[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A containment breach happened...again, only, it is involving SCP-076-2, who had somehow been released from his containment chamber. He is slaying a bunch of people, as the soldiers are struggling to terminate Abel. And this is very porvblematic for them, due to them knowing that he is very strong and an enduring type of guy, as SCP-076-2 is not the only entity to breach containment. SCP-058 had also breached containment somehow, along with SCP-049 and SCP-966, as well as 3 more. There aren't as much of the SCPs as before, but they are still a messy one. But luckily, it is being handled quite perfectly. But even so, the MTF, which are being sent to try and contain them, are ending up having a lot of trouble, due to the fact that the threat of the entities are growing, due to being unchecked.

Dr. Buck is shown to be running as fast as she can, as she tries to find out what is happening, as soon as she tries to do all that she can to get out of the danger zone.

She kept on running as fast as she could, until she was out of the clearing. And as soon as that happened, she stopped, and took a deep breath, as she tries to regain her strength a little bit. She than looks up, and she began to walk around, until she looks and sees that there is a surveillance room next to her. She than spoke out.

"The containment breach happened so suddenly. What the hell happened? Now the breach has become recent, after the one 3 days ago?"

She than swipes her card onto the scanner, as she than enters the room, and she spoke out.

"I wonder if this has anything to do with that SCP-990 warn SCP-7131-1 about?"

Dr. Buck had a talk with Gradient, about his interaction with SCP-990, and he explained that SCP-990 somehow knows of where he had came from, and warns him of some people that have snuck into the foundation, that are ready to attack him and his brothers, and they are not very good people at all. Because of this, Dr. Buck believes that members of a Group of Interest have disguised themselves as a foundation personnel, and are simply waiting for the right time to strike. And Director Jones actually believes in what Dr. Buck said, as he thinks that this is a logical type of belief.

With Dr. Buck, she went to the computers, and began to type in something, before she looks up, and spoke out.

"I wonder what had caused those breaches in the first place."

She than enters a button on the keyboard after typing, as she than began to look into the surveillance cameras, in order to see what it is that has happened. And this is the moment where she got her answer. In the camera feed, there seems to be a breach that was caused...not by the SCPs themselves, they have been staying put. Rather...too her immense shock and realization, it is by the MTF, or rather, a group of MTF. 3 separate groups, about 7 for each member, and they are the ones that had opened the door. They used the keycards, which they had stolen from the SCP Scientists, in order to breach containment. It didn't take long for Dr. Buck to realize what this is.

"So there are members of a Group of Interest in disguise as SCP personnel. But...where are they?"

Dr. Buck turns around, as she hears the sounds of roaring and crying outside. She than spoke out.

"I need to get to Director Jones and speak to him about this."

She than takes out a thumb drive, copies the footage, and she than runs out of the door, as she closes it behind him, in order to show what it is that she has found to Director Jones.


Director Jones was looking at the recording of what Dr. Buck had seen in the surveillance cameras, as he frowned a little bit, as Dr. Buck stood next to him, patiently waiting for a response, as the both of them are next to an elevator.

"So...it seems that you were right, Dr. Buck. There are some members of a Group of Interest that has disguised themselves as MTF. That is very clever, I will give them that."

Dr. Buck looks down at the recording, and spoke out.

"And somehow, they are able to steal the keycards from the SCP Researchers, even stealing one from their hand shouldn't be that easy to accomplish."

Director Jones nodded, as he than spoke out.

"It would seem so. Can you think of any Group of Interest that would be able to invade us like this?"

Dr. Buck than spoke out.

"Well, my guess is the Chaos Insurgency...but that wouldn't sound right.

Director Jones nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Yes, well, at least to this degree. They never come in this much of a group, and they only release one anomaly or 2. But to release 7 anomalies...that is another story here."

Dr. Buck looks down, as she than began to think of something. But then...as she did...she then remembered something.

"SCP-990, it warned SCP-7131-1 and SCP-7131-4 about this. What if...what if the fake MTF members are in the containment area where the SCP-7131 instances are at now?"

Director Jones looks at Dr. Buck and spoke out.

"If what SCP-990 says is true, than we must certainly take action in this. Tell me, is Agent Lawrence able to help us?"

Dr. Buck looks down at a device, and tries to see where he is...only to see that...he is in the area of where the SCP-7131 instances are at, along with Gradient. But something is wrong, the device says that Lawrence is...

