately flies to Gradient's containment cell, as the walls began to pixelate and crack, as well as the wall from the outside of the site. Palette crouched down, as Palette than glowed a bright purple color, as he than spoke out to his older half-brother.

"Gradient, it's okay. You're not with him anymore."

Palette said, as he than got closer and spoke out.

"It's alright, you're safe. You're scaring your brothers, they're with you still."

He than puts his hands on Gradient's shoulders, as the purple glow began to sooth him, and Gradient's eyes began to become half-lidded, as the memory that he is suffering from began to distort a little bit.

"It's alright, Gradient. You're okay. Infected won't hurt you anymore. You're away from him."

Gradient began to stop holding his head, he began to stop shaking, and soon...after about 4 minutes, he stopped. Gradient's head was down as first, before he than rose his head up a little bit, as he than frowned a little bit. But it is obvious to Palette that Gradient is now okay, but he needs to make sure, so that Gradient does not suddenly go berserk again.

"Are you okay, Gradient? Are you calm now?"

Gradient looks up at Palette Roller, and after a few seconds of silence, he than spoke out.

"Yeah, I am. Thank you, Palette. I could've destroyed this place and everyone in it if you weren't there."

Palette nodded, as he then huge Gradient for a few seconds, before he than began to walk away, back into the containment cell that he's in. Dr. Buck, Dr. Collingwood, and Agent Lawrence, watched as Palette goes back into his cell, but as that happened, Lawrence noticed something.

"Wait a minute! Where did that solder go?!"

Dr. Collingwood looks, and sure enough, the MTF Soldier that shocked him was gone, leaving only a puddle of blood behind.

Agent Lawrence and Dr. Collingwood ran, but Dr. Buck stayed behind, as she looks at Gradient, who stood up and went back into bed.

And this is making Dr. Buck worried, as whatever that soldier had done, really made Gradient suffer a panic attack. But she could not forget the look on his face, as she remembers him saying those worlds. As well as the name of someone, Infected.

"Who's Infected?"

Dr. Buck said, as she looks at Gradient. She cannot forget the face that she has seen. Gradient, from his emotional breakdown, his expression was of a sacred, traumatized person. He had a look of fear on his face, and whoever this Infected person is, must have really done something to him. Dr. Buck clenched her fist. She is going to need to interview him for answers tomorrow, and that is hoping onto the fact that he had calmed down. But for now, she is  going to leave him be. But for now...she needs to be ready.

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