"What the..."

Dr. Buck breathed out, as Director Jones looks at Dr. Buck with concern on his face, as he than began to speak out to Dr. Buck.

"What is wrong, Doctor?"

Dr. Buck looks up at Director Jones and spoke out.

"I am looking at this screen, and it says that Agent Lawrence is already in the containment area of SCP-7131. But...it is said that he is injured."

Director Jones' eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"How can this be?"

Dr. Buck was about to speak, as she than noticed a red explanation point icon, as she pressed it, and a recording of Agent Lawrence' voice spoke out.

"Dr. Buck...if you're hearing this than...well...I am in trouble. I found the people that have caused the breach, but I've been shot...and Gradient, he is in trouble, along with his brothers. I think some help would be useful to us."

She than stopped the recording, as she than spoke out.

"This is not good. We need to get to them."

Director Jones nodded, as he and Dr. Buck went to get some leftover MTF Soldiers that are still available to help out with this mess.

In the containment area...

In the floor of where Gradient and his brothers are at, the elevator door opens, and our came Dr. Buck and Director Jones.

Unfortunately, they only found about 5 soldiers, and they are running low on ammo with most, but with 2 still enough. Dr. Buck and Director Jones looked at each other and Dr. Buck spoke out.

"Search everywhere, but be careful."

The MTF Soldiers nodded, as they than raised their guns out, as they began to search everywhere. But as they did...one of the MTF spoke out.

"Wait a moment...why do I hear electric shocks coming out?"

This caught Dr. Buck's attention, as she than spoke out.

"That's coming from where SCP-7131-1's containment cell is at!"

The MTF Soldiers than began to race towards the source of the sound, as Director Jones and Dr. Buck ran to catch up with the MTF, only for them to see the 15 members of the fake soldiers present, one of them having a hand on the dial, as the others noticed the MTF, and began to fire at them. The MTF tried to fight back, but they are overpowered by the fake MTF, as Gradient was shown to be in the ground, on his knees and hands, as he is feeling immense pain.

"Stop, you're hurting him!!!!"

Dr. Buck looked, and noticed that a few of the members are holding Spilled Ink, BlueScreen, and Palette, trapping them, and wearing protection.

Than, a grunt was heard, as Dr. Buck notices Lawerence, on the ground, and holding his shoulder, due to being shot.

"Dr. Buck. These soldiers...they..."


Dr. Buck turned to see that Director Jones is on the ground, a boot on his stomach, as he notices the face of the MTF, only to see that...

"Agent Josh?! What are you-"

Than, a gun points at his face, as he spoke out.

"I wouldn't speak more if I were you."

Than, another voice spoke out.

"So, you finally come to join in on the fun, huh!"

Dr. Buck turns around, recognizing the voice, as she sees that the one twisting the dial, had stopped, as he went forward to look at Dr. Buck on the face, and saw...that it is none other than Jared.

Dr. Buck is stunned at what Jared is doing, along with the group of MTF that are now holding BlueScreen, Spilled Ink, and Palette Roller hostage. Dr. Buck than spoke out to Jared.

"Jared, what are you doing?!"

Jared smirked...and it was a very cruel type of smirk, as he than spoke out.

"Hehehehehehehehe...isn't it obvious, 'Doctor'? I'm simply eliminating the filth within the darkness."

Jared's word on the word, Doctor, had a sarcastic, yet arrogant tone to it. This made Dr. Buck confused and frustrated...but than...she finally caught on, and her face says it all.

"No...Jared...are you and your group...are you all what I think you all are?"

Jared smirked even wider, as he spoke out.

"Seems like you caught on, pretty."

He and the others ripped the Foundation Symbol off of the sleeve shoulders, and revealed a different symbol underneath the clothing.

Dr. Buck was shocked and could not believe what she is seeing, and neither did Director Jones, as he spoke out.

"God, all of you are members of the GOC!!!"

Josh, who has his foot on top of Director Jones, smirked, as he spoke out.

"That's right. And I think since you answered it, Charred bones here would be introduced to a stronger shock. Rachel, turn it up!"

Rachel turned the dial up to a 30, as e shocks became more and more powerful, hurting Gradient even more, though he dare not to shout out and cry in agony, as that will simply give the GOC satisfaction at hearing him in pain.

"01000010 01110010 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100001 00100001 00100001/Brother!!!!"

BlueScreen shouted, crying out to his eldest half-brother that is being tortured by the GOC, only for one of the GOC Operatives to slam his gun on BlueScreen's skull, cracking it, as BlueScreen began to cry in Binary Code.

"Leave us be!! We had nothing to do with-"

Spilled Ink tried to finish whatever it is that he is seeing, but a gunshot than struck Spilled Ink in the shoulder, making him shout in agony, as Byron spoke out.

"Oh shut the fuck up!! You filthy monstrosities have no room to talk, for your existence is unwanted here!!"

Dr. Buck than spoke out.

"Let him go, you are torturing-"

Than, Jared grabbed Dr. Buck by the neck, as she is then pinned to the wall, as Jared had an amused look on his face.

"Heh. All you Foundation people are so soft and weak. But you...you have someone who's mindset would be a perfect doctor for the GOC. You'd be a perfect addition to our organization."

Dr. Buck snarled, as she spoke out.

"Over my dead body."

Jared looks a little disappointed, as Dr. Buck is than thrown to the ground, as Jared pulled out a gun and spoke out.

"Than I guess you can die, along with this precious specimen of yours."

But than, Gradient spoke out.

"You are nothing , but a filthy, shitty coward."

Jared turns, as Gradient, despite being shocked continuously, gets up from the ground, as he presses his hands against the glass, as he snarled out in disgust.

"You never could take me in a fair fight, you filthy human. You wouldn't even last a snowball's chance in hell against me in seconds. You all are too scared to face me straight away.

Jared scoffed, as he than walks up to Gradient and spoke out.

"Us, scared of you?! We had been hiding in the Foundation for half a year, planning for one of your missed targets to be trapped in this place. We aren't facing you because are are scared, but because of forethought and planning. Especially with this being payback for stabbing me in the shoulder with that bone of yours."

Gradient than snarled out.

"And yet...you never even tried to attack, even when I am alone. Huh, and you call yourselves the world's protectors, all is see is the world's most pathetic hypocritical jokes, since you brainless bastards use anomalous stuff yourselves."

Than, Jared, he turns the dial up to 35, as Gradient began to her shocked once more, but he still held on, and kept his teeth together, as he does not want to scream. He simply glares at Jared, as he than spoke out.

"You are just simply...proving my statement."

He than spoke out to the female GOC operative, Rachel.

"Turn it up."

Rachel than spoke out, as she has a worried look on her face.

"Leader, the dial's almost at the limit, it-"

"I said turn it up!"

Rachel does as she is ordered, and turns up the dial, as Gradient got shocked again, as he is than buckled down towards the ground.

"Gradient, no!!"

The GOC laughed at Gradient, seeing him falling to the ground. But than they noticed that Gradient is coming back up, he is struggling to stand, and is slowly doing it. And Jared snarled out.

"Tch, persistent shit, ain't he?"

Tham, Lawrence, who is now no longer praying attention to his wound, spoke out.

"Enough, you sadistic-."

Than, a kick in the shoulder was heard, as Lawrence grunted in pain, as the agony of the bullet to the shoulder was felt worse.

"That is enough, Jared. You're torturing him!!"

Dr. Buck shouted, as she stood up from the ground, as Jared rolled his eyes.

"Does it matter to me? A death is still a death, regardless of how painful it is. And yet...it bothers you. These creature, or rather, that one creature being shocked alive to a crisp, you seem to favor him a lot, it makes me very envious of him, actually. You want to end his suffering, than you oughta turn up the dial, until he no longer moves."

Dr. Buck snarled in anger, as she spoke out.

"I, am a foundation doctor, and I am not like you! That anomaly that you are referring to has more humanity that you could ever have, you sick, twisted-"

But Jared does not like that, as he than struck Dr. Buck right in the face, making her nose bleed, giving her a bruise on her cheek, as Gradient saw it happen. His eye sockets widened, as he felt something that he never thought that he would feel again.

"Well, that's too bad. Because you and those filthy anomalies are not coming out alive, and by God, we will prevail!! You and those filth will die in the chamber that you are in, and there will be no worry with having to deal with them!!! When you all die, YOU FOUNDATION WON'T STOP THE GOC AGAIN!!!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The sound of glass cracking was heard, as Jared than turned around, to see that Gradient's up, his hand touching the window...and he is beginning to break it. He than looks up, as his red eyes glowed dangerously, his face was now one of pure rage, as he than spoke out.


His voice sounds dangerously calm, and yet, he is sounding like he is ready to slaughter them all in the blink of an eye, his voice, loud as an explosion, yet his tone stayed, in order to make sure that they pay in daring to attack his brothers. Jared, not taking the chances, turned the dial up to 40.4 percent, and the room began to fill with electricity, as Gradient was hit with it. But this time...he did not feel it, as his cross-shaped pupil began to glow blue, and before everyone knows what is gonna happen, the Tesla mechanism exploded.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A powerful explosion erupted from the containment chamber that Gradient is in, as Palette Roller shouted out.


Everyone looks back at the containment chamber of where Gradient is at...and they saw that the window's intact, the light's are flickering, but Gradient is not inside the chamber. Josh looked confused and stunned, as he spoke out.

"Huh, where did it go?!"

Jared looks around, as Emily spoke out.

"He vanished!! Did the electricity destroy him?"

Jared than spoke out.

"I don't know...and I Don't care! Because now, I'll kill the little winged skeleton here!!"

He than points his gun at Palette, as Palette looked scared. Jared smiled at the sight of Palette's fearful expression, and is ready to fire his gun...when a ball of flames appeared before Jared, and a humanoid entity, made of the flames, lunged at him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Jared yelled out in fright, as he jumped backwards, and his hand, holding the key card, accidentally slides on the scanner, and opened the door...which is slowly, as Jared stood up...and the sound of footsteps is heard from the other side of the door.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jared stood up, and looked to see the familiar Error signs in the darkness, and flickering in the lights...is Gradient, who's head is looking down at the ground, his hands loose, and yet, stood firm.

"Heh...clever trick, you filthy bag of shitty bones. Guess it is one-on-one, you against-Me?!"

Than, a blue glow appeared around Jared, while he was still speaking, as he than was lifted into the air, as he didn't finish his words, before being thrown into one of the GOC operatives, as footsteps was heard, and Gradient came out, his clothes torn, his shirt burned and ripped even more, showing his ribcage, which have not healed properly, and his soul. It was upside down, but it was not a monster soul, but rather a different soul, which is separate from Classic Gradient. The soul was glowing a yellow color, but not like Classic Gradient's, and in the center, is a large circle that takes 50 percent of Broken Gradient's soul, the piece of the Unnameable's soul, with the color difficult to see.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gradient stood still at first...and everyone is not sure what is happening...as Gradient rose his head up...and he than opens his eyes. But...they are blank, as it is simply a yellow eye socket, and the eyes are half-lidded, as if he had just been recently awoken from a long nap. The red eye lights are gone. But than...something rather disturbing had suddenly happened. The environment began to glitch, and distort, as Gradient's eye sockets than widened, and his mouth, it than stretched, into a smile, the very first smile Gradient had done, but...it was not his own. It didn't even feel natural. In fact, it looked so...scary, not even genuine, like someone used their fingers to try and form it by tugging on the edges of the mouth he has. And than...then it happened.

Gradient moved, as his head began to twitch rapidly, side-to-side. His body began glitching erratically, as the environment stabilized, except for the one behind him, and showing a blue colored dimension with black floating islands. And than, Spilled Ink spoke out.

"No, No!!! Do not use the MainFrame!!!"

Jared, who is now in a very bad mood of sorts, than shot his gun next to Spilled Ink's knees, making him remain silent, as Jared than spoken out.

"Shut the fuck up, you pathetic fucking pile of glitches!! Shoot him now!!! Do not let him continue with what it is that he is doing!!!"

The GOC soldier obeyed, than raised their guns and fired their bullets, but the Bullets than got pixelated and scattered, being erased from existence, as Palette closed his eyes, as he than began to realize what is about to happen. Than, Palette spoke out.

"Heh...so he has finally arrived, though the use of Gradient."

Dr. Buck turned around, as Jared pointed his gun at Palette spoke out.

"Who do you mean by that, you disgusting abomination?! Who's here?!"

Palette opens his eye sockets, and smiled, his purple star-shaped eye gleaming, as he spoke out.

"The one that Gradient is led by, and the one that Gradient worships in his 2 years of his servitude, to bring back what he had once lost...Error404."

Dr. Buck eyes widened, as she turns around and looks at Gradient, and Jared turns back to Gradient to see what is happening to the error skeleton. And than...a transformation had than happened to Gradient. Underneath Gradient's eye sockets, lines began to form down, lines that are glowing blue, mostly vertical, with some diagonal lines in between the 3 lines, which looked as though the lines are made by being scratched and clawed at, and at the escape same time as the lines began to form underneath the eye socket, wings sprout out form being Gradient's back, ripping the back of the jacket and shirt from behind. The wings are very similar to Error404's B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y transformation, except yellow in color, as his teeth began to turn blue, as the green simply began to go away, as well as the green parts of his color thing turning blue, with the soul itself turning black with blue in the circle, Gradient than raised his head, as the smile no longer looks forced, but it still looks frightening. Gradient had turned into a transformation, called M.O.T.H. And Error404, due to Gradient, now connecting with the MainFrame, is able to control him completely. If Error404 didn't take control, Gradient's teeth and clothes would remain the same. But with 404 in control, this transformation is simply known as M.O.T.H 404.

Palette and the others looked, as they see Error404, putting his hand on Gradient's shoulder,

as he is now in a state similar to an entity named Gaster, being seen by only Gradient and his other half-brothers. But the humans can't see him, as Director Jones spoke out.

"If God truly is on your side, he would never had let this one be alive."

Jared than took out his guns and began to fire it at Gradient. He fired as many bullets as he could, again and again and again, until...eventually, they all ran out, and Error404 looks at Jared, his eyes became half-lidded in amusement, as though he is saying to him 'You've had your turn. So now it is mine.' Jared than reached to try and get more ammo out from his belt.

But Error404, who is currently in control of this body, and with the GOC Soldier underestimating the speed of Error404, instantly charge forward, and he came so fast, it is as though that he has closed the gap between them rather instantly, as he swung his hands, summoning what looks like Gradient's Defect Ray, except that it is yellow in color, and the fact is that, this is Gradient's version of the Glitch Whip called the Gremlin Whip, and he used the Gremlin Whip to slice the gun in pieces, while smacking Jared away, far, and all with minimal strength, as he began to rumble down the stairs. And now with the power of the MainFrame, all of Gradient's powers have enhanced to the point where it extremely close to Error666's level of power, due to training with Error404, and Gradient having consumed universes.

Josh than took Lawrence's gun, and fired at Error404, but Error404 than used his Yellow Strings on Josh, and wrapped it around his soul, before infecting him with a pathogen version of Gradient's code. It was quick, his eyes turned yellow with blue pupils, as he than began to shoot at his fellow GOC soldiers, before being shot by Emily, who than looks at Error404 in horror, who simply smiled wider, making himself more creepier, as he than extended his left arm, and erupted tentacles from his left arm, with eyes all over the tentacles, and wrapped it around Emily, before cutting her from the waist down, as blood, guts, and entrails spilled onto the floor, as Emily was instantly killed extremely painfully and violently. Bryon ran away, scared at the fact that the GOC Soldiers are getting massacred by Error404, who's in control of Gradient.

Dr. Buck and Director Jones flinched, and Lawrence felt sick at what he is seeing before him. Although Gradient never kills, Error404, on the other hand, is willing to do it for him. And for the Foundation Personnel watching, it is insane. Gradient, in M.O.T.H form and possessed by Error404, his very presence is glitching the area that he is in, and it is not just the containment area, but the entire site is glitching, with everyone unharmed from it. And he is moving too fast for the eye to see. Not even measuring equipment will be able to measure the amount of speed that Error404 is demonstrating before their very eyes. Error404 is even demonstrating a level of power very unreal.

Bryon was rushing towards the elevator door. He thought that the shocks were powerful enough to deal with Gradient. But it seems that he never was going all out with what he is doing. He felt pure fear for the very first time, as he began to run from the anomaly. He is inches away from the elevator, and he extended his left hand to try and press it...only for that escape to be ripped from him, when a bunch of other tentacles wrapped around his waist, but most of them wrapped around his head, as another tentacle wrapped around the wrist.

Bryon, he is trying all that he can to try and reach to the button and rip himself out of the tentacles began to wrap around tighter at the head, as Bryon felt pain unlike he has ever had before. He had been shot and stabbed and even burned on his body, but this...this is an even worse agony, as black electrify sparked and shocked Bryon's head, as Bryon began to scream, his eye began to bulge out of the sockets, and than, without any warning, his head crumbles and exploded, as the tentacles destroyed the head, brain matter goes all over the place, painting and caking the corridor, as the single eye rolled onto the ground. Another GOC Soldier tries to throw grandes and explode him. But Error404 responds by using the wings to fire a Hypernova Blast, which incinerated the GOC Soldier into smithereens, and exploded another GOC Soldier, instantly killing him. Another soldier fired a machine gun at Gradient, only for Gradient to turn it around by firing black bones at the GOC soldier, and destroyed the body with his Dark Blaster.

Another GOC Soldier tried to attack at Error404 with a rocket launcher, but Error404 turns around, points his index and middle finger, both together at the rocket, as he than fired a blue laser. Although he is using Gradient's body, he can still use some of his techniques through it. This one, the God Ray, as it blasted through the rocket, destroying it, before the God Ray hits the GOC Soldier, destroying and killing him.

Rachel tried to run away, but than, Error404 used his Blue Mastery to stop her and suspend her on the air, as he than smiled very sinisterly, before throwing her into the portal, and this is also due to the fact...that there is an entity waiting for her, and ready to Bite her head clean off.

Jared, who is still not dead yet, stood up from the stairs, looks up and snarled, as he turns to Dr. Buck, who turns around, and sees Jared rushing towards her, a knife in hand, as he spoke out.


But before Jared could reach Dr. Buck, strings wrapped around Jared, and yanked him off of the ground, and he looks to see Error404, his left blue and white eye and right blue eye looking at Jared, with a creepy look on his face. And than, Error404 finally spoke out through his student's body.

"Surprised? Maybe I should teach you some manners."

His voice is unlike Gradient's. Gradient was emotionless and calm, and does not speak much, and yet, his voice is higher in pitch. But Error404's voice, is much more deeper pitch, is much more emotional than Gradient, and he sounds authoritative, in a creepy way, almost sounding like he is a god, And he certainly is so, while at the same time, he sounds very arrogant and sadistic at Jared, even more so compared to the human that has done the same to Gradient and his brothers, while keeping all 4 of them as hostages. He than began to tighten the strings around Jared, who began to cry in agony, as the strings that he is using are the red strings, and he felt agony like he never had felt before. It has as though he is feeling hot lead all over his body, as the red strings made string-shaped scars all over him, as Jared them spoke out.


But Error404 interrupted Jared by speaking out.

"Are not match against me. Gradient is right. Death would be far to kind fate when it your comes to you. That's why I have a solution."

Jacob, still trying to act as brave, spoke out.

"Yeah, and what will that be?"

Than, Error404 smiled widely and psychotically, his eyes are closed, blissfully, and it was the most scariest face, and Jared's eyes widened with immense fear at the sight of that type of face that Error404 has made through the use of Gradient's body, as Error404 than spoke out in a rather creepy, yet soft spoken tone

"Permanent Erasure."

Error404 than opens his eyes, his blue eyes glowing, as he than spoke out.

"Objective: Delete Jared."

Than, Jacob began to glow Blue, as Error404 spoke out.

"Personal opinion: You deserve this."

Agent Lawrence than spoke out.

"What, what is he going to do?"

Palette spoke out.

"He's going to erase Jacob from existence."

Than, Error404 spoke out one world, as he paused.


Than, Jacob began to scream, as his limbs began to pixelate, but it is splitting apart from Jacob violently. He than began to whimper out to Error404, as he felt the worst pain ever thought imagine able.

"No, please!! I'll leave!! I-I won't attack you or your brothers again! I swear, I'll-AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Error404 smiled, as he spoke out.

"Mercy? Are you begging to me? You had tried to destroy my student, my most useful henchmen, in what I need of his use for. And you expect me...to spare you? No...I think little of the concept of mercy, which I have surpassed, as you did. And now...you will pay the ultimate price, and we will make sure, you feel every last bit of it."

His arms began to disappear, and than, his legs, blood began pouring out, and than a piece of his kidney, and than his blood vessels began to pixelate and be destroyed, as blood began to squirt out from the pixelated body parts that are being erased and destroyed. Error404 smiled still, taking great pleasure in the most painful agony that he can give to the GOC Soldier that had dared to attack his henchman, and one of his main and most reliable henchman, only compared to Error, as he maintains control over Gradient, before speaking out.

"Now, it is time for you to-"

Than, the moment that he was about to finish, a hand grabbed onto Error404's shoulder. Error404 turned around, expecting to see a GOC Soldier, which he will happily destroy. But to his silent surprise, it was none other than Dr. Buck, looking a little down at him, as Gradient's shorter than the researcher of the Foundation. And the moment that happened, Error404's control began to waver, which has never happened before, and Gradient soon regain control, the eyes of Error404 vanishing, as Gradient's eyes had returned.

"Gradient...it's okay. You can stop."

Gradient looking at what he is doing, is horrified at what Error404 had almost done. He than let's go of Jacob, as he landed on the ground, limbless, but is still very much alive, as Dr. Buck than puts her hand inside of his ribcage...and she felt something. A sound of a beat. His soul, it is still Gradient himself after all. Director Jones spoke out.

"Calm him down as much as possible. I'll get an MTF to take over from here."

Director Jones ran up the stairs fast, as he goes to find a radio room to call in an MTF to detain the bodies of the GOC Invaders, and take in the ones that are still alive, which about 3 of them are, besides Jared. Dr. Buck than spoke out.

"It's alright. They won't hurt you anymore, nor your brothers."

This made Gradient's eyes widened, as he than looks at his brothers, seeing that they are okay, before or turns to Dr. Buck, and he...he rose his hand, and touches her cheek, as he than used his power to heal the wound, the blood coming out of her nose is now gone and away, the bruise on her cheek having also vanished without evidence. Dr. Buck held his hand, as she spoke out.

"Gradient, everything is okay now, you can stop. You've already won against them."

Gradient looked at Dr. Buck in the eyes, contemplating on what he will do next. He than sighed, as he than spoke out.


The deletion process stopped, as Jacob is now still existing in the universe, but his limbs are gone, and some of his organs have been damaged badly, with one of them, one of his kidneys, permanently erased, and Jared is now on constant agony, as he can't help but still cry out in so much pain at the losses of his limbs and the missing organ within. Gradient looks down, as he than used his power, and focused it to stop the transformation...and it worked. The code of the MainFrame is released out of him, and Gradient disconnected himself from the MainFrame, as the MainFrame portal closes behind the moderator. He sighed, as he than began to collapse. But Dr. Buck wrapped her arms around the back, pulling him close to her, as Dr. Buck spoke out

"Gradient, are you okay?"

Gradient, although he did speak out, could barely get the worse out.

"Ahhh...I...don't think I can move. My M.O.T.H form strained my bod...too much when Error404 took...control. Mind...laying me back in my containment cell...Dr. Buck?"

But Dr. Buck shook her head, as she has a much more better option than to put him on a bed that's likely burned from the electrical volts.

"No, you'll be put into a hospital bed. Lawrence."

Agent Lawrence, who is watching what is happening, shook his head, as he stood up, his hand holding his injured, shot shoulder, as he than spoke out.

"Yes, Dr. Buck."

Dr. Buck than spoke out.

"Get a bed ready for SCP-7131-1. He is going to need some help with his body. The same goes for the other SCP-7131-1instances, since the GOC may have damaged them."

Lawrence nodded, as he than spoke out.

"I will. I'll also bring Dr. Collingwood to help out as well."

Agent Lawrence than ran forward as fast as he could, as he than. Used the elevator to reach the top floor fast, and Dr. Buck puts Gradient's arm over her neck, as she puts her other arm underneath Gradient's dangling arm, and she carry's him to the medical ward.

"You're going to be okay, Gradient. And you're brothers will be okay as well."

Gradient looked down a little bit, before speaking out.


Dr. Buck continues to move him to the elevator, as the other instances, Spilled Ink, BlueScreen, and Palette, moved to the elevator as well, which is enough to fit in 10 people, as they began to move towards the medical ward as well. This is going to be a long day for them all. But even than...this is something that made Dr. Buck very worried. Error404 had showed up through Gradient. And she...she had felt his power. When Gradient said that it was crushing, Dr. Buck didn't think it was going to be literal. She literally felt like she was going to be squished beneath the pressure that Error404 is furiously unleashing.

"How...how did you do that? Me and my brothers are the only one that can calm him down like that and help him regain control?"

Palette said, as he began to walk, carrying Spilled Ink and BlueScreen, who is still sobbing. And luckily for Palette, he is a very fast healer, and is using his powers to try and heal BlueScreen and Spilled Ink. But Dr. Buck has no answer, as she and the other brothers walked into the elevator, as she pressed the button, and began to go up. But what Gradient did...she will need to know and more importantly...if by luck...Error404 will have to speak to her as well.

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